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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Why do you have both an Australian and American (well, technically not anymore) passports? And are you willing to get a Malaysian (or Thai) passport?
<remiliascarlet> "Foreign nationals may become Malaysian citizens by naturalisation after residing in the country for at least 10 years, renouncing any previous nationalities, and showing proficiency in the Malay language." So I guess not.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: because because /dev/brain/null ;pP
<remiliascarlet> Too much olive oil?
<SiFuh> zorz: That is why I asked you if you had been to New Mexico
<zorz> sorry SiFuh did not follow...
<zorz> passport of choice is Afghan. not accepted! :Pp
<remiliascarlet> Apparently, Malaysian passport gives visa free travel to 140 countries. Which isn't much, but not too bad.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: ofcourse not to bad, look Afganistan
<SiFuh> zorz: I even said Gene in that conversation
<zorz> SiFuh: that conversation looked like a book of instructions for building musl... so I passed :Pp
<SiFuh> zorz: Then why did you reply?
<zorz> it happen to notice only that
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: (well, technically not anymore) <-- This is not correct. I am still in possession it. It may not be valid for travelling to countries outside of the US but it is still a perfectly legal document for up to 5 years.
<SiFuh> After expiration.
<SiFuh> I have made the blackest black coffee even the brown bits are black.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: And as for naturalisation to get citizenship. That's also very wrong. In fact, even if you spoke Malay fluently and lived here since you were a few months old or even born here. You probably won't get it. Especially if you are male
<SiFuh> zorz: Check out the history channel
<zorz> SiFuh: 0.34
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<SiFuh> zorz: -2,000,000%
<SiFuh> It has VGA!
<SiFuh> WTH?
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> Which part of that didn't you understand zorz?
<zorz> -2,000,000%
<zorz> ls with vga tech... super!
<SiFuh> The number one terrorist threat to the US are troons. Every day there is a crime being commited and they have the highest rape count then straight people.
<SiFuh> then/than
<zorz> aaaaaa
<zorz> there people paying 200/month for chatgpt ahahahahhaa
<SiFuh> 200 Vietnamese Dong?
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> Boeing
<zorz> Dong Boeing
<SiFuh> James May in Vietnam standing in the rain. "I should give him some money, but my dong will get all wet"
<SiFuh> dong is slang for penis zorz
<zorz> heh
<zorz> bullocks
<SiFuh> They use a lot of innuendos
<SiFuh> You mean bollocks?
<SiFuh> That means testicles dude
<SiFuh> I bet go buy this primer
<SiFuh> better*
<zorz> thats how they pay ukrania... Belgium Blocked $270B Due To Russian Sanctions. Much of It Belongs to Unsanctioned Investors.
<zorz> this page has nice articles
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<SiFuh> zorz: I don't consider the Tate brothers to be good guys.
<SiFuh> Kyrgyzstan was a hub before any Russian sanctions.
<SiFuh> I always found it interesting that in Kyrgyzstan there is no law or rule to say steering wheel needs to be on the left. So many cars imported have steering wheels on the right
<SiFuh> In Australia if the vehicle is less than 30 years old, you MUST move the steering wheel to the right. If it is over 30 years old, it becomes a 'heritage' so you can leave it factory default but you must put a sticker on the back that says 'LEFT HAND DRIVE'
<SiFuh> Some people buy cars from overseas. But never drive it on the road. They keep it for 30 years and just maintain it. To preserve its state. Then it appreciates in value big time once it becomes a heritage.
<SiFuh> My truck, because is over 30 years old and since I have owned it for 12 months, I can now apply to have it legally imported to Australia. But because it is heavily modified, I would not be able to drive it on the roads and would need to tow it to the off-road tracks if I want to use it for off-roading.
<SiFuh> -because*
<SiFuh> But because my truck has been in Asia for over 30 years an not in Australia for 30 years. It won't be considered a heritage.
<zorz> SiFuh: in greek when we say good guys we mean the opposite :P
<SiFuh> That's bad zorz! Hahaha bad has opposite meaning in slang.
<zorz> bad people are in prison. good are outside
<SiFuh> Good people are in a prison planet with bad guys running around dictating.
<SiFuh> zorz: I just read an article and saw a video. One of the January Sixers that was pardoned by Trump was being arrested for constant bad driving. He said he is not going back to prison and said he will shoot himself. The police men said "No" and then shot the January Sixer dead.
<zorz> ooooooo
<zorz> iq=potato
<SiFuh> “Based on the evidence, prosecutors say the deputy was legally justified in using deadly force to defend himself because Huttle posed as an imminent threat to their safety,”
<zorz> everybody speaks for nso... ok journalists activists... but sky ecc screw lots of people.
<zorz> only the servers of blackberry trully secure.
