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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: My duck arrived, frozen.
<SiFuh> Frozen!
<remiliascarlet> Since I'm fasting for one day anyway, it's actually great they froze it.
<SiFuh> I was thinking about making a Pizza with a meatloaf base instead of bread.
<SiFuh> The latest video was pretty cool
<SiFuh> Probably not appropriate for a first time faster to watch though
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> Q: What does an LGBT terrorist say when they/them wants to clarify? A: "Let me get this homo."
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: How can people be LGBTQ+ and still be dressing badly? Like what were they doing in the closet all this time?
<remiliascarlet> I have no idea, better ask this question to these lunatics directly. Pretty much impossible without getting cancelled though.
<SiFuh> It was a joke
<remiliascarlet> "y u so hateful biggot, remilia?" Because I've never seen anyone more hateful and biggotted than the "tolerant and loving" far left.
<SiFuh> What happens when you put a lot of LGBT people in a long line?
<SiFuh> You get an LGBT queue.
<remiliascarlet> Reminds me to "In Africa, the length of the queue depends on how many people are lining up".
<SiFuh> In a free car ?
<SiFuh> I read all those posts, some were pretty good, the majority was bland
<remiliascarlet> That's the whole point of his humor.
<SiFuh> If it is bland, it isn't humor
<remiliascarlet> I mean, to make it sound like it's obvious.
<SiFuh> Like Elliot Goblet?
<remiliascarlet> He even roasted YouTube in a single joke:
<remiliascarlet> "Elliot Goblet" sounds like a classic video game.
lavaball has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I heard that E.T. caused the collapse of the gaming industry in America that was so huge, Americans didn't want to have anything to do with videos games until Nintendo entered the American market.
<remiliascarlet> For this reason, they even had to brand their first 2 consoles as "entertainment system" there because of that.
<SiFuh> Are you watching The Story of Nintendo (2023)?
<remiliascarlet> I saw it in the history of the gaming industry.
<remiliascarlet> It really surprised me by how old video games actually are.
<SiFuh> You watching Tetris (2023)?
<remiliascarlet> Most likely not.
<SiFuh> Both are not bad movies
<remiliascarlet> Oh, they're supposed to be movies?
<SiFuh> Yes
<remiliascarlet> I thought you meant if I heard this from a video titled "The Story of Nintendo (2023)".
<SiFuh> Suppose to be based on the true story, but you know how they do that
<remiliascarlet> Imagine this: in the boomer era, Pong was the most popular game that revolutionized the entire gaming industry, today it's a mere tech demo for people who learn how to make video games for the first time.
<SiFuh> Yes first two computer games that I know of playing in 1988 was Pong, and some frog that had to cross the road without being hit by a car
farkuhar has joined #crux-social
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, the frog I also played
<ppetrov^> on a Bulgarian computer, called Pravetz 16
<ppetrov^> also, Digger
<SiFuh> And we didn't have a computer mouse. We had to use a turtle
<remiliascarlet> The frog game looks very cute.
<remiliascarlet> "And we didn't have a computer mouse. We had to use a turtle" Not a dinosaur?
<SiFuh> No a turtle. A little green cross on the screen you controlled with arrow keys
<remiliascarlet> I control my computer with a bear.
<SiFuh> In Soviet Russia your computer controls your bear.
<SiFuh> Carmageddon
<SiFuh> I stopped being interested in new games when they started having storylines and you had to sit their an listen to dick speak for 30 minutes instead of playing the actual game.
<SiFuh> their/there*
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: 6 hours? With a robot voice? Hell no
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I have no problem with games having a storyline, I do have a problem with cutscenes that drag on forever.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, you tried Fallout?
<remiliascarlet> Wow, one second apart!
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: No chance
<ppetrov^> why's that?
<SiFuh> It doesn't run in DOS
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> Heh
<remiliascarlet> Since I played on Nintendo consoles for the vast majority of my time with video games, I barely had to deal with outrageously long cutscenes, but eventually I had to.
<ppetrov^> 1 and 2 i never played
<ppetrov^> just 3, new vegas and 4, which i did not finish
<remiliascarlet> I saw earlier how PS2 games somebody else showed me had 25 minutes of introduction cutscenes that were unskippable, which motivated me even more to not give PlayStation a try.
