remiliascarlet: Are there in SIM Cards in Japan that can be used overseas with roaming? I am not sure if 'E-Sim' as they call it which as far as I know are MVNO USIMs will work overseas.
remiliascarlet: And do you know a way to buy and register it without needing genuine ID?
And if so, and you can, could you post us one for test and if it works, the guy will order 50 from you and pay you money for them
ukky: Hahaha I just saw Aunt Sally standing up in mid air flying sideways by the CCTV. Hahahaha She must be related to a Macropod
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farkuhar has joined #crux-social
firefox 136.0.2 built successfully on CRUX-glibc, even with rust-bin substituting for rust. I wonder if there are default assumptions about the target triple, deeper in the firefox source tree, that are not getting overridden when mozconfig is written by hand.
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ivandi has joined #crux-social
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
heh, CRUX is defined as "Dormant" at DW
ppetrov^: How often does DW update its status reports? Maybe they were reacting to ivandi's observation that crux.nu went down for a while.
A distribution which has not put out a new release in two or more years is marked as being Dormant in our database.
26-Sep-2022 and it is now 21-Mar-2025 so it is dormant
Release candidates presumably do not qualify, for the purposes of resetting the dormancy status, but even if they did, more than two years elapsed between CRUX 3.7 and the first RC of CRUX 3.8, so the "dormant" label was definitely valid a few months ago. If RCs do qualify for resetting the dormancy status, then distrowatch should be informed about CRUX 3.8-rc4.
That said, it would be awkward to tell distrowatch about the rc4 iso, and then have the crux.nu host unresponsive when DW tries to verify the claim.
SiFuh_: That's why CCTV was invented
farkuhar: Or you can just wait until 3.8 is released and then the switch will flip at Distrowatch that it is no longer dormant.
Crux should be rolling distro, with rolling toolchain too.
CRUX should be burned and stomped on and a new version released called CRUX-Social
It sounds like SiFuh_ is volunteering to inform Distrowatch about the new fork, so they can add yet another distro to their database.
ukky suggested a rolling-release model, so I searched Distrowatch for all the source-based distros they consider "semi-rolling" or "rolling" release. Only five hits: Calculate Linux, Gentoo Linux, Redcore Linux, Lunar Linux, and Source Mage GNU/Linux.
Crux cannot be considered full source-based distro because toolchain is fixed and cannot be upgraded to the latest version.
Lunar Linux is a useful example to follow. From 2002 to 2014 they were putting out numbered releases, and then they switched to a rolling-release model. If CRUX went the same way, we might avoid the fate of ever being listed as "dormant" in the DW database.
I haven't played around with Lunar Linux since 2004, so I have no idea how they managed the transition from fixed release to rolling release.
farkuhar: ukky: Would it not just be easier to give the URL to DW for the updated ISO?
Updated ISO then has to mention: "This is a new release 2025-03-21, forget about 3.7 we issued 2 years ago"
ukky: It does
01-Mar-2025 07:55 <-- Right there
Is '3.7' version removed from the updated ISO? What version does it display at boot?
don't cry ukky
A distribution which has not put out a new release in two or more years is marked as being Dormant in our database.
520,000 MYR for a Jeep Wrangler and I can buy a Porche 911 for 280,000 MYR. I'd buy the Porche
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
farkuhar: zorz has left
zorz has joined #crux-social
farkuhar: zorz has returned
I have to admire stenur's persistence. He still hasn't gotten a response to his bug report about pkgutils static linking, yet he opened another Gitea issue about curl and ca-path.
ukky: It's been over 3 hours since farkuhar has bored us with Firefox and Rust crap ;-)
ukky: It's been 1 hour since SiFuh_ last repeated himself, quoting the DW policy about when a distro is marked Dormant.
Anyway, note to myself: run memtest when you buy used CPU. One of my CPUs I bought recently cannot pass memtest, will install and use the old one.
