ukky: Stopped the leaking regulator. There are three connectors and I noticed only one had plumber's tape on the thread, one had the tape raped around the hose and none were very tight.
stratofall has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
Women! I had 4 USB flash drives and she broke 3 of them. So when I asked her to go replace them, she is yelling at me about how expensive they were.
farkuhar has joined #crux-social
SiFuh_: How did she break the USB flash drives?
Wigglying it and pulling it upwards or downwards rather than pulling it straight out.
I fixed her plumbing in her bathroom today. And I am getting ready to repair her suitcase. Yet she has the cheek to yell at me for the replacement cost of somehting she broke.
stratofall has joined #crux-social
Even with its shadow dependency configured --without-libbsd, openssh 9.9p2 still eagerly links to libmd (installed under standard paths). It makes me wonder why the contrib commit 3188225a110c1a3ef6beebac3c2796e514f442e3 (install libbsd under /usr/opt) was not accompanied by a similar commit moving libmd to a non-standard path.
Why the hell would Trump want to undo 1776?
SiFuh_: nice. Sometimes teflon tape is a proper material to fix a leak. But sometimes (it depends) teflon tape can make things worse. Zorzing.
I grew up using hemp.
Is it common in Malaysia for husband and wife to have separate bathrooms, rather than one shared bathroom?
Depends. If there is more than one bathroom they yes.
I noticed that SiFuh_ referred to *her* bathroom and *her* plumbing.
We have three bathrooms. Hers, mine and a shared one.
Also you don't want an unused bathroom. That is how you end up with blocked plumbing and rust
My friend has two bathrooms. When I stay at his place, I use the downstairs bathroom. It gets never used except when I am there. I have to run the tap for a few minutes to get the rust and algae out of the pipes
I wonder if they want the Pkgfile man-page updated for CRUX 3.8, now that libxcrypt is filling in some gaps of glibc. The sentence "List all runtime dependencies except for gcc (libstdc++) and glibc" might be extended to include libxcrypt too.
But extending the policy to omit libbsd and libmd from the dependency line would be going too far. Under such a policy, you'd never get useful results from `prt-get dependent --all --recursive libmd`, you would have to follow darfo's example and run ldd on every binary provided by core, opt, xorg.
Not that the official policy matters, anyway ... witness beerman's silence when SiFuh asked why glibc was being listed as a dependency for some ports (mobile-broadband-provider-info?)
Now if contrib commit 3188225a110c1a3ef6beebac3c2796e514f442e3 had been accompanied by a similar move of libmd to a non-standard prefix, then darfo's issue with openssh eagerly linking to libmd could have been avoided. Ports that build fine without libmd could be left uninformed about its unusual install location.
Trump Admin Cuts Funding of AUSTRALIAN Universities That Promote Gender Ideology
How much of Australian Universities' funding actually comes from the USA, anyway?
$400 million in 2024
I should have asked more specifically, how much funding from the USA is under the control of the federal government (i.e., not disbursed by private donors)? Still $400 million?
One seemingly reliable indicator of spam is the header "To: undisclosed-recipients;" ... but is it inserted by the sender's MUA or by the receiving host? If the receiving host is adding the header before writing to the local mailbox, it might be too difficult to create a mail filter running on that machine (especially without shell access); the filter would have to run on the home computer that downloads the mail.
remiliascarlet: I wonder how Ash Williams would handle the WOKE shit if he was real.
It would be interesting to compare tropical climates versus mid-latitude climates, on the issue of how long it takes for rust and blocked pipes to arise from an unused bathroom. Too bad I don't have an unused bathroom in my own house, for investigating the matter empirically.
farkuhar: The rust isn't usually from the household plumbing. It usually comes from the lines between the water tower and the house.
My place is constantly having the water switched of from a day to sometimes 14 days. Because the pricks are always tapping into the lines when doing construction zones. So we end up with a lot of mud and dirt and stuff in our pipes. That is why I installed a prefilter out the front of my property so that I can catch all the shit before it gets into my ceiling tank.
ceiling void tank*
I had the tank cleaned a week before I had the new pump installed. The tank had about 4 inches of mud and sludge at the bottom. This is also what I think caused the old pump to die.
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
zorz has joined #crux-social
'lo people
farkuhar: zorz said 'lo people
except the #crux-devel team which has to change #channel :P
I need to go to London by Thursday. Hahaha
iam in netherlands now
I am in England now
zorz: Why do you keep going to Muslim countries?
Germany is muslim.... Netherlands is so so... comsi comsa
Our 4x4 group has no name. So I have been thinking
We are from Temerloh which is nicknamed Patin Rock City. So I was thinking of Patin Rock Crawlers. But the problem is we do off-road. We don't drive RCs so technically we aren't rock crawlers, even though the name is pretty cool
The other problem is the initials. P.R.C.
before in germany buying a train ticket from a machine,,,, was German english.... now they have turkish, syrian hahahahaha
Germany is fucked
It has a beerman and a lavaball. Makes me feel sorry for stenur
i wass there today..... isaw some flags,,, i did not know all fo them
So you are Nationally-illiterate?
comsi comsa
i know the ones that matter
UN, Nazi...