<SiFuh> PlayStation I only played Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Colin McRae Rally
<remiliascarlet> But I eventually did by getting a PS Vita and then a PS4, and I abandoned the former for the lack of interesting games, and the latter when PlayStation HQ moved from Tokyo to Commiefornia, and started pandering to the woke cult ever since.
<SiFuh> pandering?
<SiFuh> Try grovelling
<SiFuh> How about their grovelling pandering?
<remiliascarlet> Yes, PlayStation moved their headquarters from Tokyo to California back in 2016, because for whatever reason they thought that being a Japanese company would somehow scare gamers away (which in fact only scared away the woke cultists, which would never even want to play a game anyway), and only ended up chasing away the one audience they had since the PS2 era: weebs and otaku's.
<remiliascarlet> So if you want to know why PlayStation suddenly stopped giving you eroge's and replaced them with ugly as fuck "non-binary" women, it's because it's an American company now.
<remiliascarlet> And Americans hate sexy fiction for some reason.
<remiliascarlet> Correction: Americans hate good looking fictional characters for some reason.
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: No they don't
<SiFuh> It was an ideolgy forced onto the public by the CIA
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: They even scream "degenerate pedo" at me whenever I use a fictional character as my profile picture on websites.
<remiliascarlet> Calm the fuck down, it's just a drawing!
<remiliascarlet> Can't view without Javascript, and I don't trust Pinterest.
<SiFuh> In Soviet Russia, pininterest doesn't trust you.
<SiFuh> However, it is spelled
<remiliascarlet> There was a game at one point that released in Japan uncensored, and then they had to censor the game for western releases by making the characters appear older just to make the puritans shut the fuck up.
<remiliascarlet> Regardless of what it is, censorship only ruins everything.
<remiliascarlet> The only time censorship is fine is when it could put you in legal trouble, as that's out of your control.
<lavaball> not true.
<lavaball> censorship is just another boundry and inovation grows fast if you give it boundaries.
<remiliascarlet> I disagree. When creativity is involved, censorship is always your number 2 enemy. The number 1 enemy is of course being uncreative.
<remiliascarlet> And yes, you can be creative with censorship, like how many artists put a bandaid over a vagina instead of the usual black bars or mozaic.
<SiFuh> Just disguise it as a doorway onto an alien ship that crashed landed on another planet
<lavaball> I'd say your second issue is money. that's what i'm struggling with usual.
<remiliascarlet> Unless you do the math, and figure out that censorship actually costs money.
<SiFuh> H.R. Giger
<remiliascarlet> Not only do you make less sales, you have to waste more resources to censor something for a specific region too.
<lavaball> depends on your math. if you do it before hand you can accomdate the censorship easily.
<lavaball> also it bring you money, becauase why else should you bow to it?
<lavaball> s
<remiliascarlet> Give me one example of a video game that got more sales thanks to censorship then.
<lavaball> mortal kombat.
<lavaball> they even were the reason the censorship was introduced.
<lavaball> did it on purpose too.
<lavaball> best marketing ever.
<remiliascarlet> Because all I've seen is people just buying the uncensored version, or reverse engineering the censorship away if possible.
<lavaball> as i said, best marketing ever.
<lavaball> the human always wants the forbidden thing.
<SiFuh> MK trilogy had an option to uncensor
<lavaball> even better though, the nintendo parents called nintendo offices to complain about their being no blood in mk and their kids being upset about it.
<remiliascarlet> Oh yeah, I saw that Mortal Kombat actually dragged both Nintendo and SEGA to court for being "too violent" for out of touch politicians.
<lavaball> are there any other politicians?
<remiliascarlet> "as i said, best marketing ever." "the human always wants the forbidden thing." All that did was proving my point actually.
<lavaball> you said censorhship ruins everything. i say it's a great tool to booster sales.
<lavaball> i don't think that's the same thing.
<remiliascarlet> "are there any other politicians?" No, otherwise they wouldn't be politicians.
<lavaball> my thoughts exactly.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Or the reverse.
<SiFuh> Didn't GTA have a strip option where all players are naked?
<lavaball> i wouldn't know. these games aren't to my liking.
<lavaball> i heard about hot coffee.
<remiliascarlet> "you said censorhship ruins everything. i say it's a great tool to booster sales." Yes, and I also said that gamers will just buy from the region where it's the least censored, or mod it away if possible.
<lavaball> so how does the censorship ruing anything then? it's good for marketing and the kids patch it out anyway.
