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<hseg> Hi. Is there a way to match _either_ an audio stream by language, or all audio streams if they aren't tagged by language?
<hseg> because -map m:language:jpn? seems to not map anything if it doesn't find a japanese-language stream
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<hseg> guess i could always ffprobe and determine appropriate cmdline from there
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<tm512> seems like I need to add a resampling filter to the command I'm using to make AAC encodes for my iPod, since I just got a couple random 96KHz files mixed in with this album that's otherwise entirely 44.1KHz
<tm512> resampling 44.1KHz -> 44.1KHz will be a no-op right? like it won't somehow change the audio that then gets passed to the encoder?
<tm512> I'll probably use soxr since I compiled that into my ffmpeg build
<tm512> probably don't need to be too fussy with the resampler when the output is going into FDK at like 100-180kbps VBR, tbh, but whatever
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<raccct> `ffmpeg -i A.mkv -codec mpeg4 A.mp4` made the file shrink by a third but no text is readable anymore. Any way I could preserve the quality and still go to a format I can use with messengers?
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<CounterPillow> Are you sure you even want to be using mpeg4? I assume H.264 will be more widely supported as a video codec
<raccct> CounterPillow: Thanks for the hint. I'm open to try that.
<CounterPillow> ffmpeg -i A.mkv -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -preset veryslow -profile:v high -level 4.2 -movflags +faststart output.mp4
<CounterPillow> Your choice of -codec mpeg4 had nothing to do with the output container format also named mp4, it referred to the "MPEG-4 Part 2" video codec which is related to divx and H.263
<raccct> Unfortunately the conversion breaks with: Error while opening encoder - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height.
<CounterPillow> Can you show me the full output in a paste?
<raccct> I had the same before simpy using `convert`
<Keshl> Which messenger in particular?
<raccct> CounterPillow: sure, let me get it.
<raccct> Keshl: Signal
<raccct> CounterPillow:
<CounterPillow> raccct: add a -pix_fmt yuv420p
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<CounterPillow> (I recommend that over using the high444 profile for compatibility reasons)
<raccct> CounterPillow: I added high444 and -pix. Same error. Does -pix need a particular position in flag sequence?
<CounterPillow> You should not add both
<CounterPillow> you should only either add -pix_fmt yuv420p, or replace -profile:v high with -profile:v high444
<raccct> ok, sry. I tried only -pix. same error. I try only high444 now.
<CounterPillow> it's -pix_fmt, not -pix.
<CounterPillow> this will work: ffmpeg -i A.mkv -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 21 -preset veryslow -profile:v high -level 4.2 -movflags +faststart output.mp4
<CounterPillow> this will also work, but have less compatibility across devices: ffmpeg -i A.mkv -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -preset veryslow -profile:v high444 -level 4.2 -movflags +faststart output.mp4
<psykose> if signal is limited by the same stuff as chromium (since electron) then it wouldn't be able to play high444 mp4 for sure
<psykose> of course it's easy to test so just do that
<raccct> high444 is working and looking good. The second last proposal still fails with: [libx264 @ 0x559b23593b40] width not divisible by 2 (383x717)
<raccct> I guess I'm fine with high444. Thanks for the help!
<CounterPillow> right, weird resolution, you'll probably have to insert a pad filter
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<raccct> CounterPillow: that might be it. thanks for the hint.
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<raccct> tried to even my odd resolution by adding -filter:v pad="((2*iw)/2):((2*ih)/2)". Not very successful. Ideas?
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<vincejv> i'm having issues with ffmpeg, it uses 1-2 cpu core on my quad core cpu (with HT on) and got this warning "x265 [warning]: No thread pool allocated, --wpp disabled, x265 [warning]: No thread pool allocated, --lookahead-slices disabled"
<vincejv> anyway to fix? I encoded the same video on another machine, same CPU and it didn't have the error and uses multiple cores
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<CounterPillow> This sounds like multithreading APIs are broken on your OS install.
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<CounterPillow> Specifically, it seems x265 is looking for the number of NUMA nodes, so if reporting of that is broken somehow it might get confused.
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<vincejv> not really an expert but does FFMPEG need CONFIG_NUMA=y in kernel for that threading API to work?
<CounterPillow> It's not a problem in FFmpeg, it's in x265
<CounterPillow> and yes it does.
