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<remiliascarlet> Looks like YouTube is attacking Invidious instances again.
<SiFuh> So it does more than play videos now?
<remiliascarlet> No, rather the Jews of YouTube blacklisted all the Invidious instances, preventing them from playing videos.
<remiliascarlet> If they think they can get me to use the official frontend, then they're wrong. I will just use GTK Pipe Viewer to spite them, because that one still works.
<remiliascarlet> The only way they can stop GTK Pipe Viewer is by making it impossible to use yt-dlp, which can only be stopped by making it impossible to download videos, and the only way of doing that is by forcing the entire world to use dumb terminals and connect to a mainframe.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Does minitube still work?
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<zorz> SiFuh: is github up?
<zorz> yes its up
<SiFuh> zorz: zorz says it's up
<zorz> problem with my connection, welcome to Greece :-)
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Never heard of that one.
<SiFuh> I just tested it and it works
<SiFuh> Usually it stops working on OpenBSD because youtube changes stuff
<remiliascarlet> At this point, it's safe to say that anyone who makes videos or does live streams for a living, but doesn't have their own PeerTube or OwnCast instance, or their own website for that matter just shouldn't be relevant.
<remiliascarlet> The difference between Invidious and Minitube or Pipe Viewer is that Invidious acts as a proxy going through somebody else's servers first, so no Google code ever touches your PC or network.
<remiliascarlet> The other 2 on the other hand make connections to Google to get the video.
<SiFuh> Tor ;-)
<remiliascarlet> They block Tor traffic.
<remiliascarlet> All of big tech has turned anti-Tor.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Loaded up tor and connected to youtube. My IP and location is currently in the UK. What is interesting is that one of the channels I watch has popped up in the list
<SiFuh> Maybe a coincidence because everything else is garbage that I'd never fr a second consider watching
<remiliascarlet> Last time I used the official frontend was 6 years ago I believe, I heard from others that YouTube blocks all Tor exit nodes.
<remiliascarlet> Not sure when exactly I dumped YouTube, but I know it was quite a few years ago.
<remiliascarlet> I left because I got tired of all the DMCA trolling done by Nintendo, Sony, IGNorant, Ubisoft, EA, IOSYS, and then even completely random people nobody has ever heard of, and were abusing tools meant for music artists.
<remiliascarlet> Your channel gets devestates every single time, while the DMCA trolls get away with it without any consequences.
<remiliascarlet> Because of the DMCA system, you could say I was getting censored years before Alex Jones was.
<remiliascarlet> Not only me, many others as well.
<remiliascarlet> The only reason why most people only started to notice censorship with Alex Jones is because people are NPCs. Nobody reports on censorship, therefore it doesn't exist to them.
<SiFuh> NPCs haha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yesterday I watched the Stew Peters and Alex Jones interview. It was absolutely aweful. Alex Jones kept cutting Stew Peters off and kept going on like a child 'Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew. I don't think Jews control the world.' Even though Stew Peters was constantly saying it was not Jews it was Zionists.
<SiFuh> Later that day, Stew Peters and Owen Shroyer were interviewing together. It was heaps better.
<remiliascarlet> Sounds like Alex Jones is Jewish.
<remiliascarlet> Saying this is probably a cancellable offense to both the far left and the far right. Far left because you name the Jew, and far right because you say something negative about Alex Jones.
<SiFuh> He's mostly German if I remember correctly
<remiliascarlet> Germans these days really seem to be ashamed of having had the best political leader in history.
<SiFuh> Yeah
<remiliascarlet> Now I'm waiting for Argentina getting fire bombed to ashes, and the Jews claiming that the new Argentinian president has been killing 6 million Jews in happy fun camps.
<SiFuh> But he said he is thinking to convert into a Jew
<SiFuh> Wasn't the first thing he was to do or did was go to Israel? Didn't Zelensky go there to meet him before flying to Washington DC to meet the US citizen's ATM Resident Bidet?
<remiliascarlet> He could have saved up if he'd just request a Bitcoin transaction.
<SiFuh> Many of the weapons don't even make it to the battle field. You can find them for sale on the 'dark' web.
