zorz: Do you even know how to operate that?
Fscking Alex Jones. I was trying to watch the full Trump speach and all you can hear is Alex Jones talking over Trump. So I will watch the one on youtube.
zorz: Stupid name. Better they call it Sasquatchino
zorz: "The media and our friends in the Democrat party kept saying we need new legislation, we must have legislation to secure the border... But it turned out that all we really needed was a new President" -- Donald Trump
gold card.... 5 mil
Yeah, not a fan of that
me 2
Many countries have this thing.
These Democrats are seething
It looks like the crow like creatures from "The Dark Crystal (1982)"
zorz: by the way, I tried what AI told about CVS repo access when PC is behind corporate firewall. The answer AI gave it total Bravo Sierra. CVS client does not use proxy connection at all.
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ukky: he answer AI gave it total Bravo Sierra this is bad? or good?
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Bravo Sierra means it is total bullshit (i.e. bad). AI has no clue what it is talking about. AI combined CVS non-proxied access with non-cvs proxied acces (two unrelated subjects).
ukky: Yep, when I have nothing to do, I go one a competition with it and challenge it. It always loses.
SiFuh_: AI should be good writing fiction stories. For facts, we need other sources.
If it had an IQ. I'd say from my experiences with it, that it would have less than 50
And I also don't like calling it AI. I prefer to call it a glorified search engine and plaguerizer.
search engine plagiarizing technological information chicanery
farkuhar: I am tired of this Seinfeld thing. I can't see any reason why anyone would consider him or this series funny
I think the only one that is considered slightly humours is Kramer. But that's because he is crazy
SiFuh_: Who suggested that you start watching Seinfeld? There must be plenty of other TV series more worthy of your attention.
farkuhar: Many people and they have no idea what real comedy is
farkuhar: Have you watch The IT Crowd yet? I asked zorz but he is a fucking bum.
SiFuh_: No, I haven't watched The IT Crowd. Does that make me a fucking bum too?
farkuhar: No, because I was merely questioning you. In zorz's case I recommended he go an watch it twice
Well not twice as in watch it twice. As in I told him twice.
It's a British series. Contains like 6 short episodes and 4 seasons and a movie. It's about two geeks working for IT customer service in an office building full of morons.
zorz is a moron if he thinks the cruxbridge would have suggested CRUX-MUSL as a possible solution to GazL's libxcrypt issue.
farkuhar: I consider him a jar-head ;-)
If libxcrypt is just a trojan horse to smuggle systemd into currently-non-systemd distros, then cruxbridge remaining silent (when GazL tries to disentangle kmod from libxcrypt) can be taken as tacit support for the infiltration of systemd?
farkuhar: You read what I posted :-) Nice!
And yes I agree with what you are saying, but I think that maybe cruxbridge had no clue about it.
Because libxcrypt doesn't explicity say it is systemd. It is just systemd like as many Linux users had discovered.
lbxcrypt was not on my radar of SystemD components. I have to look if that is the case.
I wonder why libxcrypt and not argon2 was used
It's funny that we use the same phrase "had no clue about it" to describe both the silence of cruxbridge on GazL's issue, and AI's non-sensical response to a query about CVS behind corporate paywalls.
But I never looked into it. Maybe something changed
farkuhar: You mean GSE and not AI?
GSE = Glorified Search Engine the world is calling AI.
Oh, for a minute I thought you were talking about the Gardening StackExchange.
It seems lbxcrypt deserves the status of 'bloatware', as it combines all possible password hashing methods ever developed by mankind in a single library.
farkuhar: I watched that Trump speech. Quite moving in some regards. I saw the idiot left being assholes and not showing any heart or compassion. Then I saw one hold up a sign about the Veterans. WTF? Liberals don't give a fuck about Veterans.
ukky: I am not sure. I just saw it was a big fucking mess and went, 'Yeah, I ain't including this shit in MUSL'
ukky: Have you an archive of all your ports and patches? Can email them to me. I think in April, I will start work on the 3.8 MUSL again but seriously considering a core only. And I want to compare my shit with your stuff.
And sudo goes into opt
SiFuh_: I posted a link to the overlay repo, hosted on my VPS
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SiFuh_: All changes should be there, except for ISO repo, but I already sent you Makefile
I didn't see a line. Was I even online then?
