SiFuh_: Vegans are offensive. I've seen videos of a group of ex-vegans coming to a big vegan event to eat raw meat in front of them, and also spreading the fact that plants don't have over 15 nutrients, and some of the vegans get quite literally violent.
It's a cult. They've been programmed to obey and serve
It apparently has its origins from the 7 day advent church.
Yeah, I knew what you meant because I have a few friends who are. But they are meat eaters
And their organization has a hatred towards Jehovah's Witnesses.
What's funny is that whenever vegans say "meat eaters", they actually just mean "non-vegans". So to them, even a vegetarian who eats eggs, dairy, and/or fish is considered a "meat eater".
Christianity should not hate, unless it is a hatred of all things evil.
Even those who follow the standard western diet (90% of the western world today), which is mostly just plant-based with only some occasional animal product, even they are considered "meat eaters".
remiliascarlet: Would be easier to just call them Eskimos
It's like I would be calling Paul Saladino a "vegan" just because he eats fruit.
Some people consider Eskimo offensive, because it is popularly perceived to mean 'eaters of raw meat' in Algonquian languages common to people along the Atlantic coast.
remiliascarlet: I like to eat vegetables because like lefting off really good farts in public :-P
What you eat is up to you.
I doubt Veganism came from the 7th Day Adventists
I refrain from eating vegetables, because it messes me up.
If you look into why the cow became sacred and revered like a god in India you will find something very nefarious
Yeah, and then the cows learn that they know they can do whatever the fuck they want, and treat the humans like trash.
They were basically lied to and told that they had to eat a vegetarian diet for the gods like Ganapati. They were told to mix either. So you can eat an orange and drink water but you couldn't put oranges in the water.
They were told NOT to mix either
"Fuck you God, I will find another God then."
And the temples were told that this is how it must be and must be taught.
The reason was they wanted the populace to become weak. Only the Sultan and his guards and army and the religious heads were allowed to eat meat.
"If you dictate me what to do, then I'll go find a different God."
remiliascarlet: That kind of defeats the purpose of having a god. :-P
Yeah, but different Gods at least have different rules.
There is only 1 God. The rest are phonies
Like Allah for example doesn't allow you to eat pork, and in Shintoism you're the god yourself.
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Islam can eat pork but only if there is nothing left to eat :-P
Ah, so if Americans bomb everything to the ground, and all there's left are pigs, then Muslims can eat pork? That's clever!
Christians and Jews are not suppose to eat pork either.
Apparently the orthodox Christians are the most traditional ones out there, yet they consume pork.
And Jews are too busy forcing the first world into wokeism to care.
Nah Orthodox Christians do nothing like how it was suppose to be
That's because the fake Jews all worship Moloch
farkuhar: Did I? I was telling him Alexander was Gay but they apparently left that out of the history books in Greece
farkuhar: And I told him that the Greeks from the past that zorz so fondly looks up to just copy and pasted and plagiarized what they had learned from Egypt and Atlantis.
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History is too outdated, should be updated.
remiliascarlet: Who was thought to be a bad guy in history but turned out to be good?
This patch doesn't seem to be needed for the latest libedit, or even for the version before that. https://dpaste.com/7WDQWCPJS
Maybe ukky's CRUX machine was behind a corporate firewall, and the https requests get mangled in transit unless the curl user-agent is overridden.
with sfeed i use this one curl -L --max-redirs 1 -H "User-Agent: 007" -f -s -m 15 \ "$2" 2>/dev/null
User-Agent 007
farkuhar: Well it is kind of true ;-)
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uwumeowmoewnyaa: Musashi Miyamoto
zorz: First time I ever met a Greek man, I was asking him for directions. "Hi, do you know where this place is?" "No" "Okay, thank you" "What fucking for?"
SiFuh_: Who is Musashi Miyamoto?
Nevermind, I scrolled up.
uwumeowmoewnyaa: I was answering your question for remiliascarlet
uwumeowmoewnyaa: Your question was extremely vague so there can be _literally_ millions of answers
Now erase the question. The answer is who you want to be like.
uwumeowmoewnyaa: Was that some Russian joke?
uwumeowmoewnyaa: My favorite Russian joke was the Russian man in the US staying in a hotel and saw a mouse run by. He calls the reception and says "There is a....
