To be fair, does that nigger even have a choice? The real reason why East Asian countries have such a high conviction rate is because if you don't plead guilty, they'll only keep you hostage for longer, and will continue to keep you hostage until you finally plead guilty, even if you've done nothing wrong.
Of course Somali did lots of stuff wrong, I mean in general.
To be fair
remiliascarlet: I didn't plead guilty and I proved my innocence and I was my own lawyer representing myself.
remiliascarlet: I don't think he needs to plead guilty. He already proved he was by his video content. Hahaha
You know how autistic governments can be.
That was for Thailand though.
Even if the evidence is undeniable and right in their face, they still want to make you plead guilty.
And Thailand isn't East Asia.
In Australia I have never pleaded guilty to any charge. My first case had a lawyer provided by the company and decimated the other parties lawyer.
After that every other court case I have been at, I have represented myself and never pleaded guilty and won all of them.
"Even if the evidence is undeniable and right in their face, they still want to make you plead guilty." Yeah, weirdos
I do remember 1 case when somebody pleaded not guilty here, and took the government to court. After 4 years of throwing away money all the way to the supreme court, he finally got cleared.
His crime? Putting a little Javascript code on his blog that mines crypto in the background for only 10 minutes.
I mean, it doesn't mine for 10 minutes, I mean he put that Javascript code up for 10 minutes, and then removed it again.
My last case. They called me in 1 month and asked how I plead. Then because I pleaded not guilty, they delayed it for 2 months then asked me how I plead and I said "Not guilty" the judge saw I was stubborn so he basically said 'fine, your case will be heard in 2 months'
remiliascarlet: I was reading some of the comments on Infowars and some mentioned that is why we should be allowed to open carry (Talking about guns). And one guy replied that normal people don't carry guns into airports.
Probably learned that from watching Police direct traffic.
remiliascarlet: That comment "He got cooked at birth...." Hahaha
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
ppetrov^: You are here
Yes. I am here. Tell the others.
The others: ppetrov^ is here.
there's a movie, "The Others"
it's not bad
So it's not good?
it's good
ppetrov^: In Australia when members of the family come home. Mum will see and say "It's you" and they'd reply "It's me"
same in bulgaria
reminds me of a joke... a junkie is stoned and someone rings the doorbell. He goes to open, but stops and carefully asks "Who is it?" and a voice says "It's me!"
so the junkie proceeds to open the door but suddenly stops and says to himself "Wait...? *Me*???"
remiliascarlet: I think they should make a play toy government set for the Liberals.
I sent it to my mother ppetrov^
I changed it a pinch. A junkie is stoned and someone rings the doorbell. He goes to open, but stops and carefully asks "Who is it?" and a voice says "It's me!" He takes a few steps forward then stops "Wait... Me?"
ye, the "proceeds to open" somehow did not sound exactly OK to me, but nothing else came to mind
zorz has joined #crux-social
zorz: It's you!
Dobroye utro
zorz: ō <-- Better you use this character instead of using a million 'r's
ukky: Heard about the 51st state movement, Alberta joining the US?
heh... SiFuh my twiter name Geōrge
let me change it
So you are a jooooooooooooooooorge not a jorge
It was a free gift when I bought beer. I have no idea what it is for and I even emailed the beer company asking and they never replied. That was over 5 or 6 years ago
remiliascarlet: I have been searching for a couple of weeks for my face masks. I bet some far left retard stole it.
Heh, been wearing these shirts for years. I have had to remove the old collars and modify them and sew them back on as you can see.
i see
ukky: That's an XL by the way. But fits like a 2XL
zorz: Yep, behind the pocket. Can insert metal plates into it as well to protect your heart from bullets :-P
why... they hunt you to shoot you?
zorz: I went into the jungles of Myanmar. Is that enough to answer your question?
is enough
2 years before that Rambo Movie. And the same town from that movie is how I crossed in. Mae Sot, Tak Province.
you and John Rambo!