<SiFuh> Just seems to me that all they are doing is culling the population
<remiliascarlet> As for the Argentinian president, last thing I heard about him was that he immediately reduced the amount of departments from 26 to 9 the second he got in power.
<SiFuh> I can support that
<remiliascarlet> Zelensky is the Ukrainian incarnation of DSP.
<remiliascarlet> While mid-stream and getting roasted by the games he plays: "hey guys, I have 2 bills to pay, so I need the money! *snort*".
<SiFuh> Milei should kick out the central bank, legalize crypto, out-right ban all NGOs from Argentina.
<remiliascarlet> That's his campaign promise, let's see how that will go.
<SiFuh> He isn't kicking out the central bank though
<SiFuh> He wants to stop using Argentine Peso and replace it with USD
<remiliascarlet> Bad move, given the direction USD is going.
<SiFuh> Which is just dumb because it now makes Argentina a state of the US
<remiliascarlet> Not entirely true, there are minor Caribbean countries and some others in Latin America that use USD.
<remiliascarlet> There are even non-EU countries out there that use EUR.
<SiFuh> You can't call a country sovereign if you rely on a foreign country's currency
<remiliascarlet> That's what I've been saying about half of the EU since 2002.
<SiFuh> EU sucks anyway. That was a pre-planned abomination.
<remiliascarlet> To be fair, it's very normal for Europeans to travel across borders all the time, so it kind of makes sense for them.
<SiFuh> That's fine, but the problem is when you need permission from Brussels to get money and they refuse because you don't contribute to Ukraine
<SiFuh> Hungary should never have joined the EU. They are a very proud and quite wise people
<remiliascarlet> The ECB is actually located in Germany, not Belgium.
<SiFuh> Last December, Brussels froze €22 billion ($23 billion) in funds allocated to Budapest
<SiFuh> All because Hungary didn't want to bow down to the rainbow fag patrol
<SiFuh> I didn't spell fag incorrectly by the way
<remiliascarlet> Hungary should have the right deny service to terrorists.
<remiliascarlet> A concept only a few countries still understand today.
<remiliascarlet> I have to give YouTube credit, by ASS-aulting Invidious again, I actually got my productivity more up.
<remiliascarlet> So much so that I felt the need to order kebab at 1 am.
<remiliascarlet> Some day, we'll see him traveling to Mars to introduce Earth memes to aliens.
<SiFuh> And pictures/videos of cats doing stupid shit
<SiFuh> Imagine they land on Mars and the Aliens see humans for the first time and try to capture/kill us and then someone pulls out a phone and shows cat videos and the aliens laugh so much they don't kill us
<SiFuh> The Martian Chronicles
<remiliascarlet> Who knows, maybe the aliens might be based as fuck, and would make Earth based again too.
<remiliascarlet> If humans can't do it, and AI can't do it either, then Marsians might be able to do it.
<SiFuh> I heard Mike Adams is working a non-mentally ill AI
<SiFuh> a/on a*
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<SiFuh> Heh, ho wis this new news? He's been building it for several years now.
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<SiFuh> zorz: Jungle is no longer sure. One of the guys says he will have ankle surgery and let us know
<zorz> yes ser
<SiFuh> I don't see why I need that guy
<zorz> HAHA
<SiFuh> But apparently everyone is relying on him
<SiFuh> Today we were to go jungle for a day. But the woman is sick so I had to say no. Bloody females. Women ruin everything
<zorz> this suxx man,,, you have been waiting for this adventure.
<SiFuh> 6 months
<SiFuh> It's the longest
<SiFuh> Anyway, still may happen
<SiFuh> I want to do the winch torsion and check out the shocks and do some small mods
<zorz> i like something that americans have in their mentality we Greeks dont have... they say: IT IS WHAT IT IS!
<zorz> anyway, my firend you are ready... whatever outcome comes.
<SiFuh> You mean C'est la vie
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> You know, many people here thinks it means 'I love you'
<zorz> this it is what it is is fucking brilliant.
<zorz> mon amour listen a little bit Christof
<SiFuh> I didn't realise it. A few months back they were playing a song called C'est la vie
<SiFuh> I thought they was talking two different things didn't realise they were talking the same thing incorrectly
<zorz> i dont get you.
