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<SiFuh> ukky: Hmm not sure what happened there. I told them that my 1" pipes need to upgrade to 1 and 1/4" and they turned up with 1" pipes.
<SiFuh> Arrggghhh, I have to repaint part of a wall. They spilled dirty water down it.
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<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I am here
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, I am also here
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: You just replied to my comment.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<ukky> SiFuh: Those contractors do not know the difference between 1" and 1-1/4", or they assume 1-1/4" is close enough.
<SiFuh> Well they changed most of the pipes to 1 1/4" but I am not impressed
<ukky> Are those pipes schedule 40, schedule 80 or some other spec?
<SiFuh> <-- They changed only the gree section to 1 1/4" when I told them to change all betweem pump and tank.
<ukky> That's bad, I think. What then the point of upgrading the pump if some sections are still 1"?
<SiFuh> I don't know what a schedule 40 or 80 is. Even when I was in college in Australia studying plumbing we never learned that. All I know here is they use gray PVC that has a 4mm thick wall.
<SiFuh> ukky: Exactly. I then asked "Why you didn't change this?" and he said "We changed" I looked at it and looked at him and said "I am going to talk to my wife." Because he was lying to me because the original pipe was covered in dust and had never been changed and they never drained the entire tank.
<ukky> Schedule 40 and 80 pipes are used in domestic application for swimming pool piping, irrigation systems, water wells, etc.
<SiFuh> And they flooded my ceiling, the exhaust fans and the floor below and myfreshly painted walls.
<SiFuh> ukky: In Australia it is just copper mostly
<ukky> Grey PVC is usually schedule 80. The color differentiates the schedule. Schedule 40 is white.
<ukky> Schedule 80 has thicker walls compared to sched.40.
<SiFuh> In Australia we use white for drain pipes, orange for electrical and gray for drainage
<ukky> Can you measure O.D. of grey PVC pipe? I have schedule 80 pipe so we can compare if you have the same.
<SiFuh> Also, I was annoyed because they took all the scrap PVC from my ceiling and put it near the rubbish bin. I then went to let the dog out, and I saw one of the workers sneak back to our house and take all the pipes. They are not his. They are mine.
<SiFuh> They even tried to take the old pump. I said "No! I will look at it and fix it"
<ukky> Bad contractor. I would be pissed too if they would take leftovers from cutting the pipe, or the old pump.
<SiFuh> 27 OD 20 ID
* ukky went out to measure 1-1/4" pipe
<SiFuh> 33.5 OD 30 ID
<SiFuh> But the new pipes are in the ceiling
<SiFuh> Anyway 2 x 1" into a T-section that joins to a 1 1/4" pipe should do much. Slight drop in pressure maybe due to more resistance in the smaller pipes and maybe a minute effect when the two pipes merge into the T-Section. And the difference between 1" and 1 1/4" isn't very much either.
<ukky> OD is 42.1 mm
<SiFuh> I will get the ladder out. BRB
<ukky> ID is 31.4 mm
<SiFuh> 33.5 OD 25 ID. I found a cutting in the ceilind
<SiFuh> ceiling"
<SiFuh> That would make it 1" ID and 1 3/4" OD
<ukky> OD 33.5 mm is actually 1" pipe
<SiFuh> Yeah, in Australia it would be too
<SiFuh> I wonder if Chinese and hear measure from the OD hehe
<ukky> And depending on the 'schedule' the wall thickness is different
<ukky> Here is the spec:
<ukky> I think every corner of the world measures pipes in US units
<SiFuh> NPT right?
<SiFuh> NPS
<SiFuh> Oh says on the Wiki site
<ukky> NPS
<SiFuh> In Australia we always ordered in mm though
<ukky> Well, you can order 60.3 mm pipe, which is actually NPS 2" pipe
<SiFuh> Strangely enough, I did notice that even though the new pump says 1 1/4" inlet. The connector is the same size as the one from the 1" old pump inlet
<ukky> Here is the table which has ID also specified:
<SiFuh> Which is 1" ID
<SiFuh> Also while I was up in the roof I noticed that picture I sent you was wrong.
<ukky> Some pumps are sold with adapters to accept 2 sizes. I had a pump for both 2" and 1-1/5" pipes
<SiFuh> He only changed this section to the larger OD pipe
<ukky> How long is the straight stretch of pipe at the pump inlet? It should be at least 5xID long, to avoid turbulence.
<SiFuh> I'd say 60 to 70 cm
<SiFuh> Oh wait
<SiFuh> No it will be more like 30 to 40 CM long
<SiFuh> Show you something else strange I noticed the other night
<ukky> You should be fine. Even with 1-1/4" pipe that stretch should be 165 mm or more.
<SiFuh> Yes, but they didn't do what I asked.
<SiFuh> <-- This one is strange. Black is pump and Blue is tank. But where the question mark is. Why does this water pipe travel the ceiling in that path instead of a more direct route?
<ukky> SiFuh: They sold you longer pipe when they made a route like you posted.
<SiFuh> No this is from before I bou<ght the house
<ukky> Then there is no point to have such pipe path. Unless it is on top of the roof and the sun can heat up your water running through longer pipe.
<SiFuh> ukky: I was watching this really shit Australian movie about a vlogger going into the Australian wilderness and he is being hunted by a Drop-Bear. The woman on the phone is saying it is weird for animal to hunt like that unless it was hunting large bipeds. Then he drops the phone and a Bigfoot (Yowie) rips open the door of the car he is hiding in and tears him out of it and kills him.
<ukky> I have seen it here (pipes on roofs), for swimming pools.
<SiFuh> I actually hate living in this house because it is a town house. I want property with land. Something like 5 to 50 acres and build my own home using shipping containers and stuff
<SiFuh> Or build another Earth-Sheltered House.
<ukky> Buying such size of the land could be expensive.
<ukky> SiFuh: I have a question for you
<SiFuh> The problem is buying the land that is good. All the best land is reserved for Bumi (Malay-Malay) and all the shit land is for the other Malays like Chinese-Malay and Indian-Malay and so on
<SiFuh> Ask away. Back in a few minutes. Got something to spray quickly
<ukky> In OpenBSD, do you use different mount options for different mount points? Like for security etc
<ukky> For example, /dev should be the only mount point with 'dev' option, all other MPs should have 'nodev'. That's just an example.
<ukky> Or, for example, all MPs except /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin should have 'noexec' option.
<ukky> And for how many partitions do you usually split the root (you told me already you have /usr partition).
<SiFuh> Never ever made a mount point for /dev in my life.
<ukky> At one point, while experimenting, I had about 17 mount points.
<ukky> Is dpaste the default when you install OpenBSD?
<SiFuh> No, it is the only one I remember
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