zorz: Did the village people chase you out with pitch forks and burning torches?
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
zorz has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
farkuhar has joined #crux-social
ppetrov^: Is K4000 the only graphics in a system? Did you try disabling it at boot? Add nouveau.modeset=0 to disable if you use nouveau.
SiFuh: Green primer is over silver primer? As second primer it should be okay.
ukky: It's probably hardware. I saw lots of stuff about it on the HP website.
ukky: The gray primer is expensive and very good. So I am not just going to waste it when I have cheaper green primer. So I double 'lightly' coated the expensive primer on. Then the cheaper primer to cover it completely.
I was just showing you ukky that this one is a green colour ;-)
On Wednesday, I should be ready to spray colour/tone on it. Black to be precise
ukky: I am doing 24 hours between coats so it cures very good and makes it jungle proof ;-)
SiFuh: I don't question your knowledge in the art of proper paint job, just asking stupid questions
Your order has been delivered and is on its way to get to you as quickly as possible. If there are any problems in the logistics process, please contact us.
Delivered? On its way?
Delivered to the seller, so they can re-ship it to you D
ukky: We are good! A guy who knows paint came up today to buy vodka from me. Saw the paint job and asked what kind of paint is that. I then realised he doesn't know paint. :-P
SiFuh: That's normal. If I go to hardware store I don't ask questions. It is more reliable to lookup info upfront on the internet.
He even said, just spray every 30 minutes to an hour a new coat. I said "Sure, I would generally. But this is going jungle. I need it to cure as fast as possible and be as strong as possible" He said "hmmmmmmmm"
30 minutes between coats? I would avoid asking that guy opinion on the subject.
ukky: I can't believe I was talking to a painter about painting for over an hour. :-P
Many people just pretent they know their trade
Actually, 30 minutes is fine for aerosol paint because it does dry very fast here. But the problem is it hasn't cured yet.
ukky: Agreed, it is very common here.
It is common everywhere
"Fake it until you make it"
Not sure if it applies to Australia though. We have specialists that know shit, almsot everywhere.
Yeah, I heard that saying before
ukky: Although when it comes to electrical appliance repairs, I have noticed that they are all full of shit in Australia.
There is saying amongst my friends "If it can't be fixed, take it to SiFuh. If he says it can't be fixed (too expensive) then it can't be fixed.
It cannot be just specific to single area (electrical appliance repairs)
I can. Because when it comes to real electronics. Everyone I have ever met is full of shit.
If you have noticed one area, then probably it is not the only one.
For 4x4, it doesn't really cover it. Those guys in AU are some of the best in the world. They just don't repair shit, they know shit. They love their shit. They dream about their shit.
My father is from the US he was shocked when driving through Brisbane after 19:00. It was a like a ghost city. But that was in the 70's
ukky: 'You know your shit' I always loved that sentence. It is a perfect example that proves English is a tonal language.
When I was younger, we would play a game. Drive from the start of Brisbane to the end of Brisbane and not hit a single red light. It was possible in the 90's
We would play that game around 23:00 until 02:00
Here is an interesting fact that most people don't know. Brisbane city doesn't actually exist
You just need a good memory to win that game
No, it was based on luck.
We have coils in the road that detect the cars at lights. So the lights will change if a car comes to the intersection.
Is that coil marked like BMW logo?
ukky: If you drive to Brisbane there are signs everywhere pointing to Brisbane. Once you hit the suburbs there is actually no sign that says Brisbane. It says only 'city'
ukky: Just a big electromagnetic.
Similar to what metal detectors use but larger.
Yeah, but do you have any painted symbol on the road?
For what? The coil?
Symbol, which tell driver there is running engine detector under the road.
ukky: Hahaha looks like the symbol for radiation
What's the point of letting people know?
If you don't place your engine above that symbol at night, the red might never change to green at night.