Looks like gitlab.freedesktop.org is back online, so r0ni can proceed with the updates that were put on hold for a few days.
So you followed zorz's advice and took the conversation to #crux? What happened to the claim that "there is no conversation in #crux"?
I am the reason there is no conversation in CRUX
Apparently I am more popular than the developers ;-)
Nothing happened after SiFuh proposed a floating variable to handle the python3 version appearing in a footprint. These functions https://dpaste.com/HWES5EJ8A also don't have any logic for the python3 version, but they do try to accommodate alternative libc providers.
The diff command on line 15 often complains that the results of process substitution are not sorted, so I might need to restore the `| sort` pipeline that appeared at the end of each subshell.
As ukky pointed out, CRUX doesn't update any piece of its toolchain between releases, so pkgmk never needed to be flexible about checking the footprint of python3 ports. Only the kernel version was deemed worthy of special treatment, because it could vary from one user to the next.
It's still a mystery how they manage to auto-merge the 3.7 and 3.8 branches, unless there's some mechanism for fixing the python3 footprints after each such commit to the 3.7 branch. If they're fixing each automatic merge by hand, the effort involved might spur the devs to follow ppetrov^s example, and just stop committing any updates to 3.7 (apart from CVE patches).
I read your last comment and the first thought in my head was "Gald he isn't Columbo"
Columbo knows even less than I do about git and remote-tracking branches.
farkuhar: Well I guess so since he died around 2011
Wasn't he a fictional character, though? Is it permissible for the author of a fictional setting to endow the characters with domain-specific knowledge that the author lacks? I guess so, as long as that knowledge doesn't need to be demonstrated in detail in any scene.
2 parts became one. Without each part they would not be
For example, Tom Selleck was suppose to be Indiana Jones, but instead it was Harrison Ford. Imagine how it would have turned out
I searched git-merge(1) for your pithy summary "Without each part they would not be", but I got "Pattern not found". Maybe you should propose adding that language to the man-page.
farkuhar: I think I should talk more about Willy's Jeeps too
Actually, I know where to get one. I want the Chassis and Engine Number and check if I can register it in Malaysia. If I can, I plan to buy it and build it here.
Be a bit funny sitting on a 15 litre fuel tank under the driver's seat.
And starting it by pressing my foot on a switch on the floor in the centre, also switching from high and low beams with my other foot and manually moving a lever to wipe my windscreens.
I need to find a chassis I can register. The rest, no problems.
And I know where to get the engine
I know where there is a chassis but not sure if I can register it.
ukky: Was looking at registering a left-hand drive car in Malaysia. Short version. It can be done. Funny are the comments. One guy says "It's a pain in the arse because when you want to pay for toll and parking, you need a co-driver to reach the console" (paraphrasing) which is logical. Another said "He doesn't need to drive to the mall unless he has a girlfriend" (Also paraphrasing). Hehehe
It would be pain in the sas to repair such car, it is better to buy whatever standard in the country is.
ukky: No, I have been planning it since the 90's and I know I can get everything I need.
It would be way easier in Thailand and the Philippines to build, and Malaysia will be difficult but, as I said. I got everything ready. I just need the chassis
If I can find a legal to register chassis, I can build that vehicle.
Well, you are into cars/trucks, so might be a good project for you. For me, car is for driving from point A to point B.
ukky: I've got a shed arranged for me to work in.
Restoration like Tim the Tool Man Taylor
Takes 10 years, who cares. Just enjoy it, love it, make it perfect. Know every nut and bolt and washer and panel and you can make anything you want.
Maybe I watched some of those TV series briefly, but this subject doesn't make my heart start pumping like crazy.
Hahah me too. It was fun when I was a kid though
ukky: There is one thing that will probably be difficult to find but I am not concerned. The old boots the truck has. Finding those tyres will not be easy, but why waste my time when I can find a new pair of modern shoes for it.
ukky: farkuhar: ppetrov^: 'Women's logic'. 2 years ago I was told to renew my licence I need to drive 148 KM to the capital city of the state and I can't do it at my local transport department. Wife called a week ago and they said (Capital City) you can do there at your local place. She called the local place and they said that they can do. So she said to me, "I don't think we risk it. I think we go
to the capital city instead of the local place"...............