He can't remember how to say mouse in Russian. So he asks the reception "Do you know Tom and Jerry?" and she says "Of course, everyone does" well he says "Jerry is here"
Speaking of big words, here's one that zorz should recognize (because of its Greek roots): steatopygia. It came up in a game of Trivial Pursuit last night.
People still play that game?
And isn't that basically a fat arse?
SiFuh_: yes and yes
Actually, tabletop games are seeing something of a resurgence these days.
Hmm, I don't remember ever playing that game actually.
Only games played here are Chess, Uno and some card games.
But I always win, so it isn't played so much these days.
I did lose a game of chess by own mistake though so that is one for them
In human-versus-human games, the winner is usually the one who made the second-to-last suboptimal move.
farkuhar: Usually what happens is they all get excited to challenge me and then when the realise they are losing, they get slower and more depressed and won't concede to the fact there is no chance and then they refuse to play again for maybe a month or two.
farkuhar: I was banned from playing scrabble in Australia with the family because I always make the shortest worlds possible to basically block the board from anyone else putting any more letters down.
I remember being yelled at by my sister saying "The goal is to get the most points possible!" And I said "Really? Thought it was to win, and I do, and you can't place anymore pieces."
So they said I was no fun.
Does anyone else get the sense that uwumeowmeownyaa uses #crux to resurrect topics that have already been beaten to death on the mailing list and in other venues?
I stopped reading them on #crux. I prefer him in #crux-social. More free.
In #crux it looks like he is just ChatGPT'ing everything
That would be a strange choice, to act like a bot in one channel but interact normally in another channel.
farkuhar: Not sure. I stopped thinking about it and prefer to just have his company here.
Well, you cannot enjoy lavaball's company in this channel any more; you have to get your lavaball fix elsewhere.
I was talking him privately but he seems to think that he has some deal with me that he has to repay back and after he had and I continued talking to him he went in full rascist mode and was calling remiliascarlet 'The Jap' so I haven't spoken to him since.
On channel he's a fucking idiot. In private messages he seemed alright.
What is it about switching channels that encourages someone to adopt a new personality?
farkuhar: Actually I think he was asking ChatGPT and them pasting the question into #crux. But only uwumeowmoewnyaa can answer that.
Like I said, stopped thinking about it. Here he can talk free anything he wants although the GNU/Linux after everything is quite annoying.
I am guessing #crux being official and #crux-social not being then he won't need to bother with such stuff here.
I had asked before, several times, but he never replied. So I just let it be.
If the joke had a Russian man in a US hotel, then wouldn't it make more sense to say that the man forgot how to say mouse in English? (The way you wrote it, he forgot how to say mouse in Russian. Maybe it was supposed to be an American tourist in a Russian hotel?)
zorz: And by the way.. that joke about being fat was worse than the kids joke I had said.
#crux is the official and formal channel.
uwumeowmoewnyaa: Not everyone is an English speaker there so it has lots of broken conversations.
Oh, I have just scrolled up and saw SiFuh_ already having got the idea.
No farkuhar. It was a joke told to me by a Khazak guy.
He couldn't say mouse in English so asked about Tom and Jerry. But I understand your point. Actually most Russian jokes are not funny for Westerners. Seems to be a different style of humor.
Your 14:35 post: "He can't remember how to say mouse in Russian." s/Russian/English/ and it makes sense.
farkuhar: And it would make more sense being a Russian asking an American about an American show than an American asking a Russian about an American show.
Ahh my mistake.
farkuhar: A Malay guy told me a joke once. IT guys and all.
An electrical engineer, a mechancial engineer and Bill Gates were in a car driving dow the road and suddenly the car stops. The electrical engineer says "I am an electrical engineer! I can fix this!" He pulls out all the wiring looms. Reinstalls them and .... the car doesn't start. So the mechanical engineer says. "I am a mechanical engineer! I can fix this car!" So he dismantles the car and
reassembles it and nothing .... The car still doesn't start. Bill Gates "Don't worry! I am Bill Gates, the creator of the greatest operating system in the world that powers more computers and all types of systems including things like personal computers to landing aircrafts on the runway. I can fix it!" and then Bill Gates says "Just close and open the windows"
farkuhar: Trivia Pursuit is a board game?
