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<linext_> hi
<linext_> is -icy_metadata_packet supposed to output Artist/Song while the stream is being downloaded / played? or only when it first connects?
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<apteryx> JEEB: I see, thank you
<apteryx> JEEB: the fate test data must be included in ffmpeg source releases?
* apteryx checks
<apteryx> I don't see test/data there
* apteryx wonders why that's fine for the Guix package of ffmpeg, which runs 'make fate' for its test suite
<apteryx> maybe tests whose data is missing are skipped?
<apteryx> seems most files are generated, according to the build logs
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<KombuchaKip> Was there a recent change to FFmpeg in which avcodec_send_packet() returns AVERROR(EAGAIN) instead of AVERROR_INVALIDDATA when I send it a corrupt packet?
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> night !
<ACI-XCIX_0001> trying to convert an hdr .exr to an hdr mkv while keeping the hdr information but the gamma remains `bt1886`
<ACI-XCIX_0001> even with this command :
<ACI-XCIX_0001> ```ffmpeg -loop 1 -i 'resolveimport.exr' -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -vf fps=30 -vf colorspace=ispace='bt709':iprimaries='bt709':itrc='srgb':irange='tv':space='bt2020ncl':trc='bt2020-10':primaries='bt2020':range='pc':format='yuv420p10' 'resolveimport.mkv'```
<ACI-XCIX_0001> does someone knows hot to get the output gamma to be st2084 pq ?
<JEEB> you're still setting a bt2020 transfer there
<JEEB> that's effectively bt1886
<ACI-XCIX_0001> here is the original .exr image in srgb colorspace but keeping the out of range values by float 32 bits : [hdr image](!AiUmCeW6ezhq92iYgrGD4uBAihYI?e=lQ8Dlu)
<JEEB> right, the colorspace filter does not support HDR trcs
<JEEB> try the zscale filter instead if you need to actaully convert
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -h filter=zscale`
<ACI-XCIX_0001> thank for answering !
<ACI-XCIX_0001> trying....
<JEEB> the help output should give you the options and the values
<JEEB> also add `-v verbose` for the highest log level that is not spammy
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> ok thank
<JEEB> also when dealing with exact conversions I would recommend to have `-noauto_conversion_filters` set, that way if there is a conversion from one pix_fmt to another that seems to be needed, that would get an error
<JEEB> instead of silently (well, with `-v verbose` it does log the auto-additions) adding conversions
<JEEB> esp. since you probably want to control that conversion process to at most have one scale filter before zscale, and then zscale to yuv420p10
<JEEB> whatever the pix_fmt is from the EXR
<JEEB> `-vf "scale,format=MATCHING_PIX_FMT_SUPPORTED_BY_ZSCALE,zscale=opt=value,format=yuv420p10"` something like this most likeyl
<JEEB> where the "format" filter basically is a meta-filter
<JEEB> it means that the previous filter needs to output that pix_fmt
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> ..... interesting.......
<ACI-XCIX_0001> typed the help command but do you know what could actually be used here to get that sweet hdr output like the original image ?
<ACI-XCIX_0001> because pq or st2084 don t appear
<JEEB> well, EXR is linear, right?
<JEEB> I looked at `ffmpeg -h decoder=exr`
<JEEB> and it seems to by default output "gamma"?
<ACI-XCIX_0001> yes by default even with the previous command it still ouput gamma video while it should actually output quantizer pq curve
<ACI-XCIX_0001> for hdr purpose hence the last results are all overexposed and washed out
<ACI-XCIX_0001> not like the original exr when you display it with hdr + wcg image viewer
<ACI-XCIX_0001> or affinity photo or krita
<JEEB> there is a PQ option of interpreting the values, no idea if that works
<JEEB> see the decoder help
<ACI-XCIX_0001> on it and parsing
<ACI-XCIX_0001> not finding it in `ffmpeg -h filter=zscale -v verbose`
<JEEB> > < JEEB> I looked at `ffmpeg -h decoder=exr`
<JEEB> since the decoder apparently is touching the values
<ACI-XCIX_0001> ` smpte2084 16 .D.V....... SMPTE ST 2084` yes right there
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> not gonna lie, still a newcomer in this exceptional software, even if using it for 5 years now trying to build a premade working command for customs cases by trying to grasp the documentation, forums, discord, irc.