Kayin State
That is where I went
zorz: One of my nicknames was Rambo when I was a Taxi driver. :-P
zorz: Rambo, KGB and Travis Bickle were the three nicknames I had.
My Taxi Business card and display card said "Travis Bickle"
They had a Taxi forum for our area so I registered as "Travis Bickle" and the name stuck.
Travis is the assistant of Iron Man!
zorz: Most people never knew the significance of that name. I remember a guy from another state. He worked at the transport department and I had picked him up from the airport. 15 minutes later he looks at my display card and burst out laughing. I asked what was funny and he said "I only just realised it!" And he points at my name. I said "Congratulations. Over 15 years and you are but a handful of
people to figure it out"
zorz: Search the name "Travis Bickle" and click on image search.
SiFuh: I don't think 'hundreds of Albertans' can make it happen. They need support of 50%+1.
I heard a Canadian from Edmonton explain this ukky. He said the cities have been hijacked by the left, but the majority is still right.
people still live with left and right
And he also said ukky that Saskatchewan will probably follow suit
Okay for zorz: left = crazy motherfuckers and right = people who want a normal life.
SiFuh: It's valid statement for any country in the world. Rural areas are more conservative than cities.
ukky: But this is what the left do. They are lazy useless whinging animal and random gender fucking twats that need to be ruled. So they all end up in cities because they can't do anything for themselves. Then they use the cities to hijack the entire state.
ukky: I laugh every time I head transgenocide. How can they be that stupid? The only way they can survive is to indoctrinate. They are alreadying breeding themselves out of existence
But this is a fact. The majority of people on this planet want to be left alone, not slaves and just live their life.
I do not care about left/socialists/communists, but of course, I don't want them to govern my life. Let them be somewhere, not here.
ukky: Which state do you live?
SiFuh: PQ/QC
zorz: ppetrov^ is from Finland yes?
I think my father's side is from there. Let me look at the map
Yes they are
ukky: "Let them be somewhere, not here." I still think Bouvet Island is the perfect place for them
SiFuh: I leave it up to you to make that choice.
SiFuh: Why OpenBSD has compiler in the base?
ukky: If it was, it have been done already
ukky: No
SiFuh: I will double check
comp76 <-- You need this
It's should be auto installed if you installed the system and you didn't select it.
unselect it*
SiFuh: Just confirmed: base76.tgz contains usr/bin/cc, usr/bin/c++ and usr/bin/ld
ukky: Hmm, compilation is suppose to be under comp76
SiFuh: This subject is not important to me, but just food for thoughts. imho, base76 should not have compiler, as you said.
SiFuh: This triggered my attention because the base in NetBSD takes 276 MiB, but the base on OpenBSD, with kernel, takes 762 MiB.
ukky: Understood but the OpenBSD base i built to be secure as much as possible. I remember lynx was part of base. But base is there to provide you with a fully functioning system and a lot of those programs are custom made or brand spanking new strictly for OpenBSD
Aha. I've got it. OpenBSD performed rotate left operation (ROL) onto 276 and got 762. Funny.
SiFuh: secure or not, the base is the base, i.e. minimal setup to do minimal stuff and expand if required.
secure <-- means less code but also means new code
So you don't really get less code
ukky: This monster huge white man walks into the restaurant and the wife looks at him. Then she asks me "Hmm, is it bad that I asked myself if my husband can beat him down?" I said "No, I drove a taxi for years, every customer I looked at was like that and besides, I already did too. I think 4 moves is enough"
ukky: I find OpenBSD is great at stripping out junk. But to make their systems secure they add new code which sometimes is more than the code they dumped.
SiFuh: I am not knit-picking at OpenBSD, just curious. and ask questions.
Hmm from this unextracted, 463059845 is what OpenBSD base + bsd kernel is
and uncompressed base76 tar is 758282240 bytes.
ukky: I should try a super minimal install and check. Did you do that? base and bsd only. Nothing else
SiFuh: No, my install included all sets
/dev/sd3a 986M 172M 764M 19% /
My system
I have 172 for base but you said cc is in /usr/bin and part of base
Is your /usr on separate partition?
