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<SiFuh_> Wow: ppetrov^ was here. Hand't seen him like 29 days.
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ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: What's your excuse! Why haven't turned up in 29 days?
<ppetrov^> personal problems
<ppetrov^> as stated on, which i won't update in the foreseeable future
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: That's what Viagra was created for :-P
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: It doesn't have my modified kernel in it. But the kernel jaeger said they are going for is 6.6.62. Heh 666 ;-) I already prepared that kernel yesterday.
<SiFuh_> zorz: I ordered something on Ebay on the 2nd of December. It said the estimated delivery would be the 22nd of December. I emailed him 8 days later and asked when he will post it. The guy never responded. 1 week before the 22nd, I again emailed him asking why he hadn't posted it. On the 23rd I put in a claim to ebay for a refund because DHL confirmed with me that the seller had only registered it
<SiFuh_> online that he will hand over the package but never had. Then after I pushed the claim through the following day, rather than respond to the claim or email me or give me a refund, he then went and handed it over to DHL. The Ebay has the gaul to tell me it is stuck in customs. No, it is not stuck in customs. It had only just been posted.
<SiFuh_> He posted the package 24 days after I bought the item with no correspondence at all
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<farkuhar> ukky's recent interest in PaleMoon sounds like an echo of earlier complaints that Firefox had lost its way. Here's an example from ppetrov^:
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: remiliascarlet's mention, not complaint
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: I used seamonkey for years. But it became unstable about 2 years ago. So that is why I went to firefox again.
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: What is the /dev issue that jaeger promised to investigate? Nothing to do with your 6.6.62 kernel config, I hope.
<SiFuh_> Oh, I re-read that twice. I think it is not
<SiFuh_> Let me check again
<SiFuh_> 01:39:07 [jaeger> Ah, found the issue with device nodes on the 3.8 rc ISO, /dev isn't getting mounted properly during boot
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: ^
<SiFuh_> So if it is to do with ISO I am guessing there can only be two issues. ramfs or chroot. So since it is boot, it is probably ramfs.
<farkuhar> One issue I'm hitting with mpv is a failure to initialize amdgpu using vo/gpu/drm or vo/gpu-next/drm. It always falls back to "legacy" video output SDL, with a "Permission denied" error for the other video output modes.
<SiFuh_> Could that be a group thing in Linux?
<farkuhar> My user belongs to groups wheel, audio, video, cdrom, input, kvm, so I didn't think it was a group problem.
<farkuhar> It's not a big deal; I can still see the video playback just fine with SDL output, but I'm curious whether I need to build the kernel modules again, whenever xorg-xf86-video-amdgpu gets updated.
<SiFuh_> vo/gpu/x11: uninit ...
<SiFuh_> cplayer: VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 yuv420p
<farkuhar> Speaking of /etc/group, will CRUX 3.8 finally add the "sgx" group to the core/filesystem port?
<SiFuh_> We should ask jaeger
<SiFuh_> I did
<farkuhar> Thanks
<SiFuh_> Your name is on it too.
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<farkuhar> At least you're not posting via cruxbridge.
<SiFuh_> Never
<SiFuh_> Oooh were is emmett1. Today is contraversial news that there is the first public whipping for adultery in the state he is from.
<SiFuh_> where*
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Do you remember what calls sgx? Is it udevd?
<ukky> farkuhar: try running mpv with increased verbosity and redirect output to a file: mpv -v -v -v -v -v -v file.mp4 >/tmp/mpv.log 2>&1
<SiFuh_> Use similar commands for other code samples. Note: On Ubuntu 22.04 or any distro with systemd v248 or later, /dev/sgx_enclave is only accessible by users in the group "sgx". The enclave app should be run with a uid in the sgx group.
