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zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
<SiFuh_> ukky: 12V/60W
<SiFuh_> Gilligan's Island but in space
<SiFuh_> Not to mention how weak their bones will be
<SiFuh_> Biden's administration postponed the SpaceX’s mission for political reason to prevent SpaceX's company from gaining favourable publicity ahead of the presidential election.
SiFuh_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
SiFuh has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Because I was having a conversation about moonshining with ppetrov in July 2022. Then he joined my channel #moonshiners on the 20th of July 2022. That is what zorz will be recalling.
<SiFuh> That channel is gone now, I replaced it with #crux-social.
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> farkuhar: ppetrov^ is here
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: "farkuhar: Because I was having a conversation about moonshining with ppetrov in July 2022. Then he joined my channel #moonshiners on the 20th of July 2022. That is what zorz will be recalling. That channel is gone now, I replaced it with #crux-social."
<ppetrov^> right, i remember now
<SiFuh> Surprised nosy zorz remembered small amounts of that
zorz has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> zorz: Read the logs.
<zorz> wait
<zorz> yesssss
<zorz> not altsheimer yet ;pP
<SiFuh> You mean Alzheimer's?
<SiFuh> My US uncle had that.
<SiFuh> As a kid it was very funny for me. But as an adult, it is very sad knowing he had it.
<SiFuh> He was a Belly-Bomber during WW2
<SiFuh> I came round once. I asked him "Have you seen Uncle Norman?" He looks up at me. Stands up. Big smile on his face. Looks confused. Then sees the food on the plate he was eating. Sat back down. Felt like I was being completely ignored. I asked him again "Have you see uncle Norman?" He gets up and says "Yes, yes" Then looks under the table. Behind his chair. Looked at the book shelf behind him. Then saw
<SiFuh> his plate. Lifted the plate and looked under it. Then his face went all confused again. He sat down and started eating again. I shouted back "Hi! I am going outside to see if I can find uncle Norman". He nodded and said "Yes" and his face when confused before he finished saying yes and went back to eating.
<SiFuh> I always wondered, did he die because of old age? His body stopped functioning because the brain didn't know what to do? Or did he die in fear not knowing anything? But then I thought.. Can't be fear because he wouldn't be afraid. He doesn't know anything.... Hmm so even until this day, I often wonder about it.
<SiFuh> What are the last moments in the mind of a person with Alzheimer's disease before they die.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: NomadBSD.
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: NomadBSD has just been recommended to zorz (as his latest distro-hopping adventure?)
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: I just said it randomly to him, but you don't even need to distro-hop to NomadBSD, since it's basically just FreeBSD with a desktop, and on a USB stick, so you can just use it on whichever x86_64 PC you want.
<remiliascarlet> So instead of bringing your laptop everywhere, you just bring a USB stick everywhere.
<remiliascarlet> Used to be useful in an era when we had computer labs, kids these days use iPads instead.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: Not so useful in a computer lab where the administrators have disabled booting from USB. But otherwise a viable alternative to bringing your laptop everywhere.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: Thankfully, most administrators are too dumb to even configure that.
<farkuhar> Anyway, why even bring a full-blown OS? Just carry around a USB stick with the SSH keys needed to access a remote host, and even from a Windows machine you can do all your Unix computing at the command-line.
<farkuhar> At one workplace I was able to configure the Windows SSH client to do X11 forwarding too. But these days I don't bother with GUI programs over SSH; I just use the native Windows program and scp the needed files back and forth between the workplace computer and the CRUX machine at home.
ppetrov^^ has joined #crux-social
ppetrov^ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<SiFuh> [20 31 07] [remiliascarlet> Used to be useful in an era when we had computer labs, kids these days use iPads instead.
<SiFuh> Yep 100% agree
<SiFuh> [20 33 03] [farkuhar> remiliascarlet: Not so useful in a computer lab where the administrators have disabled booting from USB. But otherwise a viable alternative to bringing your laptop everywhere.
<SiFuh> Easy to bypass dude
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I use to bring a PortableApps USB when I travelled South East Asia.