Of course
I will extract base only. Hold on
And I see cc from base
Plus kernel, some ~25 MiB
-rwx------ 2 root wheel 27.5M Feb 18 19:53 bsd
ukky: You run syspatch fw_update and pkg_add -u (If you installed packages)?
[ meningococcal /home/OpenBSD/7.6/amd64/TEST ]> ls -l var/
ukky: My pulse is still at 92. Doctor said I have high blood pressure. But I finished my gym exercise 2 hours ago.
SiFuh: What is your maximum heart rate? 92 is suspicious, if you are at rest.
Maximum? No idea. I have a feeling since 2005 I have a Thyroid problem.
I have low hormone levels and I stayed small for years.
zorz: I exit shower and say "You know I can smell you?" My wife enters the house and says "No, you can't smell, you must have heard me" I said "Good guess but no I saw it was you" She says "How can you see me from there?" I replied "The paint is falling off the wall because you smell so bad. That's how. I saw the paint"
After exercise over 100. At rest 73 is the lowest I have got since early 2000s
ukky: ^
ukky: I should start recording my blood pressure three times a day. And also go for a thyroid exam, check if I still have cancer and ultrasound my throat
ukky: I find fear of spiders to be stupid. "Out of the over 43,000 known species of spiders worldwide, less than 30 have been responsible for human deaths."
I know of 5 known species can kill you and 6 (That includes the first 5) can cause serious injury or illness.
Maximum heart rate is not easy to reach. But it can be done, temporarily. Just to know whether 92 is okay or not.
ukky: When I do stupid shit, like jump over a car on my BMX and crush my balls on the seat when I pop a tyre or two, my heart rate is below 200
100 is low if during exercise.
But I am what 46 years old now. I need to stop.
ukky: I think I peak around 112 to be honest
But resting is 73 these days
112 is still low
Use to be 60 perfectly on the dot.
But after I went to Thailand my first trip, I noticed it was over 70
ukky: I haven't done anything for a few hours. So apart from walking down the stairs to do the test I will get a pressure test.
To evaluate heart rate, you need to know HR at rest and your maximum HR.
ukky: 150 98 Pulse 95
There is a formula for max HR depending on age, but it is wrong for many athletes. So, formula is BS, but works for many people.
150 is low. 98 is high. 95 is high.
ukky: Yes had that argument with a doctor. That blood pressure and pulse rate isn't correct for such a static test if you are fscking fat, muscular or you are an athelete. (I said do sports)
Can you run (as being able) for 5 minutes really fast?
s/150 is low/150 is very high/
ukky: Yes but not now. Every wild dog will hunt me on the street. I can do tomorrow
SiFuh: don't do it without asking questions. You can easily strain quads/hamstrings/calves.
ukky: I have three styles of exercise. 1) 20 pushups, 1 minute break and I do it until I reach 600. 2) 10 pushups 30 second break, 10 reverse push ups 30 second break and I do that until I reach 100 for each. The last 3) 5 pull ups forward, 30 second breaks, 5 pullups reverse arms, 30 second break, 10 pushups, 30 second break, 10 reverse pushups, 30 second break, 10 hand crunches at 150 lbs correct way
up, 10 hand crunches 150 lbs upside down, 30 second break. And I do that until I reach 30 for all in total. Everything else is manual labour and BMX bike riding.
Those exercises do not train your heart. Bike riding does, a bit, but it depends.
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
ukky: Wife is angry, told me to get a new wife. Because she called me because dual screens are not working. Some how she managed to unplug BOTH ends of the HDMI cable connecting her phone
ppetrov^: I found out what that leathe thing was for. I searched on Yandex. It is a phone charging cable/headphone cable holder.
That's beerman language and 14 year old prats
Acronyms are fine, unless lol etc
ukky: I was watching re-runs of the Camel Trophy. "The cars have been fitted with Global Positioning Systems"
Recently I bumped into second designation for DAC. It's DAC dude, it should have only one meaning.
ukky: That USAID used acronymns as a scam to trick people. US AID but the AID had nothing to do with helping the people
I wonder what remiliascarlet would use for G in GPS?
