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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: `e2fsck -f /dev/sda1 && resize2fs -s /dev/sda1` has solved the ldlinux.c32 problem.
<SiFuh> So you turned it into 32bit?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> Hmm, new it was a disk issue, never thought it would be that
<SiFuh> new/knew*
<remiliascarlet> You said it was a frequency issue.
<SiFuh> That's a joke
<SiFuh> Hmm there are some missing.
<SiFuh> Maybe I said it in another channel
<SiFuh> farkuhar: ^ --> resize2fs -s /dev/sda1 <-- might be something to notedown
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<SiFuh> Morning emmett1
<emmett1> hey morning SiFuh
<SiFuh> emmett1: Seems my jungle trip has been cancelled, all the Malays are afraid of flooding. Fair enough I guess.
<SiFuh> According to the meteorological department, they _predict_ the rain will be done by the 13th.
<emmett1> better safe then sorry i guess
<emmett1> yeah anyway theres not much rain now
<SiFuh> Where is the fun in that? Hahaha
<SiFuh> I think so too, so I am shocked that they all abandoned it
<SiFuh> emmett1: My wife works in construction. She says Malays don't like two story houses. She says whenever they make Malay houses they are always single story buildings. She said she knows Malay who live in two story houses that never go to the second floor.
<emmett1> hahaa, i guess your Land Cruiser is safe now
<SiFuh> It's safe in my hands ;-) When you coming here?
<emmett1> well, i never hear that. Malays is fine with two story houses
<SiFuh> I think so too, because I live with many Malay that have two story houses
<emmett1> maybe they have not enough money, some malay live in even three story house just fine
<emmett1> they not rich like you
<emmett1> haha
<SiFuh> It came up because I said that Malay should build flood proof houses.
<SiFuh> I am not rich, I don't even have money. I am not even allowed to work until 2025
<SiFuh> How fscking stupid is that? Immigration bans me from working even though I live here and married because they don't want me stealing a job from Malay
<SiFuh> The system is racist and nuts.
<emmett1> yeah, big house and not rich not goes along together i guess
<SiFuh> I don't have a big house
<SiFuh> I live in a shared house
<emmett1> well, looks like you have one more year to having fun
<SiFuh> November 2025
<emmett1> looks good to me, i dont want Malays lose jobs too
<SiFuh> Racist!
<SiFuh> haha
<emmett1> yeah i'm racist :D
<emmett1> ofcourse i'm priority my own race
<SiFuh> If you go to Australia and marry you are allowed to work
<SiFuh> Malay isn't a race
<SiFuh> "My own people"
<emmett1> well, something like that, i too lazy to open up google translate
<SiFuh> Malay always want easy money
<emmett1> btw, should speak Malay with me
<emmett1> you live at Malay country
<emmett1> hahaa
<SiFuh> Why? English is the national language here
<emmett1> because you always complain my english
<emmett1> but you never speak Malay
<SiFuh> You say that to your teacher?
<SiFuh> Gilo
<emmett1> you not my teacher and no
<emmett1> hahaa
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<emmett1> kecek kelate deh
<SiFuh> Correcting your English makes me a teacher
<SiFuh> Actually Malay and Indian are very fast learners when it comes to English
<emmett1> haha, not certified teacher
<SiFuh> Actually I am certified
<emmett1> well maybe you true, i barely hear Chinese here talk in English
<SiFuh> Both AEA and Cambridge
<emmett1> either Malay or Chinese language
<emmett1> haha yeah2 profesor
<SiFuh> I really hate that man. Chinese always speaking chicken talk and never speak English or Malay good
<SiFuh> There are Chinese here that can't even speak English or Malay.
<emmett1> cool, is Malay in that list?
<SiFuh> No, English is a national language here. I speak that.
<SiFuh> On Sunday, I borrowed a Malay family to assist me with torsioning my winch. The Malay guy always say yes, understand but I can see he don't understand anything I say. But his father-in-law and old man, was translating everything I was saying. It was pretty funny
<emmett1> what really, i thought 'Standard Malay' is national language here
<SiFuh> No Malaysia has two national languages. English and Malay. You can thank Britain for that.
