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ukky: Wife "The water is not flowing fast from my tap or shower. We need to buy a new one" Me "When they installed the new pump that had been sitting dead for almost a year, they ran that tap and shower. Brown water was coming out of it. They should have used the floor tap. They clogged the filters" So I took them out and handed them to her to clean. Yuck.....
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ukky: I have a funny one today. But I am waiting for farkuhar to arrive.
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zorz: Netflix’s Adolescence is a Trojan Horse For Online Censorship and Surveillance Policy
SiFuh: did not watch all of it... i watched some parts during the flight. but i heard a trend everybody speaking about this. so most probably....they are directed
zorz: I watched NONE of it
how do you know its a trojan?
I reviewed all the episodes
I don't watch shit unless I know what I am watching 80% of the time.
Right now watching Hell on Wheels
Not a series for a tight jeans wearing Muslim soyboy like yourself.
heh and muslim and soy
Sorry, or forgot the word 'poofter' in that.
SiFuh: orthodox, corporal scout
have you been in the amry boy?
zorz: Went to Transport Department today. Guess what happened?
heh what?
The entire department stopped, to serve me.
Wife was freaking shocked.
they understood, handicapped?
Yes zorz I was in Airforce.
No, why would I be handicapped.
this is not consider army, unless pilot
One of the boss dudes said "You want to register your horse?"
why you ve got a horse?
lets bet on hippodrome
I liked your handicapped joke better. It was a good one
a little bit of bacteria is good... stronger stamina
zorz: I care zero about bacteria... or blood worms. It's the freaking polluted mud from construction sites that I don't like chewing on.
fuckin hell during army they gave this pill.... to try mad water
zorz: Oh, blood worms are not dangerous. They live at the bottom of water. Build little huts to live in.
zorz: They did too for me. I didn't try it because I know better ways to get water
you know when i did my service, 2 years... i was so pissed. but now i changed my mind, was a good thing
Your pipes and valves look nice. But water doesn't.
anyway... got to go.... ciao
I did mine and was proud to be there. Hated every minute. But no way will I change the past if I had a time machine.
ukky: Yeah, most of the shit in the pipes is between the town water supply and your home.
I fixed all already. Did the last of the plumbing today. Everything working fine.
It doesn't look like old city pipes. City probably does not clean the water. City pipes must be flushed regularly too.
I don't live in a city and this a third world country.
'City' means outside of your house.
ukky: By the way, the transport department said if I want to build my Willy's Jeep bring in the engine number for a check. I said that that isn't important. It's the chassis number. I can find the engine later.
He said bring it in, if legally can register then go for it. He is a fellow off-roader too. I said it is from the 40's. He said oooo Vintage. You want a powerful engine. I laughed and said no way, the damned thing would fall apart. It isn't designed for that.
Willy's Jeep have a 15 litre tank under the driver's seat and a 3 gear transmission. WTF does he think I want to do with it?
Restore it and sell to the collector
My plan is to keep it 'till I die. When I am too old to climb into the 4x4 I will use it instead
When I go back to Australia to visit my parents (If I go back). I will pick up the manual I have had for over 30 years.
You have to write down all the stuff you want to take when you visit AU.
I already have a two page list
I am writing it all down as I remember them. I am old school. Still use a pencil and a notebook.
I will fly there practically naked. Then carry everything back.
Get extra money in case you have to pay for overweight
So far it is only small stuff. I am still deciding whether or not to bring the Texas Instrument Fluke from before farkuhar was born. Hahaha
ukky: It will be underweight.
I mean extra luggage
When you return
ukky: It will be underweight.
I am not bringing much. It is also small useful stuff
In fact the manual will probably be the heaviest thing
Take Fluke with you too. Nowdays tools are made like before.
ukky: There is a problem with Malaysia though. Anything entering the country is considered import and therefore needs to be taxed. Even if you bought it here, went to Australia and brought it back. They will try to tax you again.
I have Fluke, but it is recent model.
ukky: The fluke is awesome. Was given to me by a guy who got it from his work like 50 years or so ago and didn't know what it was.
I have second tool, maybe Fluke, I don't remember, as I use it rarely. It's clamp-type, to measure current.
ukky: I have one of those too. Payment for fixing a guys speakers.
Good for cars. Clamp over the battery terminals and the alternator and spark plugs.
Spark plug leads
They are called Clamp Meters in Australia
I belive it can measure up to 600 A, but I might be wrong.
ukky: I've only ever used them for cars to be honest.
ukky: I think the one I have is 600A too
I used it to estimate current on outdoor water pump.
ukky: I have two oscilloscopes as well. I made antennas for them so I can find electrical wires in the walls I was about to drill into.
Pump is variable speed and I wanted to know current at different speeds.
A Clamp metre should also work for the same purpose
ukky: Ahh, understood
For that I have stud detector
I have an ear for that ;-)
To double-check, I use magnet from HDD
I wasn't looking for studs. I was looking for wires in the wall. I'd turn the power on and plug something in and then I could scan the wall and find it. I did have a Thermal Camera but that died.