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Nice fire today
15 firetrucks a helicopter and lots of police
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okay I should have less mistakes now when typing on this stupid phone
SiFuh-Tokyo: is Smarttttttt Phoneeeeeeeee
anything that is called smart is usually the opposite
exactly a smart phone for stupid people
fun fuct steve jobs did not allow them in home for his kids.
neither did Bill Gates
he probably said his kids,,, this is business.... business is business
remiliascarlet I was walking down the street and there was this man dressed like a businessman walking with a woman and I asked him politely of course if he knew the location of a certain place he didn't even look at me and as he walked past he shoved me with his shoulder and pushed me backwards the three girls I was walking with said hey that's
pretty rude and I said yep
remiliascarlet: will show up again when you will depart from jp
dude she was here last night
which city is remi in?
you two going to meet?
remiliascarlet we want pasta restaurant and the mother and father wanted to eat there and I said I wouldn't eat at a place like that anyway after they can't find any place to eat they decided to go to this particular place and I remember the father needed some tea that was hot and I'd ask for it and the Japanese guy said we don't serve customers
here I look around and I see it's a restaurant and someone has to give me the plate therefore they are serving us anyway we showed him the menu and said this is what we want he goes okay and then I said can you put a squeeze of lemon in it and he said no if it's not on the menu we don't serve it to customers
ppetrov^: remiliascarlet: is on an island!
ppetrov^ Tokyo is like the largest city in the world the chances of us meeting are going to be quite slim she's also quite busy and some people have jobs
japan is an island
your brand is a very small island
corrector... turn off the corrector
zorz, i don't gwt it, why you keep telling me Japan was an island...
how to get the full stop to work or capital letters when talking
I thought you said Japan is an island and not was an island
talk in capital letters
hello. how are you?
oh so I have to physically say what the punctuation mark is sounds very military
zores space z o r z. 0z is a moron.
okay this really sucks
blur blur blur blur
today I went to some plaza called Mitsubishi or some shit. then I went to Tokyo plaza mad an asshole at the Casio shop I asked him do you sell bands for watches for Casio. he said no we only saw this watches. I said but you sell many watches and I can even see you sell watch bands and he said no we only repair watches. so I said thank you and left
then I went to some plaza called hands. they wanted between 2 to 4,000 yen for a watch band. so I went to another plaza called loft and also there they sold the bands for 2 to 4,000 yen actually I saw one for 6,000 yen. so I decided it would be better to just walk around the entire area and check out all the small local shops and buy plenty of beer
whilst walking
last night the train station was closing and I was admiring the design of it and looking at the history of the building the security came to close up and him and I started talking just bullshit talking when the other security saw him and I talking I was suddenly surrounded by several security guards and they all joined into the conversation when
they realize I was friendly
I have found that in Japan the people well not Japan Tokyo. the people that are the most friendliest and easy to deal with are those that work the very low end of the job market like the person who cleans the toilet she was very nice I just finished going to the toilet and there she was picking up garbage in the toilet so I started talking with
her. and the small shops like family Mart 7-Eleven and Lawson are pretty cool.
even they cannot speak English we can still make noises and everyone's happy
there's a car shop that sells you know like toy cars model cars mini cars that was pretty cool they have a Lancia Delta Integrale HF series 1 from 1988 at the front of the shop. I asked him do you sell Lancia Delta. he said no. I then showed him the Lancia Delta and ask him what is this? he then says Lancia Delta. then I laugh then he laughs and
then he said something to me in Japanese and I am assuming that he doesn't sell any that's the only one and it's for display purposes only
everyone has taken a 10 hour bus ride leaving me alone in Tokyo they went to see some giant Stone in the middle of Japan Mount Fuji film. I have technically no interest in that and looking at a mountain. considering I saw it from the aircraft. so I got an entire day free from pushing wheelchairs and listening to Chinese chickens running around
picking at shit and getting in my way
these Chinese people that I am with are the most unorganized useless inconsiderate irritating in your way messy pile of people. they have no organizational skills. they just wander around meaninglessly. they say they want to see here see there go to this place go to that place but it takes them over an hour to get sorted and by the time they're
ready to look at the place I've already explored the entire place on my own. I'd say they spend an hour looking at five different places but 9 hours getting themselves together
this is pretty cool there's a channel on the TV where I can see if the washing machines are available or not downstairs and then it tells you if the washing machine is in use and how long is the time remaining
and Japanese toilets are incredibly awesome
zorz today I was walking next to a particular hotel I can't remember the name of it and all of a sudden I hear sirens coming so I go to the main road to have a look to see what these sirens are. then I look up because everyone else is looking up at a building and then I can see there is smoke coming from the top of the building. next thing you know
there's like 15 fire engines a fire helicopter several police cars and emergency vehicle for repairing gas lines and a ladder going up to the top of the building where 3 fire fighters are standing there blowing water at this building. I thought it was interesting to watch cuz I like to watch the fire department work and it was near the end when
finally the news helicopter turns out and all the cameraman come running around the corner ready to film it is like dude it's over with what are you doing here now you should have been here an hour ago
cant live in the jungle!
