SiFuh_: Yeah, Viton is expensive. In my applications I get away with EPDM and Buna-N.
ukky: I just want to make seals for Jerry Cans
Maybe rolls 300x25x3 could be cheaper, or even 150x25x3.
They only 300 x 300 and 500 x 500 sheets
ukky: I usually make my own seals depending on the applications because here everything is Chinese and needs to be ordered online and you always get incorrect sizes.
I just checked Amazon and there are so many different sheet shapes for Viton. But yes, very expensive.
I won't buy from that company
Just saying that different shapes exist.
Yeah well, this ain't China or Australia :-P
I do not buy Gillette and Procter&Gamble products
And a lot of stuff on Amazon come from China anyway.
Yeah, I consider buying a nice blade like that for very long time. Cartriges are good like for 4-6 shaves and then become dull.
This one is my third one since the 90's ;-)
And it is my favorite so far. Keeps a better edge than my Pakistani one and my Chiense one.
ukky: And if you are willing to learn, you can buy a honing stone too other wise find a honer to do it for you. Usually once a year. Stropping is done before and after every shave.
No, I prefer to learn. When I buy it, I'll buy stone and the leather strap at the same time too.
I use a honing stone #10,000. But I have only needed to hone it once every 2 years because I tend to keep it in perfect condition. I won't pack the razor away until it is dry.
leather strap = strop
Also if you are just starting, I recommend getting a wide strop. If you use a narrower strop you need to cross strop the blade.
Mine is 1.75" wide and my blade is 3", so I need to cross strop
I also bought cow leather hide that is 3.25" wide and 8" long that I put on top of the honing stone after I hone the blade so I can strop on top of the stone.
But this will not happen tomorrow. I already bought a razer for regular blades (Also Solingen).
I still have a few cartridges left (Schick) before I switch to disposable blades.
Never was a fan of cartridges. A girlfriend bought me one with 3 cartridges. Tried it, hated it. Kept jamming up with hair.
Straight razors are faster to shave with. More accurate as well. You spend more time before and after shaving preparing the blades edge. But you need to use it often to keep it in pristine condition. If you just try it once, shove in a box and stick it in your cupboard and never touch it again, it will corrode/rust, lose its edge, need honing and so on. So best to use them often. I usually use once a
week because I think shaving is a chore. :-P
Finally set up DAHDI drivers on Debian. Now I have my analog phones working again.
This system will not be in my head anymore, I can work on something else. It was running Gentoo with no upgrades since March 2024 because Gentoo dropped DAHDI support.
And then?
I was watching the movie Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)
serpente told me about it. The 'And then?' part was so annoying
Still have to upgrade two heavily patched Crux systems, and then I can work on a new Linux design. I want to combine great ideas of Net/Open/FreeBSD and Linux kernel.
Most Linux distros suck nowdays.
Linux kernel is not a great idea
Linux kernel has better coverage for HW than *BSD.
ukky try void, you might get ideas.
I could make it work with just NetBSD, but NetBSD lacks a lot of HW drivers.
zorz: Void is good, but good enough.
SiFuh_: I Want My Bailout Money
s/but good enough/but not good enough/
xbps this hybrid... i like :P
Void does not provide options like Gentoo/NetBSD/FreeBSD for packages
SiFuh_: i live for the day to see Andrew Tate PM of UK hahahahahahahaha
you can compile them as you like, like crux.
Andrew Tate is a Muslim
Source-based packages are not enough. Every source-package should have options, like which SSL library to use, OpenSSL/LibreSSL/WolfSSL
And packages must have flexible footprints, depending on kernel version for example, and depending on options selected by the user, like WITH_PAM/WITHOUT_PAM.
Also, footprints should be ARCH-independent, not like Crux for X86_64 and ARM64.
forget about ir
That is what NetBSD and FreeBSD does.
SiFuh_: muslim??? he washes arse... being ready all the time ?
SiFuh_: ALERT!
zorz: Yes, he is a Muslim and his brother is a Christian
nobody is perfect.