<vincejv> okay thank you CounterPillow! seems like the issue is with my distro not enabling that flag. I'll see what the devs think after i submit the PR, it's OpenWRT btw. Idk why they disabled it on x86 but enabled it for arm.
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<psykose> it probably isn't really needed on an average 2-core x86 router i'd guess
<CounterPillow> Yeah but when you start disabling random kernel features everyone else enables, you'll run into badly designed fallback paths like this one, where x265 presumably assumes "I can't tell how many NUMA nodes there are" means "I shouldn't use a thread pool at all"
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<aleeku_> where is avradio branch? cant find it anywhere...
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<jokoon> hello
<jokoon> is there a way to make procedural sound, like for example making tones and mixing them in ffmpeg?
<jokoon> Do people sort of generate music that way?
<BtbN> There's some simple audio sources. Like sine or plain silence. If that satisfied your needs of "procedural audio"
<BtbN> If you want to program something complex, you will have to actually program it.
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<CounterPillow> If you're actually trying to make music programmatically you probably want something like SuperCollider
<jokoon> I just want to mix some sounds to make something that sounds like a gun sound
<jokoon> Some I was thinking about mixing several sine
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<BtbN> That sounds way too simple for that
<jokoon> I already coded some C++ thing to make some sine, and amplified it over time
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<jokoon> the problem is that I don't know how to mix several signales
<BtbN> literally add them
<bencoh> I'm pretty certain you'd need more than just mixing a few tones to produce a decent "gun sound"
<BtbN> Yeah, a gun sound does not sound very sine-wavey to me
<jokoon> if it has some 8bit flavor that's fine...
<jokoon> I have existing gun sounds, but they lack bass, so I want to add my own bass to it
<CounterPillow> you want a digital audio workstation, not ffmpeg
<jokoon> so audacity
<CounterPillow> I wouldn't describe audacity as a DAW but even that would be better
<jokoon> I don't really the money for a "digital audio workstation"
<bencoh> supercollider seems fun :)
<CounterPillow> they are free
<jokoon> wait is supercollider a DAW?
<CounterPillow> no
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<jokoon> just some python module
<CounterPillow> SuperCollider is an environment and programming language originally released in 1996 by James McCartney for real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.[4][5]
<CounterPillow> It would be pretty impressive if supercollider was "just some python module", on account of it being C++.
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<sentriz> hi all, when converting some flac -> mp3. is it possible for ffmpeg to write the original track duration/length to the mp3 file such that ffprobe wont say "Estimating duration from bitrate"?
<CounterPillow> I don't think so, as MP3 as a format lacks that capability
<CounterPillow> MP3 has no real container whatsoever, all the metadata you can add is basically a hack. If there is an ID3 tag for length then I'm not sure everything will support it
<furq> yeah there's no actual header for duration in mp3
<furq> there are id3 tags for it but it's probably best not to trust them
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<sentriz> ah i see
<sentriz> though what is the tag that ffprobe is trying to read, that it can't find? when it falls back to bitrate estimation
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<minimal> furq: TLEN in ID3v2?
<furq> yeah
<furq> but it's just a metadata tag so it could be incorrect
<furq> vbr mp3 has the frame count stored in the xing header
<furq> and for cbr the estimation should be correct anyway
<minimal> I'm assuming it's the encoder that sets the TLEN (correctly)
<jpb> general video question - i'm streaming and saving H.265 from an axis camera. the video playback (ffplay and vlc) exhibits a glitchy jump forward of about one quarter second every now and then? any ideas?
<furq> sure but it's probably better if ffprobe doesn't assume that
<jpb> gaaak - streaming/saving H.264, not H.265
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<Marth64> gaaak: might be a setting on the camera side to adjust GOP (I-frame interval)
<Marth64> you might be able to tune it to your liking to spread the jump out but cameras are a mixed bag; only assuming this is the cause since I had a camera like that
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<jpb> Marth64: thanks. will check the GOP (I-frame interval)
<Marth64> np good luck
<Marth64> wouldn't make it too high or you'll get a delay starting the stream again later
<CounterPillow> looks like ffmpeg will write the audio duration for mp3 by default:
<CounterPillow> I assume ffprobe simply ignores it.