Huh, why the eo/oe reversal in uwumeowmeownyaa's nick at the most recent login?
FSB hijacked his computer
I guess some people join IRC through a web interface rather than a dedicated client, and they have to type their preferred nick manually every time. Easy enough to reverse "eo" when typing quickly.
Although most browsers these days offer to auto-save what you type into web forms, so either he opted out of that time-saving convenience, or his browser cache has been cleared between logins.
farkuhar: I got the read one wrong. I said purple something. And the magazine I got wrong. I said "No idea, Washington post?" and laughed
The rest I knew
I'm with ukky when it comes to keyboard-centric workflows, but apparently the Plan9 developers thought that mice should have an equally important role to play in user interfaces. I wonder how common such thinking was, back in the early days of OS experimentation.
farkuhar: This is a note I made around March 21, 2023: libedit <=== cannot download sources; built and installed after adding '--user-agent' to curl
farkuhar: Not a good game for here. The questions are based moreso on things for Americans
farkuhar: ukky: or uwumeowmoewnyaa?
farkuhar: That is when I switched from Gentoo to Crux on my home PC
ukky: Oh ukky I stumbled on something the otherday with my mpv. Forgot to tell you
I think it was ukky who griped about the unusability of sam or acme (Plan9 text editors) without a mouse.
I thought that was uwumeowmoewnyaa
At work, my main PC has been switched from Gentoo to Crux somewhere in July-August 2024
ukky: cat .config/mpv/mpv.conf |grep user >----->>> user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0'
farkuhar: It was not me, wrt kbd/mouse in editors, at least I have never used sam/acme
ukky: I think farkuhar was speed reading again :-P
SiFuh_: farkuhar is good at speed-reading and usually always right
SiFuh_: I was either speed-reading or speed-typing, and my fingers went for ukky rather than uwumeowmeownyaa. Because who wants to type the latter nick so often?
ukky: I can read faster that farkuhar :-) More than a couple of lines, I just ignore it. HAHAHAHAHAHA
I use mouse in editors to copy-paste from editor's buffer to another terminal window.
farkuhar: But it's a cat saying Meow Moew :-P
Should I change my nick to have unique first letter?
But you are right. uwumeowmoewnyaa couldn't even spell his own handle correctly.
Ukky ;-)
ukky: I prefer keyboard but I have a mouse too, so I will use that as well. Anyone anti mouse shouldn't even have GUI or a mouse to begin with.
SiFuh_: Time to rewrite the joke about the Russian in an American hotel, this time with a cat instead of a mouse. Bonus points if you manage to incorporate uwumeowmeownyaa into the joke.
SiFuh_: useless use of cat. Just `grep user .config/mpv/mpv.conf`
SiFuh_: I am not anti-mouse. Mouse is useful in many cases.
I miss OpenBox feature to switch between windows with directional hot-keys
farkuhar: A Russian guy was in a hotel room in the US and heard a strange noise "uwumeowmeownyaa". He looked under the bed to see a small cat. He was surprised. How could this be in his room? So he called the reception. Unfortunately he forgot how to say cat in English and instead said "Hello, there is a.... There is a... Koshka... Wait! Do you know Tom and Jerry?" The receptionist said "Yes, everyone
knows Tom and Jerry" He replies "Tom is here!"
farkuhar: Stop beerman'ing me. It isn't useless. It's old school.
I don't see how anyone could fail to be anti-useless-use-of-cat. It makes so much more sense to avoid spinning up another process, when the CLI tools like grep already recognize stdin and command-line args as valid input.
farkuhar: ukky: A mouse was much faster than a turtle and the turtle was controlled by your keyboard. So :-P
People moving from vim to helix have to get used to swapping the order of action and object. Instead of "dw" meaning "delete word", for example, it goes "wd" in helix. You can shed the useless-use-of-cat habit without reversing action and object, simply by using shell redirections: < .config/mpv/mpv.conf grep user
I use cat because I live in Asia and certain things in the past here, I found cause grep to get stuck on. So out of habit I still use cat.
Just like certain URLs cause problems for curl, but not for wget? What is it about Asian locales that breaks all these tools?