<emmett1> English is main foreign language
<SiFuh> Although I think Chinese and Tamil should be added to the list but you know Malaysia. Racist! Hahaha
<emmett1> no i dont thank Britain for that. thats stupid
<SiFuh> All your laws are written in English and came from England
<SiFuh> Even the constitution of Malaysia is originally written in English and is the official version
<SiFuh> You know what is really interesting? The Malaysian law is based on British common law, which is based on the King James Bible. :-P
<emmett1> hmmm..thats even more stupid :D
<emmett1> anyway, i gotta go find food
<emmett1> breakfastt
<SiFuh> Cool, good to see you again
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<remiliascarlet> The reason why English is so widespread is because the Brits used to have world hegemony before the Yankies did, both use English as the (defacto) official language, and both nationals typically can't speak any 2nd language.
<remiliascarlet> Even here in Japan, 99% of the Japanese people can't speak any other language besides Japanese, and almost all Anglosphere people here can only speak English even after having lived here for decades.
<remiliascarlet> And then you get mainland Europeans, Asians, Africans, and Latinos who can speak Japanese, or at least they put the effort into learning it.
<remiliascarlet> But with the exception of Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Filipino's, and Brazilians, there's way fewer of these compared to Brits, Americans, Canadians, Aussies, and Kiwis.
<remiliascarlet> And Indians, there's huge amounts of those around here as well.
<remiliascarlet> The stereotype is, if it has white skin, it's an American. If it speaks any Slavic sounding language, it's a Russian. And if it wears a cool 20th century uniform, it's a German.
<SiFuh> I like the Vietnamese here. You can't find them unless they tell you they are. They blend in so well and they learn the languages. It's very rare to hear them speak their first language in public.
<SiFuh> They often work at the Chinese restaurants or in anything to do with customer service.
<remiliascarlet> Chinese and Koreans can be found just about everywhere, but most of them are pretty easy to recognize.
<remiliascarlet> Chinese and Koreans can be found just about everywhere, but most of them are pretty easy to recognize.
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<remiliascarlet> Chinese and Koreans are just about everywhere, but they're pretty easy to recognize
<SiFuh> And Japanese
<remiliascarlet> But in Japan that's obvious.
<SiFuh> We got them here
<SiFuh> In fact even the library and the book stores have a massive section dedicated to Japanese literature and comics and whatnot
<remiliascarlet> Although, sometimes the Chinese do blend in pretty well, and it takes them to talk to their child to figure out they're Chinese.
<SiFuh> I just look see if they are soy-boy cucks that can't stop moving around and dissappear when the sun goes down.
<SiFuh> And they are always so loud when they talk anyway. Can hear them several blocks away
<remiliascarlet> In Tokyo, it's more and more common to find foreigners from all sorts of countries. Go to a neighoring city, and you'll still see lots of Asian and some African foreigners. Go into the rural areas, and it's nothing but Japanese.
<remiliascarlet> In comparison, just about anywhere in western Europe you'll spot more Middle Easterners than native people, their major cities are nothing but foreigners.
<SiFuh> The great replacement
<remiliascarlet> The one outlier is Poland, last time I went there I've seen more Ukrainians than Poles.
<SiFuh> Actually the one thing that saddens me is the Japanese race are heading towards extintion.
<remiliascarlet> So much so that many billboards and ads in Poland are now bilingual Polish and Ukrainian.
<SiFuh> Japanese race? I mean Japanese people
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Because the Jews have been brainwashing the Japanese people so heavily, only a very few have been able to wake up.
<SiFuh> Interesting how the birth rate is higher in North Korea than in South Korea
<remiliascarlet> Oh, you mean fertility? That's because of the feminism on one hand, and the boomers doing everything in their power to make politicians favor them over any younger generations on the other hand.
<remiliascarlet> Same thing in South Korea.