concrete jungle...
life is short to get wasted in cities like tokyo.
its good for holiday like you do.
the other day I went to buy some beer and the guy says I use your credit card. what? he said you must use credit card to buy it. I said I don't have a credit card and I can buy the same beer for 200 and you're charging 800 yen. then he says oh just download this app and then you can buy it without the credit card. I said what? I come from the
jungle we don't need a credit card to get fruit from a tree
oh and the seven I holdings AKA 7-Eleven. now they don't even want you to give them any money you have to insert the money into some slot and get your change it's kind of cool but ridiculous at the same time. oh and another thing that I find is funny when you go to buy alcohol the computer screen says you have to hit yes that you're over the age of
20 before I can give it to you
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zorz I was telling remiliascarlet
yesterday that it's faster for me to just pile my coins straight out of my pocket onto the plate and get them to select the coins that it is for me to figure out which one is which
been there did that
yeah they always laugh when I do it and I'm always laughing too because you just feel so stupid you can't figure out which coin is which I think it's the five yen coin that's not written in English and they're one yen coin looks like Chinese
i was like this in the UK, just handed them the pounds and pennies and let them pick what they needed
yes self-service.... this is what i tell them :)
haha the British money that's awful stuff what is it you got pounds shillings pants panties threepence tuppence
hand them over... self-service, McDonalds
pence* pennies*
my favorite is still the Thai baht out of all the currencies in the world Thai bought is my favorite everything is easy to understand it's clean it looks like money it's reasonably beautiful but the two bot and the one but kind of difficult to tell apart
SiFuh-Tokyo: as soon as Ross got free... in 24h a dormant btc wallet with 500 btc woke up:P
that was woke agenda:P
baht* not bot or but or bought
Who is Ros
who is Ross?
silk-road dark web
us goverment did serious money with his bitcoins
Ross Ulbricht
oh also the Kyrgyzstan money is very good
well, i am most familiar with the Bulgarian lev :P
which should be displaced by the euro, and good riddance
zorz if I remember correctly, remiliascarlet said something like "we will see" when I had informed her that I could be in Tokyo and maybe we could meet. so it was never written in stone
if you two meet, lavaguy will be green of envy
ppetrov^ I think the Malaysian ringgit is the ugliest money ever made
it's really called "ringgit"?
no it's called John. jaha
does it ring when you drop the coins?
the coins are called shillings actually but the main denomination is called ringgit
I think the Japanese yen needs to use a comma or a space when using large denominations so 1,000 and 10,000 should be written like that because without the comma the 1000 and 10000 can be easily mistaken because most foreigners only look at the number and not the color of the note
well you can write one to the power of 3 and 1 to the power of 4
that would be funny and cool at the same time
ppetrov^ we went to an izakaya in the city of Yamagata and the cousins wanted to eat and drink so they are looking at the menu and the chef I don't know if you can call him a chef since he doesn't do any cooking. was pointing out all the different meat and she was saying yes yes yes like this and I'm laughing because she doesn't realize she's
actually ordering it rather than saying that she understands. so this guy he keeps bringing us more and more meat and the cousins are looking at me like when is he going to stop why does he keep sending me all this food. I said to her you kept saying yes yes he automatically assumes you want it. so she says please tell him to stop. hahaha I was
laughing so much and my wife was laughing too so I had to get up and tell him to stop sending more food. last night the cousins went alone and they brought back so much me and I was laughing so much because she cannot just keep saying yes.
on the bright side I don't have to go to dinner tonight because they had so much leftover meat I had this one for dinner instead. even though it was cold and from the refrigerator I don't care jungle guys can can eat pretty much any meat cooked or not cooked hot or cold although I don't eat uncooked to me that's just silly in my opinion
to me/meat
unlike our extremist resident Japanese who begs to differ
I am waiting for everyone to come back but if they don't get back soon I'm going to find a bar unfortunately I don't like that the bars charge you a fee to enter so last night it was 900 yen per person plus the ba you drink. when I was in Yamagata they charged 4,500 yen to enter but you could drink as much as you want and not have to pay any extra
Yuki Otoko!
