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<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: A TikTok user says his local Homeowners Association (HOA) requested he stop grilling meat outdoors because it offends his vegan neighbors.
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<SiFuh_> Vegan runner who is 'offended' by the smell of meat is slammed for asking neighbors to show 'empathy' by closing the windows while cooking and only grilling vegetables on the BBQ
<SiFuh_> I find Vegan's offensive
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<SiFuh_> zorz: This Ebay thing is getting better. The customs have taken hold of the parcel. That can only mean there is something wrong with the contents or the item's value has been incorrectly priced
<SiFuh_> On Monday, I need to get the official statement from customs to find out what is going on because this item is well below the price taxable and what I ordered is not a prohibited item.
<SiFuh_> Ebay messaged me and said the seller has posted the item and the case is handle. So I made an appeal and said "You need to look deeper into what happened." Then I told them step by step and they verified everything I had said that had happened was as it was.
<SiFuh_> handle/canclled.
<SiFuh_> cancelled*
<SiFuh_> So they have put my case on hold for me to collect some documentation and stuff.
<zorz> SiFuh_: ebay is good, but users dealers in ebay suck
<SiFuh_> zorz: Never had a problem before
<SiFuh_> But this German guy is a fucking twat
<zorz> Germans tend to be twat!, let me ask you what is the price ?
<SiFuh_> Most people just accept and move on. But I am pushing it to Ebay so that they are aware and he will probably be reprimanded or his account shut down.
<SiFuh_> 130 AUD
<zorz> ooo its a lot....
<zorz> then you do well
<SiFuh_> Huh?
<SiFuh_> 130 AUD is a lot?
<zorz> its like 80 euro something no
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh_> Fucking hell. You live in a third world country?
<zorz> i thought it was something like 20-30 euro
<zorz> for myself everything above 50 is a lot :P
<SiFuh_> Australian passport price rose again. $412
<zorz> hahahhhahah
<SiFuh_> And if I apply overseas which I am, I must pay $184 on top for overseas processing.
<SiFuh_> And I must pay $21 for them to observe my passport before give to me.
<zorz> there worst Albanese 1000 or 500 i dont remember exact. They are better greek 100 euro 10 years EU passport
<SiFuh_> Australia now has the most expensive passport in the world.
<SiFuh_> I think Syria is also too
<zorz> Australians are rich!
<zorz> hahahahahahaa
<SiFuh_> No
<zorz> hahahahahahaa
<SiFuh_> Their government is fake and mafia.
<SiFuh_> Fuck you zorzy!
<zorz> they try to poison Asand
<SiFuh_> Imagine wanting to go on holiday to Asia once. And it costs you $400 for a return flight and $412 for a passport.
<SiFuh_> Fucking cunt arse faggot thieves.
<SiFuh_> My US passport is only $130 USD
<zorz> dont worry, war is coming to your places.... no need for passport for travelling
<SiFuh_> $209.33 AUD
<SiFuh_> zorz: I know, why do you think I have been training every day?
<zorz> good news of the day yesterday, severe pneumonia von der laien bitch!
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> you go in jungle..... everything will be fine
<SiFuh_> zorz: We have tigers dude
<SiFuh_> We have these
<zorz> fire fire
<zorz> mirror with sun
<zorz> you will find the way!
<zorz> i am sure
<SiFuh_> I just ignore them and I pray they ignore me. HAHAH
<SiFuh_> And we have Elephants too
<SiFuh_> But the one that is more dangerous than tiger is a gang of angry monkeys.
<zorz> Alexander did noise against the elephants or something like that
<SiFuh_> Alexander was a homosexual
<zorz> he is the only one that created cities, libraries, language the greek. Americans they destroy everything
<SiFuh_> No he wasn't
<SiFuh_> Stop telling porkies to us
<zorz> yes he did
<SiFuh_> Fuck off
<zorz> Alexandria Egypt
<SiFuh_> Was built by Egyptians
<zorz> the library is in vatican
<SiFuh_> Wasn't his. He stole it
<zorz> yes yes yes
<SiFuh_> Same with Babylon
<SiFuh_> He built nothing. He just fucked men and killed people
<zorz> lets go to shell check.... i am proud fixed a scipt ZERO errors now i do -c "tar -rf orig.tar {}" -p 4 *.srt
<SiFuh_> And he got his ass handed to him on plate when he tried to take India. BAHAHAHAHAHA
<SiFuh_> Dumbest move ever.