<SiFuh> zorz: EU Citizens Will Pay €4.4 Million to be Told What They Can Say
<ukky> SiFuh: You need 18 AWG for 12V/60W/5A 1.5m power cable, according to
<SiFuh> I think so too ukky
<SiFuh> I will probably make a new cable anyway.
<SiFuh> I was going to go to 20 AG myself. But I already did the maths that 16 and 18 can work
<SiFuh> And in copper
<SiFuh> But if worse comes to worse during testing, I might go to 16
<SiFuh> ukky: I actually didn't assemble anything yet because I was thinking about it. I have thicker diametre wire but I need a new connector if I go that route.
<SiFuh> And I didn't like the clips
<SiFuh> ukky: It is 0.8 diametre which should be about AG12
<zorz> wait...............
<SiFuh> fsck off zorz. No one is waiting for you
<zorz> just came back... spring in greece is awesome outdoors
<SiFuh> zorz: Then go back outdoors and leave us alone
<zorz> remiliascarlet: NO NomadBSD, only void
<zorz> SiFuh: okay i live you miserable :P
<SiFuh> You either spelled a word wrong, or you forgot punctuation zorz
<zorz> ea\
<zorz> SiFuh: tails vs whonix? any idea?
<SiFuh> Not interested in your prostitutes zorz.
<SiFuh> But I have tried them, they both suck
<SiFuh> :-P
<zorz> "P
<zorz> anyway i do the same thing with nftables
<SiFuh> You suck nftables?
<zorz> soviet system privat........ i use them
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> Go outside and enjoy your fucking seasons dude. Get out of here man!
<zorz> just came back man... everything is open view is great
<SiFuh> And sun will set at 23:00. Yeah fuck off. Go outside
<zorz> elon tries to bring this 8... with money of us tax payers.
<SiFuh> I don't understand what the fuck you are saying
<SiFuh> Elon wants to use US tax to make sunset at 08:00?
<zorz> he forgot 8 astronauts in space
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> he forgot... no he cannot take them back
<SiFuh> Elon forgot to bring back 8 astronaughts?
<zorz> wait
<SiFuh> Go read what really happened zorz
<zorz> SiFuh: this administration, so far is bla bla. we shall see after 5 years. what i dont like is blaming for everything bidens admin.
<zorz> with blaming others you dont move forward.
<zorz> but, blaming others is very confortable for mainstream media/social when you deal with low iq audience.
<zorz> and americans are infamous for their iq in general.
<zorz> SiFuh: because of greece world will watch a good movie again
<zorz> haahhaha
<SiFuh> zorz: What the fuck are you trying to tell me about the X link?
<SiFuh> zorz: Elon Musk offerered to bring the two tourist Astronauts back to Earth when BOEING failed because of their DEI bullshit. But Biden's Administration refused because they didn't want to cause Space X to be seen as heroes when Elon was joining Trump. So for political reasons to do with the election, the Democrats abandoned two astronauts in space. Elon wanted to bring them back 2 months later after
<SiFuh> being stranded. Even NASA and the two Astronauts said so that it was true. Trump told Elon to bring them back and he said he would. He was denied from doing so for 6 months. Elon had to wait for Trump to get in to do it. So Space X is sending going to send the Dragon up to get them.
<SiFuh> Space X is sending going/Space X is going
<SiFuh> ukky: My wife says as much as she likes our extreme life, she wishes it was normal and boring and planned. Then today she messages me from outside the house that her childhood friend died in a car accident.
<SiFuh> ukky: We are not sure why he died or how the accident happened, but it seems to be about going home from work, or maybe picked up food.
<SiFuh> ukky: Update, died from driving in the rain back from work, and a car hit him from behind and he flew off the road.
<SiFuh> ukky: Anyway, why not go down doing what you love or like? Why choke to death at a restaraunt because you breathed in and forgot to swallow?
<SiFuh> As much as I find extreme sports insanity. They do it for the thrill and they almost always love that thrill. Do it lah!
<SiFuh> ukky: I have heard the Christians say, "Why put your life in danger? You are asking for trouble" "Shit... have you ever tried crossing a road in Vietnam to buy Bang Mi for dinner?"
<SiFuh> I've seen my wifes face at near death. Her adrenaline rush when I told them all off and how to do it and saved both of us, was priceless.