<zorz> thats why they went out of business
<SiFuh> zorz: Oh you who has limited knowledge!
<zorz> not secure?
<zorz> insta is block from ublock
<zorz> i block everything
<zorz> i dont even get the popup user consent coocies
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> hahaha tor-browser opens them
<zorz> fallins
<SiFuh> You do realize you can use an online instagram video downloader to download them. Watch them, then delete them?
<zorz> yes....
<zorz> but i dont use insta...
<zorz> translate... nide front ends
<zorz> SiFuh: your cousin is loosing money on crypto
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> we play in the same platform, HyperLiquid.
<zorz> look the nickname Sifu
<zorz> hahahahahha
<SiFuh> I have a big F and I don't give an f to that name.
<zorz> :P was jokin
<zorz> SiFuh: did you read the other day the funding of bidens admin. to politico ???
<zorz> and people are trusting politico
<zorz> fuckin stupids
<zorz> SiFuh: this is for you
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> 林斯弗 <-- My name
<SiFuh> Not 师父
<SiFuh> 斯弗 and 师父 are completely different.
<zorz> i understand
<SiFuh> And 斯 弗 is actually two names, not one like 师父, hence the capital F
<SiFuh> Use to piss me off when the teacher at school would tell me to use a lowercase f and I'd have to argue with them that it must be a capital F. So she says put a space between and I said. That isn't how it works. You don't whinge about Scott McDonald's name? Why the hell can he have a capital D and I must have a lowercase F.
<zorz> SiFuh: americans are worse even than greeks
<zorz> unbelievable
<zorz> money never left DC
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: you and I are the only ones did not make money from USaid
<SiFuh> You mean in Greece they don't have 21,667 people living in a single house?
<SiFuh> zorz: That's because government fundings are money laundering scams. It was so fscking obvious, I am surprised there are still people that don't know.
<zorz> hahahahaOA
<SiFuh> They make an unconstitutional law that says you must pay tax. Then they take the tax and line their pockets. Basically the people are not working for new firestations, police, hospitals, schools, parks and so on. They are working for the politicians.
<SiFuh> That is why Tax should be abolished world wide. I mean how stupid is it that they print the money, but we pay them tax and can't print our own money? They don't need tax. They just have to print it.
<SiFuh> And yes, I understand that by doing that, they devalue your income.
<SiFuh> In Australia you just need to be a Primeminister for an hour. Then you are paid a salary for the rest or your days on Earth. So right now the PM of Australia is on a salary of $549,250 a year. He will get that till the day he dies. Regardless of whether or not he is the PM.
<zorz> ce la vie
<SiFuh> I have been saying since I was a kid and I am sure everyone would agree with me. If you work in any position in government. You should be on minimum wage. And you should receive no money, or grants, or funding from anyone or any company and have no stocks or trades for the entirity of your career in government. That includes Prime Ministes and Presidents.
<SiFuh> zorz: Wife asks me what is the name of this song.
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<SiFuh> You reminded be when you misspelled ce la vie
<zorz> heh
<zorz> SiFuh: have you heard of xdeb script ? look how handy it is
<farkuhar> zorz: Heh, using an alien package manager on Void. Why don't you record a podcast about your practices, and upload it to HPR?
<zorz> not man..... i was playing with it.
<zorz> i build everything.
<zorz> but they did good work.
<farkuhar> Regarding the John Connor image, it would have been more fitting if sent from SiFuh to zorz. The other way around (zorz sending it to SiFuh) smacks of hypocrisy.
<SiFuh> zorz: Never dated a woman named Deb. So why would her being my X be handy?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: John Connor Image?
<SiFuh> JC Jesus Christ.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I always found it funny that James Bond, Jason Bourne, Joe Black, Jack Bauer and so on were all initialed JB and so was Joe Biden.
<SiFuh> Hollywood Insider Randy Quaid Suspects Gene Hackman Was Murdered Over Royalty Money
<farkuhar> SiFuh: this one,
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I don't know that one. Who posted it?
<farkuhar> zorz posted it at 10:26
<SiFuh> By the way zorz. ChatGPT is blocked from accessing data after a specific year. I think 2023
<SiFuh> farkuhar: zorz posts shit. I rarely click his links. If he says "SiFuh you must check it out. HAHAHAHA" I know it is a waste of my time.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I actually wonder how zorz can even be 46 years old. Some of the shit he posts or says reminds me of a teenage girl.
<SiFuh> And his lack of knowledge, shorted opinions and insane assumptions gets a bit too much to handle.
<farkuhar> Heh, zorz misses a lot of what SiFuh posts, too. Consider the Gene Hackman obit, which he wouldn't have bothered to share if he had noticed SiFuh's New Mexico reference hidden inside a wall of text that looked like musl build instructions.