KKK is in many countries
And the Democrat party was founded by the KKK
KKE we have in greece but is the comunist party of greece
Communism comes from the left dude.
really? :p
zorz: Andrew Dictate ;-)
Adolesecne have you seen it?
Actually if you read the history books dictators were good. They would into power temporarily to get shit done. Then during peace they'd step down.
they mention him in the series
He's mentioned in many series dude
andrew tate
And you mentioned him just now.
seriously young people have him as an idol?
world is becoming more stupid
Here most people worship Manchester United
the team sucks nowdays
I have no idols. I don't give a fuck who wears fancy pants or not.
zorz: No I idea. I don't watch the horse races.
11 against 11 horses
I don't want to see grown men playing with a ball
I will have to drill the hole for the pump though.
ooo metal?
why not plastic?
No, paper
Aluminium dude
Plastic in Malaysia? Under the heat of the sun?
hard to see the level
i forgot that you live in the wrong country
I can open the lid dude.
I top up and check everything before every trip in both cars.
And if I can get my hands on a 1944 Willy's Jeep. I will have 3 cars to top up and check.
what is this fuck with British blaming the Russians for everything
They have been at war since before any of us were born.
But most people think about now and don't understand the past.
they fuck the maintainance of the heathrow electricity.... Russians did.... if russians want to do something they will send you an oreshnik
zorz: I have a friend who is very well versed in history, but he and I often have arguments because he doesn't connect the past to the now. I always win because he eventually sees it.
don't know why ANYBODY treats journalists with respect.
basically, they should not called journalists
I don't cause I don't care.
journalists are ok... the fake ones is the prob
I met a lady from the news when I worked in emergency service. She is now the mayor. I still don't give a flying fuck about her.
zorz: I was in Journalism class in school because I use to do editorial cartoons for the school.
I remember being taught about how to take photographs and how to read behind the scenes and so on. Even film developing. But there was thing that was always stressed. "Never have bias. You report it exactly as it is."
BREAKING: Turkey has banned the short-selling of stocks
that not a good sign
Short selling should be 100% illegal
I made a killing through shorting.
But still. 100% illegal
Should be*
stopp you speak bad... what i am going to do then?:pp
For those who don't know I will explain it. The seller does not own the stock but is selling it in anticipation that its price will go down.
same is long, but price will go higher
Long means you bought stock. Shorting means you don't have stock
long perpetuals in crypto, you don own unless coin margined
is a contract like shorting
zorz: Stop trying to defend a crime
this what i do
How can I sell what I don't have? That is illegal
it is correct, your thought
And it use to be illegal
sifuh,,, all this years that you are linux user, did you ever try trip, or stow?
I think it was first introduced during the Golden Age by the Dutch East India Company
I think in the 1600s
zorz: No idea
the shorting, is a dutch invention?
From what I know, yes
today i passed outisde of a factory ngx semiconductors or something similar
Wow, so cool. Bet you are impressed
i think is the company that usa,, begs not to get shold to china
I walked by the Intel factories after I met farkuhar and I didn't give a flying fuck.
intel no good
only sparc for you
They are putting power stations in the water between Butterworth and George Town to power their systems
SPARC is awesome
yeap,,, anyway going i live the screen on. funny irssi cliant is screen in greece and is not lagging while we speaking.
zorz: Do you know what 'live' means?
You keep making that mistake
I don't speak crap languages dude. So no idea
ukky: That Vintage Miracle Maid that I ordered from the US, I told my friend about it. He took one look at it and said "I want one" Hehe
Should be 'nice to have' on a camping trip
ukky: I got told off by Jehovah's Witnesses for doing a salute with my hand. I asked why it is bad. They said it comes from the military, so its meaning is bad. Hmm. I said your kneck ties from the Croatian mercenaries. Both the salute and the neck tie evolved over time. And if that is the case, then why do you wave when you say hello and goodbye because that is the same as a salute and a handshake
evolved from a greeting showing you had no weapons.
They said that the salute is still used and associated with the military.
With that said, I still salute.
It is how I always say hello and goodbye. I ain't changing it.
ukky: I know it will be nice. Small, compact, can store stuff inside.
ukky: I have been removing and replacing all the equipment that the wife has dumped into my truck to make it lighter.
ukky: If I ever camped in Australia, I use to bring a pan, hexamine fuel taps, food, a tool box and clothes. That was pretty much it. Sometimes even brought a tent.
ukky: I still have hexamine fuel tablets in Australia but they are banned now
Hexamine fuel tablets were banned for sale in Australia due to concerns related to safety and misuse, particularly in relation to their potential as a source of methamphetamine
Camping with truck is easier, you can bring more stuff D
ukky: I don't need the weight. In Jeran Janggut because of my wifes accessories my truck was too heavy. It broke the log bridge and no one had a car powerful enough to pull me out. I relied solely on my winch which broke the cable. Fortunately I had a spare that was much thicker at that time.
She went full royalty. Filling every nook and cranny with junk that most of never gets used.
Haha. I guess, you just had small backpack with your stuff
Two and a tool box.
I slept in the car when it rained too heavily.