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<SiFuh_> rm .ssh/known_hosts
<SiFuh_> WTF did I do that?
<zorz> greek genious
<zorz> :P
farkuhar has joined #crux-social
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: that reminds me, I should update the MUSL Overlay wiki page to mention the possibility of adding "musl: glibc libxcrypt" to /etc/prt-get.aliases
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Deadly silent in #crux after my message. Guess bodohman doesn't like his mistakes being pointed out
<farkuhar> s/bodoh/beer/ ? Or is bodoh the word for beer in some other language?
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Bodoh is Malay for idiot or stupid
<SiFuh_> Prefer a HJ47 though.
<SiFuh_> A Vehicle Ownership Certificate (VOC) is required for all vehicles used off-road in Malaysia under Section 7 of the Road Transport Act 1987, says Road Transport Department (JPJ) Director-General Datuk Zailani Hashim. Under the Act, no person shall own or use a motor vehicle unless that vehicle is registered with JPJ with failure to comply subject to a fine of not less than RM2,000 and not more than
<SiFuh_> RM10,000.
<remiliascarlet> "Trump Declares Biden “Pardons” VOID, Says Joe Did Not Sign Or Know Anything About Them!" Of course he didn't! His handlers did, he just did as he was told by them.
<remiliascarlet> I still remember during his first day when he undid all the EO's signed by Trump, and even admitted he didn't know what he was signing.
<SiFuh_> He wasn't signing most of it anyway
<SiFuh_> It was done by a machine
<SiFuh_> In fact it was even discovered that many he signed and many of the pardons signed he was on vacation.
<SiFuh_> Hehe ;-)
<SiFuh_> Trump Strips Hunter & Ashley Biden Of Secret Service Protection
<SiFuh_> I was cheering at this one
serpente has joined #crux-social
<serpente> hey ia
<serpente> is it only for me that firefox since update 135 takes a loooong time to start?
<farkuhar> serpente: Wasn't 135 the version that caused so much outcry against the new "Terms of Use"?
<serpente> i guess so
<serpente> but i actually use librewolf, which is having the same problem
<farkuhar> It was encouraging to see Nyxt mentioned in as an option to "jump ship from Mozilla's ecosystem entirely", but on CRUX-MUSL 3.7 I wasn't able to get it working except with gemini and gopher protocols. Maybe I'll try again on CRUX-MUSL 3.8
<serpente> nyxt is simply a webkitgtk browser, happens i use it too, but in luakit
<serpente> same shit, but in lua not lisp
<serpente> still, theres bloated shit sites that do not load or break in webkit, so i go with librewolf for those
<serpente> farkuhar theres plenty of webkit browser, you can chosse if nyxt didn't go... also i had to maintain my own webkitgtk port for those, if you want i can share it with you
<serpente> but returning to my original question... anyone with ff135+ there? same problems?
<SiFuh_> Not me, I have ff128 ;-)
<serpente> esr?
<SiFuh_> Probably. Let me check
<SiFuh_> 128.8.0esr yes
<serpente> good
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: "I'm a vegan" would have been more expected
<serpente> neovim hurts too
<serpente> hahaha
<SiFuh_> I don't know what that is
<serpente> its a bloated gay vim derivation
<remiliascarlet> A proper text editor.
<SiFuh_> VIM with Japanese scrolling font from the Matrix?
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Emacs is proper. Everything else is a little child ;-)
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: Emacs is not a text editor, it's an operating system.
<farkuhar> serpente: I also had to maintain a separate webkitgtk port, linked against gtk3 instead of beerman's preferred gtk4. And the reason I went with Nyxt rather than some other webkit browser is that I like the keyboard-centric navigation.
<serpente> exactly farkuhar, same here
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: You mean a Desktop Environment
<serpente> luakit is keyboard centric too
<farkuhar> Hmm, maybe I'll give luakit a try, to see if CRUX-MUSL has a problem with all webkit browsers, or just the lisp layer that connects webkit to Nyxt.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: luakit sucks
<SiFuh_> Because it is a web browser
<remiliascarlet> Tech YouTubers in 2025: Fan: "all racism is bad." LinusTechTips: *bans fan*
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: You remind me of the mutt slogan. "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less."
