ukky: I just finished all my work for today and was told that we are going out for dinner, so I will put off the 5 minute dash until tomorrow maybe.
zorz: Did you see something weird about that photo?
There is an annoying illusion in it
The reflection on the grill. Her nose and the tiles she is sitting on
zorz: ukky: ppetrov^: There is no glass there. But she looks like she is sitting behind glass. https://i.snipboard.io/xLKaOD.jpg
Nickel/Chrome-plated metal frame is too shiny. Expect unexpected.
ukky: Yeah it is cool
Very glassy
Her face seemed to almost match the pattern too ukky. Even the spots where her whiskers come out seemed to line up with it
ukky: Heard a good one today. Wife was asking me "Why she doesn't bite the broom when you are sweeping the floor?" and I replied "Because she will get a good wack on her behind from it"
ukky: She has learned to stay away from spray painting because of the smell. And not to eat the sawdust because she coughs and sneezers too much. However, when you try to pet her, your hands will get black because she rolls in the dry paint powder that falls on the ground. She will get a bath in 6 days time because I will be done around then.
Flex, Rocks & Rollovers released a new youtube video! If I lived in the US, I would become their new best friend
I like how they live an entire full on stressed life with little sleep
ukky: One of my most favorite exercises is to find water that moves like rapids. And crawl up stream. It is the best workout you can ever have.
Switching to 'daylight time' is so annoying
You guys use DST there?
Yes. By force. It is not my choice.
THat's the dumbest shit ever.
If the sun is not directly over your head at 12:00 then you are on the wrong time.
Yes, it is dumb thing to do.
ukky: Malaysia is on +8 time zone. I can read the time from the sun. Malaysia should be on +7. It shits me because when I read the sun. I need to add 1 hour to it. It greatly pisses me off to be honest. It really shits me.
What distance does MY have, east to west?
In far north and far south the time should be adjusted automatically. Not this switching hours shit
East to west? The middle like everyone else. What East to west do you mean?
DST was introduced for places farther north and farth south. Because the sun crosses the equator.
So they based their times off of that. But it is dumb because east and west are still the same. Sun rises earlier and sets earlier in summer and later in the winter
Just put your sun at 12:00 and leave it at that.
East China should be +8. Middle of China +7 and west China +6
Malaysia should follow Thailand's +7
I meant longitude of the country (east-west).
But from my crude understanding of why +8 was chosen is most probably because Singapore wanted to follow China's +8 and Malaysia followed
So less than 15 north and 105 east
Less than 105 East
Not talking about Borneo that is less than 120 east
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
ukky: In August I plan to go to Borneo for camping.
I have no idea where that location is.
You asked cooridants
I asked distance, in km, from east-most point, to west-most point of Malaysia.
My logic tells me that Malaysia must be split into *two* time zones
Yes +7 for the mainland and +8 for Borneo
ukky: Most big shops don't open until around 10:30 and close around 22:30 here. That is evidence enough to prove it
And I agree with you, at noon The Sun must be right above your head.
SiFuh: Why do you even wear a face mask?
remiliascarlet: I do work that requires it. Try breathing in the vapours when spray painting cars. See how long you last ;-)
remiliascarlet: Even the dog, runs away because their noses are super sensitive.
remiliascarlet: Nothing worse than blowing boogers out your nose the same colour as the paint you used that day.
SiFuh: "That USAID used acronymns as a scam to trick people. US AID but the AID had nothing to do with helping the people" The "ID" portion stands for "International Development", it's just the left-tards who decided to call it "US AID" instead of "USA ID" to make it seem more humanitarian.
ukky: remiliascarlet: In Australia I use to work with 'rock fiber' insulation for houses. That shit is like blowing rat hairs out of your nose. Fscking terrible shit.
remiliascarlet: My point exactly. The Acronym was chosen deliberately to decieve
Especially European propaganda outlets are horrible at reporting the truth about it. You would expect the left and right unite when they'd hear that USAID was used for mass fraud. Instead it got the left condemn Elon Musk.
remiliascarlet: Nah the left has gone mad. The made shit loads and ship loads of money through it. They'd never give it up.
I didn't mean the leftist politicians who benefited from it, I meant the regular citizens who got nothing out of it, and only had to pay like the rest of the citizens.
remiliascarlet: I said 'They've gone mad' sorry for not defining them first.