<Marth64> just have to tune and test
<CounterPillow> err, not ffprobe, but ffplay
<CounterPillow> or ffprobe, nvm
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<furq> i don't get that warning on a recent ffmpeg/ffprobe
<furq> so maybe that changed recently
<sentriz> CounterPillow: ah you think ffprobe is just ignoring it. that makes sense
<furq> no i think something changed
<cristian_c> hi
<CounterPillow> or what furq said, the behaviour changed recently and you're using an older ffmpeg version
<furq> if i encode with -write_xing 0 then i get that warning
<furq> i think previously the xing header was only written for vbr
<cristian_c> I've found that minimal playback is working, so, I've to try recording and so I use avconv/ffmpeg to achieve that. There is a script to do that, I've just changed from avconv to ffpmeg command, and set pal in place of ntsc
<vincent> hey sentriz, i'm coming from the github issue. please ping me if i can help somehow
<furq> of course the real answer is why are you using mp3 in 2024
<vincent> haha
<vincent> i feel threatened
<CounterPillow> Yeah, unless you're targeting an awful MP3 player from the 00s you should not use MP3
<furq> there's like three valid reasons to do it
<furq> if you're not bound by those then please use something newer
<sentriz> haha i already suggested opus >:)
<Marth64> only one I can think of is browser support for basically every browser. Mozilla docs basically says MP3 has best compatbiility
<cristian_c> now the script is the following one: while the original version is at:
<Marth64> it's a sad state though
<furq> i think every browser supports m4a now
<CounterPillow> Yeah, AAC-LC playback is patent-unencumbered
<furq> and maybe opus as well now
<furq> i think the apple webm bullshit is only vp9 nowadays
<Marth64> I should try AAC in M4A then, it was my phone that struggled (to be fair I haven't tested it in some time)
<Marth64> I couldn't get Opus on iOS at least in vorbis container :(
<furq> apple stuff supports opus in some capacity but knowing them there'll be some stupid restriction on it
<CounterPillow> Probably just the browser for webrtc purposes
<cristian_c> dic 06 14:23:09 <cristian_c>unfortunately, recording fails: and
<cristian_c> sorry
<cristian_c> old message
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<cristian_c> if I try to record, it fails:
<sentriz> CounterPillow: i'm on n6.1.1. at least with this version, writing flac -> mp3, ffprobe estimates the length to be 5:44, puddletag says 4:30 from (probably difference is artwork or something) its CBR
<cristian_c> when I run the script, output reaches line 80 and nothing happens.. If I press Ctrl+C, the missing output part is printed in the terminal
<cristian_c> any ideas?
<Marth64> cristian_c: Are your input files sockets or actual files? Hard to tell. Can't debug your script really but if you can break down what you're sending/doing with ffmpeg itself might be able to help
<Marth64> err, pipes not sockets. just making an ssumption here, don't really know what the script does
<cristian_c> Marth64, they are 4 pipes
<tm512> regarding Opus on iOS, according to wikipedia: "On iOS 17: Support for playing .opus from Files; supports opus in mp4 (but not branded m4a) container"
<Marth64> cristian_c: okay, that makes sense. so ffmpeg is picking up an EOF signal from those pipes (end of file)
<Marth64> so it's actually terminating gracefully
<tm512> I'm gathering that .opus files won't play nice with the regular music app or whatever it's called
<CounterPillow> Judging by you might need to set the follow option to 1?
<cristian_c> Marth64, I remember I tried to get rid (in order to debug ffmpeg) of mkfifo and buffer commands in past (this means not using pipes) but things made even worse
<CounterPillow> try -follow 1 on the inputs
<Marth64> You should be able to use pipes, nothing wrong with pipe. Would try what CounterPillow suggested
<tm512> AAC isn't too bad technically. as an end-user, there's like so little to be concerned about regarding patents, unless you're just wanting to avoid it for ideological reasons
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<cristian_c> Marth64, when you suggest to break down the script for debugging purpose, as you suggest to edit the script/ffmpeg cmmand?
<Marth64> cristian_c: I meant just to explain it here in a summary, but I get the idea now kinda. thx
<cristian_c> CounterPillow, I try to take a look at url
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<cristian_c> CounterPillow, so, instead of -i .video_buffer and -i .audio_buffer
<cristian_c> ah, ok, sorry, i've made a mistake
<CounterPillow> try putting -follow 1 before each -i
<cristian_c> follow
<cristian_c> If set to 1, the protocol will retry reading at the end of the file, allowing reading files that still are being written. In order for this to terminate, you either need to use the rw_timeout option, or use the interrupt callback (for API users).