<SiFuh> Many Malay and Chinese think c'est la vie means I love you
<SiFuh> Here in Malaysia that is
<zorz> chinesse c'est la vie
<SiFuh> ไม่เป็นรัย 'Mai Pen Rai' is better
<SiFuh> It has many many many meanings
<zorz> i opened with urlview the link,, i use the old one urlview.... some people, young boys try to give rebirth to urlview-ng in debian and it does not work... people tend to make things complicated, the write bash scripts for opener... write a good .mailcap file and open everything from there... dont get them.
<SiFuh> Do you know the great Western band The Who?
<zorz> no i dont.
<SiFuh> WHAT?
<zorz> i dont know them
<SiFuh> There is a Mongolian band called The Hu ;-)
<zorz> i did not know them.........
<zorz> listen a greek singer.... u gonna love it
<zorz> monika
<zorz> i new the song,,, and i did not know she is greek!!!
<zorz> lol
<SiFuh> After The Who. Can't close a perfect song until it has finished
<zorz> monika
<SiFuh> You think I can't read?
<zorz> are you that old ? :PPp
<zorz> i thought you have problem with fingers :PPpppppp
<SiFuh> I am old enough to remember this
<zorz> i think one is greek australian,,, recently did a bullshit movie kings of mykonos.
<SiFuh> Many are Greek Australian
<zorz> SiFuh: the good news of the day is that i finaly manage to scrap properly the pages and build 3 mariadb databases
<SiFuh> Is it?
<zorz> fucking hell man, to much regular expressions
<SiFuh> 100% truth, I have no idea what you are doing, or why you are doing it, and every time you mentioned it, I skipped it.
<zorz> 10 minute.
<SiFuh> You were discussing something about a webserver with someone else
<SiFuh> Some how you started trying to tell me about it
<zorz> the server i wanted to run it locally, in order to check my mariadb
<zorz> and how php is communicate with db
<zorz> no cluew,, python ok... i do python
<SiFuh> Not caring because I don't run any and haven't run a PHP webserver since the great storm that fried my server decades ago
<zorz> haha,, seriously a storm fried your server ?
<SiFuh> <-- 1 hour and 37 minutes.. FUCK OFF
<SiFuh> No way
<SiFuh> Destroyed all ethernet cards in the house. The server and exploded the UPS
<zorz> i dont say to whatch the movie... minute 10 is the guy.
<SiFuh> Also fried a tree
<zorz> how you call it .. let me go to translate
<SiFuh> Oh is that what you meant
<SiFuh> [05 12 33] [zorz> 10 minute.
<SiFuh> THought you meant be back in 10 mintues
<zorz> you havent heard of lightning arrester
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> Dude
<SiFuh> Nothing stops lightening
<zorz> αλεξικεραύνο = lightning arrester
<zorz> i dont say it stops.... it absorbs.
<SiFuh> You are being silly now
<zorz> today is snowing hear, everything is white
<SiFuh> Racist
<zorz> haha
<zorz> thats the beauty of greece... 4 seasons
<zorz> greece is a corner located piece of the world, with useless inhabitants.
<SiFuh> So you are saying you are useless?
<zorz> the majority of course
<zorz> lazy
<zorz> looking only personnal benefit
<zorz> not the common good.
<zorz> i dont say stupid...
<SiFuh> So you are a Communist?
<zorz> ofcourse
<zorz> you know who had the perfect communist system ?
<zorz> Spartans, the king used to work more than the others.
<SiFuh> There is no perfect communist system
<zorz> having 2 kings, one for war the other for backup
<zorz> etc etc
<SiFuh> How is that communism?
<zorz> different communism
<zorz> i was talking to a friend of mine the other day, he is producing kiwi
<zorz> he told me i sold 100 tones, but if i had 200 i could easily sell them....
<SiFuh> How? Is he half Kiwi?
<zorz> overpopulation,,,,, is the problem of the elite
<zorz> and
<SiFuh> Producing? I think you mean GROWING?
<zorz> yes growing
<SiFuh> Elites are the problem
<zorz> let me find something that i remmbered
<zorz> let me
<SiFuh> I am not clicking anymore links
<SiFuh> Your Monkia was horrible
<zorz> i think from over there covid started, and planted to chine.
