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<Al2O3> I have this image which I'd like to make into an animated gif of say the entire palette of RBG colors in series placing the white (or whatever white is in this)… aka a color shape shifting claris. Is there a simple script to go through using the original png or jpg I can create with it, to make a series of images that can be made into an animated GIF. Yes, I'm basically asking someone with the knowhow to do it, or point me i
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<mosasaur> I recently had to fall back to 'raw' ffmpeg, just for cutting a piece of audio out of a video. There weren't any 'simple' gui as far as I could find in a hurry. What's the standard gui for smallish ffmpeg tasks?
<microchip_> there isn't any
<mosasaur> I suppose were down to the command line and internet searches then
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<microchip_> ffmpeg is always CLI
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<sirmangler> what could cause a video to encode (h264) as half speed, with PTS being set 'correctly'?
<sirmangler> im encoding a video stream to h264 w/ hardware accel into MKV, I've spent hours trying every possible "solution" to PTS (including rescaling with timescale, and setting it by hand using a table i found for timestamps for my framerate), its always pretty much exactly half speed
<sirmangler> could the encoder be inferring information from the stream im decoding from (a webcam) and being setup incorrectly?
<mosasaur> interpreting 16bit as 32bit?
<sirmangler> thats an interesting idea, how could I check this?
<mosasaur> i'm not on a cli now, maybe ffmpeg -i output
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<sirmangler> im not super familiar with the cli, ffmpeg wrongly detects the video as webm, though ffplay detects the right format. what do you mean by 16bit/32bit?
<sirmangler> i can only find information about audio encoding in regards to that
<mosasaur> yes some encoding mismatch, but I have only experienced this myself when programming
<mosasaur> I mean in Python
* mosasaur not very good at ffmpeg stuff
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<sirmangler> huh, ffplay does seem to play it fine, i hadnt checked in a while, MPV does not, I looked into it and apparently "This format is marked by FFmpeg as having no timestamps"
<sirmangler> but I explicitly set PTS. Weird.
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<sirmangler> looking into it a little more, for some reason avcodec/avformat is not writing the framerate or timestamps properly
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<sirmangler> I can't find any real information on *why* this is happening, the packets im writing have their PTS and timebase explicitly set, the codec context has it's timebase explicitly set
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<sirmangler> it just dont(TM)
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<sirmangler> even explicitly setting the time_base, as well as ensuring dts, pts and duration are set, it still marks the file as having "no timestamps"
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<sirmangler> all I want is a constant framerate, im not even trying to do anything complicated. It just doesn't save the framerate or PTS at all.
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<galad> post your command, it's highly unlikely that a MKV file has no timestamp at all
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<sirmangler> galad: this is a C++ app. do you mean the command I used to play the video?
<galad> oh, then it's a bit harder to know what's going on without the source code
<galad> what time_base did you set in the muxer?
<sirmangler> it comes from the input (the video) which is 60fps
<galad> are the pts and dts correct before they are passed to the muxer?
<galad> what's actually written in the mkv?
<sirmangler> How can I check what's written?
<sirmangler> pts is set to best_effort_timestamp before being sent to the encoder
<sirmangler> I don't trust the decoded frames to have accurate metadata because its coming from an mjpeg stream from the usb camera
<sirmangler> but it displays perfectly, the problem is only encoding and writing, fwiw.
<galad> decoded frames pts are not important if you rewrite them anyway
<galad> mkvmerge info tool should show the timestamps too
<sirmangler> do you know how to get mkvmerge to show timestamp info?
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<sirmangler> weirdly mkmerge -i shows the container and track info, but mkinfo states "No EBML head found"
<sirmangler> mkvextract states the same, so ffmpeg just isnt writing a valid ebml head?
<galad> are you calling avformat_write_header and av_write_trailer?
<sirmangler> yes
<sirmangler> if I uploaded my file to pastebin would you mind taking a look to see if im making any obvious mistakes? i understand if not
<galad> I can try
<sirmangler> Thanks. The encoder is created at line 121, encoding starts at line 288, file/out format initialised at line 377
<sirmangler> I also tried changing the container to mp4 and flv, no difference
<galad> in that pastebin you aren't using mkv
<sirmangler> are you referring to av_format_alloc_output_context2?
<galad> yes
<sirmangler> I did that for a specific reason, wouldnt let me proceed otherwise, I'm double checking to see why exactly though
<galad> what didn't work?
<sirmangler> avformat_write_header would/will always fail
<galad> what's the error?
<sirmangler> "Invalid data found when processing input"
<sirmangler> video_codec of the avformatcontext is NULL, and in the oformat structure the video codec is VP9 for some reason (default?)
<galad> you aren't configuring the track, you just open the avformat context, but there is no track configured
<sirmangler> where/how would you normally do that?
<sirmangler> its not something ive seen any examples for but I'm guessing it might be because other containers like mp4 don't require it
<galad> I mean, you should set the right codecpar codec_id, set the extradata if the codec_id you choose requires them
<sirmangler> doesn't avcodec_parameters_from_context do that?
<sirmangler> the codec_id should be already set in the codec context if im not mistaken
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<galad> it should, but maybe there isn't enough info there, check what's in the AVStream after the avcodec_parameters_from_context call
<cristian_c> hi
<cristian_c> I've found that minimal playback is working, so, I've to try recording and so I use avconv/ffmpeg to achieve that. There is a script to do that, I've just changed from avconv to ffpmeg command, and set pal in place of ntsc
<cristian_c> now the script is the following one: while the original version is at:
<cristian_c> unfortunately, recording fails: and
<cristian_c> a few days ago, I've tried several changes to ffmpeg command but I failed every time
<cristian_c> any ideas?