<cristian_c> ok
<Marth64> tm512: I admit to ideological reasons for avoiding it. biased and only personal opinion, but I have just had bad experience with AAC overall and hate how it sounds
<CounterPillow> oh god we now have vinyl people for old bad codecs?
<bencoh> :D
<tm512> Marth64: I prefer using free codecs, though I've been using AAC a lot the last few weeks (got myself an iPod)
<tm512> I haven't really been bothered by the sound quality, though I haven't really dipped into the bitrates where opus is clearly superior
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<Marth64> ya nothing wrong with that, gotta enjoy the music
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<cristian_c> it seems nothing has changed
<CounterPillow> I'm suspicious of any statement about a codec's "sound" that ignores bitrate as a factor because the xiphmont used to be able to distinguish different MP3 encoders in a blind AB test which, if not a cool party trick, should tell you a lot about what the important variable to control for is.
<CounterPillow> -the
<Marth64> Of course, there's a ton of optimization/tuning/alternative encoders can be used to get it right. My opinion is purely based on personal anecdote/bias and not scientifc
<cristian_c> Marth64, CounterPillow
<tm512> might go with rockbox (like my original reason for grabbing an old DAP) though I'm less sure of that. at least as long as I'm on the stock firmware, AAC is it unfortunately. not a fan of MP3 and the iPod doesn't seem to be a fan either. keep having stuttering issues with 320kbit MP3 or higher-bitrate VBR
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<CounterPillow> cristian_c: out of ideas then, sorry :(
<cristian_c> Marth64, CounterPillow btw, if I try video capture (not recording), it works: sudo somagic-capture | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -
<cristian_c> if i try recording using ffmpeg, it doesn't work
<tm512> 192kbit ABR from LAME plays back fine from my limited experience but FDK AAC sounds just as good to me with its VBR 4 mode which ends up closer to 140-160kbit on average and it's true VBR
<Marth64> cristian_c: My suggestion is to track down where those EOF signals are coming from or at least why ffmpeg is thinking they are there
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<tm512> so the files are smaller and I don't have to worry as much about quality dropping because LAME decided it couldn't bump the bitrate on a difficult section without bringing the average bitrate too high
<znf> BtbN: well, I came over, installed Ubuntu 22.04 fresh, enabled lingering, still won't limit ram :(
<tm512> would prefer ~128kbit opus though which would get the files even smaller
<BtbN> Probably time to ask in the systemd channel about it
<cristian_c> Marth64, do you mean after "File 'video.avi' already exists. Overwrite? [y/N] y
<cristian_c> "?
<Marth64> cristian_c: `[vist#0:0/rawvideo @ 0x5561eb75d600] Decoder thread received EOF packet`
<Marth64> Find thesource of this EOF packet\
<cristian_c> [vist#0:0/rawvideo @ 0x5561eb75d600] Decoder thread received EOF packet
<cristian_c> [vist#0:0/rawvideo @ 0x5561eb75d600] Decoder returned EOF, finishing
<cristian_c> [vist#0:0/rawvideo @ 0x5561eb75d600] Terminating decoder thread
<cristian_c> ah, ok
<cristian_c> Marth64, could it depends on the fact I press Ctrl+c?
<cristian_c> *depend on
<tm512> didn't get an answer to this last night but I'm still curious. for the command I use to batch encode from lossless, do I have to worry about putting everything through a resampler? like if the output sample rate matches the input, it should just be a no-op, and won't affect the sound?
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<cristian_c> ctrl+c -> EOF, I mean
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<Marth64> cristian_c: Possibly but there is a script involved around it so hard to tell how things are flowing. Sorry
<tm512> ran into a couple 96KHz flacs in this album I downloaded and of course AAC will happily encode 96KHz audio but it produces files that won't play back on my iPod
<Marth64> What the ffmpeg logs show is that it's starting up, seeing nothing to process but an EOF, and writing an empty file
<cristian_c> Marth64, ffmpeg gets .video_buffer and .audio_buffer as inpts
<cristian_c> so, I should look into these two pipes
<Marth64> yes I would try that
<cristian_c> but since they are pipes I can't look into them. Am I wrong?