<SiFuh_> # check systemd version:
<SiFuh_> $ systemctl --version
<SiFuh_> # add sgx group to user if it's 248 or above:
<SiFuh_> $ sudo usermod -a -G sgx <user name>
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: Yes, it's udevd
<ukky> farkuhar: if mpv.log will not give you a clue, then run mpv through strace.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Okay done. Let's see if it sparks a beerman revival. Hahaha
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: ukky: zorz: remiliascarlet: <-- serpente sent me this captcha
<farkuhar> ukky: grep "vo/gpu" mpv.log yields these results,
<farkuhar> Hmm, /dev/dri/card0 is readable/writable by the video group, so maybe there's another device node that needs its permissions loosened up.
<ukky> farkuhar: Errors start to creep in at line 410. That what should be investigated.
<SiFuh_> check permissions of /dev/dri
<ukky> What are permissions for devices under /dev/dri?
<SiFuh_> Should be root:video
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: /dev/dri itself is only writable by root, and the group is root too.
<SiFuh_> group should have rw access as well.
<farkuhar> Okay, I'll change it and see what happens.
<ukky> farkuhar: I have root:root 0755 for /dev/dri directory, but what are permissions for devices in that directory?
<SiFuh_> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Jul 27 15:34 by-path
<SiFuh_> crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 0 Aug 1 10:55 card0
<SiFuh_> crw-rw-rw- 1 root video 226, 128 Jul 27 15:34 renderD128
<SiFuh_> Is what I have on the two CRUX machines
<SiFuh_> And drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 100 Jul 27 15:34 dri
<farkuhar> Same permissions and owner/group here. I'm starting to suspect there's a missing kernel feature.
<farkuhar> zgrep -i kms /proc/config.gz reports "# CONFIG_DRM_VKMS is not set"
<ukky> farkuhar: My CONFIG_DRM_VKMS is not set
<SiFuh_> ukky: Is this important?
<SiFuh_> Virtual Kernel Mode-Setting (VKMS) is used for testing or for
<SiFuh_> running GPU in a headless machines. Choose this option to get
<SiFuh_> a VKMS
<farkuhar> zgrep -i drm /proc/config.gz reveals even more features that I didn't bother to activate in the kernel. Maybe one of them needs to be present for mpv to use the preferred video output modes.
<ukky> SiFuh_: I don't think you need it
<SiFuh_> ukky: I never enabled it in my modular config for CRUX.
<ukky> farkuhar: Try to vimdiff with mine:
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Or you could do a fully modular kernel to test and see :-P
<ukky> farkuhar: Also, at work on a Crux machine I had to change mpv build config (or ffmpeg) in order to have HW video rendering
<farkuhar> ukky: Thanks for your mpv output. Maybe I just need to install xorg-libxpresent.
<ukky> SiFuh_: You should not enable CONFIG_DRM_VKMS in your modular config
<SiFuh_> ukky: I didn't. I see no reason to
<ukky> farkuhar: Maybe. If you want, I can remotely-login to my Crux at work and check what I did or enabled
<farkuhar> Let me try again with xorg-libxpresent installed, and see if that makes it possible to use the preferred output modes.
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: It looks like you got your beerman revival.
<farkuhar> ukky: Installing xorg-libxpresent did the trick. Good thing I tried that first, rather than mucking around with kernel configs again.
<ukky> farkuhar: congrats on easy fix
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Palemoon not Rising - Beerman Bread Making Revival.
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: Happy New Year!
<ppetrov^> hope so...
<ppetrov^> happy new year to you, too, farkuhar
<farkuhar> I should update the mpv README to clarify the correspondence between optional dependencies and video output modes. Some of the relationships are obvious, opt/libsdl2 = vo/sdl, but others are not so obvious, like xorg/xorg-libxpresent = vo/gpu.
<ukky> farkuhar: What about Wayland? You should not install xorg-libxpresent in case Wayland is in use
<ppetrov^> i have not updated CRUX for quite some time...
<SiFuh_> Shit! Imagine not changing your babies nappy for quite some time.
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: I also haven't. Can't be bothered to be honest.
<ukky> ppetrov^: My Crux systems will beat yours in non-update competition. Too many Pkgfile patches.
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> i used to do prt-get sysup every Saturday
<ppetrov^> then spend some time recompiling stuff and updating my ports
<ppetrov^> now, just i have no time for that, althouygh i find it to be fun
<farkuhar> ukky: True, I forgot about Wayland. That makes it difficult to come up with a clean correspondence between the desired output modes and the ports you have to install.