SiFuh_: i really liked the first video hahahaha
The IT Crowd - Series 2 - Episode 3: Piracy warning
you would not kill a policeman
zorz: Still can't beleive you haven't seen that series yet
ukky: zorz: farkuhar: remiliascarlet: Have you seen this documentary? Mr Bates Vs The Post Office - The Real Story (2024)
It's about the scam in UK that destroyed many subpostmaster's lives.
SiFuh_: No. Documentary is the last in the list of movies I watch (usually when there is nothing else to watch).
ukky: This is about how Fujitsu created the Horizon system that was installed in the UK's post offices. Then in real time, they were manipulating the accounting figures and then the post office went after the subpostmasters for theft and fraudulent accounting.
Some of the subpostmasters ended up in prison, or wearing ankle bracelets, others in debt, others sold everything they owned including their houses. They lost their post offices and so on..
With 7.6 rating on imdb it is quite promising and probably good. Maybe one day I'll watch it.
I watched it already and as soon as it finished I started it again. I am 77% in a second time.
When the head of the post office was being questioned by the MPs it reminded me so much of how the US congress goes.
In a court of law if you are asked a Yes or No answer you say either Yes or No. But these fsckers refuse and just stonewall everything.
You like non-fiction then.
ukky: I am still left with 1 question. Why the hell did they do this to their subpostmasters. What was the agenda?
I hate fiction to be honest - When it comes to reading.
I think I have read only 5 or 6 fiction books
We are opposite in this regard.
I watch movies though
ukky: My father use to read the books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings to us. Over and over and over again when we were kids. I think our imaginations are way more powerful than a movie though.
But when it was time for bed time stories. My father use to read to me from non-fiction books. Tesla was one that I was fascinated by and another was the stories of Komodo Dragons tearing explorers apart.
He only read those things to me. Not my brother or sisters. Not sure why he chose to read that stuff to me, but I liked it.
He knew you like it
I remember telling my brother a couple of stories and my mum blamed me for my brother wetting the bed.
ukky: I wet the bed once. I was so shocked. Asked my mother to check and she was shocked. Because I have never done that ever. Even when I was in the cot with my twin sister and she'd smear her nappy all over the place and I was curled up in the corner trying to keep away. Mum said there was no smell. So I investigated and found a bottle of water with a split on the bottom that had leaked into my bed.
What a relief :-P
ukky: My brother also sleep walks, so the house had many locks on the door so he couldn't escape. One day the iron was left on. After further investating it was discovered my brother had slept walked and he had got up, took his clothes. Turned on the iron and went to bed.
SiFuh_: We're already anticipating a fourth RC for the CRUX 3.8 iso. How many more do you think we'll see before the official iso comes out?
farkuhar: Not sure, but I do know that any CRUX version before 1.0 was considered an RC. I think Per released it at 0.9.4 and it kept going until we hit 1.0 then it was officially released
Might have even been as early as 0.9.2
It cannot be considered RC until officially released for testing. Internally, among developers, it should not be called RC either.
ukky: By the way my mother said there might be a movie about it. I said I don't doubt it because some scenes in the documentary show famous actors from the UK
SiFuh_: A movie based on real story is more appealing than just documentary.
I won't watch it because the Documentary is plenty
Probably more info in the Documentary anyway
555 subpostmasters joined together to take it to court. 3,500 known postmasters were affected
ukky: By the way, there is a news article how this year Malaysian government is banding together to stop littering in Malaysia. The reason? Tiktok videos can show the world that Malaysia is a filthy country........
What a dumb fscking reason.... How about, stop being pigs and poisoning your freaking country and yourself and others?
Yeah, the reason is inappropriate. I wonder why they did not forbid TikTok, it would be an easy fix for problem with littering.
Everytime I go camping or jungle, I come home with several garbage bags full of trash. And it isn't even mine!
