SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<ppetrov^> so, where can i get a CRUX 3.8 release-candidate ISO?
<SiFuh> Just kidding. Here
<ppetrov^> ah, cool
<ppetrov^> any idea if they plan for more rc?
<SiFuh> No idea
<SiFuh> reboot system boot 6.1.49 Thu Dec 7 12:10 - crash (231+02:45)
<SiFuh> farkuhar: CRUX Repo server ^
<farkuhar> <- ominous warning about an understaffed project that satisfies a dependency for cmake, git, python3 and others.
<SiFuh> That's omnious
<ppetrov^> "omnious"
<SiFuh> ominous
<SiFuh> foreboding
<SiFuh> ill-boding
<SiFuh> A sinister prognostication
<SiFuh> A bad omen ;-)
<ppetrov^> "prognostication"
<SiFuh> I am about to embark on a venture into the omnious cavity above, to gaze upon decidedly prodigious and foreboding findings
<SiFuh> No where the fsck is my wife's headlamp
<ppetrov^> very poetic, SiFuh
<SiFuh> Why thank you honorable ppetrov^
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: farkuhar: During my lurkings, I have happened upon this....
<SiFuh> All that will need to be changed to 1 1/4" piping for the new pump
<SiFuh> Everything else not in that picture can stay 1" without damage to the pump or the pipes and fixtures in the house
<SiFuh> I am going to install an upgraded pump from my old broken 1" to 1" 0.5 HP booster pump located in the ceiling/roof void where the water tank is, to a brand new 1 and a 1/4" to 1" 1.5 HP booster pump.
<SiFuh> So my tank needs to be drained. An all those pipes changed to an increased diamter
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]