Heh, a core-only ISO is probably the most I'd have the patience to build on my 4-year-old hardware. But I appreciate all the work that ukky put into a MUSL ISO roughly comparable to the official one.
rsync is not functiona if I am behind firewall, thus httpup
Okay booted into CRUX MUSL and ran that ancient command that Moses probably used and got it.
I think CRUX is the only distro still using that outdated insecure software
Okay done. I will look later. Maybe April
Actually I should make time this month since it is Islamic Starvation Month.
Oh wait, I need to get my ceiling pump fixed and apply for a driver's licence.
farkuhar: My system does the full build of ISO in about 9-10 hours. That's a lot. And every time there is build error, this full build process repeats.
ukky: Makes me wonder how jaeger can do weekly builds
SiFuh_: crux-amd64 is pretty stable and you can verivy all builds in native environment before you proceed to ISO build.
ukky: When did it become stable?
SiFuh_: jaeger does not do weekly builds of 3.8. For 3.7, it is pretty stable.
ukky: Never seen a stable build yet.
For 3.7, tollchain, perl, python haven't changed.
It took me almost a week to make toolchain/perl/python into the state that it can be used reliably.
Hmm, mine was 1 day. It's everything that shitted itself
s/\.$/ for 3.8./
everything else*
I am actually running yours anyway
I haven't compiled anything on it yet though.
I have 1,867 build logs (the number). All logs combined take 857 MiB.
And llvm takes up 847 ;-)
Hmm, I haven't had a shower in a few days. Back in a bit
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That's untimely uncanny dlcusa
/msg dlcusa *
Sorry, recovering from spinning rust I/O errors...
zorz has joined #crux-social
Fsck you zorzy
farkuhar: I was watching Reacher. She only has a 2XL shirt available for him. He said it is his size. What the hell? I wear 2XL
2XL in Asia might the same as XS in NA/Europe
ukky: I wear 2XL in Australia too
ukky: And yes it was a thought of mine.
I do know that military gloves at 2 and 3XL don't fit me in Asia. Maybe lavaball is right about my large fat hands.
2XL here is for medium-sized giants
Even my Ghillie suit from the US is 2XL
That's because you can put that suit over Parka.
Says you are correct in that image but, most of my clothes come from the US
DEm UK and AU
And NZ
When I drove a Taxi in Australia my friend bought a 2XL shirt. Said it is too big for him. So he gave it to me. I have much wider shoulders and the 2XL was fine.
It was the Taxi uniform
My shoulders are 46
So 2XL for US
ukky: And no way am I built like Reacher, from the series
My Asian shirts are 2XL, that photo of farkuhar and I, I am wearing an Asian 2XL. I have to be careful as to not tear the back open
ukky: I have wide shoulders because I was a rock climber and tree climber in the 90's I guess. Starting to train for that again.
ukky: I park the truck about 5cm from the wall at my house. I have it down pat. Should have seen the mechanic nephew scream when I cam flying in. He litterally thought I was going to smash into the house.
I have been doing it for so many years, I actually didn't know what the fuck happened to him. Then after some thought, I realised what he was screaming about.
ukky: My favorite incident was when I was driving my wifes car into the carport and she said "Something is wrong, but I don't know what" And what it was, was I was sitting in the passenger seat driving her car in.
My chest is 40 inches (under armpits), so my Asian size is L.
Thats small
* SiFuh_
goes to measure again
Ahh did you relax and fill lungs for movement?
Relaxed state
I can get to 42.5 if I empty my lungs entirely
Hehe, I can get it to 40 but I need the pull tape very tight.
ukky: The Teres Major and Latissimus Dors seems to be what is making mine wide
It could be. I don't do much physical work, besides snow removal, grass cutting and swimming pool maintenance.
Snow removal by shovel will give you those.
ukky: I actually have a hatred for not doing physical work.
Major work to remove snow is done by snow blower.
ukky: As I said ;-) I remembered
Cool machine
I saw one guy using one in Japan along the highway. The bus driver shouts to me "Yuki-Otoko" hahahahaha
Shovel is getting used to push snow a bit further from walls and porch
Yuki-Otoko is a term for a snow man in Japanese. Often mening Bigfoot. But in this case it was the guy working with snow removal.
ukky: In the US my grandfather always handed me a shovel and said "Clean my driveway"
I actually liked it. I don't know why, but I like digging.