My wife hates it. And I said "I don't care if you hate me doing that. I hate it being out there"
Some people shit where they eat.
ukky: There are still jungle people here and many of the tribes know me. They often tell me how they have told Malays to stop leaving their garbage. The jungle people see me spend one day cleaning up around 200 metres around where I go.
Those who litter still live in 14th century when it was considered normal.
When it rains, I even shift my tent every day to a new location so I don't damage the ground stomping through mud.
ukky: I said to the wife. They should do extreme commercials and advertising like the do with drink driving in Australia "If you drink and drive, you;re a bloody idiot". I said they are Muslim. Use pigs. So say something like "If you litter, you are dirty, filthy pig"
Sometimes the littering here pisses me off so much, I wish it were a death penalty
ukky: I already made the signs. But zorz says it was too extreme
Agree, it should be punishable, though not by death.
ukky: It is, but the police couldn't be bothered. It needs to be policed by the people.
Just install CCTV cameras everywhere and post litterers on every possible media with tile 'Please help idetify this person'
ukky: One of the best things though about living in Malaysia. If you have a dog in the car, the police and transport department always let you go when they see it.
CCTV is everywhere except in the jungles.
The best way I think without killing them. Is make all government workers, all military, all police, all university students, all school students go out, once a month to clean up litter and they must bring in about 1 tonne per group. That way they will hate it and then they will start doing something to stop it.
After a day of me doing it. I recall all the swear words I learned when tring to install or fixing windows on clients computers and I just want to punch the litterers in the face so badly.
Do you have road signs 'No littering' with fine price?
In fact one campsite has many signs and several explaining that if you liter, the rats come and pee, the pee ends up in the water and the soil, and you will get Leptospirosis (Which is endemic here) and at the base of the sign is used baby nappies, rotting meat and piles of garbage.
Maybe majority of people do not consider littering as bad.
They are lazy and they see their parents do it so they do it.
That's another side of the problem too.
When I go off-road they like to burn it all. I tell them not to. I set up a garbage bag and then say no food. Clean your garbage before putting in the bag. So often I have to yell at the kids for not throwing the food into the jungle
When majority of people will be like you, littering will stop.
I hate it. Going fishing and you see a skeleton of a fish or a chicken's foot floating by.
Bury that shit. Don't throw it in the river
Most of us have shovels. Ask me, I will dig a hole so you can shit in it and throw your biodegradable waste in it.
Throw the paper in that too or in a fire. But plastic and metal. Put in a garbage bag. There is one that hangs off the back of my truck and usually two around my campsite.
I have a feeling you are the only person in Malaysia that respects the nature.
I know a few but I can count them on half a hand ;-)
ukky: We were coming back from Melacca and I had an empty can in the centre console. The guy beside me grabbed it and through it out of the window. I freaking exploded. "I WAS KEEPING THAT! I SELL THAT SHIT. DON'T FUCKING LITTER YOU PIG"
Hahahaha poor bastard. His face went into sulking mode
ukky: Another one that I find weird. After Malaysia day. You see many Malaysian flags on the ground. They stick them to the car but then throw them out a week or two later.
People should be ashamed of littering
Maybe they need the Bubonic plague to teach them that it isn't nice to throw your shit out the window onto the road while screaming "Look out below"
Another shameful act
Not a fan of idols. So I don't care what anyone does with a flag. Just throw it in the trash. Not on the road.
ukky: Kyrgyzstan has a nice flag.
I don't know it. Will check Wiki.
That golden thing in the centre of their flag is not the sun.
It's actually the highest point of a Yurt (They have another name for Yurts there)
There is actually a painting of that scene inside the Kyrgyz Museum in Bishkek.
That movie is too old for me to watch it, prefer 80s and up.
Hahahaha reminds me of Omar from the US who use to use CRUX. I was walking down the road with him in Bishkek and I said to him "Hmm, you are famous" and I pointed to a massive banner hanging from the side of a building. The banner was like 5 stories tall. He turned and saw his face on it. He was so mad! Someone took his photo and used it to advertise their company.
ukky: Hahah, I think the movie The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941) is one of the funniest movies I ever saw.