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<mosasaur> maybe it's the sudo /totally uninformed code smeller
<cristian_c> mosasaur, what do you mean, exactly?
<mosasaur> there's a sudo command in the script
<cristian_c> <mosasaur> maybe it's the sudo /totally uninformed code smeller <- I don't mean what you mean here
<cristian_c> *I don't understand what you mean here
<mosasaur> that I'm just a noob seeing a sudo in a user script
<cristian_c> ok but I don't understand what's the point
<mosasaur> and it's probably causing the "USB device already initialized" ?
<cristian_c> mosasaur, yeah but I get errors also if I comment that line
<cristian_c> even if
<mosasaur> where's the working script that only does playback
<c_14> cristian_c: what does the buffer command do?
<cristian_c> <cristian_c> now the script is the following one: while the original version is at:
<cristian_c> at the same url
<c_14> and are you sure the --pal option works?
<cristian_c> <c_14> cristian_c: what does the buffer command do? <- "# buffer the data acquired (prevent frame lost)"
<c_14> yeah, but what package is it from / are you sure it's doing the right thing?
<cristian_c> c_14, I've tried also to remove buffer part but I failed anyway
<c_14> have you tried writing the somagic-both output to real files (as opposed to fifos) and using that as inputs for ffmpeg?
<c_14> just trying to reduce the number of variables
<c_14> (that could be causing issues)
<cristian_c> <c_14> and are you sure the --pal option works? <- the shown example doesn't use pal but playpack works with pal option
<c_14> I'd try recording to files instead of pipes and verifying if that works in ffmpeg first
<cristian_c> c_14, I mean, i've looked at somagic-capture manual and it works with some formats (including pal)
<cristian_c> <c_14> have you tried writing the somagic-both output to real files (as opposed to fifos) and using that as inputs for ffmpeg? <- I've tried but I couldn't get it working
<cristian_c> c_14, though, I've long thinkered with ffmpeg parameters, I don't understand what the right command line to use
<cristian_c> *tinkered
<cristian_c> (I've read ffmpeg/avconv manuals many many times)
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<cristian_c> (and I've tried several combos)
<cristian_c> c_14, so, I think the problem is due to how ffmpeg is used
<cristian_c> c_14, if I had found a minimal clue, it would be a good starting point
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<c_14> can you try running with -loglevel debug? and potentially try updating your ffmpeg version
<cristian_c> c_14, a system upgrade would bring ffmpeg to 6.1-1version
<cristian_c> c_14, should I append -loglevel debug at the end of command line?
<c_14> anywhere should do
<cristian_c> i.e. ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt uyvy422 -r 25 -s:v 720x576 -i .video_buffer -f s16le -sample_rate 24000 -ac 2 -i .audio_buffer -strict experimental -vcodec mpeg4 -vtag xvid -qscale:v 7 -vf yadif -s:v 720x540 video.avi -loglevel debug
<c_14> yeah
<cristian_c> c_14, btw, thanks for the tips. Even in case it would not work, it's a trace to follow to diver something about the problem
<cristian_c> *to discover
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<waeking> I have yet to find an article encoding ffmpeg with nvidia (cuda) and hdr settings. Can anyone send a link? Does anyone have experience with this?
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<JEEB> waeking: I don't think there should be anything special with regards to HDR? you just want the color space related values (matrix, primaries, transfer and if you have chroma subsampling - chroma location)
<JEEB> I connected the pipes from input to output back in late 2020 with release 4.4, so if the input has this information flagged the flags should be passed to the output encoder
<JEEB> if the cuda (nvenc) encoder doesn't read these flags, then that's a separate problem :)
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<waeking> JEEB Thanks I have been able to encode HDR without nvenc. When I run nvenc with the same values HDR does not show up on the television. It has been a while since I have encoded and thought I would ask here before I start trying again. It seems as though every time I go down this road, I feel like I am reinventing the wheel so to speak.
<waeking> JEEB would you be able to send me a sample command as a starting point?
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<JEEB> waeking: at least in current master I see in libavcodec/nvenc.c the common logic for setting up H.264/HEVC/AV1 and they seem to look at the context color space related values
<JEEB> I don't utilize those modules but at least it seems like it should JustWork
<JEEB> so if it doesn't, post your full command with `-v verbose` added, and the resulting log onto a pastebin site of your choice
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<waeking> JEEB Thanks for your input. I will be back.... may take me a bit....
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<jkhsjdhjs> hey, I have a question regarding the framesync filter options (eof_action, shortest). if eof_action is set to "endall", the documentation states that it ends both streams if EOF is encountered on the secondary stream. shouldn't this terminate the output? or what exactly does it mean to end both input streams? just asking because the behavior is different from shortest=1, and it explicitely states
<jkhsjdhjs> that it terminates the output when the shortest input terminates
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<jkhsjdhjs> i.e. if I use shortest=1 with the overlay filter, it stops muxing once the shortest stream goes EOF (which is also the secondary stream). it still reads the whole input, but stops writing the ouput at this point.
<jkhsjdhjs> on the other hand with eof_action=endall, it seems to ignore the EOF and never stops muxing, but transcodes the entire input
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