<SiFuh> Not going out like the TV in the series Dinsoars when a meteorite smashed through the roof and crushes it.
<ukky> SiFuh: sorry to hear about wife's friend
<SiFuh> ukky: No need to say sorry, but so many of her friends have passed after that injection anyway. I told her in 2020 that she is going to lose a lot and she is also getting older. The older she get's the more she is going to lose.
<SiFuh> ukky: The timing was horrible. I was annoyed at the drivers here. So I was zig-zagging through traffic at high speed and she says "You are going to kill me!" I said "How so, I am still in band 2 (automatic)"
<SiFuh> Then we come home to that news
<ukky> It is always sad when friends die, no matter the cause
<SiFuh> ukky: We passed a truck a lorry carring wood from the forest. We had to get into the left lane. She said "You can fit in front of him" I said "No way, that truck can't brake in time" So I sped forward and took another slot. If not I'd go around the round-about. Halfway down the exit. Can't see the truck but he is freaking blasting his horn at the car that was in front of him. I said to the wife "That's
<SiFuh> a truck horn. I am glad I am not in front of him"
<SiFuh> ukky: Fortunately she hasn't lost 'best' friends or 'close' friends. I have lost many. And yes, it is fscking sad. I cried many times in my life over best and close friends dying.
<SiFuh> I have lost three really best friends in my life. Gary, Neungh and Rajan. I cried like a woman giving birth
<SiFuh> Close friends, maybe around 20.
<SiFuh> ukky: My brother said to me. "I don't want to be your friend. They are all dying"
<SiFuh> ukky: She isn't crying yet, so I am guessing they were not close friends.
<ukky> or, it's denial stage
<SiFuh> ukky: I remember when we left school and Rebecca was murdered. She was a school friend. My mother said to me in a very annoyed and sad tone "6 months out of school, whole life ahead of her and she is murdered in her kitchen by a friend in how own home!"
<SiFuh> ukky: No I think it is a friend from school. I will see later. I think not close. She has lost a few
<SiFuh> ukky: She said "Childhood friends husband" So I asked if he knew him and she said "Not really"
<SiFuh> he/she
<ukky> no crying then
<SiFuh> ukky: Yeah, but her parents are coming soon. I have been trying to prepare her for that. They are not well.
<SiFuh> ukky: If we do go to Australia, I am 100% sure it will be the last time I ever hug my parents again. So there are going to be a lot of tears
<SiFuh> And I am not a hugger, but I hug because of that thought
<SiFuh> Heh in 2004 I hugged my father even though I wanted to beat the living shit out of him.
<SiFuh> He's US Navy, so he and I do not align
<SiFuh> ukky: I was in the RAF and the military bureaucrats wanted to transfer me to the NAVY. I couldn't accept. I didn't like the NAVY guys.
<SiFuh> And I can't swim :-P
<SiFuh> ukky: But our argument was about my idiot sister and the fact that I had been away for almost a decade and my father was treating me like I was still in high school and the brother and sister can do what they want and yet I am older than them. His memory of me was stuck in the past.
<ukky> that's good reason to say 'no' to navy
<SiFuh> ukky: the other day, maybe two days ago or yesterday I made a mention about a comedian in the US army. Mine was similar. I wanted to upgrade my position to pilot. They asked for my 11 and 12th grade report, which I did not have.
<SiFuh> I got it! But then because they realised I failed in maths in high school. I think 16 years ago at that time. They wanted me to take the test again, even though I graduated from Bosten Tech and MIT in the US. It was a fucking joke.
<ukky> child-parent relationships are the most fucked-up relationships in the world.
<SiFuh> Then I planned for February and at the end of January I recieved a letter saying I failed because the idiot bureaucrat placed me in the January course when I have a clean record, recorded from the phone that I would be placed in February. And I told them this is bullshit. Then I cancelled everything and recieved a letter at the end of February saying I failed the February course.
<SiFuh> ukky: I don't agree, but I don't like parents that govern your life when they have their own to live. I am here for me and my future family. If you fucked up, that's your problem.
<SiFuh> ukky: But when parents offload their solutions for their mistakes onto their children then that is fucked up.