<zorz> now i do ./ -c "unzip {}" .zip
<SiFuh_> [22 43 02] [zorz> Alexander did noise against the elephants or something like that
<SiFuh_> Yeah? WHen the Indians trampled him to death
<zorz> null shellcheck
<zorz> SiFuh_: say whatever you like... he was genious!
<SiFuh_> No he wasn't
<SiFuh_> He was LGTV
<SiFuh_> Genghis Khan was more intelligent than him
<zorz> what he created?
<SiFuh_> The largest empire on earth
<SiFuh_> United the Mongols
<zorz> Barbarians
<SiFuh_> Preserved the writtings in the monastries
<SiFuh_> Ruled over the largest land mass empire to ever exist in all of history
<SiFuh_> zorz: Did yous ee this movie Mongol (2007) ?
<SiFuh_> I recommend it.
<SiFuh_> His existance is how Kiev came to exist as a warrior nation to protect Europe from his armies
<SiFuh_> I walked into The Wagon (A Pub) and there was a song playing. I asked "Who the hell chose this song?" The old white guy said "I did, do you like it". I said "Of course. This is The Hu - Yuve Yuve Yu. It's awesome". He pat me on the back and told me to get a beer.
<SiFuh_> Then he and I started to try Mongolian throat singing. hahaha
<zorz> -c "aria2c {}" *.torrent
<zorz> genieus :P
<SiFuh_> <-- You mean this zorz?
<SiFuh_> Joe Biden has apparently decided to give one final giant middle finger to detractors on his way out the door, awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, hedge fund shark-turned ‘philanthropist’ George Soros and a slew of celebrities and activists.
<zorz> which movie is this one i opened it with mplayer
<zorz> mongol
<SiFuh_> Right, time for vodka. Someone dropped a car off for me to repair and paint the damaged panels. So going to enjoy a good vodka while I can.
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh_> Mongol - The Rise of Genghis Kahn (2007)
<zorz> ENJOY!
<SiFuh_> I will. Hold on. Let me pour a shot
<SiFuh_> Shot poured
<zorz> i did -c "aria2c {}" *.torrent in a directory of 5 torrent files and this is the lsof
<zorz> hihihihih
<SiFuh_> And?
<zorz> i like it... LG
<zorz> Gay
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh_> Like Alexander the Gay?
<zorz> now i need a program to check the bandwith.... any ideas?
<SiFuh_> Just unplug the ethernet cable and look at the connectors to see how much is being used, then plug it back in.
<zorz> νοτ convenient
<zorz> i will wait to see when it will finish.
<zorz> Soros when he will die mfer
<zorz> SiFuh_: everytime you use greek words ‘philanthropist' ... you need to pay. Only you!
<zorz> φιλος ανθρωπος
<SiFuh_> Sure, come here. I will pay you with a good hard knuckle sandwich in the mouth.
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> ok works with aria2c but with the command i issued did not stop. had to check the connections with lsof.
<SiFuh_> zorz: Everytime you use english characters ... you need to pay. Only you!
<zorz> aria2c --on-download-complete="killall aria2c"
<zorz> yes but i dont βλασφημω blasphemy english people... like you do :Pp
<SiFuh_> Stating a fact about Alexander the Gay is not blasphemy and he ain't no god.
<SiFuh_> Did they conveniently leave his homosexuality out of the education system in Greece?
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: Was "gitearwig" a deliberate portmanteau, or an instance of auto-complete gone awry? Anyway, I opened an issue on ppetrov^s behalf.