<ukky> Merging Pkgfiles is not fun for me. But I like compiling packages.
<ukky> farkuhar: Maybe a warning in a readme file would be enough.
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: you can't be bothered to change your baby's nappy for quite some time?
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: HAHAHA while : ; do prt-get -fr update ; done
<ppetrov^> ?
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: You are so predictable :-P
<ppetrov^> revdep | xargs prt-get update -fr
<ppetrov^> is what i do
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: try this while : ; do echo "Hello Turds!" && sleep 1 ; done
<SiFuh_> You will see what it does
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: So you could do while : ; do prt-get -fr update && revdep | xargs prt-get update -fr ; done
<SiFuh_> Add ports -u in there. And leave it run forever. Then your system will either be broken or completely updated 24/7
<ppetrov^> i can't wait
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, pkg-get needs wget, which is not installed by default
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: You want me to create a Gitea issue about it?
<ppetrov^> i have no idea how to do this, and i really have no time to investigate
<farkuhar> I have a forked pkg-get repo, where the wget commands have been replaced by their curl equivalents. But there are a few other updates on my local machine that haven't been pushed to yet.
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: Both Romster and I did an aria patch
<farkuhar> I wonder how many other official ports are like xorg-libxpresent: available to satisfy some optional dependency, but not strictly needed by anything in the repos.
<SiFuh_> Isn't wget included in pkg-get?
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: No, wget is its own CLI download program. It used to be the default before curl came along.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Not what I mean. wget is and option in pkgutils
<SiFuh_> As of pkgutils-5.40.9 wget is still able to be used
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: So why not just install wget then?
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: yes, you can edit the default pkgmk.conf to make wget the default, but anyone who does that will know to install opt/wget too. In contrast, ppetrov^ is pointing out that opt/pkg-get should really list wget as a runtime dependency, now that wget has been moved from core to opt.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Got it
<farkuhar> On the other hand, it's easy to avoid introducing a non-core dependency; just replace all the wget commands in pkg-get with their curl equivalents, as I've done in my forked repo.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Then yes, it will need to be in the Depends list so make a git thing ;-)
<ppetrov^> SiFuh_, I do install wget. Simply it is not among pkg-get'd dependencies
<SiFuh_> I changed ckut from wget to curl too when they did that to prt-utils.
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, I do make wget the default. I like it better and some things cannot be downloaded with curl, but it works with wget
<ppetrov^> google's fonts for example
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: So let's see if they can update pkg-get to use curl, or aff wget as a Dependency then
<SiFuh_> aff/add
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: Does the curl maintainer know about these urls that don't work with curl?
<ppetrov^> these
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, never bothered to contact them
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: wget is way easier to work with using dialog than curl.
<ppetrov^> also some wallpapers
<farkuhar> Nothing about Google fonts under ... Maybe ppetrov^ should open a new issue.
<ppetrov^> e.g. ^
<ppetrov^> you can try yourself with the direct dl links
<ppetrov^> maybe it's a problem here
<farkuhar> There was a recent Guest over in #crux who had problems resolving some hostname or IP address, but it turned out to be a misconfigured firewall.
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, I hat problems with accessing repology, but turned out I needed to enable IPv6
<ppetrov^> *had
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: I see what you mean. I only get an HTML document (not the expected JPG) when I run curl -O -J -L
<ppetrov^> yep
<ppetrov^> now try wget
<ppetrov^> of course does not seem to like scripts downloading stuff from them
<ppetrov^> you need to browse, click, save all that
<ukky> For libedit port I have to add '--user-agent <blah>' to PKGMK_CURL_OPTS. Maybe it is similar issue with other curl download problems.
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<farkuhar> Well, curl has such a huge number of command-line options, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them would allow the download to succeed. Maybe the Pkgfile could redefine download_source() to use one of the less-common curl options, or just override PKGMK_CURL_OPTS as ukky did.
