Jerry Garcia the guitarist? Was he named after the ice cream flavor, or was the ice cream flavor named after him?
farkuhar: It's from a Russian joke.
farkuhar: A Russian man rents a hotel in the US and whilst in his room he sees a mouse run accross the floor. He quickly calls reception and says "There is a ..., there is, emm .... Do you know Tom and Jerry?" and the receptionist says "Yes everyone does? Why?" and he replies "Jerry is here"
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SiFuh: do you have wireguard set on your machine?
Why would I use such primative software?
incase you need a european ip. sent me public key
Why I use QUESS, Micius :-P
zorz: Do you know how when the plane gains altitude people fart? Wouldn't be funny that when you are descending the farts get sucked back up into your arse
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zorz: zorj is here
farkuhar-007 just jumped in
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SiFuh has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
SiFuh has joined #crux-social
farkuhar: SiFuh is here
Hmm, I don't remember ukky needing a port for clang in his muslcrux38 overlay. The official port in the opt repo is supposed to work without any modifications.
If it isn't on the ISO then it wasn't compiled
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
ppetrov^: I am here
So I found myself having to rebuild clang yesterday, because the existing toolchain stopped working after the 3.7 -> 3.8 upgrade with ukky's ISO. I think ukky compiled more ports than were included on the ISO, because firefox can't be built without clang.
To keep the CRUX-MUSL ISO comparable in size to the official CRUX ISO, packages for build-time-only dependencies like clang can be omitted. But it would be helpful to know whether the clang Pkgfile needed some edits to get a working toolchain on CRUX-MUSL, if we're planning to publish and maintain a separate overlay.
zorz has joined #crux-social
zorz: I am here
me 2
SiFuh: give me some muesli
Yuck, who eats that shit?
You need a muzzle
zorz: If your breakfast, lunch and dinner doesn't look like this. Then you aren't eating correctly
There are better meats out there and Chicken and Pork are NOT on the list
Turkey, Duck, Goose. Very good
Beef, Buffalo, Gaur. Even better
Dog, Kangaroo and Wild Boar also very good
Crocodile. Very, very good
i stik with beed
i stik with beef
My favorite seafood is Jellyfish
And I also like Goat and Horse
good to know, if you ever invite me for dinner i will come full
... of shit
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ukky: You are here
As long as we're including a dup of xorg-xdm in the muslcrux38 overlay (to remove the linux-pam dependency), why not add a post-install script that appends a new "UPGRADE NO" rule to /etc/pkgadd.conf? The "last rule wins" behaviour of pkgadd, and the default rule UPGRADE ^etc/X11/.*$ YES, usually ends up clobbering any customizations in /etc/X11/xdm when xorg-xdm is upgraded or reinstalled.
farkuhar: Why don't you do it?
I'm just asking for feedback before I proceed. There might be use-cases that I haven't considered, where a new rule UPGRADE ^etc/X11/xdm/.*$ NO would be undesirable.
From time to time, we get CVEs affecting the xorg ports. Maybe mitigating one of those CVEs would require actually overwriting the old files in /etc/X11/xdm/. In the official repos, a commit message that starts with "[notify]" will trigger an announcement on the ML, but no such mail hook is configured for unofficial repos like muslcrux38.
The default pkgadd.conf also ships with UPGRADE ^etc/udev/rules.d/.*$ YES, which could be documented better, so that users aren't editing those udev rules in-place and thinking their changes are secure against being clobbered during sysup.
SiFuh: automatic relogin was impersonating me
ukky: I used 800C high temp paint to spray the bottom of the cast iron frying pan. Unfortunately it won't work well in a camp fire. Should be fine on a cooking stove though.
camping stove*
SiFuh: I don't think it is possible to use any paint on a frying pan. The paint, even high temp, will not withstand any fire.
ukky: Me too, but I will try anyway just to see.
Is that paint automotive?
ukky: By the way it is flameproof paint
Yes, used on engines, exhaust pipes and manifolds
I can't get VHT Flameproof here. Which is rated at 2K Celsius.
So I am using another more common type
Cooking flame temp might be a bit higher that 'flameproof paint' can withstand.
ukky: I really like cast iron frying pans. What I hate is that the oil coating gets burned off and by the time I arrive home it is already rusting on the bottom. So I have to rebake it
ukky: We'll see. It's for test purposes only.
Testing we are
ukky: Testing that powerbank too. battery drains fast. But I think it has no idea how much battery life is in there
SiFuh: oil coating? If you're cooking Turkey, Duck, Goose, Beef, Buffalo, Gaur, then wouldn't the fats in the meats be enough to keep the pan seasoned?
Cast iron gets rusty very fast if surface doesn't get thin layer of oil, especially in humid conditions.
farkuhar: Cast Iron pans (probably before your time) need to be cleaned when brand new. Coated in oil and baked in the oven at high temperature. You can do it several times. It creates a natural protective non-stick layer. After cooking whatever. You rinse and wipe off. You do not scrub or wash it
farkuhar: This prints nothing in musl-3.8 ISO tree: find /usr/src/iso/3.8/log/ /usr/src/iso/3.8/backup/ -name '*clang*'
farkuhar: The more you use the pan, the more layers it creates. Rarely but sometimes you may need to scrub a section so you scrub a large section. Then recoat and rebake again
A camping stove doesn't give you enough control of the temperature to prevent the oil coating from being burnt off?
ukky: ;-) I know. That is why I mentioned "It isn't on the ISO then it wasn't compiled......"
farkuhar: The stove is fine to be honest. It's the camp fire.
farkuhar: However, using a cast iron pan on compact gas stoves with built in gas cylinders isn't very smart.
farkuhar: Butane is the most common here.
Then why not leave the cast iron pan at home, and bring something else when camping?
Actually there is something I want. But it from like when your great grandmother was around.
I have this. I take the medium sized on camping.
ukky: https://i.snipboard.io/NG8Pvm.jpg This is new on ebay. And after reading the first part and taking note, make sure you remember it when reading the last sentence.
FedEx and UPS charge extra 'brokerage' fees in most cases. That's extra on top of customs/duties fees.
So they have set up this to make it more convenient for me to order from overseas. However, anything under 500MYR has no import charges so they will pocket it even though the price is 238.87 MYR
ukky: When I was younger, I learned never order anything on ebay drunk. So I use to add things to watch lists and wait one week to decide. But I found out that many sellers will give you a discount if it has been in your watch list for a few days.
You could skip paying duties fees at checkout and pay them only when charged by carrier.
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zorj is now known as zorz
ukky: 73 for pulse when I woke up. Maximum for a 5 minute run was 145 on flat ground. But I have had it as low as 126
SiFuh: nice. Yeah, it is always good to think about the purchase for a bit. You may change your mind, or find better price.
73 is high, but you don't do cardio and that alone could be the reason
Aerobics and skipping?
145 is too low for fast 5-minute run. I would expect at least 170.
I was expecting 250! Hahaha
You cannot do aerobics unless you have outfit from 80's
My maximum is about 190-194 bpm
So I need to powerwalk with the old Majong's that march by house each morning?
ukky: I didn't do on hills. Just flat in a circle.
Do you have hills in your area?
The main road. ;-)
I usually go up there in the car or on the BMX
Power walk on the hills might be okay for cardio.
I like my knees. Baz Lurhman told me to be kind to them because I will miss them when they are gone.
ukky: It says riding a bicycle is cardio and as far as I know a BMX is a bicycle.
You need more time/speed cycling to have exercise equivalent to power walk or run
Does getting chased down by wild tigers in the mountains of the Malaysian jungle count? Hahaha
"Haha, well, if you're running from wild tigers in the jungle, I'm not sure your cardio workout would be your top concern at that moment! 😅" -- ChatGPT
Yes, it does count. But make sure you turn GoPro video on, as you might break some world record.
I don't have Reboks
Having shoes at all might be also your last concern
No way would I run barefoot in the jungle
You will have no choice
I'd climb a tree and pull out my Mick Dundee knife and start stabbing paws.
It might work too, when you have head start
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I can climb, and if I had a wild hungry feline feasting upon my flesh with its eyes. I am sure I can climb faster than spiderman.
ukky: My favorite scene was when Top Gear did the arctic special and they were to drive to the North Pole and they had a course to do first. They were told to always be on the look out for Polar bears. Then one guy said even when you go to the toilet that is when they will get you because you are not watching. I think it was James May said "That's not very sporting of them, now is it?"
That phrase is always in my mind when I need to use the cat hole in the middle of the night.
Some canned food might help you do bussiness while polar bear opens the can
* ukky
is AFK to make everybody happy
ukky: I saw the Russian video when a polar bear turned up to a house with its tongue stuck in a can.
I'd have brought a can open. Opened the bottom. Then pull the tongue deeper into to move the metal out to cause less damage. I wonder what they did
into the can*
farkuhar: Ever seen that video?
It had the look like a dog. 'I am stuck, can you help me?'