Looks like there is a coil also between the two arrows
ukky: Ahhh I see
I spent about 20 minutes at night and light never changed to green, but I think sensor was broken
I count three different contexts featuring green colour in today's conversation: ppetrov^s Nvidia graphics card, SiFuh's primer, and SiFuh's teenage exploits involving Brisbane traffic lights.
ukky: My teacher for gym when I was studying plumbing told me a story about that. He road a motorbike and sat and waited and waited and waited. Then realised the D-CS didn't register his bike, so he got off of it. Pressed the walk button. Then got back on.
Our musl overlay does provide iconv.c and other sources that eventually get compiled to populate /usr/bin, but we might still need to patch $name-$version/src/locale/iconv.c (until musl 1.2.6 is released). https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2025/02/13/1
As simple as it was, it was very complicated and well done.
remiliascarlet: ^^
farkuhar: you think zorz survived?
Survived what? Compiling librewolf?
Is his hardware powerful enough to run the risk of overheating and starting a fire, with JOBS=$(nproc)?
[15 05 05] [zorz> one cigaretter and i pack, going to village.
[18 03 29] [SiFuh> zorz: Did the village people chase you out with pitch forks and burning torches?
Oh, I guess that's an easier way to start a fire. No need to compile librewolf or the Linux kernel with JOBS=$(nproc).
SiFuh: how hot was your CPU getting, anyway, when compiling the kernel with all the cores?
farkuhar: FreeBSD hot
As soon as I heard the fans kicked in. I pressed control z and too late. Few seconds later it shut down.
farkuhar: Look the problem is actually the ISO
If I build my kernel and boot into it. Then do the same shit. It doesn't over-heat.
It's only when I do the build on a system booted from the ISO
I have actually a plan to look into it. But this year as every other year has 52 weeks, and I am pretty much flat out until 2026
Some hardware might be less vulnerable than others with respect to this issue. If the complaints aren't more widespread, then you might find it hard to recruit assistants for testing any proposed fix.
I can fix it. It ain't hard. Just some temperature control, sensors and fan modules need to be installed.
I'm a cow, I'm a cow. Mooooooooooo
farkuhar: Look, the kernel on the ISO is missing a lot of stuff. But that kernel has been tweaked for years from older versions. So naturally things will get left out. Jaeger couldn't boot for example his NUC. But I already knew what changes needed to be done. So when I tweaked his kernel, he was happy because he could now install CRUX on the NUC. When a user finds a problem that is kernel related they
should inform Jaeger to introduce some new tweaks.
The CRUX ISO kernel is actually really good, but at the same time it is based on outdated hardware and really needs a full overhaul. Unfortunately, we need many different machines running different hardware to do it. Or, you can ask a guy who knows the kernel, and get that guy to tell you what is needed for modern computers.
farkuhar: I was about to abuse you for repeating yourself. Then I realised I accidentally had scrolled upwards
farkuhar: I have updated musl overlay to include CVE patches
ukky: Thanks
You are welcome farkuhar
SiFuh: Why are you always taking credit for other people's work?
Because it is funny
You know what would be funnier? Saying "You are welcome ppetrov^" after ukky gave the (since-departed) ppetrov^ some suggestions for his graphics problems.
ppetrov^ is dead?
No, he logged off
Don't scare/upset me dude
His Graphics problem is clearly hardware
If he took a few seconds to search online, he'd see his machine is notorious for it
"Don't scare/upset me" <- this from the guy who suggested that zorz wouldn't survive a trip to the village.
I didn't suggest, I was asking. Stop farkuharing the conversation
I wanted to ask ppetrov^ whether he was booting CRUX 3.8 with the new setting USE_COLOR=true in his /etc/rc.conf, just for laughs ... but he was gone by the time I logged in.
I found a car I can drive the 4,000 KM in Australia with. Unfortunately is a girl AWD that is yellow!
That's fucking funny. I liked that
Who'd have though farkuhar can make me laugh?