<lavaball> never thought i'd argue for censorship.
<lavaball> then again, i'm sure i've mentioned i want starwars, so all the woke censorship is making it quite easy to establish my claim.
<lavaball> anyway, i gotta go makes the foods.
<remiliascarlet> Game sales are counted by region, even today. So if for example you have a hyperbolical Mario game with naked anime girls in the Japanese version, and they're all covered in burkha's in the American version, gamers in America will import it from Japan. NOA will count it as a loss, but NCL will count it as a profit. Both are officially considered separate entities.
<lavaball> your patching argument refutes that.
<lavaball> but sure, not everything can be patched out.
<lavaball> and "officially considered" ... give me a break.
<lavaball> sega us couldn't do anything without sega jpa approval. that's why n64 was nintendo.
<remiliascarlet> On PC it most likely can, on console it can take a couple of years depending on how quickly the console gets reverse engineered.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, NOE is full of woke employees, whereas NCL is full of boomer lawyers.
<remiliascarlet> SEGA did their business very differently.
<lavaball> i'm not invovled in their employee roster.
<lavaball> also not invested into any of this to be honest. especially these days.
<lavaball> i liek how south park played the censors though.
<lavaball> putting in scat porn so they had something to censor.
<lavaball> see what i mean? innovation.
<lavaball> well, when i make a play for the franchise, i'll try and get rid of censorship as well, okay?
<lavaball> for everything, not just starwars of course.
<remiliascarlet> Current year Star Wars (the Disney fan fic) can safely be called "Soy Wars".
<lavaball> you don't win anything with that since i'm so high on soy i fart whole beans.
<lavaball> and i'm the motherfucking truth.
<remiliascarlet> When it was still owned by LucasFilm, it was the good shit.
<lavaball> you will tell you children about having talkged to me.
<remiliascarlet> "and i'm the motherfucking truth." And by this you've discredited yourself.
<lavaball> not really. lucas himself doesn't understand the difference between jedi and sith. his first trilogy was just a tarantinoesc project that ended in toy sales.
<lavaball> don't worry. i'm just confident in my abilities.
<remiliascarlet> I've heard "I'm the truth", or "I'm speaking the truth", or "I only speak facts", or "I'm the science" so much over the past 4 years, and yet none of the people who said at least one of those phrases got anything right.
<lavaball> that's not what i said though. i said i'm the motherfucking truth. not that i speak or that i'm doing any science even.
<lavaball> in fact i suffer from very low conscientiousness.
<lavaball> anyway, my cleaned up claim being: i'm consistent in my dealings. my word has weight.
<lavaball> which reminds me, i wanted ... i have to cook.
<lavaball> kill me now.
<remiliascarlet> There's another case of creative censorship that came up in my mind, a game developer who was forced by Sony to censor a game heavily, and they ended up releasing "The Family Edition" for the PS4, and "The Real Version" (or something like that) for the Switch. The Switch version was the uncensored one.
<lavaball> makes great stories, doesn't it?
<lavaball> by the way, you invested in this star wars? here my channel with my low budget short movie where i fix it. jj - a reydemption story. if you have the time that is.
<lavaball> also might want ot check out "i fixed all of mauler's complaints ... ".
<lavaball> the again, all videos are good. i made them.
<SiFuh> WTF
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: I'm not as invested in it. I used to watch it only casually, and stopped caring altogether after seeing what Disney has done to it.
<SiFuh> 21:22 Why are the elephants in this galaxy?
<SiFuh> the/there*
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Reminds me to this:
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<lavaball> haha, that's what bothers you, the elephants?!
<SiFuh> Actually the entire thing did. The music and background was too loud, but the voices were insanely quiet. And the dude in the hood speaks horribly.
<SiFuh> Hahah
<SiFuh> And besides, the scenes are sooo slooowww
<lavaball> haha, the dude in the hood is me. i hate it too.
<lavaball> too slow though?
<lavaball> and why you no complain about the fight scenes.
<SiFuh> Yes, way too slow.
<lavaball> they are the most horrible thing.
<lavaball> how would you speed it up? talk faster/
<SiFuh> I was watching it on speed two
<SiFuh> Youtube almost did me a favor ... <-- the voice is better
<lavaball> that's my former female companion person.
<lavaball> anyway, music too loud. noted.
<SiFuh> Hahaha "weird shit"? at the very end
<lavaball> which end? post credits or the scene in the bar?
