FreeBSD has to go. It doesn't support SATA in my almost brand new 18-year old Pentium PC. Though, FreeBSD-8.0 from 2008 does detect SATA on that PC. Since then, they removed too much from kernel.
FreeBSD doesn't last long on any of my computers. The CPU goes into overdrive and the fans are spinning at high speed and the machines shut off. So I don't consider it safe for hardware.
Too bad both OpenBSD and NetBSD do not support DAHDI. Gentoo dropped DAHDI about a year ago. Now testing Debian-i386. First step is get rid of SystemD.
Debian has a non systemd fork Devuan.
Devuan is old. I will remove SystemD from latest installer.
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Why wouldn't DAHDI not be able to run on OpenBSD?
You need driver in kernel (because it is a PCI device), and then you need tools in userspace, plus DAHDI module for Asterisk.
The module is suppose to be able to compile under OpenBSD
There is Asterisk port in OpenBSD, but it does not support DAHDI.
If it existed in the kernel before, then it won't be hard to get it from an older kernel and patch it in.
I don't think DAHDI driver ever existed for OpenBSD
Well there are a lot of references to OpenBSD in Asterisk and some in dahdi-tools
Some developer ported Linux DAHDI kernel driver to FreeBSD. NetBSD only has DAHDI in TODO list.
ukky: I would like to build a car headunit out of OpenBSD
Heh, I liked Beta Max. Shame VHS too over.
It will be difficult to make that on your own. You will fight RF interference from the engine.
ATOTO A6 is Android.
Next year is the plan to find or make one.
Fsck me sideways. Debian went to merged /usr too. Now every distro dumps all files into single /usr/bin, like MS Windows.
So, your truck didn't have CD/AM/FM originally?
I personally think it is stupid. I still think the main root should contain all the default core system and everything else on separate partitions.
ukky: It did, but someone changed it.
If I go to something simple, I lose the reverse camera. But to be honest, I never use the reverse camera anyway.
Totally agree with you on filesystem layout. That move to dump everything into /usr/bin because SystemD wants it like that, is just very dumb and stupid.
Yeah, I also do not rely on reverse camera.
The system boots perfectly fine without mounting anything except sd3a
OpenBSD has the best default partition layout. And OpenBSD even encourages users to split partitions (opposite of SystemD path).
All the tools exist to fix the system. While all the extra stuff are on other partitions.
That's how it should be done
Had so much work I want to do today. But for some stupid reason the wife hired a maid and now I can't do anything because all this shit is in my way. I told her I don't want a maid in my house. You can't trust them.
And why are their bodies all so inefficient. They spend more time eating then doing anything.
I will clean this door. Done! Time to eat. I just washed the bowl that I ate our of. Time to eat. I walked into the kitchen. Time to eat.
ukky: Damn this series is so slow moving
zorz has joined #crux-social
ukky: Heh, my solution to their problem was the same they used in the end of that series. They didn't really seem to show what happened to the alternate Leighton with the injured leg.
That's disgusting dude. Why would you do that shit
paedo balls
ask him
Oh you talking about lavaball
you baptist lavaball paedoballs
Hah? I am not a baptist
my self i am addicted to pussy, pussy junky
zorz: I did it to his face you are doing it behind his back
zorz: Did you notice beerman is back?
No more tim cruxbot shit?
Maybe he is home and cruxbot is somewhere else?
Or just tired of it.
I don't know
I was curious when I saw it
let me check
cruxbot is online
You must have a boring life dude
work for tim for 2025, add runit, s6 and let users choose. make the build process isolated using user_namespaces. make default compiler clang, add apparmor, selinux hehehe
I don't have energy to type so long. Too much training today since I broke a rib
8 weeks to heal
how you manage too broke a rib?
Can't even do 3 pull-ups anymore.
Funny how one injury can knock you back 10 years or more.
its only 2 months time
Dude, I use to do 400 pushups once a week I can barely get in more than 30 in only after 8 weeks of recupirating.
I still have the strength, the stamina died.
The only thing I can think of is that my body moved my one meal a day diet and whatever my body had into healing. But that is just speculation.
[01 32 35] [zorz> how you manage too broke a rib? <— My elbow broke it
zorz: I sat on a cheap chair and the left side collapsed under me. So when I hit the ground I landed on my ribs and under my ribs was my elbow.
As it was collapsing, I used my right arm to push myself upwards so I get on my feet so the distance of my fall was much greater than just falling from the chair.
And my feet were not on the floor. They were on a concrete bench.
So I'd say the fall was about 2.5 metres maybe a little more
zorz: I don't think Crux decision-makers will give user a choice of alternative init system. The default will always be SystemV init. Pkgfiles do not support SW alternatives, nor different CPU architectures.
SiFuh_: fuck man... okay, you will survive... you will revive stronger.
ukky: crux, devs dont care. they have it for them. and i forgot to mentio cgroups.
hahaha now she tells us systemd is not bad.
actually she has some nice configs for openbsd
She probably works for Red Hat or Fedora.
And all this SystemD crap was not a choice of users. It was forced down user's throat by big Linux distros as the only path forward.
ukky: the only light is openbsd
myself i run openbsd for 6 months something, never had a crash, no problems. only a few times the touchpad stoped working.
zorz: NetBSD is good too.
where did she find openbsd breaks. no idea.
ukky: as sifuh says find one and stick with it... openbsd does things in this way netbsd in that way
ukky: right now iam with void, source based. everything works great. i even compile ungoogle-chromium takes time 6 hours.
In Linux domain, probably only void-linux is acceptable, though I never used it myself, just did a lot of static analysis.
ukky is my last linux... if not this one, then openbsd.
but you see in void, okay xbps is nice. but the rest you see the devs paying attention.
i had it binary, and then start using the sources... no problem at all. nothing.
For now, I mostly use Crux, but I would not install Crux on a new system. There is no Linux I would want to use. And *BSD does not work for me. Still figuring out what to do in the future.
you know what i like in void, i compile everything. but sometimes i need to use libreoffice only for a couple of days, i just inastall the binaries do my work and remove them.
Nice workaround with libreoffice.
heh, funny part when i install it first time thank god installs only word and calc. not the full suite.