<SiFuh> shorted/short sighted
<SiFuh> farkuhar: That's because zorz doesn't read. Hence not reading the fscking manual. RTFM
<zorz> hahhaha
<zorz> SiFuh: !
<SiFuh> Fsck you zorzy
<zorz> John Conor rulez!
<SiFuh> farkuhar: The other day about Moscow being the most expesnive city in the world. Oooo did that piss me off. Then he posts a article to prove he is right from 2,000 years ago.
<zorz> seriously.... its till '23
<zorz> wait.... it was before covid
<SiFuh> So what? You still post outdated NEWS stories from the caveman days.
<zorz> not 2000 years ago... and believe... war ends.... now will be again
<SiFuh> The Gene story was ages ago and you missed it then came here to tell me about it when I already spoke about it to you.
<zorz> in moscow, so many oligarchs... prices go up
<zorz> you know how they entered london? through cyprus.
<SiFuh> I personally know some of those oligarchs. Bet you don't and no, you are wrong. The prices actually went down when Russia started become more independant and opened up more manufacturing and farming.
<zorz> all the money in cyprus banking was russian.... and then suddenly cyprus joins EU
<zorz> nice clean money
<SiFuh> I don't give a flying fsck about the UK or Cyprus. Why don't you tell Turkey the same thing.
<zorz> Turkey what?
<SiFuh> In fact, if it is any consolation to you. I would give a a seconds thought if Greece fell off of Europe and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
<SiFuh> would give a a/ Wouldn't give a
<SiFuh> And half of Cypress ;-)
<SiFuh> Such a tiny shitty land mass that thinks they are so damned important
<SiFuh> farkuhar: One thing I noticed when travelling the world. The most insignificant fly shit sized countries seem to bullshit to themselves so much they actually think they are important and changed the world.
<zorz> but we are.....
<farkuhar> SiFuh: wouldn't it have been more appropriate to quip, "In Soviet Russia, qutebrowser has never used you"?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Hahahahahahaha good point
<zorz> i see people moving to librewolf
<SiFuh> zorz: That's because you are a pervert
<farkuhar> zorz: It's because Firefox is issuing new Terms of Service
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Didn't remiliascarlet have something to say about that?
<zorz> they have the write.... to bla bla bla
<zorz> like before they did not
<zorz> SiFuh: go to jungle, please. ;pP
<SiFuh> zorz: Come, I have three shovels. The wife, you and me can dig your grave ;-)
<zorz> I am good in Europe
<zorz> take the plane 40 euros you go to netherlands.
<zorz> you curry a bag 20kg, +40euro
<zorz> greece london, 60 euro
<zorz> heh
<SiFuh> 20 KG? Freaking hell
* farkuhar is AFK to keep zorz happy
<zorz> :)
<zorz> this will be with ryanair as far as they fly with the old boeings.
<zorz> hehehe
<zorz> when they will update the fleet.... i am not entering in a new boeing
* zorz compiling librewolf
<SiFuh> farkuhar: What did you have in Singapore? 14 KG?
<SiFuh> Only one time in my life did I travel with my two suitcases over 80 KG (together) I was moving back to Australia.
<SiFuh> ukky: Remember before I mentioned that she doesn't want to do 3 weeks because it is too long. I have just learned that Not only this year have we done 8 days in Japan, a possible 21 days in Australia. She is planning a trip with her friends for 7 days, another trip for her company which is about 5 days and another trip again for holidays. So she is going to have 5 holidays in 1 year! Damn!
<SiFuh> zorz: Never understood why people put up and listen to live music on youtube. It isn't the same as actual live, and I find it sounds aweful compared to the Album versions.
<SiFuh> <-- The album version is way better
<SiFuh> farkuhar: And this Cody Jinks guy can't be a real country guy. He is so skinny and unmuscular. Is that word?
<SiFuh> Hah unmuscular
<SiFuh> It is a word!
<SiFuh> He is an unmuscularite :-P
<SiFuh> Let me make a definition of my own. 'An unmuscularite are an unmuscular type of people that have unmuscularity" :-)
<SiFuh> ukky: Canada should seek nuclear protection against US – ex-FM HAHAHAHA
<zorz> hahahahaha
<SiFuh> Even with Nukes, Canada would be bulldozed in a couple of months.
<zorz> he should buy iodio pills
<SiFuh> But US should never strike Canada with nukes. Those poor sasquatches didn't ask for it.
<SiFuh> zorz Can you imagine Canada vs US in nukes. Canada will need about 50 nukes minimum and US only needs to use 14.