<SiFuh_> Deliberate portmanteau
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: careful zorz my threaten to charge you for French words too
<SiFuh_> zorz lives under a fallacy where he thinks everything Western came from Greece
<zorz> not everything... the foundation
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh_> Fuck off. Everyone knows Pythagoras stole his ideas from Egypt
<farkuhar> I really need to revisit the inkscape dependency tree. Now that version 1.4 has support for gtkmm4, there might not be any need to keep maintaining all the dependencies inherited via gtkmm3 (e.g., atkmm, pangomm, cairomm).
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh_> zorz: Greeks just copy and pasted and then plagiarized it
<zorz> SiFuh_: you wish
<zorz> SiFuh_: wake up
<zorz> farkuhar: 'lo!
<SiFuh_> zorz: Read your history and the things Plato spoke of.
<zorz> the student of socrates
<SiFuh_> Atlantis and Egypt are where the Greeks gained the knowledge
<SiFuh_> Next you will be saying is that Greeks showed the Egyptians how to build a pyramid.
<farkuhar> Once I let go of pangomm and glibmm, Tim can finally rename pangomm-2.48 and glibmm-2.68 so that their names don't contain outdated version numbers.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: He isn't Tim anymore. He is now known as beerman.
<farkuhar> He stopped using cruxbridge?
<SiFuh_> Guess you missed that the other day
<farkuhar> He's always retained the beerman nick for joining #crux-devel. It's only the #crux channel that he considers too vulgar to join except via the Matrix bridge.
<SiFuh_> Okay
<zorz> ooo mkvtoolnix is awesome
<zorz> trais banaleeeeeeeeeeeee
<SiFuh_> zorz: Get a flight. You can help me sand and fill and panel beat
<SiFuh_> But the painting leave to me. I don't trust other spray painters :-P
<zorz> i dont like painting.... i hate it
<SiFuh_> That's why I asked you
<zorz> farkuhar: pangobeer glibbeer
<zorz> cut me a ticket... i am coming!
<zorz> SiFuh_: any idea where i can fine gr subs. but concetrated ?
<SiFuh_> In one giant sentence?
<zorz> i mean like this i need to search every torrent differently
<SiFuh_> I have a script that does it
<zorz> now we are talking :))))))))
<SiFuh_> Are we?
<zorz> now we are talking :))))))))
<zorz> hehehehe
<SiFuh_> Look who's talking
<SiFuh_> configure that instal sumbliminal with pip and open in mpv and press the letter b
<zorz> but i dont use mpv
<zorz> shit
<zorz> okay thanks i ll try
<SiFuh_> Don't care
<zorz> be nice!
<zorz> :P
<zorz> polite
<SiFuh_> I nicely don't care
<zorz> you see, it costs nothing:)
<SiFuh_> Costs me energy to move my fingers and press down the keys and release
<zorz> hahahah what pip it is lua
<zorz> SiFuh_: just inhale
<SiFuh_> Read it again
<zorz> sheldonosifuh
<SiFuh_> Install subliminal with pip
<zorz> SiFuh_: you are the best
<zorz> i installed subminimal and with a bash script download the srts
<zorz> cool
<zorz> and with mkvtoolnix and bash script insert them
<zorz> fucking helll and it works......geniuesssssssss
<SiFuh_> subliminal download -l gr .
<zorz> el
<zorz> gr is better?
<SiFuh_> subliminal download -l loser .
<SiFuh_> subliminal download -l en .
<SiFuh_> subliminal download -l zh .
<SiFuh_> Why the fuck would you write a script to do what it already does?
<zorz> hehe stupid
<SiFuh_> subliminal download -l en /home/zorz/Videos/
<zorz> hahahahaahha
<zorz> hahahahaahha
<zorz> now what is the correct el or gr ?
<zorz> ellinika or greek ? what do you think?
<SiFuh_> No idea, it's all Greek to me
<zorz> sometimes i am greek to myself :)
<SiFuh_> Were you laughing because I didn't spell Videos correctly?
