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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: (About the taking your trash part) Of course, they'd much rather have foreigners deliver trash to a store than have them litter on the streets.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Yeah I agree
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Not sure if store is the correct word though. Maybe restaurants and hotels that I am not going to eat or sleep at.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I was impressed that I saw no one in Japan throw litter.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: "remiliascarlet was a pleasure to meet you glad you enjoyed my company friends as always today I will fly back to Malaysia good luck" What do you mean? I didn't even touch Tokyo all month!
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Scroll down.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: ukky didn't know it was sarcasm :-P
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: "No such naming convention has emerged for software in other popular languages like Go or Rust?" Yes they did! Either "go-*" or "*-go" for Go, and either "rs-*" or "*-rs" for Rust.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: Then you probably didn't go to Shibuya. Last time I was there, I've seen litter everywhere. Probaby something tourists have done, considering how many of them there are over there every single day.
<remiliascarlet> And outside of Tokyo if I see somebody litter, it's always either an Indian, or a Chinese.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Arrived back in KL International Airport. Went to place inside arrivals where I usually buy a beer. No beer. I asked several people including a man with boobs who has a mental disorder and assumes he is a woman and they all said "No alcohol anymore because this is a Muslim country." The faggot pointed to the parking lot and said you can buy out there. So I did. On departure there is
<SiFuh_> also no alcohol at all except in the duty free area where you can drink it but it isn't duty free and has special tax on top. So instead of 8 MYR for a beer you pay 40 MYR
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I'd be fuming and probably pick it up and tell the fuckers off.
<SiFuh_> Arrived in Malaysia and I was hanging out with the driver. We actually spoke about littering. Then when it was time to get into the van I noticed he left his garbage behind. I picked it up and put it in the box I had with me. He saw it and his head looked down to the ground
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: It was a look like "Oh shit, I forgot about it and we were just talking about it (Out of habit)"
<remiliascarlet> Oh, keep forgetting to ask: how many smartphone zombies did you encounter during your stay?
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Fscking millions!
<remiliascarlet> As expected.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: There was a park that had stone seats. Many seats. And everyone. Not joking. Every single person was sitting on the seats glued to the phone.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Or those cunts walking all over the place hogging the foot path but staring at the phones bumping into people.
<remiliascarlet> At least they used it sitting down.
<remiliascarlet> It's far more annoying if you try to hurry the fuck up, and a whole group of them are hyperfocused on their smartphones while walking.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: They say the most addictive drug on the planet is sugar. But it is no longer the case.
<remiliascarlet> True.
<remiliascarlet> Smartphones have taken over sugar.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I can't count how many times I dodged out of the way for those assholes and every time I thought about tripping them as they pass by
<remiliascarlet> I often say "SMARTPHONE ZOMBIE!" loud, it occasionally helps as they might put away their phone and start walking like a normal human again.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I asked the hotel for a map. One of the guys said "Sure, but we don't give them out much because you can use your phone" I said "I want a map" so he handed me a map and I smiled and said "Arigato Gozaimas!"
<remiliascarlet> But most of the time it has no effect.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I say "Phone addict" and when I go to ask them a question or tell them something I say "Excuse me phone addict.... (Something goes here)"
<remiliascarlet> I prefer to say something that sounds more insulting.
<remiliascarlet> They say that Japan is the place where you must be respectful and polite. Yet, whenever I have a dispute, I only ever tend to win when I'm rude and direct. Every single time!
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: In KL at the Chinese dinner, I wanted to talk to the young girl and ask who she is and why is she here at this table because she looks like no one here. It's the one where I broke the family when I had informed her you look like nothing like your father. I called to her "Hey, phone addict. Who are you?"
<SiFuh_> And everyone started laughing yet they were all on their phones too.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I like those portable translators they have that are smaller than phones.
<SiFuh_> I was carrying a dictionary :-P
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Didn't actually get to use the dictionary though because they were able to pick up what I was trying to say. Even in the old villages in Yamagata mountains.
<remiliascarlet> One day I had to move my internet connection from one house to the other, as I was moving, the ISP took all day to come, never arrived, so I phoned them, they told me "please wait for them to arrive". After the 3rd time calling to them I got pissed off, and said "you guys have terrible service", all of the sudden they changed their tune and told me they would arrive in 5 minutes. 5 minutes
<remiliascarlet> later, they indeed arrived.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I don't think the Japanese man at the hotel was too impressed with me when I said "Fuck!" when he was trying to get me to use a credit card or an app and refused to accept cash. His attitude changed pretty quickly.
<remiliascarlet> A Japanese company that doesn't accept cash? First time I heard of this to happen.
<SiFuh_> Royal Park Hotel
<remiliascarlet> Or perhaps they serve foreigners exclusively, and thought "oh, westerners all use cashless only, so let's no longer accept cash".
