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<SiFuh> ukky: The wife has a Nitecore HC65 UHE and even though it is only 2,000 Lumens. I stood at the river bank to test it for the first time and it lit up the mountain on the other side when set to maximum brightness
<SiFuh> It is actually very annoying because even though I explained to her headlamp etiquette she still likes to point the headlamp straight and blinds everyone.
<SiFuh> I use a Streamlight Sidewinder Compact II. I don't need super bright and I really do need the red lamp because the light waves don't travel so far.
<SiFuh> Mine also has infrared
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<SiFuh> The name "Tartary" is derived from "Tartar," which historically referred to the Mongol and Turkic peoples of Central Asia. The term "Tartar" itself is believed to have originated from the Latin "Tartarus," which means "hell" or "underworld," reflecting the European perception of the region and its inhabitants during the Middle Ages.
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<farkuhar> SiFuh: zorz is here
<zorz> wrong... not here
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It is one of the village people
<farkuhar> SiFuh: one of these guys?
<SiFuh> YMCA
<SiFuh> These people
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<farkuhar> Scene from M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village"?
<SiFuh> Hmm, maybe that is from Frankenstein
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It is from the 1931 Frankenstein film
<SiFuh> farkuhar: The ISO loads 141 modules.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: The objection raised by frinnst is that the ISO doesn't provide the necessary userspace tools. So tweaking the ISO kernel config is not enough; you'd also have to activate some additional daemon in the live ISO environment. Is that correct?
<farkuhar> I'm surprised the userspace tools aren't activated already. How were we managing to avoid overheating our CPUs before, if the kernel modules on their own are not sufficient to keep temperatures in check?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He is not entirely correct and if you read joacim's sentence he is knows it isn't entirely correct.
<farkuhar> It sounded like joacim was agreeing with frinnst, forming one side of the Sunday afternoon IRC debate. The other side doesn't have much representation in #crux at the moment.
<SiFuh> Why would he expect an argument?
<farkuhar> I'm not a mind-reader. Ask him yourself.
<SiFuh> He either expects one because he knows that not all sensors rely on userland tools or that he doesn't entirely know that it is actually a fact that not all sensors rely on userland tools
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