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<boxrick> I ripped a bunch of HD-DVDs years ago, sadly a bunch of them have become corrupted :( nothing to play them back on anymore.
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<zeratul> boxrick, didn't you create iso-files?
<boxrick> I just re-muxed them to mkv files stripped out all the junk I didn't need. But at some point they have corrupted ( probably pre-dates me using ECC memory in my NAS )
<zeratul> have the disks or the mkv files become corrupted?
<boxrick> The MKV files, it was what I wanted to check a few hours ago.
<zeratul> sounds more like HDD failure
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<boxrick> This is all stored on ZFS, with memory / filesystem checks. If this happened, it happened years ago.
<boxrick> I just never realised since I don't watch them very often
<BtbN> zfs recently had a certain file "corrpution" issue that got fixed
<zeratul> you can probably buy a HD-DVD drive on ebay
<BtbN> but the circumstances to trigger it were hyper specific, and your case sounds very unlikely to be affected
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<boxrick> Maybe, probably easier to just 'acquire' them now.. Sadly the versions you get are never too hot are they.
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<boxrick> Or as you say, pick up an old drive.
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<bpmedley> zeratul: Did you find an answer for your fragmented mp4 question?
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<zeratul> bpmedley, scroll back about an hour
<bpmedley> I read the scrollback and it's not clear if you found a way.
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<zeratul> according to BtbN the solutions is to not use anything but mp4 :D
<bpmedley> Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by "incomplete".
<zeratul> **to use anything but mp4
<bpmedley> Also, just from the perspective of knowing, it might be useful to have a methodology to create fragmented mp4 files.
<BtbN> fragmented mp4 files aren't nearly as great as it sounds
<zeratul> I know they exist because I've played back some incompletely downloaded mp4 files
<BtbN> incompletely downloaded is just a matter of moving the moov atom the front
<bpmedley> Understandable, and it's sometimes nice to have a way to make them for trying out different use cases.
<BtbN> but that is a post-processing step
<BtbN> Live-Recording is a whole other matter
<zeratul> I see
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<gianni834742> hello, I need some help with AV1 encoding with mediacodec on the Pixel 8
<gianni834742> `ffmpeg -i park_joy_1080p50.y4m -c:v av1_mediacodec -q:v 50 output.mp4` produces an empty mp4 container, while replacing the av1 in that command with hevc produces a valid bitstream
<gianni834742> anything I should do?
<zeratul> I'm amazed that someone is running ffmpeg on his smartphone
<gianni834742> haha, yep - im SSH'd into termux right now playing with ffmpeg, I'm really interested in AV1 hwenc
<zeratul> is the phone fast enough for encoding?
<gianni834742> the hardware encoder supports up to 720p169 according to the Codec Info app
<gianni834742> and encoding 1080p park_joy runs at like ~80fps
<gianni834742> but I don't know where that video stream is going lol
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<KombuchaKip> Was there a recent change to FFmpeg in which avcodec_send_packet() returns AVERROR(EAGAIN) instead of AVERROR_INVALIDDATA when I send it a corrupt packet?
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<gianni834742> gonna ask again, anyone know how to use mediacodec AV1 encoding on the pixel 8 with ffmpeg?
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<antto> this library is impossible to figure out
<antto> >:(
<vincejv> antto: what exactly are u tryin to do?
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<antto> make a proper .mp4 with both video and audio
<vincejv> codec?
<vincejv> elaborate on proper?
<antto> i managed to make *some* .mp4 with just video, altho it's probably not quite right because smplayer plays it but acts like it doesn't know the size and position in time
<antto> the goal was generally whatever seems to be popular at the moment for like uploading to youtube, h264 and stereo AAC
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<antto> so this is a CLI app which is supposed to take a stereo soundfile as input (typically wav), and output a video with audio
<antto> where the audio is basically the same as the input wav (altho i might have to delay it a bit), while the picture is synthesized by me, from the audio (it's an audio visualisation, spectrograph)
<antto> i draw it in float RGB, then i managed to convert it to YUV420 with ffmpeg, that all seems to work even if it seems a bit weird
<vincejv> ffmpeg -i input.video -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -ac 2 -movflags +faststart medium out.mp4
<vincejv> bare minimum i use
<vincejv> generate sample files first before encoding the entire thing
<antto> not sure what that ^ is
<antto> i'm writing this in C++
<vincejv> oh okay
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<antto> i think this is the other problem... there's a lot of information about ffmpeg but most of it is about ffmpeg CLI usage, not the library itself
<vincejv> what's wrong with using the cli and using system()?
<antto> i'm getting kinda tired of rewriting this thing already
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<antto> and no idea how something like that could work
<antto> i load the input file with libsndfile, and that works fine, it gives me the audio in float, great, reading works, no problem
<antto> but then ffmpeg has tons of functions doing who knows what, and there isn't an example which does what i need
<antto> i started from the video encoding example, but that one doesn't convert the picture, then i somehow managed to figure out how to add picture conversion too
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<antto> but now i need to add the audio... aaand.. x_x
<antto> perhaps maybe i should just use a picture lib and vomit each frame as a .png and then leave it to be stitched together externally
<antto> that would be such a waste of space tho
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<Bombo> so i tried every pixfmt with this script: http://sprunge.us/wqF8VS results: without X: http://sprunge.us/fChCCX with X: http://sprunge.us/FY2h6j with X as root: http://sprunge.us/sSPbU2 (on my raspberry pi3/bookworm) looks like there is no matching pixfmt for kmsgrab on the pi i guess?
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<jkqxz> The format of the framebuffer is printed in the log.
<BtbN> looks more like a deeper issue to me, like it's not working at all?
<BtbN> Not very surprising on a Pi
<Bombo> jkqxz: which one is it?
<jkqxz> Without X says 36314752 (RG16) and with X says 34325258 (XR24).
<Bombo> BtbN: not working
<BtbN> Oh, on the log I picked it's just "No handle set on framebuffer: maybe you need some additional capabilities?"
<Bombo> jkqxz: but none of them work
<jkqxz> So your first one is 565.
<Bombo> BtbN: not sure what that means
<jkqxz> Indeed you can see in the log that it got further with 565, but you didn't get the format on the hwdownload output so it didn't match.
<jkqxz> Try with "-vf 'hwdownload,format=rgb565le'" and no format set for kmsgrab.
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<jkqxz> Second one same, with bgr0.
<jkqxz> (You only need to set the format explicitly on kmsgrab with old kernels before the GETFB2 ioctl existed. With GETFB2 it tell you the format as well, hence all the messages saying the format you provided didn't match the actual framebuffer.)
<BtbN> the format negotiation being this clunky in the filter chain is definitely not very pretty
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<Bombo> mkay so it seems to work without X as root + as pi with ,format=rgb565le, that does not work with X (root: invalid output format..., pi: no handle set...), with X as root ,format=bgr0 grabs to a file, but when i play it its only vertical lines, as user pi i get 'no handle set ...'
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<jkqxz> Modifier 700000000000001 is not linear; seems to map to this <https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/drm/drm_fourcc.h#L1002-L1021>.
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<jkqxz> The way of dealing with this on other devices is to map the surface to a GPU API which can deal with the tiling for you (like Vulkan, say) rather than downloading it directly. No idea if that is possible here.
<jkqxz> Or maybe someone has written a detiler for it somewhere, but it's not currently in ffmpeg.
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