<SiFuh> SHe sucked as bad as the Beatles
<zorz> the shermans
<SiFuh> Did you ever see the French movie Viva La France?
<SiFuh> You wasted your time pasting that because I am not clicking it
<zorz> maybe i dont know
<zorz> SiFuh: if you will not go to jungle, can you help me with something?
<SiFuh> I don't play games. If you can't tell me what exactly you want then the answer is no, I can't help you with something.
<zorz> help in buldind a luarocks package statically linked to lua
<zorz> SiFuh: for you is nothing man.
<SiFuh> No chance
<zorz> ok
<zorz> i tried the alpine way, but no luck.
<zorz> SiFuh: brb going out to smoke a cigarette and enjoy the white view :)
<SiFuh> Racist
<zorz> SiFuh: its cold man!!!
<SiFuh> I do not have a warm heart
<zorz> tomorrow, i will upload pictures for you
<zorz> HAHA
<SiFuh> I lived in Kyrgyzstan
<zorz> who asked for your heart!!!
<SiFuh> You'd be wasting your tim
<SiFuh> time
<zorz> u should stay there
<SiFuh> I hate the snow
<SiFuh> Snow was fun when I was a kid
<SiFuh> When I grew up, snow is a curse
<SiFuh> And can you believe crampons are so hard to find in Kyrgyzstan?
<zorz> i dont mind, u know what wise zorz says... if you cannot avoid it, better enjoy it! In greek if you cannot avoid it, stay and enjoy it.
<zorz> crampons?
<SiFuh> I slipped over too many times so I walked straight into a super market, and bought a pair of very large socks and two steel scourers. I put the scourers under my shoe where the ball of my foot is and put the socks over. Many laughed and I went home without slipping over
<zorz> crampons... no need man.
<SiFuh> Kyrgyzstan is not Germany
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> In the mountains and the snow becomes ice
<zorz> never buy used car from germany without looking underneeth
<zorz> they get rusty cause of the amount of salt they throw on the roads during the winter.
<SiFuh> When I was at the office putting the socks and scourers on. Everyone was laughing. Fucking idiots. Then my boss asked why and when I explained to her she said it was a genius idea.
<zorz> McGuyver
<zorz> remember him?
<SiFuh> zorz: I live in Asia. Why the fuck would I buy a used car from a snowy climate?
<SiFuh> I think he was my teacher
<zorz> and nowdays they go to cinema to watch barbie
<zorz> fuckin hell
<SiFuh> Are you normal?
<SiFuh> That seems a bit spontaneous
<zorz> ofcourse not....
<zorz> :)
<zorz> all over the world, thousands(,) cents(.) 1,000.00 .... in greece 1.000,00 and iam scraping..
<SiFuh> Hated that about KG also
<SiFuh> 1.000,00
<SiFuh> When should be 1,000.00
<SiFuh> This is the only time I will say the rest of the world is wrong and , . is correct
<zorz> man its a mess for me this days... but ok lets say the engine is finished.
<SiFuh> I had to translate shit loads of papers and documents for companies in KZ KG and RU
<SiFuh> When it came to numerical system it was fucking shit
<zorz> with my little experience, i can imagine.
<SiFuh> Same with << >> nad the " "
<SiFuh> That pissed me off too
<zorz> ooo yes
<SiFuh> I had one boss complain about my translation and I yelled back and said "NO FUCKING WHITE MAN WILL UNDERSTAND 1.000,00"
<SiFuh> Hahahaha
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> Man they pissed me off
<SiFuh> I love shit loads of russian stuff, bes hardware ever made but fucking hell the punctuation was garbage
<zorz> it is from the times that you say i had enough action in my life, no need any more.
<zorz> SiFuh: last year, i found a very good russian online library scanned very good staff... and i lost the bookmark
<SiFuh> Me too in 2015
<SiFuh> Oh wait, it was in Russia
<SiFuh> Nevermind
<SiFuh> Not a fan of Russian Culture, but a huge fan of Russian technology
<zorz> yes for computing, economics... very good collection of books.. rare books... uploaded before putins years... when was tough for them
<SiFuh> The SU-37 is the greatest aircraft ever man
<SiFuh> man/made
<zorz> how about service? spare partts ?