<ukky> Lets hope there will be no war between US and Canada
<zorz> ukky no worries,,,, australia - china is the next big thing
<zorz> SiFuh: should worry ;Pp
<SiFuh> To be honest, Canada would need at 336 nukes that successfully strike the US to cause real damage
<SiFuh> If it was me, I'd target DC and all the shipping and border ports
<zorz> 2032, meteor will do the job
<SiFuh> Take out the 50 capital cities. And then the other 286 cities with large populations.
<SiFuh> zorz: We already discussed. The impact zone is your house in Greece
<SiFuh> zorz: There is a movie about that.
<SiFuh> <-- I want his old steering wheel!
<SiFuh> zorz: I scraped her email. And send a message asking her to sell it to me at a reasonable price.
<SiFuh> What is this TV series you posted before zorz ?
<SiFuh> A Thousand Blows (2025)?
<SiFuh> zorz: This Epstein shit is pissing me off. No one seems to realise that she said what was inside the documents was sickening. Then they do their photo op with a folder but it is the same shit as what we already have see. Why was it sickening? Was she lying and never saw it. Does she have them and saw it and didn't release it?
<zorz> SiFuh: they say is good... i just downloaded to watch it
<zorz> the Epstein.... what i think always humanity had things like epstein.... they just show them off to control what the people think
<zorz> so what.... hookers/kids hookers taking money from rich
<SiFuh> zorz: I think they all miss the big picture. You can't be in government and of value if you haven't fscked a child or have done something that is so evil that it can be held over your head to control you. Secondly it will link to how US is actually still at war with Great Britain. And thirdly, it all connects to Israel.
<SiFuh> But shallow thinkers can never see the big picture even with all the evidence right in fron of their face.
<SiFuh> A man is walking down the road and comes across a man laying on the ground bleeding to death from a bullet wound. The bleeding man just before he dies tells the man not to come any closer, but the man did and was also shot dead. Why?
<SiFuh> I heard three good answers for this
<SiFuh> But the actual answer was that the was a civilian and shot by a bad person. The guy that came forward was deaf
<SiFuh> was that the was a/was that the shot guy was a
<SiFuh> The other two was the guy was a police man, and the guy coming forward was a bad guy. Or the other way around. But it doesn't really fit
<SiFuh> Trump To Sign Order Making English The Official US Language
<SiFuh> Good!
<SiFuh> Although English sucks
<SiFuh> Well not as bad as Welsh. zorz
<SiFuh> farkuhar: ^
<farkuhar> What did peekfd(1) do to ukky that merited a `rm -f` in the core/psmisc Pkgfile? Is there a possible collision with some other port's footprint?
<ukky> farkuhar: peekfd binary is not building in musl, so man pages are removed too
<farkuhar> Heh, `lpr $some_pdf` at the command-line -> my printer gave an "out of memory" error. Opened the same file in a browser and went through the Print dialog -> printer accepted and completed the job. I think I might need to tune the cups-filters.
<farkuhar> ukky: Thanks, that makes sense. Don't want to be providing documentation for a command that's not available.
<ukky> exactly
<farkuhar> Someone should write a sorting algorithm that peels off the trailing "utils" from a port name before alphabetizing. It's annoying to see bindutils appear before binutils in a directory list.
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: I was telling the wife about when I slept on the street in KL. I told her I was deliberately looking for street people. And that I was kind of surprised that the street guy next to me had a big ass blanket. Where the heck does he store that in the day time. And what the hell does he need that blanket for? It's damned hot in Malaysia as you know.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Actually, here is a thought. It was quieter sleeping on the street than at the hotel I stayed at in Penang not far from you
<SiFuh> Freaking 3 until 5 in the morning sounded like they were dragging a grand piano accross the floor and down the stairs.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: wtf? What a useless scurity guy with the jeans
<SiFuh> Looks like he wants to dance with him.
<SiFuh> I'd have grabbed him under the jaw from behind, and thrown him out of the security booth and say something "Let's go!"
<SiFuh> From behind.
<SiFuh> If he hits the wall on the way out. Then SCORE for me!
<SiFuh> Does this guy in the jeans want to diffuse the situation by dancing the waltz or something? What the hell? Is in a soy diet? Fuck
<SiFuh> She gets beaten then goes back to her job. She gets beaten again and the colleague does nothing?
<SiFuh> They can't find the guy. Now they can't find the guy. If I was there, he'd be in hospital
<SiFuh> He was in prime position to decimate that guy but instead he wanted to dance with him. What a pussy
<SiFuh> he zelensky in the white house. You see yet?
<SiFuh> zorz: ^
<SiFuh> I'd have kicked him out
<SiFuh> I probably would have punched his blabbering mouth in the face first.
<zorz> SiFuh:
<zorz> they had a fight
<zorz> haahhahaahahaahaha
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