<SiFuh_> subliminal download -l en /home/zorz/p0rn/
<SiFuh_> There spelled correctly just for you
<SiFuh_> w00t
<zorz> hehe
<zorz> no i am happy..... you solve lots of issues productive day today
<zorz> and yesterday
<SiFuh_> Fsck y0u z0rzy 4nd y0ur p0rn5
<zorz> F4ck
<zorz> F4ck y0u S1Fuh
<SiFuh_> Chkdsk
<SiFuh_> Why are using a 4?
<SiFuh_> Fuck y0u 51Fuh <-- Should be
<SiFuh_> 20r2 y0u 5ux
<SiFuh_> Y0u 4r3 0ld 3n0u9h 70 kn0w 40w 70 d0 l337 74lk
<SiFuh_> 40w/h0w*
<zorz> Bingo!
<SiFuh_> w00t!
<zorz> farkuhar: is lost in inkscape, brink the blanco
<zorz> bring
<zorz> SiFuh_: i just had a flash back and remembered napster... looks so far away... i bet gen z or whatever new gens have no idea.
<zorz> they pay spotify
<SiFuh_> Napster sucked
<SiFuh_> We always got our shit on IRC #warez
<zorz> i agree... but it did a bamb
<SiFuh_> bamb?
<SiFuh_> Speak English so I can charge you more
<SiFuh_> zorz: Do you remember Web Ferret and File Ferret?
<zorz> yesss like a dream
<zorz> lycos
<zorz> tripod
<SiFuh_> Web Ferret was a metacrawler
<SiFuh_> Wonder if there is a metacrawler that exists today with a GUI.
<zorz> forget about it
<zorz> rss was the best thing... and new sites dont use them... they like the clicks
<SiFuh_> Wonder if there is a metacrawler that exists today with a GUI.
<zorz> SiFuh_: moment reboot
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<SiFuh_> Sorry, I missed the moment zorz. Do you mind to reboot again?
<zorz> lazy
<SiFuh_> it costs nothing:)
<farkuhar> Heh, s/gtkmm3/gtkmm4/ applied to the inkscape dependencies does not appear to eliminate the need for gtk3. Somehow adwaita-icon-theme still wants gtk3, but I haven't dug deep enough to determine why that is.
<zorz> farkuhar: incase it helps you
<farkuhar> Maybe I'll uninstall gtk3 and see if adwaita-icon-theme still compiles. It could be a spurious dependency.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: You and your big words ;-)
<farkuhar> zorz: thanks for pasting the details of how Void builds inkscape. I see they're still satisfied with depending on gtk3, so who am I to disagree?
<zorz> run_depends: librsvg>=0
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: A non-void user?
<SiFuh_> In reference to "so who am I to disagree?"
<zorz> farkuhar: i dont agree with all their build
<zorz> and you should disagree
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: What big words? adwaita-icon-theme? That's cheating, anyone can insert hyphens to increase the length.
<zorz> its easy i do xbps-query -R inkscape.
<zorz> adwaita-icon-theme-farkuhar
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Words like portmanteau, spurious... You might upset zorz since he is not use to such _small_ words since he speaks Greek
<zorz> SiFuh_: these words are more greek than my greek :)
<zorz> heh
<SiFuh_> [02 29 11] [zorz> its easy i do xbps-query -R inkscape. <-- Stop zorzing us.
<farkuhar> graphicsmagick-new-release-promised-by-the-overworked-bob-friesenhahn
<zorz> SiFuh_: i did something good, first time i have so good dmesg with yama and shit
<SiFuh_> ......
<SiFuh_> zorz: I don't nicely care
<zorz> SiFuh_: my love!!!
<SiFuh_> zorz? I am not Hephaestion! Go find another bum buddy.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Careful talking to zorz he thinks Alexander created Greek language.
<SiFuh_> zorz: The Easter Bunny isn't real.
