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<SiFuh_> ukky: Cool
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<SiFuh_> farkuhar: ppetrov^ is here.
<ppetrov^> dude
<ppetrov^> i spoke with him yesterday
<ppetrov^> am I some sort of a celebrity now?
<SiFuh_> Yes
<ppetrov^> i am both humbled and honoured
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: So am I the honorable humbler?
<SiFuh_> Haha
<ppetrov^> heh
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<SiFuh_> ukky: The current Go-Karts are 270cc. I asked about the 600cc and they said "No more"
<SiFuh_> I took the wife Go-Kart racing for the first time in her life. The worker asked "First time?" I said "I'm good, but she is a first timer" so he had to explain the rules to her and how it all works. She didn't want to do it and I said that she doesn't have a choice. She had a good time though. There were other people there racing. Everyone sucked...... except one guy. He and I lapped everyone multiple
<SiFuh_> times. But he couldn't get away from me and I couldn't get near to him. We were just stuck in orbit. It wasn't a race it was a free run but I had to shake the guys hand. "You made my day. I had a good competitor." He laughed and said he could not catch me either.
<SiFuh_> Shame it wasn't a real race. I'd have loved to have challenged him.
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<SiFuh_> zorz: I saw a sign the other day. "When urinating, please lift the seat for your own hygiene." There was a picture of a hand lifting the toilet seat.
<SiFuh_> zorz: I was peeing away looking at it thinking to myself "What a dumb sign. If I pee on that seat it isn't to do with my OWN hygiene and if I lift that seat then I might be touching other's urine and fat arse sweat and it is not hygienic."
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: "I am getting to that age where I need glasses for reading. So I had to make the hard decision... to stop reading" Just get more vitamin A. Easy fix.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: "Does your knife come with a sheath?" It did, I can make a photo another time, I'm not in the position to make photos right now.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: zorz ukky farkuhar
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: It was in quotes because it was a comedian's joke
<SiFuh_> Secondly sayind "Just get more Vitamin A" is useless. Because your spewing propaganda from the time of the Radar and besides, too much Vitamin A can make you blind.
<remiliascarlet> I didn't say too much vitamin A. And I didn't spew any propaganda.
<SiFuh_> You can't just say "Get more Vitamin A"
<remiliascarlet> I can, don't tell me what to do.
<SiFuh_> What if the reason he can't read is because he is getting too much Vitamin A
<SiFuh_> And now dr remiliascarlet turns up and tells him to get more.
<remiliascarlet> Most people these days are deficient in vitamin A, so the most likely is that he has too little rather than too much.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: You just reminded to rewatch something where I am sure the guy said if you eat too much meat you go stupid
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Or he is just a comedian making a joke that no one needed to make a comment on
<remiliascarlet> Looks like you've got a bad day today.
<SiFuh_> Nope
<SiFuh_> I found that video.
<SiFuh_> re-listening now
<SiFuh_> Hopefully I misheard him.
<SiFuh_> 32:42
<SiFuh_> Okay, I understand now
<SiFuh_> He says that meat should be at the top because it dumbs you down. So in otherwords. Meat should be at the bottom (The largest portion) so you don't get stupid
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: So in other words. You should eat more meat because if you less you are just going to get stupid
<ukky> SiFuh_: I hope you had good time riding that Go-Kart. What is approx. weight? They all look different and 270cc might be too powerful for some frames, and underpowered for another.
<ukky> SiFuh_: Never had a bike, but this looks so cool:
<SiFuh_> ukky: Cross between a CB and a Chopper
<SiFuh_> ukky: I like it.
<SiFuh_> Bit too powerful for here though. Almost 1800cc for a bike
<ukky> What brands are is CB and Chopper? (are these bikes?) I don't know much about bikes, but I enjoy the view when it is a beauty.
<SiFuh_> Style
<ukky> s/are is/are
<ukky> I see Honda has some 'CB' models.
<SiFuh_> CB is a commuter (You sit up right). Chopper is like a Harley (You sit with your feet forward). Sports (You almost lay down, head forward and feet behind you)
<ukky> okay
<ukky> A guy at work rides Gold Wing
<SiFuh_> When I see a chopper riding by, it always reminds me of a frog flying through the air ready to land on your windscreen.
