A South Korean fighter jet has accidentally dropped eight bombs on a village during joint live-fire drills with the US military, injuring civilians and causing damage to property, the Asian country’s air force has said.
Mine was to do with pulling education records to change my position in the airforce.
Jesus said quite a few others, noteably "If you love me, you will obey my commandments" and "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you." There will be quizzes and a final exam.
dlcusa: I am talking about yearly observences. Not those.
dlcusa: Although I wonder if he meant it for the apostles and not for the followers.
i am here, zorz
zorz: ppetrov^ is here and said so also
farkuhar: ppetrov^ has informed zorz of being here and I have also informed both you and zorz now.
oh boy
Bad English. 'both you and zorz now'/'both zorz and you'*
yep, your English sucks
oh man
btw, whenever i see someone mixing you're and your, i know they are native speakers
sorry, "their native speakers"
I know thousands of native speakers that can't spell ppetrov^
that's grammar, not spelling
they really do not know the difference
Well in my correction I was referring more to etiquette. You should never say yourself first. You should always be last. You and me. Not Me and you. And if there is a third party involved. Then the party not currently here is mentioned first. Found that one strange though since they are not here to hear it ;-)
ppetrov^: Here is a conundrum for you. You can always tell a retard by the way they use u instead of you, ur instead of your or you're or r instead of are and the constant use of LOL and other shit.
But this doesn't work. I know Tamil speakers who can't spell in English and just do similar to that because of the alphabet and many Malays use 'short form' as they call it. Where they drop out insignificant letters. And then you have those who are saving money on SMS because there is a character limit that farkuhar has forgotten even existed :-P
ppetrov^: I had a short-sighted, colour blind friend who I went to school with me asked me to do customer service for a time. I said I would. Funniest shit ever in the early computing days. But one day he was hiring to replace me because I was only suppose to be there temporarily. He handed me a resume and asked me to read it. Not even a second of glancing and I threw it straight in the trash. Who the
hell uses short formed English on a resume?
"I threw it straight in the trash." <-- Incorrect English ppetrov^ :-)
let me guess
I threw it straight into the trash?
actually, why is *in* wrong?
saounds just fine to me, simply the other one sounds somehow better
Because you missed the part where it is going too ->>> the trash
You can throw it into or onto the trash. But onto usually means the top and most would assume a pile or a full bin.
But English is getting less and less formal and heading more towards shortened style of words and generally lazy speaking full of slang and cussing.
We lost the 66 and 99 quotation marks since the computer. Maybe also as early as the type writer.
in Bulgarian language, these are still used
„„ ““
now ask zorz what's the symbol for a question mark they use in Greek
Ours were U+201C U+201D
ppetrov^: He's a bit of a question mark :-P
Why does zorz associate moonshine with ppetrov^, anyway?
no idea
SiFuh_ ran up against the SMS character limit, and his client split the message at a potentially confusing place. If the first part of the message was lost, the recipient only sees "hell uses short formed English on a resume?", which is a strange conjecture to make about the underworld.
; = ?
sorry guys not being online
; = questionmark
zorz: Why did the mention of moonshine make you think of ppetrov^;
SiFuh, the annual moedim including the weekly Sabbath were never canceled or superseded. The commandments are for all, the leaders are held to a higher standard since they serve as contemporary models. It's no different than the model for raising children generation after generation.
Way too many "believers" don't get it and all the unbelievers know that.
farkuhar: they had a discussion with SiFuh_ long time ago... and i flashed in my mind.
i don't remember
must be the alcohol
kinda rigs a bell, though
so, situation might not be that hopeless
SiFuh_: Wire looks like about 20 AWG or smaller. It might be okay for 12V/30W.