Gay Poofter Syndrome
Nar, remiliascarlet will invent something new
Gook Punching Shit?
Gooey Piece of Salami
Great Place to Shit
Green Peace Sucks!
Go Pound Stuff
G we already know. P, probably *enis. And S, that's the misterious part. Probably silicone.
"Silicone parts are made for toys" Sir Mix-A-Lot
zorz: Did you ever watch the movie "St. Vincent (2014)"? If not, I recommend it
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Nice, just say the name zorz and he goes offline
zorz has joined #crux-social
ukky: I have a french friend who took that injection for COVID and can't remember me at all, even though we were close for 15 years. His name is Guy and I always called him Guy-Spot
I had two covid injection, otherwise I'd loose my license.
That's the game you found on eBay.
Replacement for the one you threw away.
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ukky: Yes
I am trying to watch the latest Captain America. It's puke shit. I want to vomit and it has been on pause for over 24 hours and only 18 minutes in.
Chollywood movies suck.
SiFuh has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
SiFuh has joined #crux-social
SiFuh: you are wrong. On every Blue Moon, Hollywood produces a great movie.
ukky: I said Chollywood. Not Hollywood.
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
Hollywood manipulated by Chinese
zorz has joined #crux-social
ukky: What do you recommend for 'cardio' ?
During lockdown, I use to do about 3 to 6 hours on a tread mill. But that just gave me bruised feet
SiFuh: running, swimming, or cycling. Choose what you prefer.
I did do it daily though, while watching the news.
3-6 hours of running or walking?
ukky: I remember in highschool they had some program "Jump for heart" and skipping with a rope became a thing.
Well more like Jogging
6 min/km or more is jogging
Only time to stop was to get another beer
No it was set higher than that
You can climb the stairs too, if you have that in the gym.
Or you can climb the stairs to the gym for free ;-)
5-5:30/km is faster than jogging
If you have high buildings, yes, then it is for free.
Yeah I think I was set more towards a running pace then because it was higher than 8
12 for start and 8 for the rest
8 mph?
I don't know. It was treadmill speed
Usually treadmil shows speed in mph
No this had 4 8 and 12 and you can adjust between
So 0 to 12 would make 6 half way. I was 2 bars above it at 8
8 mph is jogging, it corresponds to 7:30 min/km
I guess 1 is walking speed and 12 is sprinting
No, it is reverse
My mistake: 8 mph is 4:41 min/km
I haven't done it in awhile.
That's pretty fast
I hated cleaning up the mess when I was done
Rubber from shoes and mat would spray my walls
After running on treadmill for an hour, I had puddles of sweat around
ukky: I was training to run from needle weilding morons who think they can inject me ;-)
ukky: I wrapped a towel around my waist, One over my head and one hanging from my shoulders that I can wipe certain areas. The part I hated was sweating going down the back into my butt crack and causing chaffing.
12 mph is 3:07 min/km, that's very fast, I could run at that pace only about 200 meters lately
I think tread mills and flat terrain are way different
Totally different sports
I can do easily 200 metres on the road. But 500 metres I will be way out of breath.
On treadmill, you do not push your body forward, you just lift your legs
And 5 minutes flat out like a firecracker is up my arse. I am not sure if I can. But I will do it tomorrow without the firecracker.
Treadmill is easier than the road
ukky: Hmm, I also used my BMX on the treadmill
My face went bright red in seconds. HAHAHAHA
I was balancing the bike though. Front wheel off the tread mill and back wheel trying to keep up speed with my peddling
My wife took a video of it actually.
My butt hurts when I ride a bicycle (50 km or more), thus that sport is not for me.
I remember the video. I was laughing
ukky: I don't usually sit when peddling because of that.
I only sit for rolling and HARO have shit seats and the angle is all wrong.