Collect On Delivery? Payment upon receiving a bride?
He is hired by the woman's father to kidknap her because she is going to elope with a man without her father's permission. And he charges by weight.
By the way ukky. The father has never asked how the mailbox got fixed. So we are wondering if he even noticed it had been fixed even though I found out it had been broken for more than 10 years.
Nice plot. But a movie from 1941 would not be fun to watch.
James Cagney? Bloody awesome fun
"But I'm practically a celebrity" "Oh come, come Miss Winfield, girls like you are like a drug on the market"
Your father-in-law might never notice mailbox is fixed. Some people do not notice little details at all.
Even if you would replace the door he might not have noticed it.
Yesterday I was repairing the lights outside on the gate at her parents home. I didn't tell them what I was doing. The mother comes out and starts speaking Ching Chong and pointing. After like 15 minutes she calls the nephew over to translate. He just stood there like a stunned mullet. Eventually the mother picks up a cloth and imitates wiping it. So I go to clean them. I tell the wife her nephew is
dumb. She replies "He can't speak English" I said "Well that is in every class in school and if he can't by now then he is dumb" Then she goes next door and I hear shouting. When she comes back I asked her what the shouting was about. She said that she had told her mother she has no right to ask her husband to do cleaning for her when she has her own husband. I didn't saying anything but hmmm....
That's dumb too. Because I was already up the ladder and it is logical to ask me to do it while I am there.
Besides, they are in their 70's
ukky: I told the wife not to tell the father that I had fixed it. I want to see how long before he realises it has been repaired
You have to remind her (politely) every day then. It is not important to her, she will forget one day. But I doubt parents will notice it.
'The mailbox has fixed itself' would be probably in their mind at most.
ukky: Exactly my thinking
'The budget will balance itself' as Justin Trudeau has said.
Justin Castro
Watched the clip. For some reason I do not like old movies. At the same time I like B&W photography.
ukky: I let off something unexpected at the restaurant the other day. I asked this young girl who she is because I saw her last year at this gathering and I don't know where she fits in. She said "He's my father" and points at the guy who left her mother for a Taiwanese woman. I said "Oh, okay. Didn't know". I was asked why I didn't know and I said "Because clearly you are not related to anyone here.
And if that is your father you look nothing like him at all" Hahahahahahaha
My wifes went really wide and she started looking. She then whispers in my ear "I think you are right"
My wifes eyes* went
ukky: I have a silcone washer that I wanted to test with petrol so I am soaking it in a bottle of fuel. I know silcone doesn't work well with gasoline but I needed to make sure. It has expanded 3 times its original size so it isn't going to work
That should not surprise you. A lot of people do not see little details. Your wife notices things that you never notice.
My wife does? Like what?
The dress, the makeup, etc
Oh no... I am the one to teach her how to use make up and I don't even like it. I told her if anyone can tell you are wearing makeup then you are wearing too much.
As for dress, she has the worst taste. She looks like she raided Mrs Garret's (My third grade teacher) closet.
I have thing somewhere a gasket of some other rubber/plastic expands like crazy in contact with some chemicals... Don't remember what it was.
ukky: She wanted her bedroom wall green. So she chose the colour and I laughed. I said that is not going to match. So I painted it anyway and she realised it was snot green. So she asked me to choose the colour.
Silcone expands in contact with Kerosene and Petroleum.
The Jerry can has a black rubber seal. The seal shrinks on contact with petroleum.
ukky: I have ordered 10 x 18650 9900mAh batteries. I plan to make a 99,000 mAh powerbank for off-road jungle.
All I need is to design a box for it
You have to spot-weld them together to make your own powerbank
Maybe. I am thinking to make them replaceable
That will be a bad decision/design
Depends. The board I have only needs one to run.
Make a powerbonk and use it for 3 years (1000 recharge cycles), then make another one
But yes, the soldering together is on my mind.