I was face palming like you would never believe
I'd rather go local first. It is only 10 KM away. If rejected, then drive the 148 KM to the capital.
SiFuh_: I second your decision, even though you don't need my opinion.
ukky: Hahaha, yeah, not needed because you are a man and you already carry similar opinions to other men and I.
ukky: Today we took the dog to the vet. The vet said the reason she isn't eating is probably because someone is feeding her too many snacks. Apart from that she is suprisingly healthy for a feral street mutt" And the wife looks at me and says "He says that too" and the Vetinarian said Yeah, well he is probably right. Yes, definitely right"
ukky: Today at the restaraunt. It's a Japanese restaurant. I was telling her that they _ARE_ feeding her. I know. I saw with my own eyes. She says "But they told me they don't" I said "Yes, they told you. But they lied to your face. I stood there in the shadows watching them feed her and then listened to them tell you they never did."
She asks "Why would they lie?" and I spoke very loudly in the restaurant. "They are Chinese. Chinese are the biggest liars on the planet. And you know lies more than Chinese? Chinese women!" Everyone in the restaurant is Chinese. All the tables around us were staring at us. I said "Ignore them. They know it is true"
She says "How can you say that about Chinese people?" I said "Simple, I lived in China. They lie, they know they lie, they know you know they lie. You know they lie. Everyone around knows they lie. And yet if you lie the loudest, you win"
ukky: That's the cheap as anything 5.19 CAD hat
Definitely no Stetson there.
I usually wear the Stetson for special occasions
I was looking at the beer, not the hat. And posters on the wall.
ukky: The beer is Kirin from Japan. The poster on the wall is what mum was looking at.
"What's with the face behind your head? Why so those eyes have no pupils?" -- mum
hates the hands?
ppetrov^: Says I have fat hands
ppetrov^: He doesn't seem to know the difference from muscular hard working hands and fat people's hands
ppetrov^: I want to see him call them fat with one hand around his throat :-P
Guess he likes troon hands.
farkuhar: Want to come to Bali for the man thing? My friend said he is thinking about it and around maybe a month from now.
farkuhar: I am thinking to go even if he doesn't go. He's a 'gunna person' says he is going to do something but many times he changes plans.
No beer, no drugs, no netflix. Just other men and you camping out in the mountains in a bungalow and eating good food and working on yourself. Like gym and meditation and other stuff.
Bring your brother in law too if you want. No women allowed.
Sounds like fun.
I think so.
And lavaball wouldn't know fat hands even if they were gripping his throat.
farkuhar: lavaball asked me a question and then I started a dialogue and he went nuts telling me "Thanks for assist. But don't talk to me again because you let the Jap ban me" (Paraphrasing)
What a faggot
Starting with version 2.60 it looks like librsvg is no longer supporting autotools builds. There's a clunky patch https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg/-/issues/1158 which allows it to build on CRUX-MUSL, after inserting the additional meson option -D pixbuf-loader=disabled.
The output from cargo_wrapper.py was useful in suggesting why pixbuf-loader needed to be disabled. Like the subdir rsvg_convert, it relies on the proc_macro crate which is unsupported on MUSL.
ukky: I had a friend here years ago just like farkuhar. We'd be talking about sexy women and cool stuff and he'd be talking about the new PHP update.
Sorry for hijacking the discussion again with boring details about ports that depend on rust.
farkuhar: Well it is crux-social and not crux dude. HAHAHAHA
Heheh, funny how we get told to take our talk elsewhere from CRUX and now farkuhar is here talking CRUX shit here.