I drove once in complete dust, it was bad. I cannot imagine AU conditions.
ukky: An example. Your car stops running. You tow it to the workshop. They will find this shit in your piston wells
Dust is so penetrative... D
Yes, it impregnates vehicles
It is so fine, it can get sucked through gasketed sealed engine parts
Yes, and you get new babies of steel every dust ride.
I wish
ukky: This dust is so bad it will fark uR ENGINE har'd
The second biggest issue we have is barbed wire
That shit wraps around everything. It's laying everywhere. You can't see it until you hear it then go and look.
ukky: I watch a youtube channel called 4WD 24/7 from Australia. I saw one that even surprised me. The whinch rope went under the truck. Wrapped around the drive shaft. Slid so deep into the differential and the drive shaft snapped off.
ukky: Fine. Firefox though sucks. It will suck all resources so it should be closed often.
Firefox under Fluxbox in NetBSD is always on top and it's window size cannot be changed. And it has no Fluxbox decorations.
Then add them
Decorations should be there by default.
I have a short cut to add decorations.
Why then xterm has decorations without any special trick?
Because firefox after a certain version wnet beerman style
I knew it!
what you need to do is create a shortcut to add decorations and save it
I will search for this subject. Any trick to remove 'Always On Top' option?
49 Mod4 28 :ToggleDecor
I think it is this one
Ignore the 49
Mod4 28 :ToggleDecor
And your windows key plus t
Then should toggle border or not
I also disabled the X button for cloes
Oh goes in .fluxbox/keys file
I disabled the X button for close because I use tmux on irssi and don't want more than one irssi session flooding my logs ;-)
I could tarball it my .fluxbox and you poach what you need.
I will try to add that key definition
Cool, if you need let me know. But you are getting icons and wallpapers and my themes inside all 100% custom by me if you want. But I have been tweaking fluxbox since it was released
Well not all wallpapers. Some are strictly for me
Maybe I can do icons and files.
I also changed restart to refresh in the menu. Restart was kind of stupid
I do not use any icons, nor walpapers. My desktop surface is just black
ukky: My phone and tablet are just black but with my logo
That was the first desktop. Firefox is on the second.
After I installed Wireshark, my Firefox behaves differently (NetBSD). I can move Firefox window now, it has Fluxbox decorations, and Firefox is not always on top.
right click on the decorations
Select Layer
Change to normal and then save it
Save it is 'Rememebr'
It is already normal, and it was 'normal' before.
Did you check Wiresharks decoration?
I think it has changed because Wireshark installed Qt6 as dependency
Each program has decorations that can be configured
Even tabs in Firefox look different after Qt6 install
Each program might have different decorations when you change it. But I changed nothing
ukky: I hated it when firefox decided not to use them
remove them*
This is the first time I see Firefox without decorations. It looked like Microsoft.
ukky: I hated it when firefox decided not to use the decorations
Yes, it looks like beerman's computer
That stuff, Electron, or whatever, looks like Firefox without decorations. Ugly. I think Meld looks like that
ukky: beerman was pushing me to remove the menu bar and the decorations. I tried it.
Yeah no... I like my decorations. I can control some functionalities with a mouse even though my pseudo tiling is done by keyboard
I just can't stand it. I think it pointless. Oh wow, I get 10 extra pixel heights to see a webpage. fuck off...
Telegram, irssi, xterm and MPV are what I mostly use
I use floating windows. Decorations help me see the border of current window and it has pronounced title.
As in it appears where it is?
Yes, I do not use tiling
I use tiling for desktop 1
The rest 'floats' as you say. Except email and firefox.
Email and firefox takes 50% of the left side of the screen
Right screen is for MPV to play news or movies/TV series and Gkrellm
I have four Firefox instances running in parallel
I don't even want a web browser. But no choice really
While we're on the subject of window managers, I recently rediscovered that contrib/pekwm provides its own screenshot tool (pekwm_screenshot). So a pekwm user doesn't need to install a standalone program like scrot.
farkuhar: And the point is? They re-invented the wheel?
