SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Apparently, DeepSeek doesn't like people who self host their own mail servers, so even if I wanted to try it out, guess I can't.
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<ivandi> remiliascarlet: you can self host deepseek along with your mail server
<SiFuh_> I think Mount Rushmore should be renamed to mount Pushmore and I didn't know 'Junior Gorg' from 'Fraggle Rock' was a former US president.
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<SiFuh_> zorz: The last two messages about Rushmore.
<zorz> wait
<zorz> remiliascarlet: if you dont want to sign use pick deepseek
<zorz> SiFuh_: pushmore
<SiFuh_> zorz: I asked V3 a question and it died
<SiFuh_> R1 died too
<zorz> if taiwan is independent? heheheh
<zorz> hahahahahahaa
<zorz> SiFuh_: americans say tiktok/ deepseek national security... and russians build oreshniks
<zorz> remiliascarlet: install deepseek locally
<SiFuh_> zorz: Can you ask your DeepSeek this question "
<SiFuh_> Is Michelle Obama a man?
<zorz> SiFuh_: does not work... servers very busy
<zorz> they fucked it out.
<SiFuh_> Heh
<SiFuh_> I think I will go jungle in a few hours.
<zorz> go deepseek jungle
<SiFuh_> Heh, just alone, maybe bring some beer
<zorz> vodka, bring vodka with you
<SiFuh_> I was just thinking that
<zorz> :P
<zorz> beer with garnish vodka shots
<SiFuh_> I was actually about to grab it when I saw your message pop up
<zorz> vodka is the side dish
<zorz> SiFuh_: i want to read 3 chinese sites... but i am blocked. any idea?
<zorz> without paying foor vpn.
<SiFuh_> Name them
<zorz> |-- china
<zorz> | |-- [69]
<zorz> | |-- [70]
<zorz> | |-- [71]
<SiFuh_> My DNS server died
<zorz> lol
<zorz> dont worry, enjoy your self in jungle... and we talk another time
<SiFuh_> I remember this happened once before
<zorz> maybe if i find a way to connect tor to chinese bridge this obfs4 how they call it
<SiFuh_> I will pack the truck around 22:00
<SiFuh_> So around 02:00 I should be in the jungle already
<SiFuh_> zorz: I smoked a cigarette in Japan. Bought the guy a pack and smoked another. They were very soft.
<SiFuh_> Not a fan of cigarettes but I wanted to try
<SiFuh_> zorz: In the bar they handed me a card which said "Please respect no smoking or vaping allowed" I said "All good, I use something different." When I showed them they were all looking my mouth to see where it was. Hahaha
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh_> zorz: I couldn't believe there were smoking booths in Japan. On the side of foot paths!
<zorz> what is this bullshit, now in Italy Milan they did it as new york city. no smoking allowed even outdoors.... fucking nuts
<SiFuh_> zorz: On the plane the air stewardess asked me "Are they fresh mints? I have never seen this type before" P said "No, that's nicotine. I will show you"
<zorz> SiFuh_: look at this how stupid they are
<SiFuh_> No smoking even in your car in Malaysia now. But as I said. I don't smoke, it doesn't affect me. However, it angers me.
<zorz> i thought socialism was worst... but this green energy thing is even worst
<zorz> what??????????????
<zorz> no smoking in the car!!!!
<zorz> i am not coming!
<zorz> only jakarta is for me... or congo... africa
<SiFuh_> zorz: Everyone still does. It is near impossible to police it.
<SiFuh_> Besides, I don't like car smoking. Have to clean the inside glass every month.
<SiFuh_> Aren't the two Congoes in Africa?
<SiFuh_> zorz: Here is an interesting one for you. Many Socialist and Communist countries have Democrat in their name ;-)
<SiFuh_> I went to the DPRL and I asked. "Thought it was communist?" They said it is.
<SiFuh_> LPD
<SiFuh_> LPDR*
<SiFuh_> zorz: Short taxi story for you. Was sitting at a taxi rank. The police came up and said "There are 6 people over there. Do you mind to pick up some of them and take them home?" I said "Why would I pick up random people?" He said "It's a bit of a gathering" I said "That doesn't answer my question. Oh! Are you talking about more than four people in a group being illegal in Australia now?" He said "Yes"
<SiFuh_> I said "That sounds communist (In Laos only 4 Thai people can be in a group. Anymore is illegal [Not policed though])" He said "It is the law!" I said "So is communism" and I drove off.
<SiFuh_> I called the taxi company straight away and told them what had happened. They were shocked"
<zorz> hahhaha
<zorz> we need to find a good country in africa to move
<zorz> zanzibar?
<zorz> tropical
<SiFuh_> zorz: I think Liberia is perfect for you.
<zorz> meloni... the butler of trump and musk
<zorz> hahahahhahaa
<zorz> Liberia!!!!!
<zorz> fuck you!
<SiFuh_> zorz: My DNS crashed again. Tried checking your sites again.
<zorz> fucking hell
<SiFuh_> Ok the X is loading now
<zorz> yes
<zorz> meloni
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> fuckin bitch
<SiFuh_> Maybe I leave early morning.
<SiFuh_> I wonder why so many Chinese have zero idea why the do stuff on Chinese New Year.
<zorz> when is that?
<SiFuh_> Started already
<zorz> i heard korea is on holiday till 31st
<SiFuh_> There are three gods they are worshipping by doing stuff without even knowing. Zaojun, Menshen and Caishen.
<SiFuh_> zorz: Tyre guy came to buy vodka from me. He said "I have to go home and clean my house" this is a Chinese New Year thing. I said "Wouldn't it be easier just to keep your house clean all year round?"
<SiFuh_> zorz: I remember as a kid, my brother, twin sister and little sister hated me because every 6 months we all had to clean the house. But I never had to because I always kept everything clean.
<SiFuh_> zorz: Trucks packed
<zorz> SiFuh_: enjoy man!
<SiFuh_> I said trucks packed.
<SiFuh_> I didn't say I am leaving yet
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<SiFuh-Jungle> zorz: I am in trouble again
<SiFuh-Jungle> Everytime I go fishing or camping or Junfle
<SiFuh-Jungle> Jungle , the wife complains telling me to lock the door
<SiFuh-Jungle> So I did. Now she is angry she has no keys
<zorz> hahahahahahaaha
<SiFuh-Jungle> 11 missed calls and hundreds of messages
<zorz> hahahahahahahahaahahhaa
<zorz> parents, next door
<zorz> mom & dad
<SiFuh-Jungle> So later today I need to head back
<SiFuh-Jungle> She is there now
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