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<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> next time you talk politics, I will send you this pic!
<zorz> SiFuh: Trump is Krasnov... juicy!
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<dlcusa> SiFuh, Popeye's upper arms are two straight lines rather close together to exaggerate the forearms further. It looks like he doesn't _have_ biceps or triceps. Good cartooning.
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<SiFuh> dlcusa: Hmmm.
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<SiFuh> Mississippi, the poorest state in the United States, is close to surpassing Europe's largest economy Germany's GDP per capita.
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<SiFuh> The actual address was but it was redirected to this
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: last night he ended support for ukraine and activate tarifffs on canada + mexico
<zorz> markets are total casino!
<SiFuh> zorz: When I was searched at the airport in Australia they handed me a card that I had to read. Then I was told one will search me and another will search the bag. I said to him "She can search me and you search my bag" Hahaha
<zorz> hahahahah
<zorz> they improved the primal web client for nostr... i start using it again.
<zorz> nostr is UNCENSORED
<zorz> i was loughin with this rumor Trump-Krasnov....russian spy. its quite viral if i see it. but nowhere in X
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> fuckin bitches.
<SiFuh> I want to go BMXing but last time I came home the dog didn't recognise me and I have teeth marks in my arms
<SiFuh> She won't do that again.
<SiFuh> Mississippi, the poorest state in the United States, is close to surpassing Europe's largest economy Germany's GDP per capita.
<SiFuh> I also wonder how DC and Luxembourg can have such a high GDP
<zorz> luxemburg was always... but is small. they provide services.
<SiFuh> zorz: Do you like horror comedy?
<SiFuh> <-- This was so good, my wife who hates horror watched it and was just laughing the entire time.
<zorz> no man
<zorz> horror never interested
<SiFuh> zorz: I bet you will like it.
<SiFuh> Give it a go and let me know what you think
<SiFuh> It has reasonably high ratings too
<zorz> ok let me download the torrent
<zorz> ok... downloading now.
<zorz> SiFuh: fuckin hell man
<zorz> as i say 10% super rich 90% in poverty
<SiFuh> I am not a horrow fan but I thought it was great. Very different. Reminded me a bit like that old movie Army of Darkness (1992)
<zorz> “At that time, people on construction sites and handymen received two thousand rubles on their hands. But I was offered 250 rubles for the shift in the first workhouse, and in the second they were told in general - work for us for six days without payment, and on the seventh you can work for yourself, "- says Victor.
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> yeap
<zorz> this is nice system, work 6 day free... and the seventh is yours.
<SiFuh> «У меня там забрали документы, никуда не выпускали, я еле убежал, потом паспорт восстанавливал», — рассказывает мужчина.
<SiFuh> They did that to me in China
<SiFuh> I had to pay a huge amount of money to buy my freedom.
<SiFuh> And the guy responisble for everything was a Ukrainian, married to a Taiwanese and he now lives in Ukraine
<SiFuh> Ukraine/Canada*
<SiFuh> He lives in Canada now
<SiFuh> In Thailand, my friends father from Australia bought a nice piece of land in Uttaradit and he built a store for sleeing goods. So his wife (Thai) can make a living. The business became so successful that the mafia turned up. To cut the story short. He lost his wife. They took his business and they barred him from ever entering Thailand again.
<SiFuh> sleeing/selling
<zorz> fuckin hell
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Went riding around dressed as a cowboy on the BMX asking locals if they had seen my horse. And if asked me my name, I'd say "Mulgar Bill"
<SiFuh> Mulga
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<farkuhar> SiFuh: Wouldn't they also want to know the horse's name?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You do realise this is a joke right?
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* farkuhar is AFK to keep zorz happy
* SiFuh is SiFuh to keep everyone happy
<SiFuh> zorz: One of the greatest movies ever made
<zorz> blue ray theatrical
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh> I have it already
<zorz> i watch them and then delete them
<SiFuh> zorz: I was on TV in Malaysia everyday for months. I watched it everytime because is was dumb and so funny and so many catch phrases
<SiFuh> zorz: I don't delete good movies
<SiFuh> zorz: Funniest movie ever made
<zorz> its good to buy a drive for media, movies mp3s
<SiFuh> I have 8TB for my data and 8TB for TV Series and movies
<zorz> have you seen the death in funeral?
<SiFuh> It was shit.
<SiFuh> You asked me to watch it before
<SiFuh> I was surprised you thought it was funny.
<SiFuh> Just Visiting and Les Visiteurs (French version with some of the same actors) was the funniest shit I ever saw
<zorz> it was fun, for myself
<SiFuh> I bet after Just Visiting, you will rethink that
<zorz> french have talent in comedy
<SiFuh> The French movie Bernie was horrible comedy
<SiFuh> And Viva La France was horrible too
<SiFuh> zorz: Did you watch the British series I told you to watch. The IT Crowd?
<SiFuh> It's considered the funniest series ever made
<SiFuh> Oh a That Thousand Blows series you mentioned. I did watch it. I liked it.
<SiFuh> Bit left-wing but was great
<zorz> no
<zorz> now i will start zero day
<SiFuh> zorz: You ask me to do something or recommend something I do it.
<SiFuh> Even if I have zero time
<SiFuh> I ask you and you don't do shit. Fucking hell
<zorz> SiFuh: after zero day.... but lately i feel bored to watch
<zorz> hahaha fuckin hell
<SiFuh> Buy a fucking beer and a cigarette and suck it up
<zorz> beer ==>
<zorz> milka beer
<SiFuh> No chance
<SiFuh> Hate long finger nails. Ugliest shit ever. No class. Like a witch
<SiFuh> <-- zorz One of the greatest beer commercials ever
<SiFuh> farkuhar: ppetrov^: ukky: ^^
<zorz> carlton draught
<zorz> haha it opened piped i forgot i fix this
<SiFuh> zorz: I am watching the movie "The Problem with People (2024)" stop harrasing me. This is funny shit in a way
<zorz> i am playing trump casino
<zorz> trump accelerates recession
<SiFuh> zorz: Discussing with the off-road guys how to get sponsors
<SiFuh> Told them. Youtube channel, clothing with advertising, good video. No Malay music. Excellent video guy. Narration in English. Get your likes. And so on.
<SiFuh> Anything else anyone thinks is missing?
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