<remiliascarlet> And probably Taiwan as well.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Who the fuck even makes these heatmaps!?
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<remiliascarlet> I mean, "red" to me is more like "danger: please fix", whereas "blue" or "green" is more like "no problems, you're on the right track". Yet those people reverse it.
<remiliascarlet> But this map does show that the more "female empowerment", the lower the birth rate.
<remiliascarlet> Might sound weird because I point that out, but whatever.
<remiliascarlet> That map on 7/8 looks more like somebody was spilling blood over the maps.
<remiliascarlet> "Extreme heat", over here we call that "summer".
<remiliascarlet> But apparently, the British has changed their language from "summer" to "extreme heat".
<SiFuh> Wonder why all the storms are hanging around here
<remiliascarlet> "The Antarctic ice is melting!" Then you look at the satellite photos of over the past 30 years, and Antarctica today has just the same amount of ice as it had 30 years ago.
<SiFuh> More actually
<remiliascarlet> Something more comical about the UK in particular was their report on water shortage. Imagine being an island nation that can't find water.
<SiFuh> And they always say that desalination is difficult
<remiliascarlet> Desalination?
<SiFuh> Removing salt fromt he water
<remiliascarlet> Just cook it, and aborb the "smoke" (or however you call that), You've just produces salt and water in 1 go!
<SiFuh> Those before and after photos of the arctic that you usually find on the internet are always misleading. They tend to show a photo of winter and then a photo of summer and say before and after, trying to decieve
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: distillation.
<SiFuh> Emergency life rafts usually contain a distillation kit
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<zorz> bonjour:)
<remiliascarlet> One time I was arguing with someone who claimed that raw meat is bad for your pet's heath, because of salmonela. I pointed out that cats and dogs in the wild are doing just fine on raw meat. You won't find them catching a pray, and then putting it on a barbeque before eating.
<SiFuh> Cats and dogs will get unhealthy and sick on cooked meat. They need raw meat
<remiliascarlet> Humans make fire to keep their meat on, but dogs and cats don't.
<zorz> happy holidays everybody :)
<remiliascarlet> I know, that's what I told to the person who heared from an animal doctor that you need to boil meat before giving it to pets.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Happy New Year in advance then.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: likewise!
<remiliascarlet> 2024 is the year of the dragon.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: meaning?
<SiFuh> Reminds me of the time I had an elderly in the Taxi. She gave me a 20 cent tip. I jokingly said "20 cents? Why not a dollar?", she says "I can't give you a dollar because I need to survive too" I laughed and said "So instead of throwing bread to birds I should throw dollar coins so they can go out and buy a burger" She laughed so loudly and then tried to give me a dollar and I said I was joking.
<remiliascarlet> So expecting lots of hot 18+ drawings.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Chinese zodiacs, here in Japan we have them as well, only a month before the Chinese.
<zorz> SiFuh: 29 Dec no trip I assume.
<zorz> SiFuh: dont understand.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Unless the burger is from a fast food chain, they tend to be crazy expensive for just a tiny burger.
<zorz> sungai problem.
<SiFuh> Rainfall is very high and there are floods all over the place. So they are afraid to go
<zorz> SiFuh: ok, they miss the adventure.
<SiFuh> I know
<zorz> just try to update crux, rust does not, who cares... we had Netscape, they left javascript to annoy us, Netscape became Mozilla they find the way again with rust :-)))
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I feel like Rust devs are really just former JS devs a lot of times.
<remiliascarlet> The same mentality in all these Rust programs can be found in all those JS programs as well. "Rewrite everything that still works perfectly fine in the currently popular language for no reason at all", "use 3rd party packages for literally everything we want to do", "works for me, so I don't care it doesn't work for millions of other users".
<remiliascarlet> "My PC is a Core i9 PC with the latest and greatest Nvidia card at 512 GiB of RAM, therefore we expect users of our software to have this same setup as well".
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i am told you, iam busy now... with the page... when i finish i will get rid of them.
<zorz> SiFuh: HAHA oo yess!