It's like "how dare you saving me money so that I have more money for myself to spend? that's unfair!".
remiliascarlet: Nah the leftist people have gone mad. They (The elites) made shit loads and ship loads of money through it. They'd never give it up.
ukky: Question. In Canada do you guys call Chilli Sauce 'hot sauce' like Americans?
SiFuh: usually, just 'chilli', as there are so many different kinds of 'hot'
ukky: I don't understand it since chilli isn't hot unless cooked.
'Hot' does not imply 'cooked' too
Yeah, I met some hot girls in my life
Ha. That CPU is hot, but not 'cooked'
I am glad we are not like Chickens and other birds that don't feel the spicy chilli.
ukky: Ingredients for the Pizza are on order. I will write everything down for you.
The provide photos of how to make it.
Something fun for you to try.
It is not a Blue Moon season yet for me to make another pizza
But I will show you regardless and you can practice
Pizza bases can be made for many things other than pizza
Nothing better than homemade pizza.
But store bought bases are just horrible
For me, kitchen is a place where I make (brew) black coffee
Kitchen is where I make moonshine too. Have to remove the kitchen doors before I get the boiler (Still) to temperature or it will warp my cupboard doors.
100 litres, about 1 hour and a half to get boiling with my Japanese C50 burner.
My house gets so hot
If a helicopters were overhead with Thermal vision, my house would glow like a light bulb in an Antarctic winter.
And I usually run several stills at the same time.
ukky: My mother uses similar. It sucks shit.
It is heaps better than crust in pre-made pizzas
Make your own dough. It is way better and you can store it in the refrigerator in a container ready for spreading.
ukky: I actually know this one. It sucks.
You start making your own bases you will be fucking amazed
SiFuh: I am lazy, there is no way I will make crust from scratch
You can go thin or raised. I prefer raised
Flour and water. Some salt. Wow, so hard. Mix, knead and store it in the ice box.
You take it and thaw it out. Knead it again. fill the base of the pan with it. Then throw on your ingredients and bake the lot at the same time. Bread and ingredients cook all at once.
If you use yeast, another story. But similar. Bake them all same time. Fresh bread and freshly cooked ingredients
I bet you try it once, you will never ever use pre-made bread bases again
The only area where I make my life difficult, is computers. For all other areas, I prefer to keep my life simple. So, no pizza crust from scratch.
ukky: Beerman was a great teacher on making bread and muffins. I hate muffins. So fsck that shit. But bread... I did learn a lot from him.
This month, I am going to make the greatest Pizza ever just for you
(warning: zorzing area ahead) We like what we like.
Unfortunately, half her family has gotten wind of what I am going to do, so I might have to make about 20 of them.
Members of her family have eaten my pizza before and they nag on about when is the next time.
Anyway, if you don't know how to make bread risen or unrisen. I suggest you learn. It is a skill required
ukky: Hahaha. Wife has a Squeegee for cleaning the floor. I have patched it up multiple times. Today, I had enough. I screwed that shit together and took out one of my angle-grinders. Hahaha If that shit breaks again. It is getting rivetted
Where is farkuhar? I almost finished making the plant pot trolley
ppetrov^: Go find farkuhar
I should have it assembled for first use tomorrow
Using zorz's ancestor's trigonometry that they stole from the Egyptians and the Atlantians, but took all the credit for.
SiFuh: again... you blame greeks?
Yep zorz. You guys are fucking plagerizers
zorz: Not a fucking thing was special about Greece except their childred. HAHAHA That's an insult if you missed that
yeah yeah yeah bla blaa bla
special = retarded
everything is greek
zorz: You are a shining example of that ;-)
SiFuh: you should read Παυσανιας and Θουκιδιδης
if you find something online
in retarded english
ukky: zorz: You know what I hated about Aussie news. "Australia" 'first' 'discoverd' 'invented' 'thanks to Australians' blah blah blah. I see through their bullshit. zorz doesn't see through his Greek bullshit.
zorz: Countries lie and brag to themselves
zorz: Countries didn't invent trigonometry. They saw it and used it. They understood it. Oh well Greece was first. Yeah fuck off. How the hell did Egypt build those great bloody big pyramids?