Well, I just happened to want to take a screenshot recently, and I noticed that pekwm was among the ports providing something in its footprint matching /usr/bin/*screenshot*
You could have said you found it interesting.
Even I am intrigued
Why bother?
What is the point?
What is wrong with every other program?
Did they think they can do a better job?
Do they have extra features?
You get my drift?
I agree with SiFuh, that's anti-unix. WM should do WM tasks. Screenshot SW should take screenshots. Every component should be replaceable.
ukky: Yes but, did they do something that other screenshot programs don't have?
Heh, firefox followed your advice in this matter. Several versions ago, I remember firefox had a "Take Screenshot" item in its hamburger menu. Lately that feature seems to have disappeared.
farkuhar: I like the take a screenshot thing in firefox
I use it a lot
SiFuh: They could have. But they should release pekwm_screenshot as standalone SW, without bundling it with WM.
1) I don't need to use any other tool 2) I can select inside the page what I want.
ukky: That I do agree with
SiFuh: is firefox still providing the "Take Screenshot" feature in the version you have installed? I have version 135.0.1 built from source, and I'm not seeing it.
farkuhar: ukky: If we ask pekwm why and their answer is "We just wanted it" I would actually accept that answer
farkuhar: Yes. But right click on the page. And I do like it and use it alot. Those two images I sent to ukky today were from firefox's screenshot.
SiFuh: Oh, that's where they moved it, to the right-click menu. I thought I remember seeing it in the hamburger menu in previous versions.
ukky: farkuhar: If fluxbox had a built in screenshot. I would be pissed. Because why bother? But if it can expand a selection area within the desktop WM and select, I would not. Firefox does that.
Firefox-134.0.2 has 'Take screenshot' in the right-click menu
farkuhar: I have never seen it in a hamburger.
farkuhar: Google maps like many other pages makes it difficult to find. You need to find a place somewhere on the page to right click.
I find search bars within pages and drop down menus show it. But on the actual page it doesn't
SiFuh: That's why I think right-click menus should have every item duplicated in another menu (one that can always be reached no matter what content is in the webpage you've loaded).
farkuhar: I do agree but I rarely touch the menus. Bookmarks, yes. But everything else is shortcuts and right click
But I 100% agree with
Taking away the browser decorations and the dedicated menus for some trivial gain in viewable page area? No thanks, not a great UX decision in my book.
We are not beerman
Oh wow, I get an extra 3.6mm of browser page. FUCK OFF YOU PEDANTIC PRICKS.
Did you save somewhere a screenshot of beerman's current desktop?
ukky: farkuhar: I do understand though some programs do not need a windows decoration. Conky, Gkrellm and so on.
farkuhar: I only have his desktop by words drilling holes into my brain trying to make me stupid as Einstein.
I guess you could also infer something about his desktop by the encouragement he gives to r0ni and other kde plasma port maintainers.
farkuhar made another funny!
I laughed more loud this time than the last joke
SiFuh: yes, conky is good example having no decorations
ukky: Do you know what I love about painting in Malaysia? I need to wait until the sun is in the west. That is after 14:00
So I can sleep in :-P
ukky: In my desktop I sent the image to you. Take a look at the bottom left corner. The weather. That is conky. I use conky only for weather
And you probably never get below +17°C to have proper painting done
Ahh... ukky We have other issues. Humidity and rain
I prime in the rain, but I never ever paint in the rain. And if it rains. I can't paint for a day or two after because the humidity is insane
ukky: Here is my Gkrellm. Far right under that zorz recommended TV series video I was playing
I made it look like conky but I am no fan of conky. I just like conky's look
Never used Gkrellm, only conky. But after switch from FVWM to Fluxbox, I don't use conky anymore.