See if I can find you a photo of something ukky
ukky: Okay, found it. Here goes. I bought rear stunt pegs so my wife can stand on the back while I pedal. Unfortunately, I can't use my toes anymore.
You have to buy a bicycle for your wife and remove those pegs.
So I am thinking to get front pegs instead
Oh, I use the pegs. They just suck for passengers
ukky: My favorite thing is to spin the back wheel. As soon as Aunt Sally hears the click click click, she is love for a walk. Hahaha
You can damage your heels
ukky: I don't hit them.
My foot comes down at an angle
The photo is showing you how badly placed they are
I ahve never hit them once in my life. But I have smacked the shit out of my wifes toes though
You can do cardio on a stationary bicycle.
Next order, I put off for over a year, I will buy the front pegs. So she can stand on the front and sit on my race plate
ukky: I have that thing
I modified for BMX
Light-blue stand?
Black frame with 3 blue rollers
Yes, that would work too.
It doesn't
BMX isn't streamlined so you need something to hold onto
But still, you will sweat a lot. Maybe less chaffing compared to running.
Nah, outside is better when not raining
I ran during thunderstorms. Dangerous though. But rain is good on a run if there are no lightning.
Life in general is dangerous
Running is better for cardio than cycling
One of the most common phrases in the bible is 'do not fear'
ukky: It's funny that when I meet the local kids they all assume I am riding to lose weight.
No, I like BMX
But I am not fat
And I have a 6 beer can holder on my bike ;-)
Many assume if you exercise that's because you want to loose weight
I could sit outside all morning and evening shouting at kids then "You riding to lose weight?"
ukky: Wife banned me from riding when she walks the dog by the way.
She cannot control the dog when the dog hears/sees me. I told her bend your knees and tug the cord
But no matter what I say, she isn't walking the dog. The dog is walking her.
Ha, I have seen videos of dog owner flying after dog starts chasing something by surprise
ukky: Drop your centre of gravity. Keep your back straigt and bend the knees. Dog will get close-lined
After a couple of those, it will not do it again
For you, it is natural. For your wife, it could be hard to grasp.
My wifes first dog. Fortunately, which I am much thrilled about, it is a feral dog. So it is freaking funny to watch.
That dog is maybe 90% obedient around me. But even from day one when I gave her a set of rules, she still breaks them and the dog has zero respect for her.
Her = wife
Usually dog respects only one authority (probably you).
And we all know how upset lavaball got when he heard I trained pitt-bulls
ukky: Nah it respects two. Mother and father. Natural instinct.
Dog packs work the same way. Wolf packs are also the same.
There is no dominant male wanting to kick another dominant males ass. It's just that's the boss and the mrs-boss and they follow the order. It is quite orderly.
You know nature better than me, I will agree with you.
So for Aunt Sally, she considers my wife as a sister and me as the pack leader
ukky: Got something for you to think about though. If you are interested, about dreams.
When I was a kid, I'd have dreams and most would come true
After 8th grade they got less and less. Now my flat earth brother who doesn't know about this is constantly writing his dreams downs. None have come true since.
But he thinks they are divine messages from God. And when I tell him a dream he says I am possessed with a demon. So much fun...
I have noticed after many years that my 'new' dreams are based about things happening in my life, news stories or what I saw in a movie/series. So basically a jigsaw puzzle of random garbage made into a dream
Two days ago, I dreamed of a serious car accident, and then as you know, found out her friends husband died the next day in a car accident. My dream involved two cars colliding and into a tree
I think that's the usual process of dream 'creation'. We never know how dreams are developing, but imho it's a mixture of real life events with some fantasy/fiction you read in books or watch in movies.
ukky: I can't remember what I wanted to say now. Hahaha
Nothing to do with predicting the future though.
ukky: I think you are spot on because I see it too.
Dreams while sleeping are mistery
I give you an example of actual dream that came true
Those are random, but still have some relationship with real-life experiences
My grandparents are from the US. They liked to send a 'parcel'. Every few months it would arrive and many gifts inside. I dreamed of a hmmm what it is called
Fanny pack?
