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<tm512> I've seen some claims that ffmpeg's built-in AAC encoder outperforms libfdk_aac at bitrates higher than 128kbit. is this actually accurate?
<tm512> though, I might still stick with FDK for the VBR support. tend to prefer modes that give the encoder more flexibility in how to budget bits
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<aaabbb> where have you seen that claim?
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<pnorman> I'm making a year end review video for OSM tile usage in 2023 and will need to turn it from a set of PNGs to a video with ffmpeg. I've done this before but never had much luck with compression without artifacts that look like what I'm presenting. An example is at with a higher quality one at
<pnorman> The video is 1024x1024. Some people said there are some film grain related encoding options that might help, given the unusual video subject matter. Are there any recommendations for codec and setting that are good for this use-case?
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<tm512> aaabbb: most recently, here: but I feel like I've heard it elsewhere as well
<tm512> I've been finding FDK's -vbr 4 setting to give pretty good results so I'm probably going to keep using that at least as long as I want things to work with this iPod's original firmware
<aaabbb> aac from fdk or native will work fine for ipod
<CounterPillow> "work fine" isn't the question
<aaabbb> CounterPillow: i know, please read "as long as I want things to work with this iPod's original firmware"
<CounterPillow> that was not a question
<aaabbb> i don't know the answer to the original question, however ffmpeg's native aac encoder will work with ipod's original firmware
<aaabbb> CounterPillow: so? i'm clearing up a potential misconception
<CounterPillow> No, you are just adding random noise.
<aaabbb> please don't butt in if you having nothing valuable to add
<CounterPillow> That is literally what you did, though.
<microchip_> is it popcorn time? :o
<aaabbb> microchip_: i dunno, CounterPillow seems intent on trolling and i'm not sure if it would be respectful to the channel to feed him
<CounterPillow> There is no trolling going on.
<tm512> my question isn't whether the native AAC encoder would work with iPods. that isn't even something I was thinking about
<aaabbb> tm512: i know, unfortunately i can't answer your original question. i was just clearing up a potential misconception, either for you or anyone who might read it and think that native aac doesn't work on ipod
<CounterPillow> Thank you for clearing up a confusion nobody in the history of anything ever had.
<aaabbb> CounterPillow: you really are intent on causing trouble aren't you?
<CounterPillow> No, I am intent on making you understand that you are not being helpful, and haven't been in the many weeks you've shit up various channels on Libera with idiocy like this.
<aaabbb> CounterPillow: so you're just being an asshole then. maybe there's a reason you're banned in many channels and i'm not
<aaabbb> anyway, you've only ever seen me in #mpv where you attacked me for saying something "wrong", which it turns out was actually right... that gave me a good impression of who you are
<CounterPillow> Uh huh.
<aaabbb> now stop with your disrespectful attacks, right now
<CounterPillow> Nah.
<aaabbb> you're trying to get the high score for number of channels you're banned in i guess? whatever, stop your petty bickering so the channel's snr can go up
<CounterPillow> Nuh-uh.
<aaabbb> from 2020 and includes 128kbps
<aaabbb> there are also a lot of abx tests on hydrogenaudio that compare different aac encoders at different bitrates
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<tm512> aaabbb: I've seen that superuser post before, so that must be where I've heard this claim before
<aaabbb> tm512: the superuser post comes from a hydrogenaudio listening test. it's true that native ffmpeg aac has improved a lot mostly due to using the twoloop encoder but it doesn't appear to exceed fdk aac at any bitrate from any abx test i can see
<tm512> I'll definitely just stick with FDK -vbr 4. at least when it comes to AAC-LC it seems to be a great compromise between space usage and sound quality
<aaabbb> yeah fdk aac is good. ffmpeg native aac is somewhat competitive now but there's no reason to use it if you have fdk aac already
<tm512> I'll likely move on to opus @ 128kbit when I get around to rockboxing this thing, unless I end up wanting to preserve some interoperability with the iPod OF
<tm512> but then that means syncing the device through specialized software (gtkpod in my case), and ugh
<tm512> kinda wish opus had some kind of constant quality VBR as opposed to just ABR
<tm512> like how LAME's VBR modes work, and it seems like FDK's VBR is similar since the actual average bitrates span a rather wide range between files
<aaabbb> it is a constant quality vbr (although not great), and different samples result in different average bitrates
<aaabbb> libopus encoder just isn't as aggressive at changing the bitrate from frame to frame as other encoders are
<tm512> `find . -type f -name '*m4a' | while read f; do ffprobe $f 2>&1 | awk '/bitrate/{ print $6; }'; done | sort` shows that my little AAC collection from -vbr 4 has average bitrates spanning from 103kbit to 176kbit, which I guess might be annoying if you want it to be predictable, but it's good for my use case
<aaabbb> with opus 96kbit i get (just from memory) 80-120kbit, which is still some variation, although not nearly as much
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<stevew> hey guys. got a slightly old tree. when I loop a video in ffplay, the video loops, the audio stops at the end of the first cycle. does anyone know if that's fixed now ? (or maybe always worked & I broke something)
<stevew> pulling a fresh tree to figure out where that's at.