<SiFuh> ukky: Not joking. I told the RAF in Australia that I am no longer working for you. Kyrgyzstan pays better. And I left on a US passport to Kyrgyzstan.
<SiFuh> I was joking, but it was quite funny
<ukky> many child-parent relationships I know about are screwed up
<SiFuh> Not joking <-- True story. I was joking <-- to them.
<SiFuh> ukky: Are they single parents? Or divorced?
<ukky> All combinations
<SiFuh> ukky: My father, one thing I remembered about him. He could smack me under the jaw and 2.5 metres up the wall was the ceiling and I would hit it with my head.
<SiFuh> I actually admired that power
<ukky> but I agree with you: parents should not off-load their problems onto children
<SiFuh> ukky: My biggest problem was my twin sister, brother and little sister. They'd hurt themselves or each other. And when they'd scream and cry. They'd point at me.
<SiFuh> They ganged up on me and that is why until this day. I really dislike them. I still talk to my brother who was the worst of them all. But I can't stand what they did. It was pure evil.
<ukky> siblings relationshipd are total mess too
<SiFuh> Western
<SiFuh> It is way different in Asia.
<SiFuh> Different way but similar things.
<SiFuh> ukky: Here is a good one. When that niece was jumping on my sofa. I shouted downstairs "STOP JUMPING ON THE SOFA" Wife runs upstairs. "What happened?" "The niece is jumping on the sofa. Controll the situation" and I pointed to the CCTV. She ran down stairs and told the niece off. She sat down. Soon as my wife left the house the niece was laughing and jumped on the sofa again. Too late. I am there. I
<SiFuh> fucking exploded. That niece was so scared and cried and ran to her father. The father came running to beat me up. It was so funny. I said "My house is not your daughter's playground. She was told NOT to jump on the sofa" Then her mother started to listen. The father saw I was going to kill anyone who defies my laws in my house.
<ukky> You did good. My house, my rules.
<SiFuh> Since that day, no apologies and I think there is distance between that uncle and me. We still talk but it isn't like it use to be
<SiFuh> I was more angry not about the sofa. I was mostly angry that my wife told the kid not to do it. But when my wife's back was turned they didn't give a flying fuck about what she said. That pushed me over the edge
<SiFuh> That kid has been petrified of me since that day. I don't think anyone has ever shouted at her like that before.
<SiFuh> She has also never been back too.
<SiFuh> Scarred for life I guess.
<SiFuh> ukky: I heard the uncle trying to control his daughter "Don't do that" "Stop" "No, sit down" "Sit down, we don't like it" "Can you stop doing that" WTF is that shit? Talk like Thor. Make the entire state no what you want.
<SiFuh> ukky: The worst part was my wife. I have done this because they ignored my wife. But she runs upstairs trying to blame the CCTV for being delayed even though the time stamp was forward more than the clock. And I was watching it unfold when I snuck downstairs.
<SiFuh> ukky: My wife has zero authority. I have had to step in hundreds of times.
<ukky> I hope you don't expect your wife to behave or act like you.
<SiFuh> ukky: No, but she wants to be a mother. She needs to learn how to be the boss and not the weakling shove-over
<SiFuh> ukky: I told her the first rule "No matter which parent lays the law down. DO NOT ARGUE infront of them"
<ukky> She is who she is, you cannot change her nor expect anything different from what she always does
<SiFuh> I think you are going off on a tangent
<SiFuh> Okay, example. The dog is not allowed in the house. But recently, it runs into the house. My wife has been making a small mistake. She takes the dog into the house to use the house lights to check the dog and comb the dog and then complains she has to clean the floor that the dog's hair is all over.
<SiFuh> Her mistake.... She is confusing the dog. You can come in... You can't come in... The dog doesn't know WTF is going on.
<ukky> You can say to your niece what she cannot do while in your house. Your wife cannot do the same.
<SiFuh> ukky: My wife hates them jumping on the couch. But she has no authority
<SiFuh> She thinks authority is abuse
<ukky> She is just kind person, that's it, even though she hates what niece does
<SiFuh> ukky: You should see the video footage when I spent 2 months in Thailand.
<ukky> We are zorzing here
<SiFuh> House was full of kids and they smashed shit, and messed up the house.