<hsv> Hi, any tips how combine these two filters pls?
<hsv> 1) drop all non-key frames, 2) downscale, maintaining the input codec (h265).
<hsv> -c:v copy -bsf:v 'hevc_mp4toannexb,filter_units=pass_types=16-23|32-34'
<hsv> -c:v libx265 -vtag hvc1 -vf 'scale=iw/4:ih/4'
<ACI-XCIX_0001> would it be an issue if asked you how this `-apply_trc smpte2084` would integrates the command with `filter=zscale` ?
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> meaning do you still keep the `-vf` and add `filter=zscale` right after it or it has to be implemented in another command ?
<JEEB> yes, you still probably want zscale for the input pixel format to yuv420p10 conversion
<JEEB> which is at the very least a matrix conversion if EXR is RGB based
<JEEB> (think of things in values from H.273, where your input has some primaries, some matrix, some trc (and color range) - and then output should be defined in that sense as well that you want)
<JEEB> check the output of `ffprobe -of json -apply_trc smpte2084 -show_frames -i INPUT.exr` what the decoded frames' color values are
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> ......processing.........
<ACI-XCIX_0001> what would be the issue with this command for instance ? :
<ACI-XCIX_0001> ```ffmpeg -loop 1 -i 'resolveimport.exr' -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -vf fps=30 -vf filter=zscale:colorspace=ispace='bt709':iprimaries='bt709':itrc='srgb':irange='tv':space='bt2020ncl':trc='bt2020-10':primaries='bt2020':range='pc':format='yuv420p10' 'resolveimport.mkv'```
<ACI-XCIX_0001> ```ffmpeg -loop 1 -i 'resolveimport.exr' -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -vf fps=30 -vf filter=zscale:apply_trc=smpte2084:colorspace=ispace='bt709':iprimaries='bt709':itrc='srgb':irange='tv':space='bt2020ncl':trc='bt2020-10':primaries='bt2020':range='pc':format='yuv420p10' 'resolveimport.mkv'```
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<JEEB> you wanted HDR trc and those are not supported by the colorspace filter? if you check `ffmpeg -h filter=colorspace` you will not see any HDR transfers there :P
<JEEB> lol
<ACI-XCIX_0001> aaaaa
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<JEEB> yea good job pasting your first command there first
<JEEB> :)
<ACI-XCIX_0001> try to to built the command
<ACI-XCIX_0001> aaaa (y)
<JEEB> apply_trc is a decoder option
<JEEB> it goes before the input, not into the filter chain
<JEEB> see how I called it in the ffprobe example I posted
<JEEB> anyways, I have other things to do so not going to be able to hand-hold you more :P
<JEEB> I just hope that the EXR decoder's PQ option does things correctly
<JEEB> then you don't need to convert the transfer any more
<JEEB> just primaries and matrix
<ACI-XCIX_0001> thank can you just give the command ?
<ACI-XCIX_0001> 8)
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<sirmangler> quick question as a developer, is it worth using ffmpeg as a library rather than using ffmpeg as an executable and piping the output to my application?
<JEEB> depends(TM)
<JEEB> the API lets you do exactly what you want
<JEEB> the cli apps under fftools are just API clients themselves as well, implementing certain features
<sirmangler> But then what am I losing from the piping? Is it even significant?
