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<iconoclast_hero> is ffmpeg an acceptable tool to take a bunch of opus audiobook chapter files and combine them into one chapterized .opus? if so, how?
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<iconoclast_hero> It can't actually be this easy? You can use the linux "cat" command that is free: cat file1.mp3 file2.mp3 file3.mp3 > newfile.mp3
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<iconoclast_hero> no chapters.
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<iconoclast_hero> oh, how do i get the multi-core support? jsut download and compile the newest git?
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<iconoclast_hero> is there there some reason to use wget for the vmaf package instead of gh repo clone Netflix/vmaf ?
<iconoclast_hero> more people will have wget than gh?
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<iconoclast_hero> also, i think there's an error in the ubuntu compile doc
<iconoclast_hero> ../ ERROR: The value of the 'bindir' option is '$HOME/bin' which must be a subdir of the prefix '$HOME/ffmpeg_build'.
<iconoclast_hero> but the docs say
<iconoclast_hero> meson setup -Denable_tests=false -Denable_docs=false --buildtype=release --default-library=static .. --prefix "$HOME/ffmpeg_build" --bindir="$HOME/bin" --libdir="$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib" && \
<iconoclast_hero> cd vmaf-2.3.1/libvmaf/build && \
<iconoclast_hero> the bindir needs to be $HOME/ffmpeg_build/bin i guess
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<NetSysFire> how is the libav situation? mainly asking because went down and i am not 100% sure if its dead and fully succeeded by ffmpeg. theres some dead links in the archwiki caused by this
<CounterPillow> libav has been dead for ages
<furq> last release was 2018 so i think you can forget about it
<furq> i don't think there's been an announcement or anything
<NetSysFire> same for avconv? is that the same as libav?
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<furq> that's their version of the ffmpeg cli
<CounterPillow> yes avconv was the name of ffmpeg.c from the libav project
<NetSysFire> oh
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<CounterPillow> Presumably they lost interest when they had to actually maintain software instead of just trolling and sending legal threats, which is the fate of many a ragefork (see LibreSSL)
<NetSysFire> i'll look into removing the crusty old libav mentions from the ffmpeg article in the archwiki
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<Murumuru> Hello, trying to do a two-pass vp8 encoding but the encoding doesn't start and eventually outputs empty file: ffmpeg -y -i file.mp4 -map 0:v:0 -c:v libvpx -b:v 990.641k -pass 1 file.webm - am I doing something wrong here?
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<furq> the first pass only outputs a stats file
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<Murumuru> furq, expected some other output, works fine now, thanks.
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