<SiFuh_> Winamp, Winamp, It Really Whips the Llama's Ass
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: The guy who made PHP once said "all PHP frameworks suck". He's right.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: That's why I don't do web development. Once users start expecting a site that needs more than CGI, Perl, bash, and some simple database, it becomes too hard to retain a mental model of how everything fits together.
<serpente> hahahaha
<serpente> lets stick with links lynx and w3m
<serpente> i love links
<serpente> thats the web the way it should be
<serpente> static html only sites
<dlcusa> The reality: emacs is a DE with delusions of being an OS.
<serpente> heh dlcusa, for example, i'm talking to you via emacs
<serpente> rn
<serpente> i do some stuff in emacs, but still prefer vim for programming
<dlcusa> Never touched the thing since my evaluation many decades ago. Back then vi was everywhere, emacs was not.
<SiFuh_> dlcusa: So was syphilis but just because it was everywhere didn't mean I'd touch it :-P
<zorz> remiliascarlet: heh
<zorz> serpente: firefox 136 works fine.
<serpente> zorz are you on crux?
<zorz> void
<SiFuh_> zorz: serpente's question is void?
<zorz> serpente: firefox build_options="alsa clang lto"
<zorz> serpente: question was if i run crux
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh_> zorz: You forgot how to use IRC?
<zorz> he meant #crux ?
<SiFuh_> zorz: HAHAHAHAHA
<SiFuh_> void = no longer valid.
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh_> He asked you a question and replied 'void' so his question is no longer valid.
<SiFuh_> Like an expiry date
<zorz> ooooooooo fuck
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh_> HAHA
<zorz> no seriously, firefox 136 is quite fast... for me.
<serpente> no, i meant if you are running ff135+ in crux zorz
<SiFuh_> crewks :-)
<serpente> it works fine in my void vm also, but in crux after 135 update its veeeeeeery slow to launch
<zorz> no i compile it and run it in void. should be the same in crux
<SiFuh_> zorz: Why should it be?
<zorz> maybe dbus something
<zorz> SiFuh_: both of them are linux
<SiFuh_> So? Toyota Supra and a Toyota Landcruiser can't do the same things. But they are both Toyota
<zorz> not good exmple.... do they run the same engine? the same transmision nope
<zorz> kernel is kernel
<SiFuh_> Yes
<SiFuh_> I have a Supra Mark II 1JZ Engine and Transmission in my truck
<zorz> anyway, as i said before, if i ever ditch firefox, i ll go with icecat
<zorz> is the same transmission as supra?
<SiFuh_> Yes
<zorz> then.... both of them drive the road
<zorz> heh
<SiFuh_> I was offered an upgrade to a 2JZ engine and transmission, but I said no
<zorz> yamaha builds the best motors
<SiFuh_> I don't think so
<zorz> and some bmw
<SiFuh_> zorz: Why do you make statements like that? I thought you were 46 years old. Not a 15 year old kid boasting about his toys.
<zorz> SiFuh_: some people eat pork, some people no. this is personall, for myself best engines are yamaha
<zorz> and the n25 of BMW
<SiFuh_> But they are not even on the top 10 list
<zorz> who cares
<SiFuh_> Volvo is on the list. But not Yamaha
<zorz> thahaha
<zorz> the engine of thatt volvo is yamaha
<SiFuh_> Only the V8 and it isn't on the list
<SiFuh_> The B8444S
<zorz> subaru also, the boxer
<zorz> i forgot that one
<SiFuh_> Talk to my Subaru fan friend then
<zorz> subaru has loyal fun club
<zorz> i enjoyed a lot the mitsubishi 2000cc mivec 6 cyl 24v
<SiFuh_> He lived in the US and slept with Stalones ex-wife. He use to build muscle cars in the US and is a Subaru Impreza STI fan. I think it was the STI
<zorz> sti nice!
<SiFuh_> zorz: This is the 2JZ they wanted to sell me.
<SiFuh_> Engine 15K MYR and maybe 18K MYR for engine, plus wiring harness, plus, turbos, plus automatic transmission, plus transfer case.
<SiFuh_> 3,084.20 EUR or the complete maybe 3,701.04 EUR
<zorz> i dont know
<zorz> keep yours
<zorz> as you said
<SiFuh_> zorz: You don't know this engine?