<SiFuh> I grew up loving the foxbat, blackbird and tomcat. But after the mig's and su's fucking hell. USA sucks shit
<zorz> the old mirage 2000 if you have good pilots is an excellent plane.
<SiFuh> No joke, 'till this day. Russians are the master of the skys
<SiFuh> Mirage sucks
<zorz> raphale are good too
<zorz> mirage is fast man
<SiFuh> Stop trying dude
<SiFuh> Migs and Sukhoi are the best ever
<zorz> u did a test drive ?
<zorz> HAHA
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> On Simulation
<zorz> ooo man
<SiFuh> Not googling but isn't the Mirage a Euro fighter?
<SiFuh> That is mostly used by Israel?
<zorz> no no
<SiFuh> I am reading wiki wait
<zorz> mirage is old now.... we have some in greece
<zorz> from f16 viper, raphale is the fastest,,, is speedy fighter,,, but needs very good pilots, they get vertigo
<SiFuh> It's German.
<zorz> is not a bombing plane
<zorz> French
<SiFuh> duh
<zorz> concorde, mirage raphele
<SiFuh> No I was looking at the Eurofighter GmbH
<zorz> concorde, mirage raphale
<zorz> fuck eurofighter,,, not worth it
<zorz> just spending the money of european citizens
<SiFuh> Yeah, the Mirage sucks
<SiFuh> Australia used them
<zorz> in greece we have extremely good pilots
<SiFuh> And extremely shit planes
<zorz> when they fly on the sea... sky is blue and sea is blue
<zorz> f16 viper and raphale... no shit planes.
<SiFuh> Greece should by SU-27 Su37's
<zorz> we train saudis, israelis...
<zorz> Hello, Greece is member of NATO
<SiFuh> NATO is fucking evil and should be abolished
<SiFuh> Both the UN and NATO are enemies of the Human Race
<SiFuh> I chuckled at what Elon Musk said "Do we want to be one of those lame single planet civilizations?"
<SiFuh> NATO and UN are both useless criminal organizations that have done NOTHING to benefit the human race. In fact they are so bad they have hindered the human race from progressing to the stars
<zorz> UN...when they moved UN from Geneva to NYC game was over.
<zorz> u know game is over?
<SiFuh> They are kidde fuckers
<SiFuh> Fucking criminals that can fuck children and sell human flesh and no one has ever seen prison
<zorz> australia, nz, ca, usa, gb 5 votes in un
<zorz> fucked up man!
<SiFuh> They are sick a very sick organization
<zorz> they create wars... and who will absorb the immigrants?
<zorz> they destroy everything
<SiFuh> It's okay, no one beleive me because everyone are Media parrots. Just sqwak what they heard and never did any research. Just mouths with no knowledge
<SiFuh> Immgrants?
<SiFuh> You mean invaders?
<SiFuh> People funded by NGO's and the UN to invade you country?
<zorz> SiFuh: the problem of the western world nowdays is that somebody studies political sciences, does internship in an office of somebody elected,, living in the office makes connections, and in 15 years he gets elected,,, without not even ONE single day in his life to work in an actual job, get a taste how the salary is gained
<zorz> these people now control the world.
<zorz> GAME IS OVER.
<SiFuh> That ain't how it works
<zorz> they care only for pocket.
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<SiFuh> It is much worse than you know
<zorz> time for 2nd cigarette :)
<SiFuh> zorz: Ever consider stopping?
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, ever consider stop drinking? :p
<zorz> SiFuh: never thought... the best cigarettes that I smoke is after a meal and after sex
<zorz> what is sex without a cigarette at the end :)
<zorz> ppetrov^: kalispera:)
<ppetrov^> zorz, i don't speak a word in Greek
<ppetrov^> also have never even visited
<ppetrov^> just, FYI
<ppetrov^> :)
<zorz> ppetrov^: good evening!
<ppetrov^> good evening. And I translated kalispera, np
<zorz> ppetrov^: all good man?
<ppetrov^> yep, pretty busy lately
<ppetrov^> you?
<zorz> mee too.... python, scraping, mariadb .... bullshit
<zorz> now i had a headache and i chill with you guys.