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<stevew> audio crashing for me ffplay, current tree, av_frame_move_ref in audio thread, but not running vanilla app so could be my bug. windows.
<CounterPillow> "current tree" and "not running vanilla app" are two conflicting statements. Are you using the current code as in git master, or your own modification thereof?
<stevew> git master with some mods to splice ffplay into our stuff. dunno how to run it standalone without mods, though I guess that should be the next step to figuring out what's wrong.
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<stevew> assuming I just need to add --enable-ffplay to configure to get ffplay to build vanilla. running it normally is new to me :)
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<CounterPillow> ffplay is built by default according to the configure script.
<stevew> not on my machine, apparently unless I missed where it ended up.
<stevew> I use : ./configure --target-os=win64 --arch=x86_64 --toolchain=msvc --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-ffplay --extra-cflags="-DFFPLAY_HW=1
<stevew> (just added the --enable-fflplay)
<stevew> missed a closing " on the above.
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<stevew> I also get the following build errors - last time just commented the offending code out as don't care about rtsp just yet. would be good to fix this properly whilst I'm here if possible.
<stevew> opt_common.o : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol postproc_version referenced in function print_all_libs_info
<stevew> opt_common.o : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol postproc_configuration referenced in function print_all_libs_info
<stevew> libavformat.a(rtmpproto.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ff_rtmpe_gen_pub_key referenced in function rtmp_handshake
<stevew> libavformat.a(rtmpproto.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ff_rtmpe_compute_secret_key referenced in function rtmp_handshake
<stevew> libavformat.a(rtmpproto.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ff_rtmpe_encrypt_sig referenced in function rtmp_handshake
<stevew> libavformat.a(rtmpproto.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ff_rtmpe_update_keystream referenced in function rtmp_handshake
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<stevew> commented that stuff out again. can fix later. ffplay doesn't build. so can't get vanilla ffplay. need at least to build it my way. so that next, without mods & see what it does.
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<stevew> also get ffprobe.o : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol postproc_version referenced in function ffprobe_show_library_versions
<stevew> commented that out too, coz its not important.
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<stevew> k, building "normally". got audio. my issue.,
<stevew> & audio looping works correctly. def my bug. sorry to bother everyone :) awesome the vulkan stuff has landed.
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<markizano> hey I just noticed a thing with subtitles...
<markizano> PrimaryColour responds to ABGR, not ARGB like you'd think.
<markizano> Colors come out funky unless you know this oddbit.
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<markizano> Possible fix might need to be put in place?
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<RussianBlue2> Hi, I'm trying to develop an application for recording audio in realtime from my mic and encoding it. Could anyone give some advice for this or point me towards some sample code? I've tried existing code from the libav tutorial but it just results in a mangled file that won't play.
<RussianBlue2> The CLI command that does this would be: ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -f avfoundation -i ":5" -c:a libopus -ac 1 -b:a 96k output.webm
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<Traneptora> RussianBlue2: what happens if you use your application to dump the raw PCM samples
<Traneptora> does that work?
<Traneptora> i.e. are those samples correct
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<RussianBlue2> I haven't tried that yet and I wouldn't know how to check them for correctness but I can try
<RussianBlue2> oh, so it looks like the frames are empty
<RussianBlue2> no nvm it's not
<RussianBlue2> does this look like pcm data to you
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<Traneptora> not really, that's a lot of zeroes
<Traneptora> if your goal is to read from avfoundation you'll need to use libavdevice
<Traneptora> are you doing that?
<FlorianBad> Hi! I know it's not totally ffmpeg-related but I figured some people might know... Is there any open-source project that would allow me to use A LOT of Ethernet cameras for security with SMS/email alerts, etc?
<FlorianBad> (the kind of thing that detects objects/humans with some machine learning stuff)
<Traneptora> not ffmpeg
<FlorianBad> yes as I said
<Traneptora> if you're looking for foss computervision stuff look at OpenCV
<Traneptora> but that's otherwise offtopic
<anotherYearEnds> FlorianBad: look at motion, zoneminder
<FlorianBad> anotherYearEnds, zoneminder! Thank you so much for the keyword :D Definitely looks like what I am looking for
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<FlorianBad> anotherYearEnds, ever heard anything about Frigate? ( )
<anotherYearEnds> ni
<anotherYearEnds> *no
<FlorianBad> ok. It looks like it does really good ML recognition of objects/people/animals while ZoneMinder doesn't seem to do that
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<linext_> is it possible to tell ffmpeg to keep downloading a stream and send a command through stdin to start a new file?
<linext_> i want to do the same thing as streamripper but my stream is missing Now Playing
<linext_> i can get the Now Playing from a web socket using node.js
<linext_> i guess i can output a bunch of wav files that are 1 second long, then join them when the song switches
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