zorz: Apparently, DeepSeek doesn't like people who self host their own mail servers, so even if I wanted to try it out, guess I can't.
dont worry, enjoy your self in jungle... and we talk another time
I remember this happened once before
maybe if i find a way to connect tor to chinese bridge this obfs4 how they call it
I will pack the truck around 22:00
So around 02:00 I should be in the jungle already
zorz: I smoked a cigarette in Japan. Bought the guy a pack and smoked another. They were very soft.
Not a fan of cigarettes but I wanted to try
zorz: In the bar they handed me a card which said "Please respect no smoking or vaping allowed" I said "All good, I use something different." When I showed them they were all looking my mouth to see where it was. Hahaha
zorz: I couldn't believe there were smoking booths in Japan. On the side of foot paths!
what is this bullshit, now in Italy Milan they did it as new york city. no smoking allowed even outdoors.... fucking nuts
zorz: On the plane the air stewardess asked me "Are they fresh mints? I have never seen this type before" P said "No, that's nicotine. I will show you"
No smoking even in your car in Malaysia now. But as I said. I don't smoke, it doesn't affect me. However, it angers me.
i thought socialism was worst... but this green energy thing is even worst
no smoking in the car!!!!
i am not coming!
only jakarta is for me... or congo... africa
zorz: Everyone still does. It is near impossible to police it.
Besides, I don't like car smoking. Have to clean the inside glass every month.
Aren't the two Congoes in Africa?
zorz: Here is an interesting one for you. Many Socialist and Communist countries have Democrat in their name ;-)
I went to the DPRL and I asked. "Thought it was communist?" They said it is.
zorz: Short taxi story for you. Was sitting at a taxi rank. The police came up and said "There are 6 people over there. Do you mind to pick up some of them and take them home?" I said "Why would I pick up random people?" He said "It's a bit of a gathering" I said "That doesn't answer my question. Oh! Are you talking about more than four people in a group being illegal in Australia now?" He said "Yes"
I said "That sounds communist (In Laos only 4 Thai people can be in a group. Anymore is illegal [Not policed though])" He said "It is the law!" I said "So is communism" and I drove off.
I called the taxi company straight away and told them what had happened. They were shocked"
we need to find a good country in africa to move
zorz: I think Liberia is perfect for you.
zorz: My DNS crashed again. Tried checking your sites again.
fucking hell
Ok the X is loading now
fuckin bitch
Maybe I leave early morning.
I wonder why so many Chinese have zero idea why the do stuff on Chinese New Year.
when is that?
Started already
i heard korea is on holiday till 31st
There are three gods they are worshipping by doing stuff without even knowing. Zaojun, Menshen and Caishen.
zorz: Tyre guy came to buy vodka from me. He said "I have to go home and clean my house" this is a Chinese New Year thing. I said "Wouldn't it be easier just to keep your house clean all year round?"
zorz: I remember as a kid, my brother, twin sister and little sister hated me because every 6 months we all had to clean the house. But I never had to because I always kept everything clean.
zorz: Trucks packed
SiFuh_: enjoy man!
I said trucks packed.
I didn't say I am leaving yet
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zorz: I am in trouble again
Everytime I go fishing or camping or Junfle
Jungle , the wife complains telling me to lock the door
So I did. Now she is angry she has no keys
11 missed calls and hundreds of messages
parents, next door
mom & dad
So later today I need to head back
She is there now
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