UTF-8 charsets use to
And curl has no problems with URLs. It just needs an extra flag.
UTF-16 also. In fact many older filesystems still don't support UTF-8 and UTF-16
What's the extra flag for wallpapercave.com? ppetrov^ might appreciate being able to do without wget.
Both ukky and I had explained it already
Add a user-agent
[ukky> For libedit port I have to add '--user-agent <blah>' to PKGMK_CURL_OPTS. Maybe it is similar issue with other curl download problems.
What a mouthful! It would be nice if 'User-Agent: 007' worked instead (as zorz did for sfeed).
farkuhar: It's bullshit and it became a thing when websites got insane to support different OS' and browsers.
My email client thunderbird has to have a user-agent as well. That shit's be big time.
ukky: farkuhar: My user agent for thunderbid is. User-Agent: Atari, Inc. 1980 (Atari 2600; 8-bit MOS Technology 6507 @ 1.19 MHz)
Just because I can :-)
Heh, whaddya know? 'User-Agent: 007' actually does work for wallpapercave.com
farkuhar: w007!
My keyboard is so loud, I often find myself wishing for the mouse scroll-wheel desktop switching when I need to tweak something in the middle of the night without waking up the housemates. But my current window manager doesn't support that, so the mouse becomes even less integral to the workflow. Hence my empathy for uwumeowmeownyaa's position (downplaying the role of the mouse).
I just scroll the wheel on my desktop or use hot keys.
farkuhar: But as much as I am against the anti-mouse movement. It does suck that if you need to do some heavy reworking to get rio to use hotkeys
if you need/if you need, *
In a tiling window manager like spectrwm, once I launch an app on a desktop I don't see the wallpaper any more, so there's no place to click the scroll wheel and switch to another desktop (as I used to do in OpenBox). Apps with some degree of transparency might make custom wallpaper worthwhile, but otherwise I only see background wallpaper on a desktop with nothing running. So I couldn't care less about ppetrov^s wallpaper repo.
farkuhar: I solved that issue for me as well. I make sure the windows leave a tiny section open across the bottom of the screen the height of the fluxbox bar. And the fluxbox bar I can also scroll on... or click the arrows on the bar to change desktops
ukky: It probably confuses the DEI LGTV community
No wallpapers for me, it is just black root window, with no desktop icons (fluxbox)
I have and it must be custom with my logo on it.
Right now I have 31 windows open, so not much visible desktop area, just a few patches here and there. Thus, wallpaper would never be visible.
Damn, I only have 15 that I know of. Haha
And I don't want to mention how many tabs I have in my main Firefox profile, as you would make jokes about that for the rest of my life.
I just counted. I have 21
I cannot count them, but I see the number each time I close Firefox.
I just closed a few programs
ukky: Yeah I saw you had a blurr mess of tabs in your browser the other day
Some things for me are more important than others, I guess
Does anybody grounds their mechanical keyboard? Sometimes I get static discharge when I touch metal case on keyboard. And sometimes keyboard even does internal reset, i.e. LEDs shut off, then keyboard restarts.
Serbia was created as the second Palestine project.
oooo shit
zorz: There are two major problems with this planet. 1) The world is run by psychopathic, baby munching, blood drinking, cannabilistic paedophiles. 2) Over 70% of the population of this planet are fucking morons and believe and follow like sheep.
You only need to erase 1 of the 2 and then the world would be much better.
one of them out of the two*
If 2) was erased then 1) would lose power. If 1) was erased then we only have to deal with the morons.
zorz: I love what my Hungarian friend says. "The only way you can become a politician is if you are a spastic"
ukky: fluxbox is gootd
zorz: It is so good, I have been using it over 20 years ;-)
You talking to my friend?
She got a new bitch today.
Labrador puppy.
Using something 20+ years is okay if it's still maintained and you keep it updated. I wonder if the 20-year-old version of grep cannot handle UTF-8 or UTF-16, and that's why he has to filter text through cat.
farkuhar: Fluxbox doesn't need to be maintained. It does the job and has been doing it for 20+ years
If anything needs to be maintained it is because it requires modification for updated code that it uses from other sources or it sucks so bad the developer should be punched in the face for bad work. :-P
A Russian guy was in a US hotel room and heard a strange noise under the bed. He looked down and was surprised to see a cat dart out. So he called the reception. He forgot how to say cat in English, so he began "Hello, there is a... there is a... Wait! Do you know the annoying guy in #crux who composes questions using ChatGPT? What animal makes that sound?"