<JEEB> also depending on what exactly you need you may want to take a look at ffms2 as well, which indexes inputs and lets you do frame-exact seeking etc
<JEEB> sirmangler: if the piped output contains all the required information you might need (such as timestamps and other stuff), then not much? you are just not as much in control of the flow
<sirmangler> Interesting
<JEEB> it's a whole big It Depends depending on your use case and requirements
<sirmangler> ffms2 looks pretty neat as well, can it be used for a really simple "just decode this file/stream and give me the frames" or is it a more specific tool
<JEEB> if you just need A->B decode without seeking etc then you don't need ffms2 really
<sirmangler> The main reason I'm even considering this is just because I keep running into problems using the api myself, the latest of which is after decoding a few frames, I'm getting a crash on "avcodec_send_packet" somewhere when ffmpeg runs malloc
<JEEB> seeking and such is where it becomes handy, as it uses an index
<JEEB> this is one of the best docs on the dec/enc API
<sirmangler> and unfortunately the only thing that changed since that problem occurred is I installed some packages (on linux) because I was looking into hw encoding.
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<sirmangler> but it sounds like there isn't even a big performance impact from piping the output of ffmpeg
<JEEB> HW decoding only gets utilized if explicitly requested
<sirmangler> I know
<JEEB> and send_packet is decoding
<sirmangler> I was going to implement it into my encoder, but I stashed my changes after I started getting these crashes from my decoder
<sirmangler> the decoder is software right now
<JEEB> anyways, you could check the included transcoding example and build that
<JEEB> if that also crashes then there's something funky going on with the FFmpeg libs that you are linking against
<JEEB> and/or loading during runtime
<JEEB> doc/examples is where that stuff is, and there is a readme/Makefile that should enable building them against external FFmpeg
<sirmangler> Ahh I misread that, I thought it depended on ffmpeg's source but I see now I can compile with my preinstalled libraries
<sirmangler> I'll try that now, thanks
<aaabbb> /16/16
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<sirmangler> Seems to not be able to compile all of the examples
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<sirmangler> But honestly thats not a huge shock, from what I've observed they're not always maintained for the latest changes
<sirmangler> I'll try a release
<sirmangler> "undefined reference to `av_image_copy2'", I guess whatever version fedora has stored is a bit old?
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<sirmangler> It claims to be version 6.0.1, checked the version I compile with is 6.0.1 as well
<sirmangler> Oh maybe it's because av_image_copy2 was added in september of 2023? I'm not sure how ffmpeg's version system works.
<JEEB> yea that sounds more like 6.1 although I don't recall when that was released, I mostly deal with master myself :D
<JEEB> since 6.0 was early 2023 or so?
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<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> 27th of Feb, and the branching was probably done a week or two before that?
<JEEB> so that example is clearly newer than the code you have :)
<sirmangler> Seems to be the case!
<JEEB> right, in APIchanges you have "was cut here"
<JEEB> where you found that sept 2023 date too
<sirmangler> I found it in the api changes file, line 89
<JEEB> yes the 6.0 cut point is there also
<sirmangler> I see
<sirmangler> Hm
<sirmangler> So shouldn't I have this change then?
<sirmangler> If my installed version is reporting 6.0.1 from "av_version_info".
<JEEB> the code which you are checking the example from has it, but the thing you are linking against is 6.0.x
<JEEB> since 6.0 was feb 20223
<JEEB> and this function av_image_copy2 is from sept 2023
<ACI-XCIX_0001> excluding any story of holding the hand of anyone here, isn t it too late when applying -apply_trc smpte2084 on the file afterward ?
<ACI-XCIX_0001> didn t the information has been lost at this point ?
<ACI-XCIX_0001> yes no issue zsacle is not filter it s another process
<sirmangler> do you know what version av_image_copy2 was first introduced?
<sirmangler> or is it just "some version of 6.0.1"
<ACI-XCIX_0001> but what is the actual link between that and exr decoder ?
<ACI-XCIX_0001> sirmangler, any idea of the link between the 2 ?
<JEEB> not anywhere in 6.0.x
<JEEB> it may be in 6.1.x as that was later in 2023, but not sure if it's in there
<JEEB> yea it is in 6.1.x
<sirmangler> Thanks!
<ACI-XCIX_0001> JEEB you call that holding the hand to someone giving an explanation on this subject but having asked this question on a lot of different support, it the kind of questions wto which rare will be the one to answer....
<JEEB> ACI-XCIX_0001: it requires active participation which off-hand quick comments do not require. anyways, I'm AFK from here as I have other things I need to do
<ACI-XCIX_0001> active participation ? meaning yours ? off hand quick comments ? is there something long on this matter ?
<ACI-XCIX_0001> but letting you go no issue
<ACI-XCIX_0001> will try to ask if someone can explain it as well as you could if you were still on, if this is not the case, will come back later to pursue the investigation by asking you the correct questions when you will come back
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> investigating on this zscale
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<aleeku_> Hello! One AVFrame contains 1024 audio samples. Is there a way to change that? I'd like to test our blackbox with 300 samples
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<sirmangler> Disappointing, I installed the latest version of ffmpeg, recompiled and it got further but then crashed, logging "malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted".
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> with
<ACI-XCIX_0001> ```ffmpeg.exe -loop 1 -i 'resolveimport.exr' -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -vf zscale=rangein=full:primariesin=709:transferin=709:matrixin=709:range=full:primaries=2020:transfer=smpte2084:matrix=2020_ncl 'resolveimport.mkv'```
<ACI-XCIX_0001> the image is half and still ouputting `colormatrix: bt709`, `level: limited`
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<hsv> I'm using -skip_frame nokey ... select='eq(pict_type,PICT_TYPE_I)' to drop non-key frames, but this also re-numbers the frames 0,1,2...etc.
<hsv> Is there a way to retain the original frame numbers, for use in a drawtext overlay?
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<hseg> Hi. Must be doing sth wrong -- my attempt at forcing the selection of just the japanese-language audio stream only succeeded in removing non-audio streams altogether
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<hseg> Was invoking with ffmpeg -y -i "$i" -c:v libx264 -vf "scale=640:360, subtitles=f='$i'" -profile:v baseline -level:v 4.0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -map 0:a -map 0:m:language:jpn -c:a aac -ac 2 (though most of the rest is irrelevant)
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<hseg> (reencoding for feature phone, hence the low resolution and profile and baking in of subtitles)
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<Angus1234> Hello, does anyone know how to apply the rw_timeout setting to the protocol in C++? I thought I would be able to apply it to the AVFormatContext privdata via av_opt_set but I'm getting an option not found error from FFmpeg.
<furq> hseg: you presumably want -map 0:v instead of -map 0:a
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<simon__> analysing transcoding with jellyfin on my system it shows an error related to the option autorotate - basically jellfin creates the cmd like: ffmpeg -init_hw_device vaapi=va:/dev/dri/renderD128 -filter_hw_device va -autorotate 0 -i test.mp4 - is this a wrong use by jellyfin? (if i remove the 0 from autorotate it works). Otherwise i get: Option autorotate (automatically insert correct rotate filters) cannot be
<simon__> applied to output url 0 -- you are trying to apply an input option to an output file or vice versa. Move this option before the file it belongs to.Error parsing options for output file 0.
<hseg> thought 0:a would restrict the 0:m filter to just the audio streams
<hseg> intent is to have jpn audio and whatever subs happen to be there
<furq> map is additive
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<hseg> ah
<hseg> testing...
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<JEEB> simon__: I think autorotate 0 => noautorotate
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<simon__> hm would make sense but why is it then giving the error output is placed before input file ...
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<JEEB> simon__: because when you add the zero to an option that takes no value argument
<JEEB> it takes 0 as the output file name
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<JEEB> and it says that it cannot be applied to that output, so you need to put noautorotate before the input
<JEEB> -noautorotate -i INPUT
<JEEB> ahh you have it before but the 0 is parsed as output :)
<JEEB> so yea
<JEEB> if you fix the additional argument that's not required it should work
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<simon__> ok so then autorotate 0 is wrong and they should have used either autorotate or noautorotate but not with 0
<simon__> will try - would need to get a git setup of jellyfin first ;)
<JEEB> I think autorotate could have allowed for zero previously, I recall recently with git master FFmpeg someone bringing one or so misdefined option to the correct noXYZ form
<hseg> works, ty!
<JEEB> yea 25c98566e8a45b50415c80ca6450282f2ec0657a removed it, merged dec 22
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<JEEB> seems like both styles worked and only the noXYZ was documented
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<simon__> ok but if i see it correctly they used it with option 0 for 3 years now (at least according to their git
<simon__> and ths is also not working here: ffmpeg -autorotate 0 -i test.mp4 sample.mp4
<simon__> hm I still don't get it
<simon__> or is the commit you posted removing the support for the argument and therefore it would be now treated as output
<simon__> i could try the version before to test
<JEEB> yes check the commit message for the commit I linked
<simon__> yes reverted to that version and now it runs ok both with hw or sw
<simon__> question for me would be should that be reverted on ffmpeg or adapted on jellyfin
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<JEEB> that is unlikely to be reverted since the noXYZ should according to that commit have worked before, and the XYZ 0 was completely undocumented
<JEEB> and all the other bool options were noXYZ only
<simon__> ok will raise an issue on jellyfin then
<simon__> thanks for the guidance
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<Angus1234> I managed to find the answer to my question above - however an addendum. Does anyone know if you set the rw_timeout via avio_open2 whether I also need to set an interupt callback? Or can I leave that NULL and FFmpeg will still timeout after the setting value in av_write_frame?
<Angus1234> Basically I have an RTMP stream that occasionally the connection is being interrupted, and we get stuck in av_write_frame. Not exactly sure on the cause of the network problem yet, however in the meantime I want to add some resiliency and get out of the av_write_frame call. Am I going about this the correct way?
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<Angus1234> Using rw_timeout I mean
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<antto> ... can someone tell me in simpler language what the av_dict_set() there does exactly?
<antto> i think it has to do with parsing the CLI arguments but i can't tell wtf happens
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<MisterMinister> Greetings and Salutations! How would I list all muxer related commands for each version of ffmpeg on my machine please? Thought it was `./ffmpeg -muxer=hls --help`
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -h muxer=hls`
<MisterMinister> JEEB: Thank you!
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<MisterMinister> Got a quick HLS question please: FFmpeg doesn't seem to trim M3U8 playlist to the set maximum number of entries. Any method to make sure to enforce it please?
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<MisterMinister> Got a quick HLS question please: FFmpeg doesn't seem to trim M3U8 playlist to the set maximum number of entries. Any method to make sure to enforce it please? `./ffmpeg -i udp:// ... -hls_time 8 -hls_list_size 10 -hls_playlist_type event -hls_delete_threshold 2 -hls_segment_type mpegts -hls_flags split_by_time+delete_segments -hls_segment_filename "chan_01_segment_%d.ts" "index.m3u8"`
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<Jibwood> @MisterMinister: Couldn't tell you, but you tried ChatGPT? I've found it to be very good at ffmpeg
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<ACI-XCIX_0001> any diea why :
<ACI-XCIX_0001> ffmpeg.exe -loop 1 -i 'resolveimport.exr' -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -vf zscale=rangein=full:primariesin=709:transferin=709:matrixin=709:range=full:primaries=2020:transfer=smpte2084:matrix=2020_ncl 'resolveimport.mkv'
<ACI-XCIX_0001> does ouputs a half black image and the colorimatrix is still in bt709 and the levels is still in limited while it s specified otherwise in the command ?
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<Marth64> TIL ChatGPT speaks ffmpeg
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<another|> given all the crap I've seen online about ffmpeg I have little faith in GPT
<Marth64> I have never used it due to the account requirement
<Marth64> but yeah I can only imagine what was fed to it haha
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