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I don't get it.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i will get rid of everything has to do with rust.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: One frontend developer even demanded me to review his "CSS in Typescript" code, all I could thing of is "why!?".
<remiliascarlet> zorz: So you're now using CRUX with the OpenBSD kernel?
<zorz> what?
<zorz> what is this? :Pp
<zorz> aahhhh
<remiliascarlet> Linux kernel 6.1 onward includes a Rust compiler and Rust modules.
<SiFuh> It's a frequency issue
<zorz> i even found this to replace bat much faster.
<remiliascarlet> "I would like to intercept you for a moment. What you refer to OpenBSD, is in fact, GNU/OpenBSD. Or as I recently got to call it, GNU + OpenBSD."
<SiFuh> zorz: Just take the battery out of the laptop. Then you won't need that application
<zorz> SiFuh: bring the screadrivers :)
<remiliascarlet> zorz: 69!
<zorz> speaking of css tailwind in django is fast.
<zorz> basically tailwind+django.
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of CSS, plain CSS in plain XHTML is fast.
<zorz> correct.
<remiliascarlet> Assuming that SiFuh doesn't get why I said "69!":
<zorz> remiliascarlet: how about htmx.. replacing java?
<remiliascarlet> A Javascript library replacing a JVM-based desktop programming language?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: same bullshit.
<remiliascarlet> From what I've seen, HTMX is really just deceptive "HTML". It's still Javascript, and still requires you to install as an NPM package, so I'm not interested.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: good to know that.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: :-)
<SiFuh> Former First Son Donald Trump Jr. entertained the notion of Infowars radio host Alex Jones assuming the role of former President Donald Trump’s press secretary in his second term.
<remiliascarlet> That would make press conferences very entertaining at least.
<remiliascarlet> CNN: "Mr. Jones, what do you think of climate change?" Alex: "That it's turning the FREAKING FROGS GAY!"
<SiFuh> Nah it would be like this "CNN: Go fuck yourself!"
<zorz> SiFuh: the only us president that did not create a war is Trump.
<remiliascarlet> You're always either too dumb to use a JS framework, or too smart to use a JS framework.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: meaning?
<remiliascarlet> That only normies use JS frameworks.
<remiliascarlet> Same with Linux distro's. Dumb people won't use Ubuntu, because "winux scawwy". Smart people also won't use Ubuntu, because all the abstractions it has are designed to make you dumb and die a sad death. But your average Linux normies are all on Ubuntu.
<SiFuh> I think retards use Ubuntu
<remiliascarlet> Ubuntu holds your hand all the time, to the point that doing just anything with it destroys it.
<remiliascarlet> Just look at how many steps it takes to set up just about any package that's not in the repositories, and compare that to how easy it is on the "hard" distro's.
<SiFuh> Ubuntu is based on debian and everything else is based on ubuntu
<remiliascarlet> Plenty are based on Arch or Fedora as well, but yeah, the vast majority of distro's are based on Ubuntu.
<remiliascarlet> There are even distro's based on Linux Mint, which in itself is based on Ubuntu.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: the reason that left debian, and use crux is this... when you try to build a package... it is so complicated.
<remiliascarlet> Exactly!
<remiliascarlet> Which is why I prefer to call programs like \Docker
<remiliascarlet> Which is why I prefer to call programs like Docker and Kubernetes "cope containers".
<remiliascarlet> "It's so hard to build and install packages, but at least I'm using an easy to use distro." (crying soyjak face)
<zorz> haha
<zorz> remiliascarlet: but still debian is better compared to other distros. rpm, arch etc etc.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: u can even have it with sysvinit out of the box.
<remiliascarlet> I actually like Arch's "pacman" package manager over Debian's "apt", "apt-get", and "aptitute".
<remiliascarlet> Although 99% of all the AUR helpers are all soydev stuff.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: paru i liked.
<zorz> and pipman
<zorz> arch pacman - paru - pipman.
