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<SiFuh-Tokyo> farkuhar why buy a keyboard?
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<SiFuh-Tokyo5> Oh crap, today is my last day. Just realised that today is 24th.and I fly out on 25th
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<SiFuh-Tokyo> remiliascarlet that Orion The Draft beer from Asahi is quite good
<SiFuh-Tokyo> I found it in a Lawson's I think
<SiFuh-Tokyo> farkuhar remiliascarlet ukky  My wife was laughing when I just hand my garbage over to people who work at shops and then say thank you to them. They always take and bow and say thank you too. Just random workers at random places;. I think it is cool they are all willing to accept it. Wish Malaysians were like that.
<SiFuh-Tokyo> She says "You can't do that" I said "But I can and have been for days now"
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<SiFuh-Tokyo> remiliascarlet I have an idea for you to make millions and millions of dollars. please invent a button on the wall of the toilet that you press so that men can pee without having to touch the seat when they lift it up
<SiFuh-Tokyo> Hahahaha
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<SiFuh-Tokyo> Good morning
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<farkuhar> Good morning SiFuh{,-Tokyo}
<SiFuh-Tokyo> look here is very good here I drink three and I can feel my head spinning
<SiFuh-Tokyo> it's a beer here is very good
<SiFuh-Tokyo> I want to drink four but I'm not sure if I can make it to the hotel
<farkuhar> False-positive identification of unreachable code (when invoked by a trap) is a known problem, according to . Why don't they just fix shellcheck to recognize such constructs, instead of forcing script maintainers to insert "# shellcheck disable=SC2317" above the so-called unreachable code?
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<SiFuh-Tokyo> I see your scared zorz already
<SiFuh-Tokyo> z
<farkuhar> Midnight Commander seems to follow a rather consistent release schedule. A new version comes out at the beginning and the middle of each calendar year (although in late 2017 they rushed out a new version just before the new year).
<farkuhar> SiFuh-Tokyo: there are conflicting reports about your opinion on the motherboard manufacturer MSI. zorz was under the impression you held them in low regard, but serpente implied you like their boards. Which of these second-hand testimonies is closer to the truth?
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<farkuhar> zorz: you scared away SiFuh-Tokyo.
<zorz> heh
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<zorz> he better go out play the tourist
<SiFuh-Tokyo> fuvk you zorzy
<SiFuh-Tokyo> I ain't no tourist I will never be a tourist I don't fucking care about tourism
<zorz> fuck tourists!
<SiFuh-Tokyo> no offense to farkuqarv
<SiFuh-Tokyo> I but tourists suck shit
<SiFuh-Tokyo> I actually hate tourists more than anything in this world with the exception of liberals I fucking hate liberals more that I hate tourists
<SiFuh-Tokyo> pop you are so naked right will you finish already
<SiFuh-Tokyo> I never said anything like that who the fuck did I come from
<SiFuh-Tokyo> my wife is laughing she thinks maybe it records something but we never said anything like this. that's pretty fucking funny actually
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<SiFuh-Tokyo> remiliascarlet was a pleasure to meet you glad you enjoyed my company friends as always today I will fly back to Malaysia good luck
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<ppetrov^> so, SiFuh has already met couple of CRUX users
<farkuhar> ppetrov^ is just the person to help unpack the logic behind the naming conventions p5-*, python3-*, and r4-* (for Perl, Python, and R modules, respectively).
<farkuhar> Ports matching those patterns can usually be found by the same (unprefixed) name in the package index for the corresponding language: CPAN, PyPI, and CRAN.
<farkuhar> No such naming convention has emerged for software in other popular languages like Go or Rust? Is it because Go and Rust are only build-time dependencies (not runtime dependencies), so you don't need the language toolchain installed when you finally run the compiled program?
<farkuhar> What if a comparably-sized ecosystem of software had emerged around the bash interpreter? Would we have port names matching the patterns bash2-*, bash3-*, bash4-*, and bash5-*, to hint at which version of bash was needed at runtime? Imagine what a mess that would make in the portdb.
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> p5-*, py3-*, r4-*
<ppetrov^> :P
<ppetrov^> and for the record, in R they are not 'modules' but 'packages' or 'libraries'
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<farkuhar> After the 2020-06-26 commit that moved python3 from opt to core, it could be assumed that every CRUX installation had the python3 interpreter available. By analogy with the bash interpreter (whose presence at runtime has almost always been a safe assumption), the prefix "python3-" might have been dropped, but for the inconvenient fact that scripts targeting earlier versions of python were not
<farkuhar> forward-compatible with python3.
<zorz> and vim is not clean vim... has additional pkgfile syntax
<zorz> :P
<farkuhar> zorz: you want to see something unclean? Look at the first line of build() in the opt/xxhash Pkgfile. Why clutter the build log with the output of such a useless command?
<ppetrov^> finally, getting drunk
<farkuhar> One annoying aspect of python packages is how the footprint depends on the python version (both major and minor). Directory layouts like that are a compelling reason to implement therealfun's flexible footprint check.
<zorz> hahahahaa;
<zorz> ls
<zorz> farkuhar: ls.... he was tired :P
<zorz> farkuhar: best way to deal with python.... is. executables with pipx. and libraries with pip
<ppetrov^> hey zorz , now that bulgaria is in schengen, if i ever have more time in my home cuntry i may get a car and go see you
<ppetrov^> :P
<ppetrov^> no waiting at the borders anymoar
<zorz> ppetrov^: coollll you are wellcome... anytime
<zorz> 3 hours driving.
<zorz> ls
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