the last bar we went to I was asking the bartender if he knows anyone that has ever seen the Yuki otoko. at first he have a confused look on his face and then when he realized what I was asking he burst out laughing and said no I don't know anyone. then I told them how I went to the mountains in Yamagata to see if I can find the Yuki otoko. then
the bar staff were asking me am I a scientist that studies the Yuki otoko. hahaha
Yuki Otoko is the name for Bigfoot in Japan
Okay bar time
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Bar has Wi-Fi
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Fack you zorzy
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
SiFuh-Tokyo: you scared away ppetrov^
Guest43's last post in #crux either has an accidental misspelling ("... *wired* things start to happen") or a subtle accusation that the CRUX iso contains spyware.
Maybe we'll get a followup explanation that Guest43 was typing on a small touchscreen, and the keypresses got misinterpreted by the device.
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
farkuhar guess he doesn't like sacks
I didn't see because I am not in Crux
Anyway, on CRUX-musl the latest rust is failing to compile, no matter which value I replace @TARGETCC@ with (clang or gcc). Thread 'main' panicked after some script tried to run a `git rev-list` command. Why does every project expect you to clone a git repo these days?
hahahaha in TRUMP Tower in Trump Boutique the merchandise are made in China hahahahaha
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zorz: you scared away SiFuh-Tokyo
Trump doesn't have a problem with China zorz
His problem is about the same thing that destroyed Australia. Moved all manufacturing to China
If you can no longer create stuff then you rely on another
zorz, do you know what the US's biggest makes and exports are?
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SiFuh: (The business man story) That's very typical in Tokyo. It has always been the type of area where everyone exists in their own personal bubble, not interested by their surroundings at all.
SiFuh: (About pasta) Send your (wife's) parents to Nagoya, they have a local noodle dish that basically represents very spicy pasta.
SiFuh: (About paying at 7-Eleven) They introduced that only a few months after the whole scamdemic started, I expected from the get go they did that exactly at that timing to have a convincing excuse to do so.
SiFuh: Only 5 yen is written in Kanji, but all the other coins have numbers on them.
Also, because of your tiny phone, you make far more mistakes than these cheap Chinese knock off products do.
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zorz I have returned to the hotel
remiliascarlet I do not understand why you were talking about pasta we were talking about tea and how her father wanted to drink tea for his sore throat and I suggested to put some lemon inside. but what is very interesting is that on this particular day her father actually ordered pasta
Hahahaha Took the wife to an Ikazaya. Asked her whR this says and she translated the one beside it. I said Not that one! I want this one! and so ah translates another. I said No! THIS ONEm so now she is angry with me. Says the restaurant must thinks I beat my wife because I talked loudly. Hahahaha
Oh no whR/what
took the wife to an Ikazaya. I asked her what does this say and she translated the one beside it. I said not that one I want this one. so she translates another one instead of the one I'm pointing at and I said loudly not this one I want that one so now she is angry with me. because I spoke loudly so she assumes that everyone thinks that I beat my
wife. which is just stupid because I would never do such a thing no matter how angry she makes me
both tables left and right want to talk with me and one guy said adios amigos and I explained to them it means basically goodbye friend. and everyone want to shake my hand salute and fist bump including the staff. so a very happy and pleasant environment this place was
tomorrow they said they will go to Tokyo City. pretty sure we are in Tokyo right now. so the chances are I will stay here and not go wherever they're going
unfortunately I pretty much walked every street here so tomorrow there is nothing really much for me to do. maybe just eat drink sleep and wash clothes
maybe remiliascarlet has a recommendation of a place in Tokyo I should visit I don't know but worth asking
an ancient history museum with samurai and ninja would be cool though
at the bar today there was a British woman who's Australian telling her Japanese guide about the tiger snake the most poisonous snake in Australia. I was fucking fuming. the tiger snake is not the most poisonous snake in Australia the most poisonous snake in Australia is called the Western Taipan or Central Taipan or fierce snake. not only is it
the most poisonous snake in Australia it is also the most poisonous snake in the world and it's venom is so toxic it makes the tiger snake look like a soft puppy
she was so uptight arrogant self-centered I'm the president of some fucking company. just talking shit with no knowledge of actual reality. so basically telling the poor Japanese guys lies.