<SiFuh_> zorz: It was even mentioned in fast and furious movie
<SiFuh_> ukky: Wife asks why the water seems to have less pressure now. So I turned it on and now I don't need to shave. :-/
<SiFuh_> Less pressure.... my ass
<SiFuh_> zorz: ukky: Thinking of checking out this
<SiFuh_> Something small and easy to clean up for the wife to drive
<SiFuh_> No off-road modifications. Keep it on-road legal
<zorz> SiFuh_: ukky better of with niva lada
<SiFuh_> Yes
<SiFuh_> I want
<SiFuh_> Lada Niva is awesome
<zorz> on road off road
<zorz> Lada Niva does not use you!
<zorz> heh
<SiFuh_> If I had a Lava Niva, I'd name it KGB
<zorz> nice,,, battery bombs
<SiFuh_> Lithium
<SiFuh_> zorz: Lithium explodes and burns more when it comes into contact with H2O
<SiFuh_> And it is incredibly toxic to breath and ruins the land around it as well.
<zorz> this trend of electric cars is tottaly wrong for me
<SiFuh_> Yes, 100% agree
<SiFuh_> Petroleum is unlimited, Lithium is not. Lithium is incredibly dangerous compared to petroleum.
<zorz> business and money..... let me find an artical
<zorz> article
<zorz> 1871
<zorz> trump tries to go outside this triagle
<SiFuh_> Read it already dude
<SiFuh_> Trump is a moron dude
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh_> Self entitled, lying and murderous pig
<SiFuh_> But he is the best we have at the moment. And no fucking way do I want a leftist in charge.
<zorz> we will see...
<zorz> i am really curious what will happen in the next 2 years
<SiFuh_> I remember when it was Clinton and Trump. I was disgusted. I said to Glen "I don't like either, but fucking hell I hope Trump gets in. That bitch Clinton is evil as"
<zorz> for example, kill zelensky
<SiFuh_> I am awaiting the JFK files. Not that I care because it was 1963 I think. But I want to see if it is true that it is unredacted
<zorz> ooo forgot this.... when out, tonight?
<SiFuh_> zorz: But there is something that is really bugging me
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh_> All these fucking crimes and corruptions being exposed thanks to DOGE and Tulsi and....... WHO THE FSCK IS BEING ARRESTED? NO ONE!
<zorz> exactly
<SiFuh_> You and I do that shit, we'd be in prison for fucking forever.
<zorz> hahahaa
<SiFuh_> These morons are still walking around
<zorz> ooo yes, big time
<SiFuh_> This is the biggest thing that is really really really shitting me
<SiFuh_> Let's get the deepstate. You stole money from Americans. Nice, we found out the truth. Okay, who is coming to dinner tonight?
<SiFuh_> Very frustrating I think is the word even though I don't get frustrated. I just get mad as hell
<SiFuh_> zorz: Should have seen the big fscking argument today with the wife and her dog. Hahaha
<SiFuh_> She was so mad, she went next door and shouted at her entire family after I had my 5 cents worth at telling her off.
<SiFuh_> argument today/argument I had with her today*
<SiFuh_> zorz: I installed Void Linux to test my flight simulator on it
<zorz> its good
<SiFuh_> No
<zorz> what no?
<SiFuh_> I have so much shit on my system I'd never use
<zorz> look
<SiFuh_> Not even close in comparison with CRUX
<SiFuh_> I am looking. What am I looking at?
<zorz> [zorz@void ~]$ cat /etc/xbps.d/99-ignorepkg.conf
<zorz> ignorepkg=linux-firmware-nvidia
<zorz> ignorepkg=linux-firmware-intel
<zorz> ignorepkg=sudo
<zorz> ignorepkg=linux-firmware-broadcom
<zorz> ignorepkg=wifi-firmware
<zorz> ignorepkg=os-prober
<zorz> you get rid of them
<SiFuh_> What the fuck does that have to do with the price of eggs?
<zorz> that you have so many shit that you dont need
<SiFuh_> zorz: I'd rather keep firmware on my laptop that software that I don't use.
<SiFuh_> that/than
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: zorz: Laptops are portable. I think laptops should have a modular kernel and all firmware because you never know what you will connect. As for servers and desktops. No, I don't agree with this idea.