<remiliascarlet> There's aureate that I like, it's very lightweight AUR helper, made in C, and only has 3 dependencies that are most likely already on your system anyway.
<zorz> never used it.
<remiliascarlet> However, it does lack features like updating or searching.
<zorz> it was yay i first used,,, and then this people had a fight and wrote a second yay in rustt
<remiliascarlet> Ah, that explains the sudden death of yay!
<zorz> but i liked after paru way of doing things.... iam talkingg now 1 year ago.
<zorz> yes they had arguments.
<zorz> sorry it was not paru... rua
<zorz> rua is the one that i used at the end.
<zorz> paru derived from the fight in yay.
<zorz> basically paru is yay in rust and yay is go
<zorz> personally i prefer go over rust.
<remiliascarlet> I always viewed Go as a PHP replacement.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: iam not that clever.. is it?
<remiliascarlet> There are so many AUR helpers, it's easy to mix them up.
<remiliascarlet> Also, aureate does have a search feature, my bad.
<zorz> other than rua, i use python a lot, and in arch pip-man was handy. in crux i use pip-review from pip. its ok.
<remiliascarlet> I tend to minimize the amount of Python to use, because it's so slow, and often just breaks if you update a dependency.
<remiliascarlet> "But muh C and C++ has no package managers!" It has! It's called prt-get, pkg_*, apt-get, pkg, pacman, emerge, apk, xbps, pkgin, or whatever your distro or OS has.
<remiliascarlet> "But muh Go has no package managers!" It's `go get (any Git URL)`.
<remiliascarlet> "But muh Zig has no package managers!" It has `zon` as of 0.11.0..
<remiliascarlet> "But muh PHP has no package managers!" That language is so feature rich, who the fuck even cares about a package manager?
<zorz> its a mess... i wanted to give a try a small program,,, so i download the git, run cargo build ok. When i did cargo clean it cleaned 4.5GB ... what a fuck man.
<remiliascarlet> Like I said, Rust is just NodeJS for people who can't seem to learn C or C++ due to skill issues.
<remiliascarlet> Or due to frequency issues according to SiFuh.
<zorz> HAHA
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<zorz> HAHA
<zorz> SiFuh: once i had an ericson like this one.
<zorz> i think 388 something.
<remiliascarlet> The good old days when you could actually kill someone by throwing your phone at someone, rather than kill your phone.
<zorz> the phone gets wet... take off batery, get the hair dryer... all set.
<zorz> what is this IP86 ans so on!! :Pp
<zorz> then it was motorolla startac,, actually a nice device.
<SiFuh> In case _you_ fall into a puddle
<remiliascarlet> A phone that can survive a kamehameha blast from Goku in his Mastered Ultra Instinct form, final flash from Vegeta in his Ultra Ego form, and makankousappou from Gohan in his Beast form put together.
<zorz> speakin of phones any rec for a dump phone ?
<remiliascarlet> Maybe on YouTube? Tons of recordings of a phone being dumped over there.
<remiliascarlet> Sorry, I have to take back what I just said. Every phone can survive ki blasts of all 3 of them, because none of those 3 characters exist.
<zorz> i miss the phone booths
<remiliascarlet> They still exist.
<zorz> u had phone booths...coins.. no coins now plastic money everywhere.. mobile phones everywhere... in datacenters.
<zorz> datacenters. :)
<remiliascarlet> Over here, both phone booths and coins are still very common.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i told you i admire japan, except tokyo.
<remiliascarlet> Tokyo is pretty fun though.
<remiliascarlet> While Kyoto and Osaka resorted to extreme levels of tyranny during the scamdemic, Tokyo remained relatively relaxed.
<remiliascarlet> The reason for that is that Kansai people are more America-like, so while they're much friendlier, they also tend to be really naggy.
<remiliascarlet> Kanto people are much more about minding your own business.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That reflection accidentally creates an entirely new alphabet.
<zorz> CF-U1 : SiFuh : PanFreq
<remiliascarlet> zorz: CF-U1 has a frequency issue.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: Kansai ppl are condiered the ones in Kyoto, Osaka ?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<remiliascarlet> Kansai is the region where Kyoto and Osaka are.