<ukky> Haha
<SiFuh_> Gold Wings are huge. Excelent for touring
<SiFuh_> ukky: You thinking about getting a bike?
<ukky> remiliascarlet: When people say "I am a JavaScript developer", I usually say "Oh, nice, I work with computers too".
<ukky> SiFuh_: No, I just enjoy any kind of well-done engineering
<SiFuh_> ukky: I am a bit more abrasive "Sucks to be you then"
<SiFuh_> ukky: Lots of tech introduced to cars in the early days were actually tested on motorbikes first. That is why motorbikes were ahead of the cars in technology
<SiFuh_> ABS, fuel injection, ECUs for example
<ukky> SiFuh_: That's okay, I am more polite, unless I am pissed off.
<SiFuh_> ukky: Went to a restaraunt yesterday. The sign says "Porkin' good food". I said "You know that in Australian slang porking means fucking?" Hahahaha
<ukky> Haha
<ukky> btw, my snowblower has 420cc engine
<SiFuh_> ukky: Cool, after you left, I duckduckgoed what a snowblower was :-P
<ukky> Usually here people hire a service to remove the snow from driways. But in my neighbouhood there are a few guy who remove the snow themselves.
<SiFuh_> ukky: I just say my mind. Screw pussy-footing around people. Yesterday was invited to an expensive restaraunt. The guy who invited me asked how I was doing. I said "Shit!" He asked why and I said "I haven't eat yet. All you guys keep bring is Chicken and who the fuck eats that shit?"
<SiFuh_> ukky: My father always asked me to shovel the snow
<ukky> s/driways/driveways
<SiFuh_> ukky: Next year I won't go. If you are invited and they provide shit that you don't even eat, what's the point?
<SiFuh_> "Hey, come to dinner with us and you can watch us eat"
<ukky> SiFuh_: Shoveling is possible, but once I shoveled for 5 hours straight (50 cm of snow in a day). In 4 days after that I bought a snowblower.
<ukky> A guy in #netbsd was able to compile kernel and install NetBSD 10.1 on i486 with 128 MiB of RAM. Cool.
<SiFuh_> ukky: Hehehe women! She sends me a photo of a light and asks me to fix it. I ask what is wrong with it and she says disco. Funny because it is a photo, you can't see a light flickering.
<SiFuh_> I replace it and then she complains that there is plaster poweder all over the floor. Now she is in a bad mood. Hahahaha
<SiFuh_> This bike was a way to give the middle finger to the government regulations freshly imposed. So following the regulations they made one of the most powerful machines ever under those restrictions.
<SiFuh_> Honda vs Japanese Government regulations. :-)
<ukky> You had very nice bike
<SiFuh_> Mine was called the Ghost Monk. Because everytime I or my friends smashed it, I'd bring it back to life.
<ukky> I have Honda engine in my grass mower
<SiFuh_> I built a 1992 Suzuki GSX-R 750 from scratch. Parts came from all around the world. Remember the day my father came out and saw me drinking beer again. He said "People who drink like you do nothing, they are lazy and one day will end up dead in the grass with ants eating you." I replied "See that bike? 5 months it took me to build that. I was powered on beer" He walked away very mad.
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<SiFuh_> ukky: This is the GSX-R I built form scratch. Everything from assembly to mechanical, to electircal to spray and decal was done by me.
<SiFuh_> ukky: This is my first bike. Honda VFR 400
<SiFuh_> ukky: And this is the bike I still own in Australia a Honda CBF 250.
<ukky> Great job on GSX-R.
<ukky> Honda VFR 400 looks ... strange.
<ukky> Honda CBF 250 is very nice.
<SiFuh_> ukky: My French friend who works with me use to come around and drink beer with me in my garage. One day he was in his pissed off mood saying "Come on, it's been months now, when are you fucking finish that bike. I want to see it" So I pulled the cover off of it and he fell to the ground on his arse and it was like he had seen the burning bush of Moses. He kept saying in French that it was so
<SiFuh_> magnifique
<SiFuh_> I kept the CBF 250 because I can get 800km on a tank. I can pick it up and carry it and it barely can hit 120 KPH ;-)
<SiFuh_> ukky: Yes I agree with the VFR. But that thing was the best bike I ever road.