<SiFuh> They were in my private room!
<SiFuh> She cannot control them
<SiFuh> Her problem is she is to liberal and lets them get away with so much. When I am back, I can see what she hid.
<SiFuh> ukky: I have one for you.
<SiFuh> ukky: Her Nephew is studying to be an auto mechanic. He has been offered two jobs. One is forklift operator and mechanic. Which also involves trucks, heavy machinery and sometimes cars. Or the other job working as a car mechanic. Which one would you choose?
<ukky> me - second, but I guess he chose first?
<SiFuh> ukky: Okay here is what happened. I heard and said "First one. He learns heavy machinary, many licences, and lears way more than auto mechanic" Wife says "But he wants to be an automechanic and there are many jobs availble" I said "That's the problem. There are auto shops here everywhere" She said "But his parents say he will make a lot of money" I said "That's the problem. He isn't there are mechanics
<SiFuh> here everywhere"
<SiFuh> He isn't, <--
<SiFuh> ukky: So what I was explaining was learn to be a fighter jet mechanic rather than a tractor driver. The fighter jet guy can get a lot of jobs but the tractor guy gets limited skills
<SiFuh> ukky: They all heard me out. The parents agreed with the son.
<ukky> my approach is mastering single field. I don't want to be good in multiple fields
<SiFuh> He got fired the first week because he destroyed an expensive car.
<SiFuh> He can't work any job now to do with mechanics
<SiFuh> Go for the biggest and work you way to the smallest is what I was saying.
<ukky> why would you choose to be a mechanic if mecanics are a few every hundred meters?
<SiFuh> How many forklift, heavy machinery mechanics exist? Why not choose that?
<SiFuh> ukky: Kid loves cars?
<ukky> he might love cars, but must be really good mechanic to find a job.
<SiFuh> They are fucking morons here. Not saying you are though. But yes. Why choose a mechanic job if you want money when you can go up to the top and work down?
<SiFuh> This situation was I think 2 years ago. I was proven right and the entire family supporting him (based on money) was wrong.
<SiFuh> The big money is not in cars
<farkuhar> Why would an employer take on somebody with such a varied skill set (who is likely to jump ship when another opportunity comes along)? More sensible to invest in the employee whose training is narrower, and then it's less likely that another employer will entice them away.
<SiFuh> It's in heavy machinary
<SiFuh> farkuhar: That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read you typed dude
<farkuhar> I agree that it's dumb, but corporations have a way of reasoning themselves to illogical hiring decisions.
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> You are way wrong on this
<SiFuh> A corporation (Not company) will choose to hire the best skilled in many areas
<SiFuh> They will offer mular to keep you if you are as good as you are
<SiFuh> mula*?
<SiFuh> ukky: That kid is the same guy screaming when I parked my truck at home at high speed because he thought I was going to smash into my house.
<farkuhar> The US employers in my experience seem to be operating from a different playbook than SiFuh's ideal. They're more likely to jettison the jack-of-all-trades employees, and replace them with one-trick-ponies who can be paid much less. In some cases, a full-time position is eliminated, and three part-time positions are created in its place.
<SiFuh> I stopped 5CM from my wall and in perfect positioning. Tried explaining to him how it works but the dudes a fucking moron. So farkuhar I wouldn't hire him
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You said corporation not company
<SiFuh> farkuhar: A corporation wants the best that they can use in multiple places.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: A company wants that one-trick-pony and that is why they usually fail.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: What I'm describing is not dissimilar to how Elon Musk approaches cost-cutting. If that's the approach taken by a "company" but not a "corporation", then I apologize for misusing the English language again.
<SiFuh> Why would Elon Must (for exmaple) hire an Uber driver to work full time when he can hire and airforce NASA pilot?
<SiFuh> Musk
<SiFuh> They both can clearly operate machinary
<SiFuh> Oner is way better than the other
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Okay, let's use me as an example, or even dlucusa. We can pretty much operate any land or sea based vehicle and some airbourne vehicles. Who will choose you? An 21 year old P plater in his mother's station wagod or dlcuse and I?