<zorz> SiFuh_: i agree
<SiFuh_> zorz: My modular kernel exists for 3 reason. 1) laptops. 2) easy to compile and solve what you need when you do the real compile. 3) for newbies who know nothing about the kernel.
<zorz> the other day it took me to format and set/run sshd, wireguard server 30 minutes.... and it took me 2-3 hours to find what to enable in kernel for wireguard to run
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<SiFuh_> Could have asked me ;-{
<SiFuh_> :-P
<SiFuh_> I actually hate the Linux kernel. But I know a bit about it.
<SiFuh_> I have probably forgotten a lot about it too because it iss becomming massive
<zorz> yes truth story.... now i know what exactly i do need for kernel in order to run wireguard properly
<SiFuh_> I could guess :-P
<SiFuh_> If you used my modular kernel, you'd have it up and running already without needing to fsck around
<zorz> the laptop that i used for server is void modular. 30 min. from that we talk now
<zorz> wait a moment
<SiFuh_> I enabled Wireguard and all that it needs
<SiFuh_> I did that in 2019 I think.
<SiFuh_> I think July I will set it up on my router anyway
<zorz> this is all void packages from the server.
<SiFuh_> July and August I need to pay more for my email and domain name. So around that time, I was planning to wireguard the network
<zorz> only thing pisses me off is with no x,,, no clipboard.... its okay
<zorz> do you have static ip?
<SiFuh_> Why the hell do you need a clipboard on a non-X machine?
<SiFuh_> zorz: No and don't need
<SiFuh_> Actually I heard NordVPN has wireguard
<zorz> sometime copy paste from vim its easier with x, now i use set mouse=r and use the xterm clipboard
<zorz> mullvad has wireguard and i used it before
<zorz> mullvad i like
<SiFuh_> xterm needs an X server
<zorz> i paid for 6 months 2 years ago
<zorz> it has
<zorz> xterm it has on my machione:P
<SiFuh_> Then what the fuck does that have to do with your server?
<zorz> nothing forget about it
<SiFuh_> You are a retard zorz
<zorz> anyway,,, i delete the account and i am deleting things.
<SiFuh_> try this as root rm -rf /
<zorz> most probably, when i have time register an ip and set an email account
<SiFuh_> NordVPN any good?
<zorz> i did not use it.... i used mullvad... with wireguard.... i was in netherlands at the time. and when the server in athens went down... i email them. the answer promptly and replaced the server in 3 days
<zorz> no records
<zorz> just pay 5 a month
<SiFuh_> 5 what? 5 goats?
<zorz> then used wireguard with mk, skopje
<zorz> $
<SiFuh_> USD?
<zorz> 5.47usd
<zorz> 5euro
<SiFuh_> Expensive
<zorz> sorry wrong
<SiFuh_> Yes I know
<zorz> you get australia sydney wireguard
<zorz> 2 year plan
<zorz> 1 month plan???
<zorz> heh
<zorz> are you nuts man.... get mullvad in sweden. sweden is okay
<zorz> they even operate the .st daomain. sweedish company bought the saint tomei
<SiFuh_> Says Mr yamaha
<zorz> many people say
<SiFuh_> zorz: When I was a kid. (For motorcycles) Honda make the best engines, Suzuki the best gear boxes, Yamaha the best frames. And Kawasaki just sucks
<zorz> honda cbr 1000 aka bulldog
<zorz> speaking of sweden, i felt sorry with the plane crash, the telecom owner sponsor of piratebay
<zorz> he was a good guy
<SiFuh_> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH zorz 'Soy Boys' is considered 'This content may violate our usage policies.' in ChatGPT
<SiFuh_> CBR sucks shit zorz
<SiFuh_> Better you get a VFR
<SiFuh_> zorz: Changing gears with that shitty rail design in the CBR is like driving a semi-trailer. It fucking sucks dude. CRUNCH. Am I in 3rd yet?
<SiFuh_> I want a Honda VRF (Not VFR although I love VFR so much)... A VRF Firestorm 1000 CC
<SiFuh_> Or a Honda African Twin ;-)
<zorz> heh
<zorz> we need to take her in greek tv
<zorz> in Bosnia they have good weather.
<SiFuh_> zorz: So it is raining in Bosnia?
<SiFuh_> This Spongue Bob thing is popular? How the fsck did it get popular?
<zorz> who cares about the weather, when you watch her you forget everything!