I want these batteries even though heavier because they don't expand like the shit they have in the others.
My phone and the table I use fo GPS both use Solid State batteries.
Soldering is _really_ bad for recharchable batteries
Drop solder it
No, solder will not hold
Oh it will. You sand the spot you want, use vodka to clean it and drop solder it
No. It will be bad.
I use the batteries in other devices that are not soldered
You cannot solder anything if you don't heat it up appropriately.
In fact the wife has a secondary charger to connect to her headlamp that had no battery and I just happened to have a spare 18650 laying around.
I use them for making beer
Heh, I can prove you wrong on that. ;-)
You need more robust interconnection for power bank.
Wire on your board seems thin, probably 18AWG
I have some wire for 15 amps here sitting next to it ;-)
Nice case. And you don't sell cardboard, so you should have plenty D
Have you seen wire attached to batteries in UPS?
I sell most cardboard but I don't sell the beer can trays because they stack and pack well for the apocolaypse.
ukky: Yes. I use to repair them and sometimes get to keep them
ukky: My father refuses to use them because he is afraid of radiation and EMF. hahaha
Those are freaking thick, like 6AWG or 10AWG
I have an APC 650 that I installed a switch and a meter so I can see the voltage on. The heavy duty wire was like 5mm thick.
At least 5mm, maybe more. (TODO for myself: buy batteries for UPS)
ukky: I was using motorcycle batteries because they were cheaper than the UPS batteries.
I bought 2 UPS (very-very old, APC) and want to use them.
If bike battery fits, then why not.
Which reminds me. I need to replace both autogate batteries here.
And if terminal fitting can be adjusted
Yes you make an adapter
That way you don't need to cut the wires in the UPS.
The batteries I need are very expensive, like $300 each
And I need 4 batteries (2x for each UPS)
I had a Cyberpower 2000va. It exploded because of lightening. Fortunately for me it only killed two batteries and the 110volt circuit. The 240volt cirtcuit was fine.
I used the APC 650 for the modem and switches and laptop. The Cyberpower I used for my desktop.
That one also blew up because of lightening. But only the battery. Led acid all over the floor
I think one of mine is 1400VA and second is 900VA. Couldn't find any more powerful made in 90s.
Acid batteries are bad for UPS
Oh and the server was fried. I haven't run a server in Australia since that day. Also lost two huge gum trees.
ukky: Well that is what came with the APC 650 when I bought it
I thought it was pretty stupid to be honest. I replaced it with the motorcycle battery
Full discharge will destroy lead acid battery, so it is not good for UPS.
ukky: You can save lead acid batteries though.
I remember when lead acid batteries couldn't even be placed on concrete for a long time as they would discharge rapidly.
No longer the case these days but still people I see even here in Malaysia will not even put the battery on concrete for even a second.
And to be honest, me too :-P
Take good care of your tools and tools will live longer
ukky: Here is one for you. If I find a completely dead lead acid battery. Topped up and all. I charge it for about 2 weeks before it starts actually holding a charge and I keep getting people tell me it will explode. I have never had one explode by charging it for over 2 weeks.
I don't see how it can. It doesn't get very hot and it is still part of a circuit.
Good chargers have temperature sensors and shut off when it raises up quickly.
For lead acid batteries I do not know if there are chargers that have temperature feedback.
My cheap Chinese one here has that and some battery rescue thing which I don't use
After my grandfather passed I took his arc welder. The when I got home and looked at it, I realised it was an old battery charger from the 50's :-P
My AA/AAA charger also has temperature sensors per each slot and 4 different modes of operation. And I can select parameters for all modes.
What model/brand?
I have to look, brb
Mine sucks. It starts flashing when batteries can't be charged. So I have a secondary set of wires where I can connect a third battery. So I can have two good batteries and one dead forever battery charge and it resurrects the dead battery.
PowerEx MAHA MH-C9000
You would never need another AA/AAA charger in your life