<SiFuh_> I was pissed off. 4 hours and no alcohol on the expressway. So I wanted a beer before check in. Ended up walking to Lawsons around the corner because no way am I paying over 800 for a beer with a credit card (Don't have one) or an app (Not wasting my time downloading, installing, registering, linking accounts) for that. I can buy the same beer for 200 yen.
<remiliascarlet> When I look for Royal Park Hotel on Google Maps, I get a gazillion different places.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I told him I only have cash. He said cannot. Must be card or app.
<SiFuh_> 6-Chome
<remiliascarlet> Will also need the neighborhood name, just "6-Chome" can be anywhere.
<SiFuh_> The Royal Park Hotel Ginza 6-chome
<remiliascarlet> Ah, Ginza.
<SiFuh_> ザ ロイヤルパークホテル 銀座6丁目
<SiFuh_> My wife asked me what is chome? and I said if you look at the map there are sections numbered by chome.
<remiliascarlet> Basically the block number of a neighborhood.
<SiFuh_> Wife was saying that this was the worst hotel we stayed in. Everyone was complaining the staff was very rude.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Also it shit me big time that to stay in a hotel in Japan, ALL people must give over their ID/Passport.
<remiliascarlet> "銀行振込、ご来館でのお支払い(現金またはクレジットカード)、オンラインでのクレジットカード決済を承っております。" Yeah, that guy was clearly lying about them not accepting cash.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Does that refer to buying the beer?
<remiliascarlet> You were talking about buying beer at the hotel?
<SiFuh_> Yes on floor two was a refrigerator with beer inside.
<remiliascarlet> I thought you meant paying for your stay at the hotel.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I didn't pay anything for any hotels
<remiliascarlet> It's always a better idea to just go to a convenience store.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Or a local shop that isn't American
<remiliascarlet> Supermarkets are better, but in central Tokyo (where all the tourists are) you will have to find one, as many of them are underground.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I bought a 6 pack of 500ml Asahi tins for 1860 Yen. I looked at that and asked the lady is that correct? She said yes. This was a local shop in the mountains deep into Yamagata. I couldn't beleive it since the price for a small can is around the same price.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I spent maybe 15% of my time underground. :-P
<SiFuh_> I prefer to explore than to just go look at a big-ass mountain.
<remiliascarlet> In Sapporo they even have an entire city underground.
<SiFuh_> In fact as I mentioned above to ukky, I didn't go to the tourist places. I let the group I was with do that shit. I stayed with the driver and we hung out in the towns and other areas where it wasn't a tourist place.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: With child trafficers?
<SiFuh_> Disney land and Disney world have an entire city basically underground. Several levels.
<remiliascarlet> No, but they do have easy access to subways and a lot of shops, bars, restaurants, and so on.
<remiliascarlet> So you went to Tokyo Disney?
<SiFuh_> No
<SiFuh_> I don't do tourist shit. It bores the heck out of me
<SiFuh_> Although I did sneak into that Daimyo castle.
<remiliascarlet> I never got why everyone has to go to all the identical places everyone else goes to. Might as well just watch somebody go to a tourist place on YouTube.
<remiliascarlet> And then you have plenty of time exploring all the stuff everybody else misses out on.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: They wanted 1,400 to enter the castle. There was a sign saying no food or drinks allowed too. Everyone decided not to go. So I snuck in with a beer and came back like 30 minutes later and when they asked where I had gone I said into the castle. They asked "Did you pay 1,400?" I said "Nope..."
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: 100% agree
<SiFuh_> <-- remiliascarlet This place. I went through the service tunnel behind the museum.
<SiFuh_> Also no photos allowed inside. But I didn't have a camera
<remiliascarlet> "no photos allowed" So the Johnny Somali effect is still active in Yamagata?
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<SiFuh_> You can't take photos inside it says.
<SiFuh_> Outside was fine.
<SiFuh_> Everyone seemed bored and spent most of their time making snowmen out the front.
<remiliascarlet> After the whole situation with Johnny Somali, I have seen lots of "no photos or video recording allowed" signs popping up all over Tokyo, but it cooled down in some places after a while.
<SiFuh_> I think better he gets a public beating
<remiliascarlet> Even in supermarkets you had signs telling you not to take pictures of the fridges. Guess there were some jackasses who did that for whatever reason.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I asked them first
<SiFuh_> Even the bar I went too. I asked can I take a quick video and they said sure.
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, that's the correct way of doing it.
<SiFuh_> I do that in every place in every country.
<SiFuh_> It's just respectful
<remiliascarlet> Answers might differ in different places. Some might see no problems, others tell you not to, others might tell you that it's OK as long as you cover up other people's faces.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Here in Malaysia and parts of Indonesia public whipping is allowed. Johny Somali would have gotten one for sure and his video would have been uploaded online as he cried like a little bitch.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: And since Social media is insane here. He'd be barred from every place after it. And tormented and teased
<remiliascarlet> Last time I heard of him, he's still in Korea waiting for jail time. But it has been a while when I last checked, so it might have changed?
