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<farkuhar> " is scheduled to go offline on Sunday, March 16, and be down for a week for migration to a new hosting provider" ( ... But there wasn't enough time for jaeger's mirroring script to fetch the {cairo,fontconfig} tarballs and host them at
<farkuhar> It would have been a very tight window, with beerman committing the {cairo,fontconfig} updates on Saturday, March 15, at 18:50 +0100. Not surprising that didn't get a chance to mirror those tarballs before the upstream host went down.
<farkuhar> What is surprising is that their www server remains up during the gitlab migration, yet they didn't bother to populate with the latest tarball.
<SiFuh_> #CRUX-Social will be down for a week, whilst farkuhar goes to find more content to flood the channel with. HAHAHA
<SiFuh_> Hmm Yenjie uses gitlab
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Family Guy. Peter suddenly wakes up and says "Uuuuh" and Lois asks "Something wrong Peter?" He replies "I forgot to go to college" Later Peter is at the Clam drinking beer and Quagmire asks him "Is something wrong Peter, you've barely touched our food?"
stratofall has joined #crux-social
<farkuhar> Maybe brian|lfs has the right idea. Keeping alive such historic releases as CRUX 2.2, he spares himself the headache of locating alternatives when the primary upstream host goes down, as did. But it might be even more of a hassle finding the sources mentioned in the CRUX 2.2 ports tree.
zorj is now known as zorz
<farkuhar> Anyway, there's a read-only mirror on github, in case anyone is unwilling to wait a full week to get the latest cairo and fontconfig.
stratofall has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: That won't work for zorz since he doesn't know how to read ;-)
stratofall has joined #crux-social
<farkuhar> In the 15+ years since the CRUX 2.2 ports trees last got updates, the original sources should have been mirrored quite widely, giving users like brian|lfs plenty of options for obtaining those historic artifacts. But when a brand-new release gets shipped just a few days before the host goes offline, there won't be as many mirrors to choose from.
<farkuhar> It would have been very slippery of zorz to change his nick back to zorj, mere seconds before SiFuh_'s last comment. With that kind of timing, SiFuh_'s accusation about not knowing how to read would have lost some of its punch.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: That won't work for zorj as well, since he doesn't know how to read ;-)
<zorz> who needs to read :P
<SiFuh_> Trump Declares Biden “Pardons” VOID, Says Joe Did Not Sign Or Know Anything About Them!
ppetrov^ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
farkuhar has quit [Quit: nyaa~]
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