It is fully legit to talk about Crux here (zorzing)
ukky: I am teasing farkuhar
opt commit 114ffd282b1fce39a0eb827bb24b002bab9f734c (2019-04-29) is where Romster renamed librsvg to librsvg-compat, making way for the newer librsvg 2.44.13 (the first version to depend on rust).
ukky: I actually couldn't care less, well I probably could, but it is funny.
He's spamming the social channel with official shit for the same reasons that the socialites were told to leave the official channel
I just think that is really funny
In those early days, Romster actually listed rust-bin on the dependency line, only later changing it to rust. Maybe they hadn't settled on a reliable way to build rust from source yet.
farkuhar: yes it had been done that way
But rust-bin was actually made if I recall correctly because it was so fscking huge to build that a binary option was more important than a source build, and to mention it had lots of flaws in those days during compilation.
I think it was to do with cargo packages not matching the check sum.
Did they skip over a stable release somewhere? It looks like they jumped straight from librsvg 2.40.20 to librsvg 2.44.13, without passing through 2.42.x along the way. Nowadays you see beerman trying to ensure that every stable release makes an appearance in the git log, even if it gets supplanted by something newer that very same day.
Or he was lazy
'Oh I just built it. Wow... Oh new release. Fuck it!'
farkuhar: I remember the old days where beerman was a perfectionist. His ports needed to be perfect. Loved it when people would tell him it isn't working because he'd just go out and work with them and fix it. These days. he doesn't give a flying fuck.
'It is done. Compiles here. If it fails it is the users fault, not mine'
Hence the secret uninformative update the other day, when that user complained and he spoke nothing.
The socialites were told to leave the official channel because they were talking about official shit, and the core team couldn't handle the criticism?
Nah actually is was remiliascarlet talking shit.
That is what did it and I got blame for replying to her.
So technically this channel was made for her and I and everyone else who just wants to hang out can join
She speaks her 2 cents worth and I like reading it.
#CRUX devs hated it.
So basically this channel exists because of remiliascarlet
It is also one of the reasons I gave her PRIME operator mode.
The first person I invited was lavaball. But he turned out to be a sleazy paedo racist and it lead to him being banned on a free speech channel by remiliascarlet
And as I told him. I don't police my operators. She wants to she has her reason, so it is done. You got an issue, talk to her about it.
He tries to use that script I made that deletes everything he says as a ban. It affected no one but me. "Oh free speech you say
I have the freedom to ignore him. I have zorz PM on ignore. That guy fucking spams worse than pro-spammers
And I was growing tired of lavaball's paedo shit.
farkuhar: Hmm that place in Bali has ice baths. I wonder if it is operated by a former soldier. Because ice baths are used to stop slow lactic acid build up
ukky: In Canada do you guys call Mobiles (Mobile phones) cells?
In Malaysia they call them 'hand phones'
I'd love to see an armless person asked if they have a Hand Phone.
SiFuh_: 'cell phone'
ukky: In AU we call them 'Mobile Phone'
ukky: Women are weird. Today she went fscking crazy at me for not answering her message on her phone. I asked which message and said that I had replied to it and the reason she didn't see my reply was because she doesn't read 90% of messages. She said she is looking at them all and I had never replied. Then shoves the phone in my face and I pointed to my reply. Then it is all my fault because she
didn't expect me to reply so fast!
It stems from the fact that 90% of what I send she never reads. So when I told her off about it, she is now trying to trip me up by saying I never read her messages. Classic turn her problem into my problem garbage
Imagine how weird you do look to her, when you re-primed top rack on your truck four times in just a few days.
ukky: kShe did 2 times destroy my prime job on the fender flares. Her family is responsible for the rest
ukky: By the way, that was the short story. The longer story is even more bullshit about the messages.
ukky: Here is some perspective. I send her messages and 90% she ignores. I see she reads and she never replies. So after 5 years, I decide. 'Well stuff that. Why should I reply her messages?'. So she tells me "Tomorrow at lunch time..." "I know" "You know what I am going to say?" "Yes. You want to take Aunt Sally to the vet tomorrow at lunch time" "How did you know that?" "I can read people silly"
Then sends me a message the next day at lunch time "What time do you want to go?" "WTF? I have been ready since lunch time" These are the types of stupid things that piss me off.
