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<Traneptora> linext_: wdym by "keep downloading a stream"
<Traneptora> if you point ffmpeg at an HTTP socket and it gets EOF, it will terminate the connection
<Traneptora> you can always just open another connection to the same one
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<linext_> for example, ffmpeg -y -i -acodec copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 1 -reset_timestamps 1 -segment_format wav "c:/users/jesse/desktop/incomplete%3d.wav"
<linext_> i've got a script which gets meta-data artist - song name from a web socket
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<KombuchaKip> If an AVChannelLayout is allocated on the stack, does one still need to use av_channel_layout_uninit()? The documentation implies it always needs to be used, but then it doesn't appear to be used in the resampling example:
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<antto> ignoring all the terrible unforseen events that happened, i have *some* picture now:
<antto> but i'd really like to be able to draw my pictures in a buffer with "full" color, that is, without chroma-subsampling
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<stevew> still got an issue with looping a video with audio in ffplay. almost nailed it.
<stevew> which is in the audio thread, however the clock serial counters get changed in the read thread so as they're different threads & no mutex, there's an instability where the clock's serial & queue serial can get out of sync & so clock returns nan & audio fails.
<stevew> moved that code to read thread, but it still messes up sometimes so haven't quite resolved yet.
<stevew> using this for testing which I'm so sick of hearing now.
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<stevew> I'm not running SDL audio so maybe it does something I don't understand to keep that sane. looks wrong for that too.
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<stevew> video thread also reads clock whilst that serial is changing in read thread without a mutex & I think that's feking up.
<stevew> anything dependent on clock & queue serial needs mutex gating which is clock read code & this stuff at the end of a loop that changes the serial.
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<stevew> so, I think we need to add a mutex to each clock.
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<stevew> done that. still messes up occassionally so don't have it quite right yet. done for the day.
<antto> ... so i got some video file out, but at the end, ffmpeg prints some bad things on the terminal, also, there's this bad-looking formation of junk pixels at the bottom which starts to grow from the beginning of the video and forms the shape you see on the pic
<antto> i tried to have conversion from float RGB to YUV420, and i think the conversion expects the float RGB to be gamma-compressed
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<John_the_Guest> Hello, a simple question I believe, are ffmpeg/ffplay able to read a live HLS stream with FMP4 segments? When I try create such a stream ffmpeg/ffplay only reads the first two segments, then it quits with an "Error demuxing input file" - however if I wait until the stream is finished, and the EXT-X-ENDLIST tag is in the m3u8 ffmpeg/ffplay will
<John_the_Guest> happily play the stream without complaining. Creating the same HLS stream with mpegts segments and it will play even if there's no EXT-X-ENDLIST tag in the m3u8.
<John_the_Guest> And the FMP4 stream does play in vlc without the ENDLIST tag
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<thecaffeinatedsy> I'm trying to generate a mov file from an mp4. I can't set the video bit rate properly. It's always very high. The lowest I was able to bring it down ws 258,000. Here's my command `ffmpeg -y -i '2023-12-31 15-49-25.mkv' -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 3 -qscale:v 32 -acodec pcm_s16le -b:v 90000k ~/Videos/`
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<zumba_addict> now my video bit rate is 1million, LMAO - bitrate=1138088.3kbits/s when using dnxhd
<zumba_addict> I solved it using `-vcodec mpeg2video -qscale:v 3`, quality is still extremely great! Looks like original, no artifacting. Extension is .mxf
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<zumba_addict> bitrate=34516.3kbits/s
<zumba_addict> original is 25,000
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<BtbN> mov and mp4 are virtually the same format
<BtbN> you probably can just rename the file and call it a day
<BtbN> Though in that command, it looks a whole lot like your mp4 is an mkv? :D
<BtbN> And no, mpeg2 quality will never be great lol
<BtbN> can't you just -c copy?
<zumba_addict> No, if I reencode the mov into an mp4 format, Davinci Resolve is saying it's invalid
<zumba_addict> mpv can play the mov though
<zumba_addict> ffmpeg says it's libx264 though
<zumba_addict> I can't see any artifacting from the mpeg2 video I created. It looks exactly my original. However, I agree that it's lower quality
<BtbN> mpeg2 is just not a good format by today standards
<BtbN> prores is good for intermediate stuff
<zumba_addict> Maybe if I tons of moving things, it will show up. I was recording a 4k screen
<BtbN> it's just pretty big
<zumba_addict> it is big
<iive> with such low fixed quantizer (qscale) you'd never see an artifact, other than gradient banding in very dark scenes.
<iive> although, libx264 is also better with fixed quant (qp or crf)
<BtbN> it'll at the very least be significantly smaller
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