<zorz> ok got it.
<remiliascarlet> There's a stereotype of Osaka people being comedians, and Tokyo people being salarymen.
<remiliascarlet> And Osaka is the only prefecture in the entire country where people stand on the right on escalators, whereas everywhere else people stand on the left.
<SiFuh> My friend from Thailand had a girlfriend from Osaka. I overheard her talking to the other girls (In Thai language) that she is lucky to meet my friend because he is a virgin. And as I walked by I said "Yeah, so his mother".
<SiFuh> so is his*
<remiliascarlet> Yo mama so virgin...
<SiFuh> What she didn't know is some of those girls she was talking to had slept with my friend. So it was kind of embarrassing for her when she realised he lied about being a virgin.
<zorz> ok.. ce la vie..
<zorz> SiFuh: i dont do tiktok
<SiFuh> Neither do I
<remiliascarlet> Same.
<remiliascarlet> I remember when I asked on 2ch what TikTok is, because I heard of it for the first time over there, somebody responded with "YouTube for dancing monkeys".
<SiFuh> I sent that Jew Jitsu one the other day to my Jewish friend
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Kung Fury is awesome
<remiliascarlet> By the way, if you set the website language to Japanese (which you can do if you scroll to the bottom and change English to 日本語), you'll see comments.
<remiliascarlet> Nice, somebody translated the documentary Europa: The Final Battle to Japanese, and uploaded literally a few hours ago!
<SiFuh> Our goal is to ship production units by June 2021.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, a new Gameboy.
<zorz> fukin hell i am deleting manually django tables in mariadb
<zorz> ahaha open source hardware
<remiliascarlet> Any hardware is open source if you just open it up.
<zorz> terminal, in electron, html java technologies...100MB
<SiFuh> I just wish they'd put an RJ45 Ethernet port on one of these things
<remiliascarlet> That's actually pretty tiny for something in Electron.
<SiFuh> RISC-V 64bit Single-core RV64IMAFDCVU
<zorz> SiFuh: this is nice.
<zorz> SiFuh: Zelensky will reqruit 400,000 young people in 2024.... this is madness!!!
<SiFuh> Why he is already reqruiting disabled people
<zorz> Zelensky and company, they need more money... money never enough.... they keep the war going. selling guns in middle east etc etc
<SiFuh> They are well on track to exterminate 12,941,020 people as predicted
<zorz> i believe on that
<zorz> SiFuh: but Khazars do the have any connections with putin?
<SiFuh> zorz: I don't think so
<zorz> SiFuh: so since we will have again two parties better 3 west - russian - china... khazars will re establish there selfs in ukraine till moggolia.. to play the middle man?
<remiliascarlet> Why he's recruiting so many people to his meat grinder? Simple! Because he's getting all that money from the entire planet!
<remiliascarlet> And all he has to do is to keep the meat grinder running.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Putin is Jewish.
<SiFuh> He's getting rid of the non-khazars
<SiFuh> Putin isn't Jewish
<SiFuh> Hitler was part Jewish
<SiFuh> Argentina has formally rejected an invitation to become a member of the BRICS group of nations, several news media outlets reported on Friday, citing an official letter they’d seen which has been sent to the leaders of Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa.
<remiliascarlet> "How about you consider our club consisting of hackers, bootleggers, tech support scammers, multicultural trannies, and racists?"
<remiliascarlet> s/consider our club/consider joining our club
<SiFuh> I have a story for you
<zorz> argentina... interesting
<SiFuh> Biden told the magazine about his 2011 visit with Putin, who at the time was prime minister, and said he found himself just inches away from the Russian leader. "I said, 'Mr. Prime Minister, I'm looking into your eyes, and I don’t think you have a soul,'" Biden told the magazine. "He looked back at me, and he smiled, and he said, 'We understand one another.'" <-- Do you remember this?
<zorz> SiFuh: remember before the starting of the war in ukraine some trouble took place in Georgia....and azerbaitzan armenia... they prepare the ground.
<remiliascarlet> I don't think I've seen this before, but I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened.
<SiFuh> Actually it didn't happen. After the meeting was over, Biden started talking and Putin stood up walked to the door and turned the lights off and walked out leaving Biden in the dark
<remiliascarlet> zorz: The entire corporate world cancelled Russia over Ukraine, but where were they when America started wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen (via Saudi Arabia), Palestine (via Israel), Yugoslavia, Iraq 1, and Iraq 2?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: + bonus israel with phosphorus bombs... gaza disappeared.
<zorz> bbl
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<SiFuh> Don't forget Korea, Grenada, Sudan and Panama
<lavaball> we doing invasion again?
<SiFuh> lavaball: remiliascarlet: posted a video above of a German dressed as a Nazi
<lavaball> finally.
<SiFuh> This one
<lavaball> hexchat has regex. isn't that nice?
<lavaball> do you guys have more hitler and goebels?
<lavaball> i love their work.
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, help me out: 動画の再生に失敗しました
<lavaball> ページを再読み込みしても再生できない場合はしばらく時間を置いてから再度お試しください
<lavaball> oh, never mind. were just some scripts to allow.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Basically, it says that the video couldn't be playbacked, so if you reload the page and you still can't playback it, try again later.
<lavaball> can you give me the japanese? i'd like to watch the naruto.
<remiliascarlet> Yes, for 20,000 yen per minute.
<lavaball> per minute?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<lavaball> i meant an one time transaction.
<lavaball> you give it to me. i have it.
<lavaball> boom.
<remiliascarlet> I need to pay my bills! *snort*
<lavaball> you do that wrong.
<lavaball> today i pulled a firefox icon from the ubuntu search for shit window into the right task bar thing.
<lavaball> 10 bucks.
<lavaball> that's how you make the moneys.
<lavaball> and i didn't make the prize either. i let people pay what they think it was worth.
<lavaball> apparently they believe in magic and are willing to pay for it.
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<remiliascarlet> The way they switch from camera to camera really makes this otherwise great talk look bad...
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<SiFuh> He offends everyone on purpose
<remiliascarlet> Remember when MATE got made as a response of Gnome going from the godly version 2 to the disasterous version 3? Now OpenMATE is being made as a response of MATE going full Gayland:
<lavaball> wayland no good?
<lavaball> i thought every frame a picture.
<remiliascarlet> It's been in development for almost 2 decades at this point, and it's still not ready for prime time. Legitimate issues take for ever to fix if at all. And even though Fcitx5 claims to work on both display managers, it only actually works on Xorg.
<remiliascarlet> Oh yeah, and all the troon devs working on Gayland.
<lavaball> fucking troons.
<lavaball> do you know why so many (at least that's what i've heard) get killed?
<remiliascarlet> Because of the estrogen overdose?
<lavaball> no, i said killed, not kill themselves.
<remiliascarlet> Then in that case, no clue.
<lavaball> so youtube suggested me starcraft finals. picture was a white girl and asian boy.
<lavaball> i watched the full 90 minutes.
<lavaball> the girl won.
<lavaball> then they gave her the trophy and he began to speak.
<lavaball> and in that moment i knew why they get killed.
<lavaball> they aren't called traps for no reason. if i could be that angry after only watching 90 minutes thinking it was a girl, imagine waht the bar visiting individuals do when they fall for one.
<lavaball> i would have never watched it if it had been a guy, but i thought, wow, a girl. that's impressive.
<lavaball> never again! always check comments first.
<lavaball> and in the real life i prefer the crocodile dundee approach.
<remiliascarlet> Imagine having wasted 4 hours compiling Qt5, only to then return it failed to install over an md5sum mismatch...
<remiliascarlet> Not to insite violence, but whoever made Qt needs to be killed!
<remiliascarlet> I know the md5sum mismatch isn't their fault, it it is their fault for having these extremely long compile times.
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