So several weeks earlier she asks me "On 15 do you want to go to KL?" I didn't reply. I don't want to reply. Then on 14th she is mad at me because she realises I ain't going to KL. She demands that I tell her why I didn't reply to her message. I said that I had been messaging her for 5 years and 90% is never answered. So see how you like it.
She knows my phone is always on silent. I never carry it with me and most of the time it has a flat battery. Yet I am expected to answer and reply at superman speed. Then when I do she is angry at me because she was closing the chat program after I had received her message and replied so fast she was closing it at the same time and missed my reply.
For some people 'At lunch time' means somewhere between 7:00 am and 4:00 pm. For some, 'At lunch time' means at twelve hundred.
Here it is 13:00 until 14:00
She turned up at 15:00
15:00 is technically 'noon' by the way.
It was moved to 12:00 in more recent times
I still tend to follow the old style of 15:00 being noon so it can get a bit messy
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
farkuhar: In Kyrgyzstan there was a guy from the US talking to me. I told him that I was going home to drink beer. He started telling me that it is not good to drink alone. I replied with "I always drink alone". I walked off and spoke to my close friend who is also American and he said "He was asking you to invite him to your place to drink" WTF? Why couldn't he just say that?
That guy was not direct to me, so in the end, I never let him anywhere near my home. :-P
If had said something like this 'Drink alone? Want me to join?' or 'I like to drink. Let's drink' then the story would be very different
Or even 'I am going to your home'
It would sound very creepy to declare 'I am going to your home' without being invited first.
Not when beer is involved farkuhar
"I am going home to drink beer." "I am going to your home."
A typicall Aussie answer would be "Fuck yeah, let's do it! buy some piss on the way"
I didn't like him anyway. He was a cunt. Probably a far left communist retard
Dude's facebook posts were longer than a weeks worth of your #crux-social texts
Always tip-toeing around his words to no offend anyone. I hate pussy-footers.
All my friends know me well. I say what I see, think and want to say. There are no prison cells around my words. And I don't give a flying fuck who it offends.
And you ask any of my friends they will all say the same thing. "SiFuh is real and true, that's why we like him" or something thereabout
You get spammed by zorz in IRC private messages? He never tries that with me. It lends plausibility to the claim that you're more popular than the core devs.
farkuhar: I did hold my tongue though about Islam. With a friend.
farkuhar: Yeah, I have him on ignore because of it.
farkuhar: Even lavaball doesn't spam me and remiliascarlet and they do private messages sometimes. But zorz. He'd post in channel and reply in a private message. It was fucking irritating switching from channel to PM to channel to PM and over and over again and even I told him to stop he still kept doing it.
lavaball and remiliascarlet's PM are quite satisfying. I actually don't mind it. But zorz... that was annoying shit.
farkuhar: he'd even answer a PM on channel. That's how fucking shit it was
I wish stenur would show up here and say "reply to my Gitea issues, don't waste your comments on those clowns in #crux-social".
I wish too
I think my two favorite crux users are stenur and remiliascarlet. They are a lot of fun although I think remiliascarlet has some deep fascination towards that Johnny Somali cunt. Because she posts a lot about him. I just want to see him hanged from the neck. Not some idiot post about him.
remiliascarlet actually uses CRUX? I thought she was strictly OpenBSD at this point.
She has more in common with me than everyone else in this channel
farkuhar: Never asked, probably for games uses crux but that is just a guess.
I want her to go Jungle off-road with us. I want to see how my wife reacts to two of us. HAHAHA but I am sure she will love it too.
farkuhar: In all mu life and living in 14 countries I have never seen a strong or smart Chinese. They are all soy-boys with big mouths.