I can do some physical work when required, but I don't like it.
ukky: I came back from Thailand in 2004. A truck dumped a load of dirt in our driveway. We had to dig up the dirt and bury the house (Underground/Earth Sheltered house) I just dug non stop until the dirt was gone. Everyone else was taking breaks. My brother said I was so skinny, it looked like I worked in a prison camp. So he started calling me 'Prison Camp Man'
ukky: My problem is that when I start work, like my former plumbing boss. I can't stop until it is done. I have to finish it. So I often have to force myself to stop.
I did that two days ago when making the plant pot trolley. I knew I had enough, but I wanted it done. I picked up my beer and looked at it said to myself "SiFuh. STOP! Enough, another day"
So I convinced myself. And the next day passed and I didn't shit. HAHAHAHAHA
didn't/didn't do*
In Australia they would call you a workaholic. But I know if I don't finish it, it will be days before I get around to it.
I know the feeling, sometimes it happens to me too. If I start doing something, it is better to finish it. Otherwise I have to wait next for the Blue Moon to appear in the sky
Hopefully today, I will get around to painting the wood.
ukky: Exactly. Also I often force myself to do it because of the same reason.
ukky: Her mother is a whinging old Chinese woman. When she sees me working like that, she yells at her husband that men need to do work. So sometimes I feel bad for him because he is over 70 years old.
I call it 'convincing myself', not 'forcing' D
I convince myself to stop. I force myself to start
ukky: During the Ching CHong New Year. I was repairing their lights. Then the mother starts screaming at me. Not angry but annoyingly. Took me a while to figure out she wants me to wash their lamps I was fixing. When I joked to my wife about how useless her nephew was at translating but I understood her mother. She stormed next door and yelled at her mother "You have your own husband! Don't tell my
husband to do work for you!" HAHAHAHAHA
She is a keeper
No, she is mine, but fscking annoying
ukky: She is notorious for getting 'hangry'
hungry or angry? D
And her memory sucks. The kettle is broken. So I ordered a new kettle. She put the old *electric* into the sink. Silly. I took it out and put it on the counter. The day before the new one arrives the old one has vanished. She accused me of throwing it in the trash. She did it! Not me. I wanted it to modify the new kettle.
ukky: Hungry AND angry. Hence hangry.
ukky: Yeah, I saw that in a US movie once. Also I saw a new one in Malaysia 'glamping' which I discovered was also used in a British movie. Glamping 'Glamour Camping'
ukky: I go normal camping here and they call it 'Wild Camping' because you get no facilities
I sleep on the ground here when I go camping 99% of the time. But so many Orang Aslia (Jungle people) and Malays tell me not to because of snakes and spiders and scorpions and centipedes and ants. Heh, I'd freaking Australian. Think I care?
So they convinced the wife to buy me an outdoor cot. HAHAHAHA
I will try it, but if not, I am going back to the ground.
Orang Asli*
ukky: In Australia I was asleep and woke up to something prodding my right armpit. I didn't even open my arms. I grabbed it by the neck, through into my pillow case and tied it closed and back to sleep. In the morning. I handed it to my father because I work night shift and I want to sleep more. It wa a Carpet Python.
I actually kept it in the pillow case under my blanket because it was winter and they are cold blooded and I didn't want it to die from being stuck in my pillow case in the cold
ukky: I watched my favorite youtube channel the other day '
Flex, Rocks & Rollovers
SiFuh_: nice. I prefer indoors, it is perfect: no bears, no mooses, no snakes. D
They mentioned monkeys are here and they found a dead puma. Wife was a bit confused by that. I told her "Remember what I said? DON'T KILL A MONKEY" Then she understood. "So the monkeys killed the puma?" I said "Probably. You take out one their family, you have started a war with an intelligent creature"
ukky: I was indoors at the time.
It was in my bedroom.
ukky: My worst was when I was asleep and though a bee stung me. I flicked it off with the same arm it was stinging. It landed on my hand and stung again. I got up with it on my arm and turned on the light to see WTF was stinging me. It was a scorpion. Not my first time. But freaking hell it hurt. 4 days of pain. Like razor blades under my skin.
Reminded me of the Replicators from Star Gate. Hehe
I didn't kill it. I put it in a bottle and let it go that night in the forest.
Also in my bedroom
Problem with Underground houses. Snakes, white-tailed spiders and scorpions always seem to find a way in.
That sucks, paying attention 24/7 in the house whether some crawling species found a way in
ukky: I told Mira from Kyrgyzstan, if you feel anything on your arm. Go look, and do not hit it. She failed that. A month into our stay she slapped a zombie bee and it stung her.
ukky: It's Australia. When that Praying Mantid was chomping on my arm in the jungle the other day. I didn't do anything except lift up my elbos to look at it.