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: Something like that for curl
<SiFuh_> *untested* and probably wrong flags
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: Yeah that Guest guy always talking about "It's not in the handbook"
<ukky> Handbook should have: If it is not mentioned in handbook, use your favorite search engine to find a solution, or try #crux on IRC.
<farkuhar> Inspecting the HTML that gave to curl, I see "This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. ... You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page."
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: ppetrov^: Wanna see something really cool? Try this
<SiFuh_> curl -L -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0' -o wp11224055.jpg
<ukky> farkuhar: Cloudflare Ray ID means that the web-page is using a challenge via java script that browser can easily perform, but wget/curl may not.
<SiFuh_> ukky: ^^
<ukky> SiFuh_: Why? I told you already that I do that for libedit.
<SiFuh_> ukky: I didn't read
<ukky> SiFuh_: It is part of my /etc/pkgmk.conf
<SiFuh_> ukky: Well great minds think alike. :-) I used the user agent to get around it
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<zorz> SiFuh_: never used ebay.
<zorz> Hi all!
<SiFuh_> zorz: In Soviet Russia, Ebay uses you!
<ukky> SiFuh_: I had this problem with curl like a year ago, and fixed it by adding user-agent
<SiFuh_> ukky: Probably will solve ppetrov^'s problems for sure.
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: Want farkuhar to put in a gitearwig over the pkg-get thing?
<ukky> SiFuh_: But I add user-agent only for libedit. No other ports I have installed had this issue.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh_, why not?
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: He's been waiting patiently tapping his fingers on the desktop waiting to send. Wouldn't be surprised if it has been typed already.
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<ppetrov^> sorry, was out for a smoke...
<ppetrov^> it's fucking -17
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: In Soviet Russia smoke is out for was.
<ppetrov^> ye ye... in Soviet Russia, Waldo finds -you-
<zorz> SiFuh_: hahahaha
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: -3 in Tokyo on Sunday night. I wonder if the family is going to handle the cold.
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: HAHAHA
<ppetrov^> huehuehue
<ukky> This is my patch for curl issue with libedit in /etc/pkgmk.conf:
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: Boring fact! In Australia Waldo is actually called Wally.
<SiFuh_> Next month I want to modify the sign at the office of my mechanic. It says in Malay "Cannot oweing money" I want to write 'except SiFuh' underneath because I always owe them money :-P
<SiFuh_> Thomas Garrison, an archaeologist and geographer at the University of Texas at Austin says, β€œIt’s amazing that we can still make these kinds of discoveries on our planet and find new complex cultures in the 21st century.”
<SiFuh_> Thomas Garrison is a moron if he thinks that is amazing. He has no clue how vast the world is and how little we know about this planet.
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: My brother (Flat Earther) was asking me the other day about the sun's position here. So I told him about Malaysia to Thailand to China to Kyrgyzstan and Tasmania. Then he went silent. I even provided photographic evidence of some. So he I guess he is doubting himself now.
<zorz> SiFuh_: yes something like this for north east side of mt olympus.
<farkuhar> By putting into PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS I manage to avoid most of the curl issues. But commenting it out just now and relying on the upstream host instead, I fail to reproduce ukky's error with libedit. Maybe the upstream host is compatible with curl again.
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<SiFuh_> Refried beans! Homes!
<SiFuh_> zorz: HAHAH there is a package out for delivery today and the guy never came. To bypass why the package wasn't delivered. He wrote "Delivery attempt was unsuccessful" and took a photo with his phone covered by his hand. BAHAHAHA Lazy fscker
<SiFuh_> He is trying to scam the system by saying he came to my home and I wasn't there but has to cover up the camera to keep the computer tracking software happy.
<SiFuh_> Because he never turned up and he doesn't want them to know he was lazy on the job.
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<farkuhar> Updating gettext to 0.23.1 on CRUX-musl produced the following footprint mismatch: MISSING -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/lib/
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<farkuhar> Haven't tried the update yet on my last remaining CRUX-glibc machine, but I expect it would have been reported by now if it were a problem.
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<zorz> soviet quit [01:06:44] :: Grunt__ (~petrvlasi@ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)