I guess it is because of too many years of oppression
farkuhar: When I worked in the schooling system in China, the national average IQ was based upon the 2 smartest students, one female and one male from each school. It was a big scam.
So their average IQ was based on the smartest students and not the national average which makes them pretty dumb.
That's a pretty dishonest way to report the national average.
It is and when I learned about it not only was I appalled by it. I was laughing because of it.
I think in 2004 the national average IQ of China was 106. That meant that their smartest students averaged 106.
farkuhar: China was the first country to accuse me of being a spy. I thought it was joke. Spies? Cold war? But China has spies everywhere and they steal tech all the time.
Don't get me wrong though. They do some serioulsy amazing work. You can build a phone just by buying parts as you walk down the street.
They have awesome manufacturing
You can watch them make a touch screen in front of you.
Now I get a sense of what motivated your outburst in the restaurant ("Chinese are the biggest liars on the planet.")
No actually that was from Chengdu China
farkuhar: I bought my goods and got the wrong change. So i told the lady behind the counter it was wrong. She started screaming at me like a banchee. A crowd soon developed. A man from the crowd snatched the receipt from my hand and looked at what I bought and the crowd started yelling at her because I was right and she was wrong.
She jumped over the counter. Literally jumped over the counter. Grabbed my arm and bit me. I was wearing a denim jacket to probably hurt her more than me. Unless she was an inuit. But I looked at her and slapped her in the face.
The security guard pushed his way through the crowd and shoved my goods back into the bag and pointed to me to leave. When I went home the lady next door was so offended that I had slapt the woman she slammed the door in my face when I was asking her about it.
Later she came by and apologized to me for her behaviour and said I was wrong. I asked why. She said that I can punch, stab, shoot or kick the woman but NEVER slap them in the face. You are treating her like a child. So you are wrong.
Completely ignoring the fact I was ripped off.
Later I'd learn about the lying part. They lie and lie and lie but they have to lie the loudest or they will not win the argument. I came from Thailand. Arguing and shouting is impolite so it was new grounds for me.
When I told the face slap story in Shanghai they laughed and said "Yeah, that's Chengdu"
farkuhar: But all the lies when I was living in China, was just disgusting. They could never tell the truth. Lying was a part of life.
Stupid lies "You marry her, she is 5 years older than you. Your baby will be a retard. I know I have 3 friends that married older woman and all gave birth to retard"
"We don't eat dog in China. It makes you smelly and weak" Whilst I am standing outside of restaurant in China that has dog meat.
My Chinese friend was asked by a taxi driver "Do you need a taxi?" He replied "Your taxi can't hold 100 people" then the taxi driver was angry and said "Show me the 100 people" I turned to him and asked him "Why say that?"
A dude selling porn videos asked me if I want any. I said no but I have a VFR 400 CC in Thailand for sale. The guy fucked us over for 2 hours saying he will buy before saying he doesn't want it.
I ordered beef welldone. The guy says can do and gave me rare. I asked him to recook it welldone. So he took it back and no joke, as soon as he walked through the kitchen door he spun around and brought it back.
Then argued with me that the chef had recooked it for me
The fucking door hadn't even swung closed. I saw that cunt do a 180 and come back.
farkuhar: I said to my girlfriend that I don't like this place. They all lie. Her reply was "It is normal, it is how we live. It is customary"
Wife and her entire family are the same. They lie and because it was spoken it must be the truth.
farkuhar: Here is an off topic one. After marry wife says I need to go to her parents home and bow before them on my knees. I looked at my wife and said "Like fucking hell I will" She says that I have to and I replied "I don't have do shit"
She says but it is our culture. I said I don't take part in cults. Hehe
farkuhar: Even my mother was asking "Did you?" and I replied with "No way, not even in hell"
ukky: Ooohh, I just remembered I can apply for my truck licence this month. I want to drive big rigs from MY to TH and back.