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I scared for ppetrov^
SiFuh-Tokyo: check email
putin wants fauci extradicted to russia
why would I check my email I don't even have email on my phone in fact I don't pretty much have anything on my phone except this Google voice shit that I had to install so that I wouldn't have so many spelling mistakes with such a microscopic freaking keyboard
I think thought you should be murdered in public in front of everyone's eyes to show if you're a fucking cunt that kills people this is what's going to happen to you
I still can't believe the guy still alive after the AIDS pandemic where he basically just kidnapped black people and experimented on them children of black people who the fuck listen to a cunt like that
you should have been he but anyway that one took a very dark time
Anthony fauci should be executed for crimes against humanity the murder of hundreds of thousands of people and the evil experimentation he had performed upon pregnant women and the children of black people
but i cant say gigabyte is good, i've built gaming PCs with gigabyte, they always have some minor problem on the run
serpente: hi, any suggestions?
asus, asrock, gigabyte msi
msmi suck too
unfortunately i would not say nowdays that theres is a GOOD one, but ASUS was always my choice
SiFuh is more MSI, i'm more ASUS
laptop is msi... now it runs good kernel 6.12
i never used MSI, so i cant say nothing about it
i read somewhere gigabyte has better bios for linux
the last gigabyte PC i build did not get USBs properly in linux
and had usb3.0 problems
zorz: as you might have guessed, SiFuh-Tokyo is not the expert you should consult when choosing hardware. He couldn't even be bothered to invest in a decent keyboard to compensate for his shitty touchscreen; he just opted for a software solution (Google Voice).
this is a beast at 105w AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 4.7GHz $227.53 zen 4, cores:6 threads:12 cache:38mb
so you need fast ram, and nvme
HAHAHAH farkuhar thats somewhat true
farkuhar: ahahahahaha
farkuhar: oooo yesss fuck japanese people unless ladies :Pp
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farkuhar: tokyo was a nice pussy in la casa de papel
baguette made a valiant attempt to separate the "online" tasks from the "offline" tasks, but the modern toolchains often insist on network connectivity for the commands in our Pkgfile build().
Just within the past hour, I tried running `cargo install --frozen --root $PKG/usr` in a source tree that yesterday successfully completed `cargo build --release`, and it tried to update the index, failing because of the --frozen flag.
I get annoyed at toolchains that try to contact an upstream host first, rather than considering what can be done with the artifacts already downloaded. With so many language ecosystems defaulting to the assumption of a working Internet, it becomes harder to ensure that the Pkgfile build() can succeed on an offline machine (even if everything in the source array has been obtained with pkgmk -do).
I suppose the `cargo install` failure could have been prevented by passing the --frozen flag even at the `cargo build` step, assuming that the downloaded source tree isn't missing any needed code. But if `cargo build` needs an Internet connection to succeed, then maybe it belongs in a redefined download_source(), not in build().
hate cargo... go is worst! go is nogo
zorz: Consumer-grade ASUS motherboard are not made to last forever. I have M3A78-EM and had to replace big electolite capacitors after about 5-8 years of use.
Also, my ASUS M3A78-EM will reboot if my body has static electricity and I touch any metal part of PC case.
ukky..... i tend to try gigabyte or asrock taichi
cpu AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 4.7GHz is okay for me. i look for a motherboard with good vrm
I have one Gigabyte, server-grade, and it runs well. Except for some System BIOS issues when in Legace boot mode. I like how motherboard is made.
from what i found out... people that know prefer gigabyte
Gigabyte X870E AORUS PRO ICE
Gigabyte X670E Aorus Master
i am in between this 2 or if i go mini itx B850I AORUS PRO
Also I have one MSI motherboard, it seems like well made. And no HW components on MB has failed in 10 years.
zorz: Maybe MiniATX?
msi is my laptop... is the bios okay with linux?
yes wrong typing
I don't like MSI System BIOS, it is using fancy graphics interface.
u see... SiFuh aswell says it sucks.
But nowdays all consumer-grade System BIOSes are like that.
i like this thing Lian Li A3-mATX Mini .... but running hashcat... maybe no good will be microwave.
ukky: having a Radeon RX 7900 XTX
with rocm... hashcat can do miracles.
Any reason for MiniATX form-factor?
not really, aesthetics
The smaller the computer, the worse it will perform.
i realize that
ram 8800(O.C.) expo
its good
nvme and all set.
zorz: Russia fined Google for banning RT amd Sputnik a couple years ago which Google still refuses to pay. Now their debt has exceeded the debt of all countries in the world combined.