Gkrellm was the god before conky came along. But you'd need to be an old school guy to know that
Hmm 1474 used 738 free??? WTF is going on here
I went from PDP-11 straight to MS-DOS, so I skipped that part
I went from PC-DOC to BSD to MS-DOS to Linux to BSD
You are lucky
There was a breif shit moment where I used Windows in between but that wasn't my computer
ukky: Actually.. I will tell you something. I went to the shopping centre 'Myers'. My brother is a gamer. I was borrowing my father laptop. It had Win95 on it. When I saw Linux for the first time. My brother said "It is 50 times harder than Windows. You will never be able to use it"
I mentioned it to my half brother and he said "But you used BSD right? So it is basically the same"
So I went to Caldera. Remember complaing about it and he said but BSD has NetBSD and FreeBSD now. They have GUI like Linux.
I freaking switched back
Been using FreeBSD until OpenBSD came out and ever since OpenBSD does it for me
OpenBSD is the best, if you do not use anything beyond what is included in OpenBSD
It does everything I want but, the flight simulator
For that you can even install Windows on another PC
I don't even understand windows
I have to search on the internet how to use it
You don't have to switch OS to find yourself in a GUI that you can't understand. Just install a desktop environment that isn't fluxbox (or anything else you happen to know), and try navigating around without first reading the user guide.
farkuhar: Stop farkuharing the conversation.
SiFuh: Sorry, I was reacting to your comment about not understanding Windows.
ukky: farkuharing means he was speed reading.
farkuhar: Oh really? Erros Blue Screen. #4558993039984 and no one on earth understands what they fscking means.
Crash it and call MS and see what you get. Dare you. They don't even fucking know
* ukky
is AFK to make SiFuh and farkuhar happy
ukky: My wife is still angry with me
She is mad that I save the change I have to store it once it hits 1K in a safe.
And I have more money than her now.
SiFuh's wife should be honored at the privilege of seeing the actual desert of the Australian Outback, and not waste emotional energy on comparing her finances with his.
Yes I saved over 7K USD in three years
She was fucking pissed
farkuhar: When I drove a taxi. All totals. 100 AUD. Saved. If less than 100 AUD I spend
I do the same in Malaysia.
Hit 1K MYR save it.
I said to her, not parapharaing "ou want me to be the guy that spends all the money? Yes? Right?"
She replies "No!"
The funny thing is it is her money. She says 'ours' but I am saving it. I spend money on beer food and sometimes transportation. I am heaps easy to deal with.
I don't need a hotel. I can sleep in a bush or with street people. I am no woman.
But I was fucking shocked when she realised I had saved over 7K USD from her hand outs.
farkuhar: She said "Last time I saw you had 20K." I said "Of course. Soon as it hits 1K, I don't break it" She was shouting at me to use it. What for?
farkuhar: Funniest part is she is an accountant
farkuhar: When we went to Japan everyone was given an allowance. At the end we had to return everything left over. I gave her a massive wad of cash. "YOU DRANK BEER EVERY DAY? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?"
How is it possible? Easy: just get other people to buy beer for you.
But here is the funny thing. After all that. I now have provided no money
farkuhar: I wish hah
ppetrov^ isn't here good
My wife is a fucking moron.
She was getting less than 1K back because and I gave her around 9K
Why is it good that ppetrov^ isn't here?
But as shocked as she was because how much I returned. I now am the least?????
farkuhar: he's a ladies man
because... they wasted it on junk food.
9K = JPY in MYR
I spent less than 1K MYR in JPY
But drank every day
Less than 230 USD
She is shocked at AU prices. And we are to go there for 21 days. I have around 4K of driving
Wife "Many Malaysians choose ot live in Australia" "Nice, so why I am here then?"
Then I tell her that most of my Au friends live in Asia
farkuhar: I will make plans to visit USA in 2026
If I do go to USA I want to visit maybe work a little at Four Sixers, if they hire me
* farkuhar
is AFK to keep the conversation from getting farkuhar'd