<SiFuh> When the woman stops talking
<SiFuh> The last words were "Weird Shit" is what I heard
<SiFuh> <--- HAHAHAHAHA That's cool
<SiFuh> Holy shit. around 1:20 had to lower the volume. Just woke up every dog and cat in a 16 block radius.
<lavaball> give me a time stamp for weird shit. i can't find it.
<lavaball> also i'm glad you like my content. also apparently youtube deemed my movie good enough:
<SiFuh> The very end
<SiFuh> I remember watching the entire Star Wars movies a few years back and came to the conclusion all problems stem from the Jedi and the galaxy would be safer without them
<lavaball> yeah, that's "weird shit" yes.
<lavaball> i thought in the movie.
<SiFuh> Oh no, I finished that ages ago. I am about to start the final video on that page
<lavaball> did you watch the post credit scene?
<lavaball> form the movie ieman.
<lavaball> i mean
<SiFuh> Yeah
<SiFuh> The evolution shirt under the brown hooded monastry cloak
<SiFuh> Actually what was said after "Skype" ?
<lavaball> looks like i've made chump meat out of the maestro.
<lavaball> here for context:
<SiFuh> I thought so
<lavaball> you might recognize the larger built individual.
<SiFuh> You mean 0:40?
<SiFuh> HEHE
<lavaball> that's me. one of the comments wanted the context about the "jedi don't need skype" error, and since everyone was complaining about starwars being all soyified i thought i combine the two real quick.
<SiFuh> I see
<lavaball> did you watch those who burn comments?
<SiFuh> Two of the videos on I had to constantly ride the volume up and down.
<SiFuh> burn comments?
<lavaball> receipts for youtube deleting my comments talking about me fixing star wars.
<lavaball> also while you are over there, you might enjoy the black lives matter series.
<lavaball> or this one "take your coc out of my os"
<SiFuh> Impressed you can still use a pen/pencil
<SiFuh> It's a lost art these days :-P
<SiFuh> "Shoot him my own self" heh "Shoot him myself"
<lavaball> that's firefly.
<lavaball> always "my own self".
<SiFuh> <-- Volume starts good and then goes super quiet when the scene changes
<SiFuh> Up until 0:16 was good
<lavaball> this can't be. nobody ever complained about the volume.
<lavaball> i rewatch them often enough and i never noticed anything.
<SiFuh> My neighbours complain
<lavaball> that's funny, still the problem must be on your end.
<lavaball> you are literally the only one complaining.
<SiFuh> No, my end is fine although I am only using 2.1
<lavaball> so am i here.
<lavaball> if anything i find the intro to be louder than the rest.
<SiFuh> That is what I said
<SiFuh> First 16 seconds then it went quiet
<lavaball> i see.
<lavaball> okay. i'll try and keep the levels steady then.
<lavaball> still you must have your speakers on like very low.
<lavaball> with the neighbors and all.
<SiFuh> This is your movie short
<SiFuh> Reydemption
<SiFuh> It's like you made it for a Cinema
<lavaball> i didn't intend to.
<SiFuh> My brother was making some Christian videos. He said the same as you. Then he learned how to normalize sound.
<SiFuh> He was blaming Linux. I said I am on OpenBSD and we can't hear it on Android either. haha
<lavaball> i'm just saying that you are the first to complain.
<lavaball> so how to normalize?
<SiFuh> I'll have to ask him. I know I use to do it with mp3's.
<lavaball> if you get aruond to it.
<lavaball> i would appreciate it.
<SiFuh> He uses shotcut and I just had a look at shotcut audio filters and it has a sound normalize pass
<lavaball> meh. i would have to extract the audio and then load it into ardour..
<lavaball> it never ends, does it?
<lavaball> i just wanted to make porn.
<SiFuh> lavaball: I would have done the same with the extracting audio.
<lavaball> what is this screenshot?
<SiFuh> Left side of 'shotcut'
<lavaball> oh that's the name of this.
<lavaball> i see.
<SiFuh> Other video editing software should have similar features
<lavaball> i doubt blender has it.
<lavaball> it's not that big on audio so far.
<remiliascarlet> I just learned that "payto://" is a valid URI scheme:
<SiFuh> Hmm
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: By the way, when I checked the packaging of the duck, it seems to be an import from Thailand.
<remiliascarlet> Is Duck King a good brand?