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<SiFuh_> farkuhar: The honorable ppetrov^ is here
* SiFuh_ get's out the streamers and party poppers
<ppetrov^> heh
<ukky> SiFuh_: Exactly. If product already exists, what's the point of building it yourself unless you can make it better? You can spend your time building something more important to you.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: "Have you seen this documentary? Mr Bates Vs The Post Office - The Real Story (2024)" No.
<SiFuh_> ukky: Yep
<SiFuh_> ukky: I will probably watch the mini series since my mother requested me get it for her. May as well.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: "By the way, there is a news article how this year Malaysian government is banding together to stop littering in Malaysia. The reason? Tiktok videos can show the world that Malaysia is a filthy country........" That's Asia for you. If you want to see any change at all, you make the country look bad on the world stage. Otherwise, nothing will ever change.
<ukky> SiFuh_: I watched E01 last night. It's good.
<SiFuh_> ukky: Hope so, but I have a feeling the documentary might be better. :-P
<ukky> For you, definitely documentary is better. But for me, miniseries the way to go.
<SiFuh_> We'll will see when I watch it.
<ukky> The kettle is good. The handle doesn't heat up, but that's because my stove is electrical.
<SiFuh_> ukky: Why no electricity there?
<ukky> Spot-welding should hold the handle well.
<ukky> Right now we have electricity. No electricity during heavy storms or freezing rain.
<SiFuh_> Isn't freezing rain called hail?
<ukky> No. Hail is big chunks of ice.
<SiFuh_> Frozen rain
<ukky> Freezing rain is _actually_ a rain, which upon hitting the surface immediately freezes and becomes ice.
<SiFuh_> I don't like Canada anymore
<ukky> And 'surface' is any surface: ground, tree branches, power lines, roof.
<ukky> Haha
<SiFuh_> Microsoft Surface
<ukky> When frozen, ice on some trees (i.e. birch) brings branches down to the ground. And on weak trees, ice just breaks branches.
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<SiFuh_> And then?
<ukky> Haha
zorz has joined #crux-social
<zorz> bonjour!
<SiFuh_> And then?
<zorz> fuck you!
<SiFuh_> And then?
<ukky> Hi zorz
<zorz> hi ukky!
<zorz> people blame GNU.... mozilla is worst!
<ukky> of course GNU is bad
<ukky> but at least Firefox is 7-8 times faster to compile compared to Chromium.
<zorz> yes
<zorz> ryzen 5series needs 3.5 hours for chromium i think
<zorz> i always do it when i sleep :P
<ukky> Chromium on my system compiles in 1h54m, Firefox in the same environment compiles in 17m.
<zorz> fucking hell
<ukky> Yeah. Chromium is the greatest bloatware known to universe.
<ppetrov^> i thought it was GNOME
<ukky> Never compiled/used Gnome by choice, so no idea how long it takes to compile.
<zorz> [zorz@void shell_scripts]$ echo "Hello, World!" | ./
<zorz> URL copied to clipboard: 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
<zorz> hehehe
<SiFuh_> And then?
<zorz> be carefull not to get banned, i am with static ip now
<SiFuh_> And then?
<zorz> SiFuh_: fuck you
<SiFuh_> And then?
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh_> ukky: The documentary was heaps better
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<ukky> SiFuh_: You like it more because documentary has higher rate of information vs entertainment.
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]