SiFuh: yeah, bragging is bad. Though, I do it sometimes but try not to.
ukky: Heh. In a way, I sound like I am :-P
I tried to move the dog fence today. "WTF is this shit?" "My father. He tied the bag of dirt around the fence so she can't move it" "But I used buckets of water" "Oh everything you do is perfect but my father is not" "Well hang on. I wanted the water for her to drink, but heavy enough not to move" "Well it was moved, so it didn't work" "Your fucking father moved it!"
SiFuh: is sas cause he was born Australian.
zorz: I use to think that
But AU taugh me shit that most Europeans never learn. However, I do wish I was born in the US. But I don't want to be a woman with a dick. So... go figure.
yes right... Greece is the solution!
zorz: Why? You want the world to be a jarheaded retard that steals shit and takes credit for it?
Imagine if the entire planet was Greece
Nothing would get done and the world would end
zorz: Question. What do you do? I mean actually do? From what I saw, you know shit about shit. Some things about cars, but you can't do anything but play with markets and annoy everyone in IRC
And distro hop and brag about it
Oh an zorz us
Offensive as it sounds. It is legitmate. What do you actually do?
zorz: Tell us about yourself!
SiFuh: this is for me to know, no need to brag what do i do:Pp
and dont get upset.
You brag about Greece's incompentcies but now yourself?
I am not. I think all your friends and I (aslo friend) should learn something about you
you think that you know... and you think that you are clever.... but you think.... let the others make their own opinion.
I think, therefore I am
yeah yeah yeah... anyway, lately i am very busy. another time.
We will wait dude
You busy putting on those jeans?
ukky: The other day the father went to the market and Aunt Sally ran away. I was laughing. The mother who says she hates the dog went into full panic mode. Calling everyone to find her. I was still laughing.
love and hate relationship?
ukky: I told the wife to leash the dog and she refused and the dog ran away. I said "Som num na (Thai language for serves yourself right) and everyone can't find her. I was sitting in the car with the engine running. After a few minutes getting bored I whistled and the dog came flying back to the house. I then used the remote to close the gate.
I don't agree with this love hate thing.
She just wants to see the world.
But I am the only one in the family (Not bragging) that is dog trained. I know what she wants, what she is doing, and most (Not all) the time what she is thinking.
I care zero though if she dies for being stupid. I just don't want her to die when she is older. I don't want to dig that large hole.
ukky: And one thing I do not want them to erase from Aunt Sally. Her feral instincts.
That is a survival skill. I have a hole in my arm from her teeth that day I threw her over 10 metres and she developed a limp for a few hours because I came home and she didn't realise it was me and bit my arm.
ukky: Today was funny and kind of cute. I put all the bolts out to count because two sizes. She saw me drilling holes. So she snuck over and pinched a bolt and was heading to her kennel. She didn't know I saw her and I shouted "Hey!" The way her eyes moved and the drops it and keeps walking. Was so funny. I was laughing when drilling.
ukky: I was doing some carpentry work a few months into last year. She came up behind me. Sneakly and slowly moved her mouth forwards to pitch the cloth I use for cleaning my hands. She was so slow and pulling it away from me. I moved my eyes to the right. She was looking at me by the left and she dropped it. Ran away. It was hilarious
Dogs are annoying but seriously very funny. She makes me laugh a lot
ukky: Thing that annoys me the most is their senses. I am in a bag digging shit out and her big fucking head is in the bag and I can't see shit.
I flick her on the nose
Not the sniffer part. The skull part
ukky: Next year, I plan to bring her camping again.
ukky: I was laughing. She puts the leash on Aunt Sally to go walking. Then decides she wants to look at something at our home. Aunt Sally grabs the leash and starts pulling the wife. She asks "What is she doing? Why is she acting like this?" I said. "Simple. She is telling you the only way she knows how to that she wants to go for a walk!"
Dogs are funny, and they like to play
ukky: I like to play
But the time needs to be right.
It is rude to say 'Let's go for a walk' to a dog and then change your mind.
Dogs want to play all the time
ukky: I was thinking the exact same thing. But not about the words. Bout her putting the leash on.
For a dog, even touching to the leash means 'we are going for a walk'
ukky: She gets excited when she hears the clicking o my BMX wheel.
She knows are coming back home and gets excited
ukky: I agree but she is leashed most of the day. Because the evil cousin girls fear her.
ukky: When I was taking her jungle she was miserable then excited when we arrived. Going home, she hates my wife. Will not even look at her.
Collar or leash?
It's quite funny
She gets a leash in the morning before they all go to work. She gets a leash around lunch time when they all come back. She gets a leash again when it is time to go home from work.
What's the point to put leash on if you are not walking out? Or, you mean she's like chained all day long?
Oh and a leash when the parents eat. Because idiots feed her chocolate.
No she gets lots of free time.
Chocolate is poison for a dog
She gets leashed (chained) during specific times of the day
She also seems to not mind it. I can pick it up and she runs over. Which is weird but she likes being near us
She seems to know the leash is a better alternative to being caged. Which is not my store room outside for garden tools.
ukky: Yes and I had a fucking huge argument with the wife. I said "Can you tell your cousins not to feed chocolate to your dog" Her reply "I don't care, they told me they enver feed her" "Oh really? Why she waits at their door every night after a meal?" She says "They said they are not feeding her!" I said "I am watching with my own eyes they are and it is chocolate. They are Chinese and they are
women. Do you know what that means? They are fucking liars" And she got angry with me....
I walked away. "Your dog dies. You and your family killed her"
She was so angry with me and slammed every door in the house even my door. I was actually laughing.
If that dog dies, fine. It's an idiot. But I have to put up with the crying and dig that freaking hole.
Dog doesn't know that chocolate is poison.
I think you missed the point.
I didn't miss your point.
I gave 7 rules and all 7 have been abused for a non-dog family.
Those rules specified "DO NOT FEED HER" it is strictly our duty to provide food
And they say they never have fed her but I have seen with my own eyes them feeding her and they fucking lie to our face saying they never did
I trust the fat boy, her father and the brother.
It's the Chinese women that I don't They lie. Always lie
I would be so pissed
I was very pissed and I don't consider that dog mine.
And my wife shrugged it off
Cool. I can feed the dog grapes. And say I never did. All good
Your wife doesn't take your warning seriously. Only death of a dog might make your point clear.
ukky: I told the wife. You and I are eating dinner, your parents and cousins are eating dinner. Why do you think she chooses their door over us?
ukky: I think Aunt Sally will be dead soon. Within 2 years
Your dog looks young
Almost 14
I'll check picture again
I think 99% of her family was killed by my mechanics accidentally
Human years. ukky almost 2
There was a boy dog. But we didn't take him. I think a cousin. He was strong enough
We found him a month later
And I told her, I don't want a 6 ot 8 pack every 6 months if it isn't beer. And she laughed
Because we don't vacinate or neuter
Yeah, if 2 y.o., then it looks like correct age, but depends on the breed. A mixed breed usually has less health issues.
She is mixed 100% but she is feral
The only reason ukky she is in our life is because my wife who can't touch any animal saw the eyes. A call for help.
Now my wife molly-coddles the freaking thing daily. Hours. Hours a day.
Fucking shits me.
I actually don't understand why women treat a pet like a baby child
ukky: I told her that if she doesn't follow my 7 rules, I will take over and it will require an electric collar.
She failed. 8 months later Aunt Sally wears one. But it has a beep, a vibrate and electrocute function. She rarely needs the electrocution. Only when she goes violent.
I even rarely use the vibrate function
The beep is enough for her.
Usually she hears the beep. "Yep, back to the door or in the kennel. Ignore everything" Hehe
ukky: Next year 2026, I plan to remove it
The vibrate function sucks. She rolls over on her back and thinks she is getting a massage
It old seems to work when she is trying to sleep
Also the electic function is set to 10. There is a level 99. I dare not use. I tried it on myslef but it is okay. But dogs and humans are different.
ukky: I think July next year it is comming off
She has learned a lot of our ways but there is one thing she and my wife and I will miss. It had a neck lamp. So she lights up the ground like a runway.
ukky: I should make a neck lamp for her
Neck lamp is nice
ukky: Moosehead! That beer is fucking awesome
ukky: No joke, that beer is in my top ten list of best bears in the world
You'd look cool if you could fit presidential pack onto your BMX
I can
ukky: Story. Sitting outside my apartment in KL. Drinking beer. My close friend (Dead already) sat down beside me. We talked male shit and other stuff. Then when my beer was finished he said "Come, lets get more" I replied "Why?" Opened my pocket and gave him a beer. He asked "How many beers do you carry?" I said "2"2
Such trucks need extending supports to the sides, to make the landing area wider
They have
Dude was in too much of a hurry to complete the job from what I see
the load was campact and probably sticky
ukky: Ooooo You remind me this month I am going for my heavy rig licence in Malaysia
you do?
you have plans operating heavy machinery?
The grade was wrong. If you don't use your 'extended supports' You need to lift 25% and steer left to balance the vehicle out.
Of coursr ukky
ukky: I like driving and I love operating shit that is just awesome.
It's a magic for me what some truckers do every day. I always let them change the lane in front of me if I see truck coming from a side lane.
Yes, but there are way different rules too and I think that it should be taught to other drivers
Remember the other day. Wife asked me to slot in, in front of truck of the truck and I said "No"?
She doesn't know that a fully loaded lorry with logs takes longer to brake than other vehicles. Why? Why she didn't know that?
Secondly, I have a clear left lane here and the truck is in the right lane indicating left at an intersection. She says "Zip up there" (Paraphrasing" "I said "No he is turning left" He face was confused
I told her "Trucks need more road to do anything on"
Also ukky, I want to do long hall trips between Malaysia and Thailand.
I know both countries. I speak Thai and read, write it. I want to do it.
The biggest issue is Customs and piss points (Drug tests)
It is a waste of time.
ukky: I actually want to join the fire department but that is government owned. So no chance I can ever
Get friendly with firemen close to you, may be they can help you to get into that field.
By 2027, I want to be either doing truck long halls (no beer so sad) or fire department
Already and they say "You can't"
Malay 100% for fire department.
They have the building behind my home.
Volunteer for a year, and maybe thay can bend the rules
ukky: In fact if you see the Malay FDP here. Not a single is a a Chinese-Malay or Tamil-Malay. Or 100% Malay.
ukky: I did that and they said "No can do"
That's sad.
ukky: In AU I can't, I am too small
Forget about it and pursue long halls then
In Malaysia I can't because I am not Malaysian-Malay
2027. I will make long hall real
Can you moonshine in parallel, i.e. while you are away, your moonshine brews?
ukky: And I am going to do it legally!
ukky: Fuck yeah
Moonshining takes between 7 to 30 days to ferment.
Yeah, doing anything legally is better in long term
I takes 1 to 4 days to distill depending on mash size and distiller size
ukky: Also it keeps me sober
Also 2025/2026 I will apply for PR
If you want to get sober. That's different story.
I don't want to
I like beer
ukky: And my wife hates me sober
you told me that, I remember
ukky: Yes, do not unleash my brain. I can fuck the world over and fly to Saturn
And zorz's Greece is a shit stain from my arse. That is how insignificant Greece will become.
ukky: I was actually thinking over a month ago to become sober
But scares me too
ukky: True story. I sobered up to do wiring in the truck. After it was done. 6 months later on beer. I was thinking "Hmm, did I do that correctly?" So I took it apart and looked at it and it blew my mind. It was fucking perfect!
ukky: So yes, for me. If I can get a sober job. Not only is it good on health but a brain that knows what it is doing.
ukky: Here is a funny one today. Asked why I put tape around a drill bit but left a tab of tape hanging off. The tab confused them although they questions what the tape was for. Can you figure it out?
Getting sober is sooo good. But I will not even try to convince you to get sober. It is a personal choice.
ukky: Never will happen. Beer is best and I can control myself.
I can abuse zorz sober or drunk. :-P
ukky: Actually to be honest, if I was sober I couldn't talk to zorz. I would be too childish
ukky: I like zorz. Want him to come here. But fucking hell dude. He and I are way different levels
ukky: I want to take him offroading here.
He knows cars, but does he really know cars? It wouldn't matter. It is just zorz and SiFuh bashing the bush and camping
I do not like comparing dick sizes.
I did not and I do not
You can be smarter than me and I will not envy you
This is going off topic dude
I want zorz to come jungle with me. Bros having a good time. Switch drivers. I don't know where you are going.
Yes, the tape
I reckon zorz and I will fucking have the most awesome time ever
ukky: He only needed to pay for his ticket in and out. Everything else is on us unless he wants a hotel in KL then fuck him.
ukky: zorz is not my enemy. I may abuse him online for stupid shit, but he is my friend.
I actually like zorz
He gives colour to the channel
And makes me think and swear hahaha
I have learned how to find fuck on a keyboard so easily because of him