<SiFuh_> rode
<SiFuh_> It has a single swing arm and the sound from the exhaust has that whistle that fighter jets have ;-)
<ukky> And in my dumb opinion, that Honda VFR 400 need heavier profile tires. It would look nicer.
<SiFuh_> ukky: VFR 400 have a 160PKH piston cut-off. So I modified it to have no cut-off. I took it down the highway at 230KPH plus the space after that and the needle just rested on it (Not bouncing) and the bike kept going faster and faster.
<ukky> Even 160 kph seems enough.
<SiFuh_> Of course, but when you are young you don't think like that usually ;-)
<ukky> Right
<SiFuh_> I had an accident on that bike at 180 KPH. I slid down the road on my back and the bike flew off the road, wrapped around a tree and sunk under 3 feet of mud.
<ukky> That's bad (for both of you D)
<SiFuh_> I pulled it out and pushed it to the army base. Then went home. The next day turned up with tools, oil, petrol and a carton of beer. After a few hours, it started. Everyone got up and started cheering. They thought it would be dead forever.
<SiFuh_> My right shoulder section of my kevlar jacket had melted. My front inside pocket ripped open from the velocity of my phone. And the only injury I had was a chunk of skin missing on one finger between two knuckles about 12mm long, 5mm wide and 4mm deep
<ukky> Similar chunk of skin was ripped off below my ankle from a bike accident. I was not the driver.
<SiFuh_> ukky: I did that a friend ankle once. He was flopping around on the back like a jellyfish and I told him not to and then it was too late. The bike dropped and took a chunk out.
<ukky> In my case front fender broke off and locked the wheel. We were lucky driving about 50 kph. My heel was forced into spokes on the rear wheel.
<SiFuh_> ewwwww
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<ukky> SiFuh_: correction: I said 'polyurethane'. It should be 'polyethylene'. But polyurethane is good for filling/repairing cracks in foundation.
<SiFuh_> ukky: polyethylene is a horrible plastic. They use it on mud guards
<SiFuh_> Polyurethane is awesome
<SiFuh_> I use polyurethane for my cooling system on my distiller.
<ukky> Polyethylene pipes/tubes are the best to bury underground. Mine is 2" and holds weather/winter. I just have to blow out water before winter.
<ukky> Disadvantage of PE is that there is no glue for PE. PVC tupe/pipe can be glued, but PVC sucks.
<SiFuh_> ukky: I use a water pump to pump water into my condensor for my moonshine still. It uses polyurethane tubing. It passes into a radiator from a car which has an electronic fan included. I have a 12 volt (I think 15 amps) powersupply to run the fan. Then if gets pumped into the sink back to where the water pump is. So I can use the same water over and over and over again and keep the temperature down.
<ukky> I'm still checking, but it seems we do not have PU tubing
<ukky> oups, double-paste
<SiFuh_> Doesn't matter they don't work
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<SiFuh_> Access denied
<zorz> you are banned
<SiFuh_> abrasion-resistant-polyurethane-tubing <-- probably the stuff they use for gas stoves
<ukky> There are multiple categories of PU tubing, depending on application
<SiFuh_> Yeah that stuff
<SiFuh_> I use them for my diff breather hoses on the truck
<ukky> If you use it in a cooling system, that might be an overkill D
<SiFuh_> I have plenty. I buy it on the roll because its uses are vast
<ukky> But you need multiple ID/OD dimensions.
<SiFuh_> I am quite clever ;-)
<ukky> I mean, if you buy 30 m roll, you need soooo many of them.
<SiFuh_> ukky: I have two sizes. But this is the one I use. The smaller is sitting around doing nothing.
<ukky> Orange and blue seem the same size to me
<SiFuh_> They are
<SiFuh_> I said "The smaller is sitting around doing nothing." It isn't in that photo
<SiFuh_> <-- Here is the 30 litre distiller with the radiator. Top left is a wooden looking box which is the power supply for the fan on the radiator.
<ukky> ok
<SiFuh_> ukky: 50 litre doing a stripping run -->
<ukky> You have two pressure gauges. What maximum pressure are you dealing with?
<SiFuh_> No, the 20 litre, both 30 litres, the 50 litre and the 100 litre have only 1 pressure release valve. No pressure guages at all.
<SiFuh_> You are talking about the thermometres?
<ukky> Yeah, maybe those are thermometers (which look like pressure gauges to me)
<SiFuh_> I run a thermometre off the boiler (kettle, whatever you'd like to call it) and another off the column because temperature is important for extraction.
<SiFuh_> ukky: 100 litre doing a stripping run. I removed the kitchen cupboard door because the heat causes it to melt if I don't.
<ukky> So, who among your friends is missing car radiator and a fan?
<SiFuh_> ukky: A smashed up Myvi.
<ukky> Okay then, no parts are thrown away.
<zorz> SiFuh_: tell me something, tomorrow i arrnged an appoitment to paint a car. but its cold. is it a problem of temp is around 0 c ?
<SiFuh_> ukky: I have a 20 litre one similar to this. I love the vapour chamber on top. The football! it makes the best Vodka.
<SiFuh_> zorz: yes
<SiFuh_> Wet paint on cold metal will wrinkle
<SiFuh_> zorz: If the guy knows what he is doing then the room will be pre-heated
<zorz> i thought so... i ll see tomorroe
<ukky> zorz: At 0 degrees you cannot properly paint anything. I think you need at least +17, and better +30 to do a good job. I might be wrong. SiFuh_ will correct me.
<SiFuh_> If you paint anything that is too cold the paint usually doesn't stick to the surface. It lifts. Also if it is very cold as in below zero the paint can freeze which I have never seen or done before
<ukky> SiFuh_: Lid holders on Vevor seem weak to hold it if pressure builds up.
<SiFuh_> I do all my painting in the afternoon when it is hot or warm. I don't paint in cold, I don't paint in mornings and I don't paint during wet weather.
<SiFuh_> ukky: Should be zero pressure build up when distilling. Unless you are using a bubbler or a thumper.
<SiFuh_> Also as I mentioned above. I always install a pressure release valve on all my distillers because I'd rather a boiling hot steamed room then an exploding distiller ;-)
<SiFuh_> But I don't have a thumpkeg as much as I really want one. And I regulate the bubblers quite well within the ranges of safety
<ukky> I am dumb when it comes to moonshine system components, it is just something triggering ideas if I would build a system like that.
<ukky> That Vevor has anoither weak point: That drum on the right, attached to a football, is heavy and should not just hang. It should have some straps to the ceiling to hold its weight.
<SiFuh_> It's simple. You heat up your mash to a specific temperature. You direct it through a condenser to turn the steam back into a liquid and you catch it. You don't want anything before 77.1 Celsius. Your Goldylocks zone is between 77.2C to about 81C
<SiFuh_> ukky: I know, but I use a piece of wood that goes from it over the thermometer and hang the cooling hoses off of it so they are not near the fire. It balances out
<SiFuh_> If I use that football on the 30 litre Russian distiller, I use a stainless steel rod to hold it up so there is no sagging.
<ukky> ok. Just saying. You work with it, so you know better than me.
<SiFuh_> Also, I designed the systems with adapters and stuff so that I can swap all parts with every other distiller.
<ukky> Yes, I have noticed top part on two pictures. It is the same component used for different applications.
<SiFuh_> Thre is a lot more gear though that are not shown in those photos :-P
<SiFuh_> I have a shotgun Dephlegmator which I use above the 4 stage bubbler plates. Which is just a fancy way of saying a condensor. The only difference between it and a condensor is where you install it on the distiller.
<ukky> You are keeping aces for later D
<SiFuh_> ukky: Oh wait, the Dephlegmator is hooked up above a single bubbler plate on the photo with the two thermometres
<SiFuh_> And I rarely us the parrot which is also in that photo.
<SiFuh_> If I remember correctly the only reason I attached the parrot in that photo was to hold up the condensor because the condensor is not suppose to go out at that angle.
<SiFuh_> ukky: It's a bad photo but it is suppose to be setup like this. However, I don't like flammable high proof spirits near an open flame.
<ukky> Is 'parrot' that T-shaped wooden stand?
<SiFuh_> This is a kind of parrot.
<ukky> okay
<SiFuh_> Your spiritometer (Or hydrometer or alcoholometer. I have heard many names) floats in it, so you can get a reading as it is coming out of the distiller.
<SiFuh_> ukky: So this is a reflux column with a parrot on the end. You can get super high proof liquor like over 180 proof with these but the problem is that you strip the flavours out.
<SiFuh_> ukky: This is the glass meter the spirotometer floating in the parrot.
<SiFuh_> I can tell by that image that there is water in it because it is at zero ;-)
<ukky> I heard that any spirit above 92 proof cannot be left in the open, will absorb water from air and will stabilize at 92.
<SiFuh_> Actually it is worse than that. The alcohol evaporates from it. And it can be any spirit. That is why you should always put the lid back on your bottle after you pour a glass.
<SiFuh_> Take a shotglass of 38% vodka and leave overnight and take a drink the next day. It is just like drinking distilled water.
<SiFuh_> ukky: I always store my vodka at over 80% in sealed glass or stainless containers for long term storage.
<SiFuh_> Most good moonshine is 55% so 110 proof. Commercial stuff tends to be around 38% to 40%. Anything higher than 55% is kind of stupid. 75% or higher is just insanity as it can tear through your soft tissue and destroy your throat and stomach.
<ukky> Yeah, but I meant if you distill to 98 proof, even exposing it to a very short period, it will drop below 98 right away.
<SiFuh_> When I store my vodka at 80% or higher I put a poison/toxic label on it.
<SiFuh_> ukky: No I don't think so. I have pulled stuff out at 98% and it has stayed 98% for 1 hour.
<SiFuh_> But I am dealing with 2 litre containers
<ukky> I had a shot of 92-proof once in my life. Burning sensation.
<SiFuh_> 46% that's okay
<SiFuh_> ukky: If someone pours me a whiskey (Not a fan) I let it rest on the couter for about 10 minutes before I drink it. Softens it a bit.
<ukky> I might be wrong in terminology then. It was 92% pure alcohol, comparing to regular vodka is at 40%.
<ukky> s/is at/at/
<SiFuh_> 92% is 184 proof, that is enough to do serious damage
<ukky> Damage only if doing it regularly.
<SiFuh_> Even if you do it once, it can have serious side effects and tissue damage
<ukky> So, then 196-proof will not stay long in the open, it will drop to 184-proof.
<SiFuh_> Yeah but I very much doubt it is drawing in water. More like it is leaving the glass
<SiFuh_> I'd have to check on that though.
<ukky> I had car battery' acid in my mouth once (by mistake). Lucky me I didn't swallow it and spit it out right away. That burns 10 times more than 182-proof alcohol.
<SiFuh_> ukky: "
<SiFuh_> Yes, without being caged all the alcohol molecule goblins will escape into the wild, and you’ll be left with water.
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<SiFuh_> That's a comment from some guy in reddit about alcohol left out in the open
<SiFuh_> "When alcoholic drinks are left open, alcohol and water will evaporate into the air to cause the volume, flavor, and strength of the drink to change. "
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<SiFuh_> ukky: I can't find anything about it absorbing water. Only what I was saying that it just evaporates into the air.
<ukky> SiFuh_: Here, in 'Solvent properties' (i.e. hygroscopic):
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<SiFuh_> ukky: Hmm, this seems not correct. I think they are missing things
<SiFuh_> ukky: I will think about this tonight when I sleep but I am sure that this is all wrong. I think what is happening is actually being misinterpreted by science.
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<ukky> SiFuh_: Here are some other details:
<zorz> from John Wick we go to Ballerina, fuckin hell
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: ppetrov^ is here, O honorable humbler.
<ppetrov^> heh
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