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zorz has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> zorz: Enjoy being attacked by the angry village mob?
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: nope
<zorz> no attacks!
<zorz> the only attacked person lately is zelensky
<SiFuh> Why? What did he do to you?
<zorz> attacked,,, meaninnging being attacked in general
<zorz> :P
<zorz> SiFuh: argon2 or scrypt? what do you say?
<SiFuh> Beer
<zorz> cool
<zorz> hhahaha
<zorz> you love beer
farkuhar has joined #crux-social
<zorz> farkuhar: SiFuh is here!
<zorz> SiFuh: farkuhar is here!
<SiFuh> zorz: You are here!
<farkuhar> SiFuh: wrong. It's one of the village people impersonating zorz.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yes, you could be correct
<SiFuh> village person zorz, can you go to germany with your cohorts and go meet beerman?
<zorz> Dusseldorf,,, i be got cousins live there!
<zorz> heh
<SiFuh> zorz: That reminds me. I saw an obituary the other day
* SiFuh goes searching for it
<SiFuh> Found it.
<SiFuh> Check this freaky shit out
<farkuhar> SiFuh: That Tim is too old to be our beerman
<zorz> this is beerman?
<SiFuh> zorz: No zorz!
<zorz> Bauer Funeral Home
<zorz> 1212 West Evergreen Avenue
<zorz> Effingham, IL 62401
<zorz> (217) 342-2053
<zorz> (217) 342-2177
<zorz> this is chicago man!
<SiFuh> No it isn't
<SiFuh> It's Effingham Illinois
<SiFuh> It's freakin' more than 200 miles away from Chicago
<SiFuh> zorz: Watching the new version of "Don't tell mom the babysitters dead (2024)" They had better remember the best line "This dishes are done man"
<zorz> gcc -static -o twofish_cli twofish_cli.c -Ilibtomcrypt/src/headers -Iphc-winner-argon2/include libtomcrypt/libtomcrypt.a phc-winner-argon2/libargon2.a -lm
<zorz> home made encryption program.
<farkuhar> Speaking of userspace tools for monitoring devices... earlier today I had let my laptop battery drain to 31%. Then I opened a new browser tab, and the status bar immediately updated its figure: battery was down to 6%. I have a hard time believing the battery drained so quickly.
<zorz> if browser used gpu...and you have gpu... it drains the bat fast
<SiFuh> jjjj
<farkuhar> I guess I'll blame it on the bloated website that I loaded in the new tab, then.
<zorz> in linux they need to seat down and decide what do they need OpenSSL: CRYPTO_memcmp
<zorz> libsodium: sodium_memcmp
<zorz> libtomcrypt
<zorz> for the same thing 4-5 implementations
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It was Tim Bierman sucking the life out of your laptop
<zorz> ahahahahahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: YES!!!
<zorz> ok now when i encrypt a file... forget about it. ;-)
<zorz> Your constant_time_memcmp function is secure and effective for preventing timing attacks. It ensures that the comparison of sensitive data (e.g., HMACs) does not leak information through timing variations. Combined with the other security measures in your program (e.g., Argon2, Twofish, HMAC-SHA256), your implementation is robust and resistant to a wide range of attacks.
<zorz> SiFuh: remember this
<SiFuh> zorz: The dishes are done man!
<SiFuh> zorz: Of course. How young do you think I am?
<farkuhar> If it's village people impersonating zorz, they're doing a pretty convincing job of it. Or maybe they're feeding zorz's old posts into an AI, and asking for more of the same.
<zorz> hehehe
<zorz> conor is watching as
<zorz> us*
<farkuhar> `gcc -static`, heh. When will somebody finally respond to stenur's report about static linking supposedly being impossible in pkgutils?
<zorz> SiFuh: UST IN: James Harrison, "the man with the golden arm", according to BBC he saved the lives of 2.4 million babies by donating his blood, which contained a rare antibody, has died aged 88.
<zorz> great Australian!
<remiliascarlet> zorz: "i see people moving to librewolf" Meanwhile, Librewolf has declared itself "very woke", going as far as to claim that "being apolitical makes you a far right extremist". If your replace needs to be a Firefox clone, maybe look into Floorp.