<SiFuh> dlcusa: ^^
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Sorry I mispelled your name
<SiFuh> ukky: The more I read what I said the more I realised how unitelligble what I had said. Hahaha
<SiFuh> farkuhar: What I am saying is that corporations want the best. Companies try to find the best. Both will not specialise in a single thing. They was someone they can rely on. If any corporation/company wants a one job bob, then they are destined to fail
<SiFuh> they was/they want
<SiFuh> I can hear farkuhar thinking ukky
<farkuhar> It's not that they *want* a one job bob, but that's the decision that they often arrive at after weighing the benefits and costs.
<SiFuh> Hmm farkuhar If you ran a 'big' company or corporation then cost is nothing. It's the skill they are hunting.
<SiFuh> Why hire a boat guy, a car guy and a truck guy when you can hire one guy? farkuhar
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I know you are not army trained, but if you are a driver in the army. They train you for all vehicles. One guy same job. Way cheaper.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I know a tank driver from WW2. Good friend. He said the biggest mistake in his life was that they never taught him how to operate other vehicles.
<SiFuh> Last time I saw him before going home, he was driving a SsangYong Rodius (stavic) in Australia
<farkuhar> Maybe the employer doesn't need all those skills at this time. Usually the conduct a needs assessment first, and then define a narrow list of qualifications for the position they want to fill. Anyone can submit a resume that mentions skills outside that list, but the hiring manager is sometimes barred (by internal policy) from taking those extra qualifications into consideration.
<farkuhar> s/the conduct/they conduct/
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You making excuses? Look. Have you ever working for any corporation?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Corporations don't want retards.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: Just trying to present one way that a business might justify their decisions.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Companies don't want but they are not corporations but have their problems
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I worked at corporate and company level. I am saying it as it is
<ukky> Some fields are so complex that I cannot master both. I prefer to have the best experience in a single field, and maybe some knowledge in areas non-related ot my trade, just to have a better understanding how things work.
<SiFuh> You are not a CEO of any corporation, but I am telling you. They hire only bums for the shittiest jobs ever. Funnily enough they are all diploma holders. So think about your education and where you want to go with it.
<ukky> But I definitely never be a good electronics engineer if I want to be very good at programming
<SiFuh> ukky: I disagree with you.
<SiFuh> I think you have skills I don't have ukky
<ukky> Well, and I disagree with you.
<SiFuh> I see a wire and know it is too small. You can tell me the size which I don't freaking know
<SiFuh> I do not know AWG readings. I just look and see ukky
<ukky> But my knowledge is very limited in electronics area
<SiFuh> ukky: But can you learn?
<SiFuh> Here is my problem ukky I know many things, but no fucking way am I working for big tech. No way.
<ukky> I even cannot properly calculate max amperage for voltage/power ratings
<SiFuh> ukky: I actually was contacted by google to work for them in I think 2004 or 2005. I actually turned them down.
<SiFuh> When I turned them down everyone said I was crazy
<SiFuh> I still have the original email I can dig up
<SiFuh> I have never deleted a single email I have recieved in my life
<SiFuh> Let's find it! Without the 's
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
zorz has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> zorz: ukky: farkuhar:
<SiFuh> They scraped my email from KKU using their search engine and then offered me an interview
<farkuhar> SiFuh: "Without the 's" <- what does this refer to? That the contraction "Let's" expands to "Let us" even though the search through your email archives was carried out by you alone?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> I just pasted the shit email
<SiFuh> I searched it alone
<farkuhar> Heh, at least Amy didn't open her email saying that Google was looking for great *GNU/Linux* people. Imagine what the recruiting emails would have looked like if uwumeowmeownyaa were on the Google staff back then.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I was searching for Karen. I ended up trimming shit to find that.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Good point. I was working with CRUX then. Guess she made her point clear
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I think after 2004 CRUX got killed
<farkuhar> SiFuh: Elaborate on that. You mean Google stopped regarding CRUX as a worthwhile community for their recruiting efforts, so Amy's team killed the internal file on CRUX contributors?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> I was referring to the elusive act of judging correctly by mere chance
<ukky> SiFuh: It is called 'solicitation'. Google tested your mental toughness to remain true to your values.
<SiFuh> I told them to fuck off if they won't hire me in China. I had several converations with her.
<SiFuh> ukky: This was actually before Google and China had made real deals
<SiFuh> Google was in China but it was strictly Chinese only at the time
<ukky> SiFuh: does OpenBSD support aes-256-gcm? Is it listed in 'openssl enc --list'?
<SiFuh> I don't know what is gcm is ukky
<ukky> galois-counter-mode or smth
<SiFuh> I know that part, but that is far as I know
<SiFuh> Maybe remiliascarlet Might know?
<zorz> SiFuh: hahahaha she writes hear as i do ==> which is a mission critical team hear at Google.
<SiFuh> zorz: You can write?
<ukky> On Linux, gcm was removed a few years back from openssl. I need it to decrypt some stuff on command line'
<ukky> SiFuh: Can you run 'openssl enc --list' on OpenBSD, as my instance is on the shelf
<SiFuh> I only searched that for your lazy ass but as I said, I don't know what that is
<SiFuh> You are the first man on this entire planet ukky that has drawn my attention to it
<ukky> That is API in a library, I know I can build some tool and use it. But I need command-line tool
<SiFuh> ukky: Scroll down
<SiFuh> available since OpenBSD 5.3.
<zorz> SiFuh: i can write what ?
<SiFuh> You will find your tools between the latest and that ancient version
<SiFuh> zorz: Apparently not English
<zorz> hahahaha
<ukky> SiFuh: okay. You convinced me to grab OpenBSD SSD from shelf
<zorz> SiFuh: but why :Pp
<SiFuh> zorz: ukky has OpenBSD SSDs on the shelf.
<zorz> but it has:P
<zorz> SiFuh: from when is this email?
<SiFuh> Maybe 2004 or 2005. I am not mounting the drive the check anymore.
<zorz> fuckin helll we need to be carefull... i will die and you will still have logs of mine :P
<SiFuh> zorz: Good one for you. Wife asks " Can we go to Brazil, or is it a dangerous country? Your twin brother is from there right" Me "Yes, it is dangerous, he is from there. Do you think he learned to fight because everything was soft and cotton lined and beautiful?" She replies "But you learned to fight." I replied "Do you think everything was soft and cotton lined?" Hehehehe
<zorz> hahhaha
<zorz> good one
<SiFuh> zorz: You know what I like about men. We actually don't give a fuck who won. We just fight untill one has been beaten enough. Then we become best buddies for life
<farkuhar> ppetrov^^: SiFuh thinks zorz should know the contents of the SSDs that ukky has on the shelf.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^^: The contents was defined by ukky and farkuhar farkuhar'ed it
<zorz> farkuhar: always curious
<farkuhar> ukky: `openssl enc --list 2>&1 | grep aes-256-gcm` on OpenBSD 7.6 returns nothing, so that encryption method seems to be omitted in the default build.
<ukky> SiFuh: openssl enc -aes-256-gcm ===> enc does not support AEAD ciphers. This is on OpenBSD 7.6.
<ukky> I'm double posting
<zorz> m2 i dont have gcm
<ukky> There is a notion if you build openssl with LibreSSL, you'l get GCM methods. It seems to be an invalid statement.
<ukky> zorz: m2? Like, M.2 connector?
<zorz> like me to
<zorz> SiFuh: from '60s
<ukky> oh
<zorz> -aes-192-ecb -aes-192-ofb -aes-256-cbc
<zorz> -aes-256-cfb -aes-256-cfb1 -aes-256-cfb8
<zorz> -aes-256-ctr -aes-256-ecb -aes-256-ofb
<zorz> SiFuh: cbdc we need
<zorz> :pP
<ukky> cbc and ctr are probably the most used
<zorz> ukky: because i did not wanted to install picocrypt it is fucking go. i did for personal use this one
<zorz> Twofish in CBC mode with HMAC authentication
<zorz> and the keys using Argon2
<zorz> ===============
<zorz> SiFuh: what is this All the way back to the Amarna Letters (1350s – 1330s BC), ?
<SiFuh> zorz
<SiFuh> Shut the fuck up
<zorz> SiFuh: fuck youuuuuuuuuuuu
<zorz> ;p
farkuhar has quit [Quit: nyaa~]
ppetrov^^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]