And I was putting metal studs in it.
Then one day mum sent me to band practice. When I got home there had been a parcel. Everyone took shit and left me with only a 'fanny pack' and it had studs in it.
I know only one meaning of fanny
In AU fanny is vagina
US it is arse
That's what I know too
non-US version
That's a fucking funny fanny female
I remember that when my friend looked at an ugly whore. Hahaha
I will check Oxford dictionary...
ukky: Trying to remember why I brought the dream shit up
Vulva is at fault
By coolest dream was in a back of a bus seeing US flags on drones bombing Thailand and all I could think of was OBAMA that fucking homo
North-American: arse. The rest of the world: AU version
I had a dream in Malaysia (The dream was in Malaysia not me in Malaysia) where I met Trump on a bus and the bus had to do a U-Turn and we had the save everyone on the bus because the overpasses were collapsing
ukky: Peanut butter and Jelly
Jelly? Gelatine?
Jelly is Jam in our countries
Jelly itself is Jello from Gelatine
Jam here
ukky: You ever eat Marmalade?
I did, long time ago, I don't remember where
I make my own sometimes. Everyone steals it for the first few weeks. Then maybe 2 years later I turn it into moonshine.
Both use sugar to produce D
Same my ice cream. Everyone in her family poaches it then it becomes moonshine.
I don't eat it. I just know how to make it.
The marmalade I made was from her Uncle. He said "You eat expired food. These are rotten" The wife says "He is talking about processed food. WTH we going to do with these?" and I came downstairs and said "Hey, rotten oranges. Free?"
HAHAH so I made marmalade
ukky: I rarely waste anything here.
Everything, regardless of state can be used
You can still make a good roast duck with rotten oranges
ukky: Last week. Wife shoves a block of cheese in my face. "Mouldy can eat?" "Hmm, that is lactobacillus that the mold is living off. Sure fine"
Ha. I eat cheese too when it get some mold on a sides.
ukky: I won't touch black mould though. There are to many variaties. So best to stay away from it.
The mold I eat is greenish-blueish
ukky: Green blue white. Look at the pattern of growth. If it is like a snowflake. Generally it is okay
Same goes for bread
I tend to be cautious around grey colour
And black is a no. I don't play games but when you make alcohol, you can recognize very fast what mould is safe and what is not.
And if you don't know, then don't touch it
* ukky
will leave in 1.5 minutes to make SiFuh happy. It is time of the year when I have to make pizza (not from scratch)
ukky: Bread base too?
SiFuh: I buy pizza bread, pre-made
I was expecting a yes
And was going to high five you
Make your own.
It is fucking better
I make my own.
But I am no cook. I've got hold only on few items thoughout my life.
And the best part. You don't need to bake the base. Just throw on the topping and let the oven's heat do the work
ukky: I bake mine in a cast iron frying pan
Practice dude.
SiFuh: No way. I prefer compiling
Practice the bread then next pizza you are ready
Mine is simpler: Bread. German sausage. Olives. Mozzarella cheese.
ukky: I will give you my recipe and I will make this month.
And I always cut exactly the same number sausage slices. And the same number of olives. And they always are formed/placed in the same pattern. Dorky and nerdy.
I fry it all first in a fring pan.
Saves oven time
* ukky
is inconviceable and non-agreeable
ukky: Okay project planned. I will prep and show. You can add and remove but do not remove that Sauerkraut
I can try your coffee making recipe, but nothing else.
ukky: My Pizza recipe makes chesse only pizza guys want to eat it
I should be a ninja turtle
* ukky
is 10 minutes late from a pizza making schedule and runs away to make SiFuh happy
ukky: What cheese you will use?
SiFuh: Only Mozzarella. Never tried anything else.
* ukky
is gone. For real.
You need more. Tasty Cheddar for majority. Mozzarella for a 1/4 and Parmesan after cook
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
* SiFuh
worked for a pizza company when he got his licence. Their pizza was good, but he made it better