^ maintained your joke for you.
I already did the joke following your rules
Yeah, but this version has a narrower audience, because fewer people know about #crux than about Tom and Jerry.
SiFuh_: I agree with you that well-written and well-designed (though 'unmaintained') software might be much better than software which is in active development.
farkuhar: You kind of fizzled out the humour
ukky: It is the way I see it. I am sick of constant updates and how people kep saying it needs to be maintained. Write it well from the start! Simple.
SiFuh_: Exactly what I think.
plus fluxbox is written in amazing c++
Yeah, I guess if English is not your native language, then you might not recognize "meow" as the sound a cat makes. So the joke fails to represent how a native Russian speaker would actually behave.
zorz: and amazingly ;-)
zorz: C++ is mostly used in a bad way, and helps creating overbloated software.
farkuhar: Actually isn't that a Japanese Anime name anyway?
myself, if the coders knows what he does... c++ is great
zorz: Write it well from the start!
SiFuh_: I wouldn't know. I haven't watched much Japanese Anime lately.
SiFuh_: i am handicapped
I know zorz. It is why I don't like your code
zorz: I used to think that, I switched all my projects to C++, but then I made 180 degree turn and switched back to C.
uwu meow nyaa
I have never written anything in C++. Always chose to do it in Ansi C
SiFuh_: we dont have the same relatives,,, earth is flat:P
Okay you win that one :-P
busy fighting with mkv matroska..
with ffmpeg i get hardocded the subtitles in the mp4 but takes time
You are fighting with mkv matroska? Shit man, you are going to suck fighting large wild cats like tigers here
with mkvmerge is fast.... but the tv sucks with greel
Why you want the subtitles in the video?
I always keep them separate
its for my father. i dont read them
and nephews.
I have to read subtitles even for English movies
i mange the sync and everything
but ffpeg hardcoding mkv to mp4 takes time
I can hear a cricket fart on the other side of the road but speakers in front of me, I can't hear shit.
Problem is there are too many crickets farting
It drowns out the speakers
zorz: Why would you hardcode subtitles? Just add another stream to mkv, without re-encoding video.
ukky: this is the problem
when i add the greek play wrong
if it hardcoded they play fine... something with the tv utf8 and iso
Your player then have to be fixed. Which player are you using?
pc is fine.... TV is problem
65 inch is better no?:P
TV has nothing to do with it.
It's your player, not the TV
And yes, 65" is better than 27"
only 15"?
laptop yes 16
SiFuh_: knows we have the same laptop
Not exactly
And mine is running Plan 9front
zorz: what player have you hooked up to 65" TV?
internal TV
i dont know what it has
i think i found the way
zorz: If it is internal, then you have to know what features your TV player supports, and then transcode your video to have only those features.
ukky: this is what i am checking now
zorz: Do you have any ISO with Greek subtitles (non-hardcoded) that your TV displays properly?
I'm still annoyed that mpv's error messages sent me down a false trail checking permissions under /dev, when all I had to do was install xorg-libxpresent. As ukky reminded me, the GPU video output mode might have been available under Wayland even without xorg-libxpresent, and so the error messages weren't phrased to point me in that direction.
farkuhar: mplayer, minimal dependancies... great software
The user seems to inherit a different level of access to raw devices when running a Wayland session, compared to an X11 session. mpv developers took the easy route of not inspecting the environment to craft a customized error message, and so the console was cluttered with false clues about permissions.
ukky: this is what i am checking.... ISO /utf
farkuhar: That's only one of the biggest issues with Crux design in general: missing runtime dependencies. All runtime dependencies (conditional) have to be specified. Even dependency on toolchain has to be specified. Slackware is different in this aspect, but it is their design and you are supposed to install _all_ Slackware packages from base install, unconditionally.
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Hmm, I wonder what jw's version comparator says about the latest gtk4 update. Does it correctly identify 4.16.12 as greater than 4.16.7? It's been a while since I looked at that part of the prt-get source code.