<SiFuh_> I don't like gaol. I think it should be reserved only for people that act like animals. He deserves it.
<remiliascarlet> "A travel ban linked to the case prevents him from leaving South Korea.[47] In December, his trial was postponed until March 2025."
<remiliascarlet> Can't read Korean, so I'll need to put this through a translator.
<remiliascarlet> "極右ユーチューブ" Come on man, as I thought you guys were based, you had to show wokeness right in the title!
<SiFuh_> It is reported that Somali is currently banned from leaving the country.
<remiliascarlet> Just blaming on "far right YouTubers", classic...
<SiFuh_> He ain't far right though.
<SiFuh_> Let him come here. He will end up in hospital
<remiliascarlet> Even though all the "far right" YouTubers would have long been banned from YouTube.
<remiliascarlet> That article doesn't seem to say anything about Johnny Somali, but about Seoul being destroyed by "far right YouTubers".
<remiliascarlet> Oh, it does at the end of the article.
<remiliascarlet> But still, I thought American, European, and Japanese propaganda were bad, then South Korea said "HOLD MY BEER, YOU AIN'T SEEN NUFFIN!"
<SiFuh_> On March 25, 2024, Ismael went to Tel Aviv, Israel, where he became involved in altercations with local Arab and Jewish people there. He was then confronted and beaten.
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<SiFuh_> On September 27, 2024, Ismael went to Seoul, where he got onstage during a live music performance. He also loudly played obscene noises on the subway, such as speeches by Kim Jong Un, and was ejected from a bus after loudly playing North Korean music.
<SiFuh_> His trial was postponed until March 2025.
<remiliascarlet> His Israel trip seems to be commonly forgotten about. I saw clips of him putting his 3 favorite Jews into the wall. One of which was Jeffrey Epstein.
<remiliascarlet> watch?v=QMuWeS7IDRE at 7:07.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I think after sentencing, he should be sent to North Korea
<SiFuh_> He could be the reason North and South unite
<remiliascarlet> Or to Saudi Arabia, where he'll get beheaded.
<SiFuh_> Sudan
<SiFuh_> Liberia :-)
<remiliascarlet> Or just give him a one way trip to the sun, and tell him "please come back alive".
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: His face has that "I want to be punched" look
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<zorz> SiFuh: deepseek fuck the markets. americans taste chinese dick:P
<zorz> nvidia -10%
<SiFuh_> Fuck you zorzy
<zorz> SiFuh: actually in coding... deepseek is more advanced than chatgpt
<zorz> i ve been using it 2 months now.
<SiFuh_> zorz: You told me yesterday
<zorz> SiFuh_: you know why Elon supports the right wing in Germany.... hahahaha they fucked his plant in germany.
<zorz> business everything
<zorz> i think 4 billion investement plant of tesla in germany is in the air.
<SiFuh_> zorz: Not in space?
<SiFuh_> zorz: Who the fucking was fucking it? Superman with his projectile ejactulation? Launched that plant into space careering towards Mars?
<SiFuh_> planet*
<zorz> next 5 years we will see things accelerate
<zorz> china will dominate
<SiFuh_> ....
<zorz> it dominates now.... but it will be official
<SiFuh_> Okay Nostradamus
<zorz> unless...they nuke them.
<SiFuh_> Nah, I bet China invades the US on Lamas
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<SiFuh_> ukky: remiliascarlet: Frostbite
<SiFuh_> ukky: Not sure I had mentioned it before. The Chinese group would always send me to the places trudging through the snow first, this is because I can move faster than them through the snow. I was wearing leather cowboy boots. So the leather got cold and wet.
<SiFuh_> ukky: I watch many survival shows and wonder how they can get frostbite without knowing. I thought they must be stupid. No connection to their bodies. My brother said "Have you ever had frostbite before? Then how can you know?" Anyway I noticed three toes felt tingly and different. So I took off my boot and looked. Rubbed gently to warm up. No pressure. It is early stages just before frostnip. So I
<SiFuh_> wrapped them and changed to warmer boots.
<SiFuh_> I ended up limping for a little while and then when I woke up there was slight pain. Limped a little bit more until I knew it was fine. So now I know they are stupid and are not in connection with their bodies.
<SiFuh_> Recommendations to the hotel in the mountains of Yamagata that pulled out a massive emergency kit even though I told them I have got it covered.
<ukky> SiFuh_: It is very easy to get frostbite without knowing. Your body only senses/registers that specific part of a body got cold. Experienced person doesn't get frostbite because they do not let any part of a body get cold for long period, especially in a wind.
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