<SiFuh_> It came from an ancient story after Noah. Where Nimrod married his own mother and they gave birth to a sun called Tamuz. And he loved pigs and rabbits. And was killed by a pig. And in honor of his death it was forbidden to only eat pork except during the time of Tamuz which was when the moon was full and venus was below it (Symbol of a woman) and the mother changed her name to Ischtar (Easter) and
<SiFuh_> said she came to Earth via a moon egg. So that day of Tamuz was named Ischtar. So you can eat pork then, paint eggs and celebrate with rabbits.
<SiFuh_> sun/son
<SiFuh_> When Nimrod died he was reincarnated into the light of the sun and candles. And his name was changed to Baal.
<SiFuh_> That is why many religions choose to have candles when praying. To worship Baal.
<SiFuh_> Venus under a full moon only happens 5 times in 8 years. But if you look at the path it creates the symbol of sex and fertility. A pentagram. Which eventually became the symbol of Satan.
<SiFuh_> 5 times every 8 years there is also another famous symbol. The crescent moon with Venus above it. The symbol often used in Islam.
<SiFuh_> Venus is called 'The Morning Star' which is also a nickname for Satan.
<SiFuh_> There was also a famous series called Lucifer. His full name was Lucifer MorningStar.
<farkuhar> commit 571d01da in the upstream Gitlab instance has a really funny message: "adwaita-icon-theme: you're better off not using it"
<SiFuh_> Haha
<farkuhar> What kind of developer puts in all that effort, and then releases documentation that discourages the use of the assets?
<SiFuh_> Normal people
<SiFuh_> It was common back in the day
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Reminds me of this. The good old days.
<SiFuh_> ^ dlcusa
<zorz> this is top TOP TOP!
<SiFuh_> w00t
<zorz> w00t w00t
<zorz> you are v00t
<zorz> from vodka
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh_> No
<SiFuh_> I went to shower
<SiFuh_> I was just making noise
<SiFuh_> Tomiko Itooka, the world’s oldest person, has died at 116. The title now passes to Inah Canabarro Lucas, a Brazilian nun just 16 days younger than Itooka.
<zorz> heh
<SiFuh_> 1/5/2025 at 3:04 AM
<SiFuh_> I like Honda and Toyota….. they just last longer.
<SiFuh_> -- Wink Dickernson
<zorz> yes they do
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Those shirts I wore when I met you, I can't fit anymore. My shoulders are too big now.
<SiFuh_> This will be the tird upgrade in clothing since 2019.
<SiFuh_> tird/turd HAHAHA third
<SiFuh_> Now I am concerned about my suits. If I can't fit them, I will not be happy
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: HAHAHA damn I can do some dumb things sometimes. Just realised I was copying my old backup over my new backup.
<SiFuh_> Luckily I have a newer backup than both of them.
<SiFuh_> then* than* ? English teacher needed here
<zorz> come to papa heh
<SiFuh_> Why are you Greeks so gay?
<zorz> you wish!
<zorz> never forget best are the balkans, greeks and slavs
<zorz> + russian
<zorz> generaly orthodox
<zorz> :P
<farkuhar> For most people around SiFuh's age, changes to their horizontal dimensions take place around the belly, not at shoulder level. Either way, clothing upgrades start to become more frequent.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Fuck you. I am not that old.
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<SiFuh_> But you are right.
<farkuhar> "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hm?" -- Yoda
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Actually my waist is getting slimmer but my shoulders are getting wider. I think the fat is on holiday towards the north ;-)
<farkuhar> Let's see some pictures of Inah Canabarro Lucas and Tomiko Itooka. How does the fat get distributed for a 116-year-old?
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: My dick is only 1"... from the ground
<SiFuh_> I weigh 50 KG and my willy wieghs 30
<SiFuh_> weighs*
<SiFuh_> Old jokes from when I was a kid
<SiFuh_> Back later
<SiFuh_> Even though I am not tired
<farkuhar> Excusing such talk as the idle boasting of a kid ... good strategy after he just accused the Greeks of being so gay.
<zorz> farkuhar: SiFuh cannot see his dick from his belly.... he searches for his dick!!! :Pp