<cristian_c> I think pipes aren't real files
<Marth64> or fiddle with how ffmpeg is opening them, like these options
<cristian_c> I mean, they don't store data
<Marth64> I think you can cat the pipe from a terminal and see whats going on inside of it
<Marth64> cat will read until it gets EOF
<cristian_c> yeah, it explains that here:
<tm512> I guess maybe I'll have to decode this 44.1KHz flac and mux it to raw PCM, then output the same file to raw PCM that's been passed through the resampler set to 44.1KHz
<tm512> I think I had a similar concern in the past with the video scaler, whether it'd needlessly burn CPU cycles if I universally applied the scaler even when the input and output sizes were the same
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<cristian_c> Marth64, unfortunately, .video_buffer and .audio_buffer print nothing if I try to cat them
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<Marth64> You sure it's getting data? if ffmpeg and cat both get nothing from it, something might be wrong with whats being fed to the pipe
<cristian_c> # recording
<cristian_c> mkfifo .video .audio .video_buffer .audio_buffer
<cristian_c> rm -f .video .audio .video_buffer .audio_buffer
<cristian_c> somagic-both --pal 1>.video 2>.audio & pid=$!
<CounterPillow> while I was on the toilet I in fact just thought that maybe your application feeding the fifos is exiting immediately, closing the fifos, which may result in an eof
<cristian_c> Marth64, maybe I should run every command line-by-line but I remember I could do that in past
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<cristian_c> I've to try to convert somagic-both --pal 1>.video 2>.audio & pid=$! from bash to a real command
<cristian_c> 1> should be stdout and 2> should be stderr so this should stay unchanged
<cristian_c> I'm not sure about pid=$!
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<cristian_c> "$! is the PID of the last program your shell ran in the background (e.g. myprog &)"
<CounterPillow> that just sets a variable within the script, you can ignore it
<cristian_c> so, just: sudo somagic-both --pal 1>.video 2>.audio
<cristian_c> it hangs
<cristian_c> so, just: sudo somagic-both --pal 1>.video 2>.audio &
<cristian_c> [1] 43790 (in background)
<cristian_c> buffer < .video > .video_buffer &
<cristian_c> [2] 43795
<cristian_c> cat .video_buffer is still empty
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<cristian_c> buffer < .audio > .audio_buffer &
<cristian_c> [3] 43815
<cristian_c> I suspect there is an issue with sudo
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<cristian_c> CounterPillow, Marth64 ok, I've managed to reproduce the issue
<cristian_c> CounterPillow, Marth64 , i've tested with a root shell (through sudo su -)
<cristian_c> then I've run the rm, mkfifo and somagic-both commands (without sudo)
<cristian_c> (meanwhile in a second terminal tab, i've run cat .video_buffer)
<cristian_c> I've run buffer < .video > .video_buffer & and nothing happens in cat .video_buffer output
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<cristian_c> but after I run buffer < .audio > .audio_buffer &, an impressive amount of garbage is printed in cat .video_buffer output
<cristian_c> :O
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<cristian_c> CounterPillow, Marth64 I'm not an expert but my tests seem to reveal it should be a sudo related issue
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<cristian_c> so if I run the full script from a root shell, I hope I don't catch such EOFs?
<cristian_c> *.
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<cristian_c> Marth64, CounterPillow it works!!!!
<cristian_c> Marth64, CounterPillow you're clever
<cristian_c> video and audio seeem to be working
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<Marth64> awesome
<Marth64> !
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<cristian_c> Marth64, unfortunately, i'm not able to do that
<cristian_c> I don't know what triggered
<cristian_c> when I have done that, I had run cat .video_buffer in another tab
<cristian_c> but it seems unrelated, in my opinion
<cristian_c> I should look for the culprit
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<cristian_c> Marth64, it turns out recording starts only when I run sudo cat .video_buffer in another tab at the same time
<cristian_c> it's very odd
<cristian_c> audio result is good but video is damaged (picture is not stable)
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<sixecho> is there a way to select frames using entropy? something like -vf `select=gte(entropy\,0.4)`
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<BtbN> What do you mean by "using entropy"?
<BtbN> As in... at random?
<sixecho> BtbN: i am already extracing various scene frames from a video as images, and was post-processing those images using imagemagick identify to calculate/filter-on the entropy of each image -- and noticed ffmpeg has entropy in filters; new to this syntax/etc
<BtbN> I still don't understand what you mean by entropy
<BtbN> so just random numbers?
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<sixecho> BtbN: there is nothing random about it. it usually would return a single float of 0..1 for a frame based on what's in the frame
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<zumba_addict> How come, I don't see much difference in speed improvement. I tried specifying gpu. Is my ffmpeg using the gpu?