<remiliascarlet> Something I've come to notice is that with some exceptions (espeically those who properly gatekeep), all open source projects eventually become woke.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: if i ever dont feel confortable with firefox, i will go to icecat gnu
<remiliascarlet> That doesn't mean it never happens to proprietary software, half of them get woke if they get bribed into becoming so, but the other half (especially Apple) will stay woke even if they get stripped away of their activist investor money.
<zorz> SiFuh: Trump so far wins BREAKING: Chip-maker TSMC expected to announce $100 billion investment in US
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I'm still waiting for the Epstein, JFK, MLK, and RFK files though.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: this is details.....
<remiliascarlet> zorz: It's either "this is a detail" or "these are details".
<zorz> follow the money. Zelensky says, i did not get all this money... and 48h later Elon says he is right, the money never reach ukraine,
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> one detail
<remiliascarlet> And then mr. WWIII went to the UK where he got a loan to prolong the war.
<zorz> uk started the war in ukraine.
<zorz> Trump does them well.... if you want.... do it. live me alone i dont pay no more.
<SiFuh> UK? You moron zorz
<zorz> remiliascarlet: yes he was terible, especially when he said to the planet leader after as they will come to you dont think atlantic is a distance... that was gross
<remiliascarlet> The US, UK, EU, and Ukraine are all responsible.
<zorz> UK initiated
<zorz> but all of them are accountable
<remiliascarlet> All 4 parties initiated in lockstep via NATO.
<SiFuh> This war was planned long before Ukraine considered itself a country
<zorz> at the end i will see Australians and New zealand fighting for ukraine!
<zorz> hahahahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: correct
<zorz> funny part the canadian gay went to london!
<SiFuh> zorz: He went to lotion ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Since the coup in Kiev in 2014, Putin has been telling NATO to not go further east, after having gone further east 3 times already, despite having promised to not do so. At some point you'll have enough and retaliate.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Since the coup?
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Read full sentence.
<zorz> yes remiliascarlet is it what it is what you say
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Your English is a big mind fuck.
<zorz> trump said, to abandon all new nato bases from 91 and beyond.
<SiFuh> Since the coup in Kiev in 2014 <--
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i like it, having sex with your mind :)
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Degenerate!
<zorz> in order to understand me you need to have high iq like SiFuh :pP
<zorz> ok
* zorz full degen mode
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Read my words then. Before the coup in 2014 Putin had been telling them not to go east. In fact Russia had been promised since the very early 90's that NATO would not move East
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "after having gone further east 3 times already, despite having promised to not do so." This part.
<SiFuh> You said 'since'
<farkuhar> "At some point you'll have enough and retaliate." <- The "you" in this sentence is referring to Putin and Russia, presumably?
<SiFuh> In the 90's I said I will never go to Indonesia. Since yesterday, I have been saying I will not go to Indonesia.
<SiFuh> Yeah farkuhar Makes perfect sense.... NOT
<remiliascarlet> Chronological order then: 1991: NATO promised Russia to not go further east. Up to 2014: NATO has gone further east 3 times, and Putin told those fuckers to not go further east. In 2014: coup in Kiev happened. Since 2014: Putin kept reminding them even harder, as NATO got closer and closer to the Russian border.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: remiliascarlet is trying to fix it ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Technically, NATO is already at the Russian border, as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and since recently Finland are NATO countries.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: Yes.
<zorz> farkuhar: does not understand Putin, he understands only musl
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not 3 times. Because many former Soviet countries are now NATO states
<farkuhar> The chronology is omitting the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, where Ukraine already obtained security guarantees in the event of an invasion of its borders.
<zorz> they tried to do a coup in Georgia aswell
<remiliascarlet> Even if you look before 2022, NATO has systematically done drills right at the Russian border. They could have done them in Poland, France, UK, US, Turkey, or wherever else, but they always specifically chose to do so right next to the Russian border.
<SiFuh> zorz: They are doing one in Romania as we speak
<SiFuh> They did one in Germany
<SiFuh> And Italy
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: Not omitting, I just didn't know that.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: But it is irrelevant since Ukraine is actually an official country. It has never been ratified. It was brought up under the UN but never ever had it's borders permanently mapped out.
