9front.org SiFuh_ next step not jungle... siberia.
soviet siberia
SiFuh_: remiliascarlet: Thanks!
SiFuh_: and wifi?
zorz: Merry Christmas!
ukky: Merry Christmas!
zorz: I have Wi-Fi. Using some firmware from OpenBSD and recompiled the plan 9 kernel
bullshit(1 ) print out a stream of bullshit
9front has bullshit program
Yes, easier than connecting to IRC to see it
we are expecting snow tonight
zorz: I don't do cocaine
SiFuh: did i tell you what happen to me the other day... haha. in void the my main system is sourced compiled so i did and a custom kernel config not speciall stayed with the void config just took off the drivers i dont need gpus, joysticks, internet etc etc
once i did it,, they updated the default kernel from 6.6 to 6.12 hahahhaa