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<johnjaye> how does the -f concat filter work exactly, does it decompress the 2 audio files then combine them or does it do something simpler
<johnjaye> i wanted to concatenate 2 mp3 files but I wasn't sure if ffmpeg will safely do this
<johnjaye> Surely it doesn't demux then just append them?
<Marth64> There are different ways to concat in ffmpeg. I strongly recommend reading this page
<Marth64> The method you described, is one of the 3 common methods. but it is not a filter, it is an input format setup to say "open two files with identical codecs and parameters, and mush them together".
<Marth64> and yes, it is safe if the codec and parameters are identical. otherwise, check out the actual concat filter (All is explained on that page :) )
<JEEB> johnjaye: -f is format, not filter
<JEEB> it is a meta-demuxer that reads the files listed in the input file
<JEEB> and yes there are like three different concat things
<JEEB> protocol, format and filter
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<johnjaye> hmm
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<hsv> Hi, i'm trying to burst a mp4 file into a series of images and get the error - "Conversion failed!"
<hsv> am i doing something wrong? -
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<furq> do you have write permissions in that directory
<CounterPillow> It's failing to write the first output file. Does it already exist with different permissions or is your disk full?
<hsv> furq: ah.. ;-/ good catch, thanks!
* hsv should have figured that.
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<johnjaye> seems like verbosity mode should catch that
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<LambdaComplex> I have a 1080p file that I'm trying to change to 720p, while preserving the multiple audio tracks and multiple hdmv pgs subtitle streams. So far, the closest I've been able to get was ''ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf scale=-1:720 -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -preset veryslow -c:a copy -c:s copy output.mkv'' but this seems to have only kept the default audio and subtitle tracks, instead of all of them. Can someone tell me
<LambdaComplex> what I'm doing wrong? :D
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<BtbN> If you don't manually map anything, it will map the first stream of each kind only
<LambdaComplex> the fix adding ''-map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:s'' to the flags then?
<BtbN> Does just -map 0 not work?
<LambdaComplex> Let's find out
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<LambdaComplex> That seems to be working
<LambdaComplex> BtbN: Thanks!
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<Traneptora> LambdaComplex: you can also do, -map 0 -c copy -c:v ..... -c:a ......
<Traneptora> which will codec-copy any streams like data/attachments except the ones you specify to encode with -c:v and -c:a
<Traneptora> possibly relevant if you have subs/fonts/etc. attached
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