<Marth64> it is not
<Marth64> your command specify a hardware device, but it needs to specify a hardware codec too (value of -c:v )
<Marth64> see here for examples
<zumba_addict> oh got it, thank you
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<BtbN> specifying a dri device for cuda also makes no sense
<BtbN> And you will also specify more parameters, the defaults are not great quality
<zumba_addict> Got an error after retrying again `[h264_nvenc @ 0x55ecafc884c0] EncodePicture failed!: unsupported param (12): ` `Error submitting video frame to the encoder`
<zumba_addict> this command works - `ffmpeg -h encoder=h264_nvenc`
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<zumba_addict> it works now after removing high444
<zumba_addict> wpw. ot
<zumba_addict> wow, it's fast!
<zumba_addict> This is the command I copied `ffmpeg -i input -c:v h264_nvenc -profile high444p -pixel_format yuv444p -preset default output.mp4`
<zumba_addict> I removed ` -profile high444p`
<Marth64> nice
<zumba_addict> Thank you so much!
<Marth64> you can check what your gpu supports here for nvidia:
<zumba_addict> will do
<BtbN> You are still not providing any quality parameters, so it will pick rather poor defaults
<zumba_addict> it's done, wow, it's like less than 1.5 mins versus 45 mins ;D
<BtbN> With likely substantially worse quality
<BtbN> There is not really any reason to use a hardware encoder for non-real-time stuff
<BtbN> It'll always be worse than a software encoder
<zumba_addict> oh wow, yep, i just played it. It's like crf 35, hahaha
<zumba_addict> really? we can't improve it?
<BtbN> It's a hardware encoder.
<BtbN> It is what it is, to change it, you change the hardware
<zumba_addict> we can't specify crf?
<BtbN> crf is an x264 concept
<BtbN> some encoders have adopted it, but generally, only x264 has crf
<zumba_addict> card is geforce gtx 1080. This is a good card right?
<Marth64> libx264 is pretty fast on its own right, did you test it with -preset veryfast before switching to hw?
<BtbN> Doesn't matter how good the card is. All cards from the same generation have the same encoder.
<BtbN> A 1050 and a 1080 will perform near identically
<BtbN> the lower end cards often even a bit better, due to higher clock
<zumba_addict> and quality will always be similar to like crf 35 output?
<BtbN> quality will be what you configure it to be
<BtbN> but for the same bitrate, x264 will always be better
<zumba_addict> oh
<Marth64> every card generation is differnt. only constant is hardware will almost always be less efficient than software like BtbN is explaining
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<zumba_addict> I want to try so I can compare the speed. Please help me improve the quality. Right now, it looks like crf 35 output `ffmpeg -i fpv-freestyle-juicy-sbang-LITH.mp4 -c:v h264_nvenc -pixel_format yuv420p -preset default output.mp4`
<Marth64> all the knobs and switches are explained here `ffmpeg -h encoder=h264_nvenc
<zumba_addict> what do I add?
<BtbN> see the hwaccel wiki page, and the help of the encoder
<zumba_addict> k
<BtbN> There's way too many knobs and different kind of needs to just give a cookie cutter solution
<zumba_addict> I tried -preset lossless and quality is the same as original. The bitrate is 649180.0kbits/s. And it is like 70x faster than my x264. It's because my i7 cpu is from 2009
<Marth64> IIRC nvenc lossless is not actually lossless
<Marth64> but if you are happy with the file size and outcome, it's good enough for most people
<zumba_addict> but it's also not good in terms of filesize
<zumba_addict> so big :D
<zumba_addict> I guess, I really just need to upgrade to a better cpu
<Marth64> zumba_Addict: Try this and tune from there. I don't know what your encoding goals are and don't expect best results but it might be fine and at least a start for VBR. -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p7 -tune hq -profile main -b_ref_mode middle -rc vbr -cq 22
<Marth64> if your card doesn't support it remove -b_ref_mode middle
<zumba_addict> ok
<zumba_addict> I'm just playing and just so curious since I just got this card
<zumba_addict> trying it now
<Marth64> i use p7 preset a lot, it's not actually slow for average use
<zumba_addict> the param worked
<zumba_addict> it's fast
<Marth64> also you are doing 4k in h264 which itself will need some extra consideration for space
<zumba_addict> 55000kbit/s
<Marth64> bump up the -cq value till you are happy with the outcome
<zumba_addict> will do
<zumba_addict> wow, the first one you gave is already very nice
<sonicrules1234> These days I just encode in av1
<Marth64> :)
<Marth64> nvenc is ok for what it is
<zumba_addict> in -cq, lower better or higher better?