I was shocked. How freaking big does it think its stomach is. It can't possibly eat me.
Surprised at how much pain I got from that. It was like nail clippers cutting my flesh.
No sudden movement can save you from being bitten
Imagine how tough your elbow skin is
ukky: That's a fact. It is in one of my courses for bush survival.
Wasps do not like sudden movement
ukky: One of my favorite tricks. Pick up wasps from their nest, show people and then put them back.
They are curious, so they will step onto your finger. Then when you put them back they step back onto their nests.
It works with most insects too. One I did was pick up butterflies at Batu Caves. When people saw it, they tried it and figured it out.
I hope you didn't meet japanese wasps
ukky: No, but I heard Yellow Jackets are pretty bad.
I've heard that too
ukky: But then again they say in Australia White-Tailed spiders are deadly, yet I found nothing to coroborate that. Had them as pets for years.
White-Tailed Spiders are kind of cool. They won't eat anything but other spiders. They like the snare makers (Web weavers) they find then grab the web and pretend to be stuck.
That's smart technique
Also, if I remember correctly only about 50 species of spiders on earth can actually harm humans
ukky: Huntsman spiders. I use to take care of the egg sack until they hatch. They'd eat each other until no food left. Then they'd start pulling off their own legs and sucking the blood out of them. But new legs would appear after they shed.
And the weirdest thing I ever witnessed. Red Back spiders. They'd mate and eat the male. Then when the babies were born the mother would eat all the babies leaving only a male behind and the cycle starts again.
Seems the mother knew she was trapped and basically fed off of her offspring.
Oedipus zorz, I mean rex ;-)
ukky: Never been to the Amazon, but only one jungle scared the shit out of me. Was in NSW in Australia. I heard noises and screaming I have never heard before. I lasted maybe 40 minutes then packed up and left. Like the flash
In 2003 maybe 2004 I was alone in the Malay Jungle in Kelantan. I made a hammock out of palm leaves. It was raining, I was asleep then I woke up remembering they have Burmese Pythons and Tigers here. Then went to sleep again.
It is hard to imagine myself being in the jungle on my own.
ukky: Well, Jaguars hmm but in general, it is quite good.
Humans exaggerate too much I find
ukky: Had a young kid in the pub shaking his head and he said "I don't know whether or not you are bullshitting me" And before I could step in, an older gent said "Look, you are not from our time. We actually did stuff."
I find it amazing in the4 Western world how fast the internet, destroyed the younger generation. Now we have phones that do what we needed a huge-ass box to do.
And it has sucked life out of the young ones.
ukky: I just go out and ride the BMX sometimes. Wife thinks it is weird that an almost 50 year old is riding on of those things. "What you do?" "Nothing" "Why bother?" "I like it"
Reminds me of the 80s
Get to see shit, wave at neighbours, say hello to the kids. But yeah, just ride, do nothing. Break from it all. Wish I had a bike gang like in the 70's and 80's though
ukky: My phone is always on silent unless I expect a call. Wife got locked out of the house when I was in the jungle. She called my phone so many times. 11 missed calls. When I eventually called her back she tried that "What if it was an emergency.." Bullshit. "Err, call 911"
"Why didn't you answer?" "It's on silent and I was driving"
Only two times the phone is with me. I am travelling accross state lines or I am in the truck in case I break down.
Some people check their phones every 15 seconds. 'What if somebody posted a picture of their child and I do not know about it right away?', etc.
ukky: Yeah we downloaded an app to see screen time. Mine was less than 30 seconds in a week.
"y i call you never anser my call" <-- Not my spelling errors. Some one messaged me today
Tell them to send you email that they will call you in three days
I called him back but his call was busy. Then he enver called me back.
I am fine with that
ukky: It has become an obsession and I hate obsession. Unless it is beer and hard labour work.
ukky: In Australia I make a call "Beer?" "Yes, beer" "I am leaving now"
That's the kind of calls I like
ukky: Hehe farkuhar SMS was invented with character limits for people like you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ukky: There is one thing I can't get out my mind. That day farkuhar was scoffing down Durian because he read a sign. I have never see anyone demolish Durian like he did. That was amazing
SiFuh_: you should never brake up with Beer over the phone call. Do it in person.