<SiFuh> is actually/isn't actually
<zorz> thats why people are on the streets?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Systematically BAHAHAHA You speaking Western propaganda words now.
<zorz> in Romania.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Pandemic, Jab, Systemic, Systematically, Social Distancing... and many more were pushed by the Western media and now I hear these words so often, I want to puke.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Why is that "western propaganda"? All it means is "every single time".
<SiFuh> Catch phrases remiliascarlet! Catch phrases. Used to program people.
<remiliascarlet> And now you're just taking words out of context, again.
<remiliascarlet> By the way, can I mention myself? remiliascarlet
<SiFuh> NATO has continually done drills <-- Hows that? Or progressively?
<remiliascarlet> Seems like I can't.
<SiFuh> SiFuh: Can ;-)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I like some of the US accents, but fuck, I hate how their language has been mauled to death by left wing psyops.
<zorz> the point is... usa makes money buy selling weapons. Trump tries to stop that. They will shoot him.
<remiliascarlet> To me "continually" would mean "they do those drills 24/7 without any breaks", and "progressively" would mean "they start, and gradually get extreme from here". But you're a native English speaker, so I guess I'll trust you on that.
<SiFuh> During the Covaids. All you heard was 'jab' 'jab' 'jab' fuck off. I won't say that shit. They just soften the sound of it so it appears harmless. And how many anti-mRNA guys started copying the same words the media propaganda was spewing out?
<SiFuh> "continually" can also mean deliberately or harrassingly within contexts
<SiFuh> How about tormenting?
<remiliascarlet> Torrenting?
<SiFuh> I find the West and NATIO like that annoy kid in school that walks over and points his finger 2mm from your face but because he hasn't hit you, he thinks he has done nothing wrong.
<SiFuh> Well, thinks isn't the word. He knows he is being annoying. He just uses the excuse he hasn't touched you.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Zagami, Reese and a couple of others are no longer contacted to do a segment on Infowars. I was curious why. Found out that Jones doesn't call them anymore because he doesn't want them talking about the Vatican, the Pope, the Jesuits, Trump or Elon.
<remiliascarlet> Well, his platform, so he decides who to hire.
<SiFuh> Zagami thinks that the reason is Infowars had to make some shady deals
<SiFuh> Reese is not pro-Trump but he is not anti-Trump and he stopped posting videos at inforwars.
<SiFuh> David Icke was also anti-Trump and anti-Elon and he isn't called back either.
<SiFuh> was/is
<SiFuh> But that doesn't mean they liked Biden or Harris. They hated the left a lot.
<SiFuh> Zagami even has his latest video on inforwars calling out Alex Jones.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I told the wife last month. I bet Trump is cleaning the government to remove the useless scum that the elites don't want or need anymore.
<remiliascarlet> Would Alex Jones want to be hired by Trump at some point?
<SiFuh> He already said he'd take up the offer that Trump Jr said and gladly be the White House Press Secretary
<remiliascarlet> He might actually be a better candidate at the intel agencies to replace some of the swamp creatures there.
<SiFuh> I think Harrison Smith should be the new Emperor of the US
<SiFuh> HAHA
<SiFuh> Malay Movie. Very popular here. I am giving it a watch
<ppetrov^> sup guys
<SiFuh> farkuhar: ppetrov^ is here
<SiFuh> zorz: You are also here
<ppetrov^> is farkuhar here?
<SiFuh> No, he sent a projection of himself in this channel
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I gained 30 KG after living in KG. Not I have lost 15 and the wife is complaining. Well I am goung to lose 15 more
<SiFuh> KG? MY. Sorry
<SiFuh> Not/now
<SiFuh> I don't understand. Says I am fat and I take off 15 KG and she complains. Fucking women :-P
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have been working on my hands. I want to make them bigger. Hope lavaball likes it. HAHAHA
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Forearms are a little larger than biceps. It is pretty cool. I want to get more. I want to Popeye them ;-)
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I was cutting the wood yesterday. Aunt Sally came over and stole it. Thinks everything on the ground is hers. Next piece falls off she drops the one she is chewing and takes the new one. I saw here bite one in half. So cool!
<SiFuh> It was hard wood. Not pine or any of that kind. Genuine drill breaking hardwood
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: You asked for me?
<ppetrov^> a, just wondering if everyone is here
<ppetrov^> zorz?
<farkuhar> zorz thinks too highly of me. I understand neither musl nor Putin. But at least I can use musl, whereas Putin doesn't let himself be used.
<SiFuh> [03 30 26] [SiFuh> zorz: You are also here
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I just had an argument with my brother and he won. Hmmm
<farkuhar> argument about what?
<SiFuh> I told him that M42 means the largest size of the bit
<SiFuh> He said it is the type of metal
<SiFuh> M42 cobalt steel is 1.1% carbon, 8.25% cobalt, 9.5% molybdenum 3.9% chromium, 1.2% vanadium and 1.6% tungsten.
<SiFuh> Maybe the earth is flat? Hmmm
<SiFuh> I deal with the stuff on a weekly basis. He used it one and knew more than me
<SiFuh> once*
<farkuhar> So the hardwood can break drill bits, but it doesn't break Aunt Sally's teeth? Maybe you're using the drill bits incorrectly. But if not, then I wish I could make my teeth as healthy as Aunt Sally's.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Heh, did I mention that above.
<farkuhar> Anyway, the replacement crown came back from the lab. Now I just have to schedule an appointment with the dentist, to remove the temporary crown and attach the permanent one.
<SiFuh> In AU chinese HSS is good. In Malaysia it is shit. I have often bought brand new bits that snap instantly. You get 1CM into the wood. Pull out to cool the tip and remove the wood and they just snap.
<SiFuh> Malays don't really complain so China takes advantage of them
<SiFuh> Not joking or exagerating. Everytime I am in a hardware store, I buy new drill bits.
<SiFuh> I have a heap of pits over 8mm but everything under just snaps.
<SiFuh> Today I was drilling into the wood slowly. When I remvoed the bit, it just cracked off.
<SiFuh> I was fucking pissed
<SiFuh> it was a 3.5mm drill bit. Brand new. First hole. HSS steel
<SiFuh> It made it through the hard wood and into the soft plyboard then just snapped when I put it in reverse.
<SiFuh> If I am drilling a big hole. I start small and work my way threw the bits. Bit this was a 3.5mm hole.
<SiFuh> Bit/bit
<SiFuh> Fuck
<SiFuh> Bit/but
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I am making this for her father's plant pot.
<SiFuh> Triangle to divert the wait to the wheels
<farkuhar> Malays don't really complain about China sending them the "bottom of the barrel" products? What remedy do they have, start a trade war?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: They are lazy
<SiFuh> I told her uncle I will make the frame for the wheels triangluar and he asked "That will work?" Wife says "We don't know this stuff" I said "So why do bricklayers lay bricks in a triangle?" She said "Ohhhhh, I never thought about that"
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I will have a guy from Bangladesh install some wall mounted shackles at my home. He asked how heavy is the weight and how many. I said 100 KG x 8 brackets. He knodded his head and said "Yep that is fine"
<SiFuh> My wife asked "What does it mean?" I said "400 KG rated shackles are going to hol 100 KG weight, distributed by 8 anchor points. That means if it is done evenly it is 12.5 KG per shackle. But since they are rated at 400...." She says "Shut up"
<SiFuh> Hehe
<farkuhar> Heh, in AmEnglish dialect we hardly ever use "shackles" outside the context of restraining prisoners. In that context you have to consider how much force a prisoner might exert, if he thought he had a chance of breaking free.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You might be interested in Alexander Zass then
<SiFuh> He was shackled to a wall in prison and used those shackled to get stronger
<SiFuh> He came up with a technique of pulling and pressing to build muslces without lifting weights. Just holding strong
<SiFuh> His muscles didn't grow very big but his stregth became unstoppable.
<SiFuh> I use his style in my weight training.
<SiFuh> I think he died early though. Maybe a heart attack or something.
<SiFuh> Usually the norm for weight lifters
<SiFuh> farkuhar: My friends bench weights like 10 in less than a minute. They get pissed off when I do it so slowly. Because their 30 seconds is about to run out between benches
<SiFuh> I told them. I don't want muscles. Thats self masturbation. I want strength.
<SiFuh> I like my strength. It is heaps cooler being strong than looking muscualr.
<farkuhar> Zass: outside the weight-lifter norm for muscle size, but within the norm when it comes to lifespan (and cause of death). But not everyone who follows the Zass method will have an early death, we hope.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I will finish the frame and bolts and counter sink tomorrow. Then I will paint the wood. After I will send you a new photo to see what I have made
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Maybe I mistook him for another guy I follow. I know he died from a heart attack early and his weight lifting carreer was destroyed by the scam involving Arnold Swastika. Mike Menzer
<SiFuh> But I follow Mike and Alexander's styles
<SiFuh> Mike Mentzer
<SiFuh> I do my real shit Zass's style. I do my basic Mentzer's way
<SiFuh> And lavaball plays with rings
<farkuhar> Rings, like an Olympic gymnast?
<SiFuh> Then complains my hands are so fat. HAHAHA I was rock climber for decades. Of course my hands are going to be big.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yes
<SiFuh> My wife handed me a 300lbs hand grib and closed it in front of her. She said "Unbelievble. That is scary" I said "136KG is just crap. Great for carpial tunnel syndrom though"
<SiFuh> I have a 150lbs here and in AU I have a 350lbs
<SiFuh> I think Anything over 200 is extreme though
<SiFuh> I actually prefer the 150 for forearm maybe oneday will be strong enough to do the 300
<SiFuh> Also, I don't like the pain they inflict on you palms. You get brusies
<SiFuh> And you need to work on the palm and the fingers so there are actually 4 moves you need to di using them.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Did you ever see the video of my sexy arse?
<SiFuh> My brother was laughing "Yep, that's what I do, pick up some random log and start walking"
<SiFuh> I laughed so hard.
<farkuhar> Your wife filmed that?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> You missed the last one because my wife didn't show up
<SiFuh> I went jungle and brought back a tree over 10 metres long.
<SiFuh> I am notorious for picking up larger than normal objects and carrying them or throwing them out my way.
<SiFuh> In Jeram Janggut. zorz saw the video. There was a tree in my way. I was so pissed off. I jumped out the truck. Picked it up and throw that bitch off the mountain.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: We had 25 trucks. EVERY truck was broken at the end of the trip.
<SiFuh> I have NEVER SEEN in my life. Where every vehicle is broken. But 25? No fucking way
<SiFuh> I and a few others were pissed. So when I started throwing trees off of mountains. The video cameras came out
<farkuhar> Hmm, in my CRUX 3.8 laptop's /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf I still have "blacklist snd_sof_pci_intel_icl" from before the upgrade. That was supposed to be paired with a "modprobe snd_sof_pci_intel_icl" much later in the boot process (if the module got loaded too early, the sound card wouldn't work). But I can't remember which startup script (since overwritten) had the modprobe command.
<SiFuh> rc.conf is loaded first right?
<SiFuh> Check /etc/rc
<SiFuh> I know some of modules had to be loaded in an rc.local file
<farkuhar> I think at one point I was using /etc/rc.local, but both those lines are commented out. So apparently I had a different solution, just before the upgrade.
<SiFuh> Just look at rc
<SiFuh> Find out which loaded first
<farkuhar> After the upgrade, I did a rejmerge, but I don't remember seeing my customized modprobe command. Maybe I went through the diffs too hastily, and accidentally upgraded the rc-script where my custom command had been inserted most recently.
<SiFuh> Probably
<farkuhar> You threw a tree off the mountain? How heavy was this tree?
<SiFuh> I threw many
<SiFuh> Some where aver 300 KG
<SiFuh> But the video I sent zorz would be 120 KG
<SiFuh> Reminds me of those women who flip F250's to save their kid.
<SiFuh> I was just so annoyed because Jeram Janggut was a fucking bullshit trip. Everyone jokes about it now. "Let's go Jeram Janggut" because is was so fucked
<SiFuh> Jeram Janggut just fucked us all too much. We were not stopping for anything on the way home.
<SiFuh> It was like. TREE! SiFuh, throw it. BOULDER, drive around it. That shit is fucking terrible DRIVE THROUGH THE FOREST AND MOW DOWN EVERYTHING. That kind of behaviour
<SiFuh> We spent all day on winching
<SiFuh> And I am not exgerating. Maybe 1KM of driving. 7 KM winching over 20 KM walking
<SiFuh> We were litterally chopping the forest down with saw, chainsaws, machettes and hatchet
<SiFuh> Unfortuantaely the chainsaw spent most of its time 2KM back in a truck stuck in mud. So we were all using hand tools
<farkuhar> The jungle has its ways of teaching humility and showing us the limits of our tools.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I turned to my wife after she said "You look stressed" I said "I am not stressed. We almost died twice. BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING MORONS. But I am not stressed" then I asked her "You glad you came?" She says "NO WAY! I hate it! But... hmm... You take me to do shit I have never done before and I feel safe near you. So yeah, I guess I am"
<SiFuh> farkuhar: YES That is 100% a fact!
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I love how the jungle defeats people. I actually admire it.
<SiFuh> If I was alone. I would never had made the campsite. I'd camp on the road. But the Malays push and push and push. Admiration due. But no. I would take it at my pace
<SiFuh> I am different from the Malays. I let the jungle be. I adapt to it. But Malays fight it.
<farkuhar> I just finished this fascinating book about Chinese characters, and how they continued to defy attempts at being mechanized (in typewriters) or catalogued (in digital storage media). There were political dimensions to this story that I had no idea were happening, right through the 1970s, '80s and '90s.
<SiFuh> So yes, 100% correct.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Then go back further to 1954 :-P
<farkuhar> The author of this book likens Chinese writing to a "secret weapon", able to undermine attempts at adopting foreign technologies.
<SiFuh> In fact, you should look before 1954 and the reformation
<SiFuh> It is amazing how the UK fucking flooded China with Opium to get their way then the Chinese used Fentanyl in the US.
<farkuhar> Well yes, the history in this book does go back several centuries. But I'm talking about political processes that continued to play out even in my lifetime.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yep. Do you know why Simplified Chinese was REALLY created?
<SiFuh> It was designed to somplify the language. :-P
<SiFuh> But actually that was a lie
<SiFuh> It was designed to erase the history. Create a class of illiterate people. But three problems. Hong Kong, Taiwan and Canada.
<farkuhar> So just as the jungle defies our attempts to tame it with chainsaws and machetes, Chinese writing has built-in defenses against being assimilated into foreign technologies.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Actually, I will be impressed and happy if you dig very deep into Chinese history. There is a long line of lies, deception, manipulation and the deletion of their history.
<SiFuh> And while you are at it. Check out the Syphillis ridden unclean Chairman Mao.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You can't tame the jungle. I learned that in the 90s
<SiFuh> You have to adapt to it
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I have a great love for the plants so I will not touch them when I was living in the jungle alone for 2 years
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I throw you a clue or two. Did you know Mandarin is actually from a West African language called Manding?
<SiFuh> Did you know the very first emperor of China was a West African?
<SiFuh> I actually discoverd that whilst living in China
<farkuhar> Speaking of syphilis ... wasn't there a theory floated a while back, that Trump's use of orange cosmetics was meant to cover up skin blotches associated with neurosyphilis or some other STD?
<SiFuh> HAHA
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I would not be surprised
<SiFuh> But I doubt it
<SiFuh> In the bible is basically says that all people in power are there because God allowed them. The other is that they serve evil. Satan. The devil.
<SiFuh> I don't trust a single one of them... even Trump
<farkuhar> Heh, maybe using one of the 300-lb hand grips gave Trump these bruises:
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> And besides. He has sissy lavaball hands
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I was laughing when lavaball said I had fat hands. I didn't say anything but have whished I had. "What? You want girly troon hands?"
<SiFuh> farkuhar: If I did vote, I'd have voted Trump. But I didn't. And I don't like Trump. Remember that
<SiFuh> And no fucking way would I ever vote Liberal
<zorz> new generations of germans are very gay. What Hitler/SS would say about this?
<SiFuh> I see that here zorz It ain't Germany
<farkuhar> village people: Give us back the real zorz.
<SiFuh> zorz: You and I are from a generation of the last warriors
<SiFuh> Our Grand Daddys were legendary
<SiFuh> Now our children are fucking pussies
<zorz> when instagram with photoshop... enter in the life... all young guys started using creams spa etc etc
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> You didn't need to tell us to laugh
<SiFuh> It wasn't funny
<zorz> heh
<zorz> trump 20% tariffs on china.... nvidia - 10%
<SiFuh> zorz: True story. I walked into a restaurat wearing my cowboy hat (The cheap one) Everyone showed respect
<SiFuh> If I walked in as a Gen Z. What do you think will happen?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Funny how a hat can define you
<zorz> yes, like the gravate in an office
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Wife went to a massage. She said if my husband comes let him know I am here. They asked her "How can we tell who your husband is?" She said "The cowboy"
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Only tow things in the world without weapons gives you respect. a 2 or 3 piece suit and a cowboy hat.
<farkuhar> Speaking of distinctive hats and outfits... consider what Marty McFly's son wore in 2015 (Back to the Future II). I saw an outfit just like that worn by a player on the opposing team, in yesterday's game of ultimate (flying disc).
<SiFuh> farkuhar: No, he was dressed like a cold war spy
<SiFuh> That is why it was funny
<SiFuh> ZZ Top?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I actually dress like that.
<SiFuh> In Australia
<SiFuh> In fact, I mentioned to the wife. I want to bring that hat and jacket back to Malaysia
<farkuhar> Meanwhile, Zelenskyy continues to dress in military fatigues, showing solidarity with his troops in a hot war (nothing cold about it).
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I didn't see anything wrong with his garbs
<SiFuh> I was offended when they asked him about the suit
<SiFuh> Nothing beats a 3 piece suit. I fucking love 3 piece suits. But Zelensky's attire wasn't disgusting by any means
<SiFuh> And I think Zelensky kind of didn't understand
<farkuhar> I was intrigued at your phrase "like a cold war spy". If spies had a readily-identifiable appearance, wouldn't it make their job harder to accomplish clandestinely?
<SiFuh> You are not from the cold wore era are you
<SiFuh> The only thing I hated about Zelesnky's clothing was his advertisement
<SiFuh> wore/war
<SiFuh> Okay, Soviets often war black leather jackets and a hat to coneal their eyes
<SiFuh> coneal/conceal
<SiFuh> war/wore
<SiFuh> Marty took the old style Soviet era style of dress in the 50's to do his spying. Which was really funny
<farkuhar> Again, wouldn't it make their job easier to do without drawing attention, if they agreed to show some sartorial variety?
<SiFuh> Because it didn't match the 50s or Chip and Dales style of detective work
<SiFuh> It was out of place
<SiFuh> Wrong time zone
<SiFuh> Time era*
<farkuhar> village people: Give us back the real ppetrov^ (the one who was afraid to venture into #crux-devel)
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You didn't need that in the 70's and 80's. Because everyone new.
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I don't think they were gay to be honest
<SiFuh> And Y.M.C.A. is a pretty fucking cool song
<SiFuh> I think they just looked gay
<farkuhar> SiFuh: just to be clear, the Marty McFly Jr. that I'm talking about is from the scenes in the 2010s, not in the 1950s:,_Jr.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He was in the 50's when he got the outfit
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Check this video out ^
<SiFuh> I saw it jump 2 metres
<SiFuh> Wish my dog was this small
<SiFuh> Still.....
<SiFuh> I threw her 10 metres into a wall when she thought I was the bad guy breaking in the home. When I was coming home
<SiFuh> I have a bite mark on my arm because of her
<SiFuh> She ran outside. Bit a chuck in my arm and I threw her in to our front door.
<SiFuh> Poor girls and piece of shit girl
<SiFuh> I don't want her to eat me when I get home.
<SiFuh> Now she gets exited when she hears the BMX
<SiFuh> I don't want her to lose her feral instincts. But at the same time, I don't need her chomping and munching on my limbs
<SiFuh> I kind of like my limbs where they are and whole
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Strongest animal I haver ever catched. Keep in mind. I have caught crocdiles, kangaroos, goannas, and snakes. The strongest animal I have ever caught to this dau is an Eastern Possum.
<SiFuh> And take into consideration I was former pitbull trainer