<Marth64> lower better
<zumba_addict> cool
<Marth64> quality wise (which means ++size)
<zumba_addict> yep
<Marth64> av1 best
<zumba_addict> -cq av1
<Marth64> nonono hahaha
<sonicrules1234> Lol
<zumba_addict> :D
<Marth64> i meant av1 is a good, beloved codec
<zumba_addict> ah
<Traneptora> av1 is great if you have a cpu that can support encoding it. H.264's design goals included low enough complexity that hardware at the time could handle it (in 2003) but that sort went out the window after the fact
<zumba_addict> it's weird, my output doesn't have audio even after adding -acodec aac
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<zumba_addict> cool info
<Traneptora> does your input have audio? what's the full, uncut command and output
<zumba_addict> yes, it has audio
<Traneptora> paste the full (uncut) command, and output, to a paste site and drop a link here
<zumba_addict> `ffmpeg -i fpv-freestyle-juicy-sbang-LITH.mp4 -c:v h264_nvenc -pixel_format yuv420p -acodec aac -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p7 -tune hq -profile main -b_ref_mode middle -rc vbr -cq 18 output.mp4`
<Traneptora> and output
<Marth64> av1_nvenc roughly ~= hevc_nvenc on ada generation, it quite nice for basic CBR needs
<zumba_addict> ffmpeg -i output.mp4 you mean?
<zumba_addict> hmm, `Stream #0:1[0x2](und): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 129 kb/s (default)`
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<zumba_addict> weird I cannot hear it but I can hear if I play the source input
<Traneptora> no, I mean, post the full (uncut) output of the command you used
<zumba_addict> one sec
<zumba_addict> audio is there, so weird
<Traneptora> well you did interrupt the command early
<Traneptora> so it may not have made it into the final muxed file
<zumba_addict> oh
<zumba_addict> so with audio, it's different
<zumba_addict> i didn't know that
<Traneptora> well, no, audio and video are interleaved into the file
<zumba_addict> i'll try it again
<Traneptora> but in either case, why not just use -c:a copy?
<Traneptora> I don't see why you are re-encoding the audio. does that change it?
<zumba_addict> even if ctrl+c'ing will make it work?
<zumba_addict> i'll just use -ss and -t :D
<zumba_addict> and copy like you said
<Traneptora> if you want to end the file at an earlier timestamp then yes use -t
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<Traneptora> otherwise you have no control over which packets end up in the file if you just interrupt it or push q
<zumba_addict> yep since I am just testing cq to find the best output
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<zumba_addict> still no audio with this command, I didn't interrupt it `ffmpeg -i fpv-freestyle-juicy-sbang-LITH.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:15 -c:v h264_nvenc -pixel_format yuv420p -acodec copy -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p7 -tune hq -profile main -b_ref_mode middle -rc vbr -cq 18 output.mp4`
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<Marth64> What happens if you put the -ss and -t before the -i
<Marth64> Just a guess
<zumba_addict> i'll try but right now, it's cutting it properly. but i'll test
<Marth64> Really you wont need the -ss, if you are starting at 0, So you can just skip it all and do -t 15 at the front
<zumba_addict> still no sound
<Marth64> + what Traneptora said about not re-encoding the audio
<zumba_addict> maybe it;s my player
<Marth64> Yeah I see ffmpeg reporting some bytes at the end in your prev log
<Marth64> Check player
<zumba_addict> oh wow, it's mpv issue
<zumba_addict> I heard the sound when I opened it in my browser
<zumba_addict> so weird
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<zumba_addict> i've always used mpv with ffmpeg created mp4 files without issues
<zumba_addict> but it's my first time creating an mp4 using hardware
<Marth64> only the video stream within the mp4 is made with hardware, everything else still sw (container and audio)
<Marth64> is strange indeed, i'd expect it to work
<zumba_addict> yep, it's strange
<zumba_addict> i tried a different cli player, I heard the audio
<Marth64> Maybe adjust mpv's volume on pulsaudio or whatever audio stack on the machine
<zumba_addict> it's already too loud
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<zumba_addict> when I play my source, it's very loud
<zumba_addict> i'll retry ffmpeg encoding using x264
<MisterMinister> zumba_addict: