Hehe. farkuhar says titles are misleading to ukky in reference to reading headlines only (Which is what I do to) and his problem with the DVD is about titles. ;-)
uwumeowmeownyaa: `prt-get depinst < my-packages.txt` Yes, it will work for the most part. However, some ports might break because you need to run revdep but that is okay because you'd do that anyway and if it errors out and doesn't build it just moves on to the next port.
ppetrov^: Regarding ports/opt/issues/16, not all configurations of pkg-get actually require wget to be installed. If you mount the remote directory of packages over NFS, then pkg-get will not attempt to invoke wget at all, but instead act as if the directory were local.
yes. farkuhar basically i am okay with ungoogled-chromium... I prefer it over firefox.
According to ehawkvu in #kisslinux, PaleMoon is a workable alternative to both Firefox and Chromium, but it requires python2 to build. That sounds familiar ... emmett1 hit an error building firefox on CRUX 3.8, since python 3.12 is too recent for mach.
now its python3.13... totally diff
this byte compile thing
you will need to change many ports when you will upgrade to 3.13
zorz: It should be easy to automate the necessary adjustments to the footprints. At least the python ecosystem hasn't (yet) adopted the rust practice of generating filenames with random hashes.
At the time of the CRUX 3.7 release, firefox was at version 105 and python was 3.10 (no build conflict, from what I can tell). If there was ever a CRUX release whose python version didn't play well with mach, you'd have to go back at least five years to find it.
SiFuh_: my dick is black :P
farkuhar: i think python 3.13 has native jit now.
Is there a good example of someone maintaining an older version of something in the toolchain, because the dependent port cannot easily be patched to compile with the modern counterpart? I'm wondering if there's a precedent we could follow (directory-structure-wise), if we end up having to put python 3.10 into contrib to satisfy mach.
I already do something similar with inkscape (depending on an older version of poppler, tucked away in a directory that doesn't collide with the real poppler). But that's more a workaround to tame the release schedule (so that the inkscape patches don't need to be regenerated every time poppler gets a new version).
Maintaining a legacy version of python3 just to satisfy firefox is certainly doable. zorz: can you think of any other ports that might complain about the upgrade to python 3.13?
Heh, TODO38 has the task "drop python2 (done)". It would be funny to add PaleMoon and its python2 dependency to the contrib repo in CRUX 3.8, and then amend TODO38 to say "drop python2 (done)^H^H^H^H (undone)"
Package builder should have a way to specify build-time dependencies, like TOOL_DEPENDS in pkgsrc from NetBSD, or like BUILD_DEPENDS in ports from FreeBSD.
Too bad CRUX Pkgfiles do not allow you to pin the dependency at a specific version (python3#3.10 versus python3#3.13, for example). At best you can depend on a duplicate port, where the version has been incorporated into the name.
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"version has been incorporated into the name", heh. I should stop sitting on the names glibmm and pangomm, letting beerman use them for what he currently maintains as glibmm-2.68 and pangomm-2.48, respectively. The discrepancy between $name and $version is getting out of hand for those two ports.
Went to check her parents mailbox because they are aware. The door is just barely hanging on. It was irritating me to the point I couldn't sleep. So 02:00 in the morning, I went out and freaking fixed it. Haha OCD?
ukky: ^
SiFuh_: Having fear of broken mailboxes and desire to fix mailbox to get rid of these terrible toughts, even if mailbox is on the other side of the town and belongs to a stranger, that I would consider an OCD.
I don't like broken stuff
And it was next door.
SiFuh_: The mailbox door was on the verge of coming detached? Or the door to the home, which you noticed when you went to check the mailbox?
Haha, then maybe it's OCD
farkuhar: Mailbox is in a wall. Slot outside the propert, swinging door inside the property.
I hope you did not use WD40.
ukky: The door is held from the inside using pop rivets. Well not held when I saw it. So I had to remove the old rivet and with a bit of manipulation get the pop rivet gun inside the mailbox and compress the rivet.
Well, if it were a human-sized door I could understand the urgency. But if the externally-facing hole is only large enough for geckos and small critters, then yeah, fixing the inner door at 2am is an example of OCD.
OCD = Of Course it's Done ;-)
Also can't use power tools at 02:00 :-) So it was a 'hand job'
farkuhar: Don't want get's reading or pooping on the mail ;-)
farkuhar: How the hell does anyone get lost in the woods in the US? The forests don't even look that big.
The long distance walking straight within Maine is less than 300 KM before you come across a main road.
That's not including all the small roads which you can stumble upon within 30 kilometres
And rivers that head to the Atlantic
Excluding Alaska :-P
I notice you didn't mention rivers that head to the Pacific. If there were more of those, then maybe it would have reduced the temptation to settle cities in areas prone to wildfires.
I was referring to Maine to be honest
I was watching Lost on a Mountain in Maine (2024)
Well still watching
The mpv documentation could explain more prominently how the argument "dvd://" is interpreted. As I've gathered from recent observations, if a disc has more than one title, mpv looks for the longest title and plays that one. In most cases this behaviour works as intended, but for some discs it is the wrong approach.
Interpreting the argument as "play all titles sequentially" is also problematic, if the disc has been authored with one of the middle titles serving as the "splash screen" (the short looping clip that lets you click to select an episode).
farkuhar: just use mplayer
They're deleting glslang from the ISO (according to the CRUX 3.8 ChangeLog), which frees up about 12MiB. I suppose they could use that space for other packages, like the libxcrypt that was added to core.
I wonder why glslang was even included on the CRUX 3.7 ISO. It's not too much trouble to build from source if you need it. Maybe back in 2022 they were configuring mesa to use glslang unconditionally, rather than as an optional dependency.
zorz: If people are complaining about mesa build times even today, I can imagine the same complaints were heard at the time of the CRUX 3.7 release (even moreso if it was configured to require glslang).
you need to live with this. if you want to compile something takes time.
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ppetrov^: 'lo
yes, i read about pkg-get
i have, however, set up one of my home PCs as a packages server
Don't thank me yet. They granted me write access to the tools/pkg-get repo earlier today, but I'm holding off on pushing my changes until further testing.
that's great
I wish I could get Lost in a Mountain like the character in the film that SiFuh is watching, but the most I manage to do is get Lost in a Wall of Text from hanging out with you guys.
farkuhar: ppetrov^ is here.
farkuhar: I've never been lost in the mountains or jungles. I have appeared in the wrong spot by as much as 200 metres but never lost aimlessy wandering the woods hoping that a Sasquatch doesn't hump my arse.
Actually that would be a good TV series. Take someone blind folded and dump them in the jungle and say "Find your way out"
Suppose though the closest series to that would be "Dude, You're Screwed (2013)"
farkuhar: It's a group of survival experts. They randomly kidnap a friend, and strip them of everything that can help them survive and dump them somewhere on the planet. It's an adult game played amongst themselves.
Wish I had them as friends ;-)
zorz: By the way that ebay order from Germany that took a month for the cunt to post, finally arrived and it's the wrong size to the one I ordered.
ask Beerman to help you!
or lavaball
German cunts
Nah, and Ebay is annoying. I put in a report and updated but everytime I update, I get a new retard who doesn't know the entire story giving me a lecture on what to do.
As creppy as the balls are. I'd probably trust him more than beerman
i dont like ebay.
never used it
zorz: In Soviet Russia, Ebay doesn't like you!