<ppetrov^> ah, python
<ppetrov^> been pullingf my hair off, trying to install some python packages
<zorz> tell me
<zorz> python any help you like
<ppetrov^> i figured it out
<zorz> with pip ?
<ppetrov^> somehow it did not install the egg-info to the right place
<ppetrov^> nope
<ppetrov^> i try to install everything through the packages system
<zorz> go with the new way
<ppetrov^> that's why i wrote myself cran2crux, a tool to automatically generate ports for r modules
<zorz> python3 -m build -wn
<ppetrov^> this port gave me a headache
<zorz> python3 -m installer -d "$PKG" dist/*.whl
<lavaball> hexchat finally fixed.
<zorz> ppetrov^: since u run R why you need python ?
<zorz> lavaball: good for you :)
<ppetrov^> zorz, no
<ppetrov^> it is not related
<ppetrov^> i was looking for a program that can help with some problems I had
<ppetrov^> lavaball, hasn't hexchat been dropped?
<zorz> ppetrov^: once i finish the databases,, for first time i am not going to use pandas, and i ll go with polars
<ppetrov^> no idea what pandas nor polars are
<zorz> dataframes, kinda excell in cli mode
<zorz> veryfast
<ppetrov^> cool
<zorz> imagine pandas as u use excell column lines and you write code what you want to do.
<lavaball> no need for smileys.
<lavaball> ppetrov^, hexchat was dropped?
<lavaball> where?
<lavaball> what?
<ppetrov^> from the contrib ports collection
<lavaball> not on openbsd.
<lavaball> there firefox and hexchat both didn't work for days now.
<ppetrov^> ah
<lavaball> current though, not stable.
<lavaball> that's why i wasn't here.
<ppetrov^> :(
<lavaball> stop with the smileys.
<ppetrov^> emm... you have a problem with them?
<lavaball> ask me another day. that's if you care.
<lavaball> i actually have to leave you again. it's late and i gotta listen to 53 minutes of dune in half an hour.
<ppetrov^> ok, man
<lavaball> okay. laters.
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<zorz> ppetrov^: except firefox,, any recomendation for browser? I dont ask SiFuh he will be lynx :)
<ppetrov^> I use chrome and Edge
<zorz> oooooooooooooo
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> :D
<zorz> u know that i dont have gstreamer installed in crux
<ppetrov^> why do you need gstreamer?
<zorz> i was looking qute, i used for a winter a year ago.... but i dont know qtwebengine
<zorz> chrome has dependancy
<ppetrov^> qtwebengine takes ages to build
<zorz> webkitgtk has dependancy
<zorz> viber has dependancy
<ppetrov^> bitches
<zorz> i dont like gstreamer
<ppetrov^> me neither
<zorz> gstreamer plugins good
<zorz> gstreamer plugins bad
<zorz> gstreamer plugins pussy
<ppetrov^> i was happy at the times with Amarok 1.4, using Xine as backend
<zorz> never used amarok, only cmus
<zorz> but now nothing
<zorz> Xine, first time i hear that
<zorz> maybe i go with tor browser
<ppetrov^> tor browser
<zorz> people install brave browser for security fast,,, and brave browser does mining in the background hahahah
<ppetrov^> are _they_ watching you?
<zorz> no they are not
<ppetrov^> how do you know
<ppetrov^> :)
<zorz> i have been forgotten.
<zorz> ppetrov^: basically u are right, ofcourse and i am watched...
<zorz> like everybody else.
<ppetrov^> ye, ye
<zorz> ppetrov^: do u have any connection with lua?
<ppetrov^> nope
<zorz> me neither
<ppetrov^> i know a little R and even less of bash
<ppetrov^> that's all
<zorz> i try to build LPeg statically linked to lua, if you see something anywhere tell me please.
<ppetrov^> i have built only one program statically, and it was challenging
<ppetrov^> a guy here, stenur, helped me
<zorz> this is not even a program is a library
<ppetrov^> ah
<zorz> and luarocks builts it dynamically
<zorz> ppetrov^: which program did you do statically
<zorz> ?
<ppetrov^> it's called CAPS2, does prediction for protein coevolution
<ppetrov^> pretty niche software...
<zorz> oooo boy
<ppetrov^> well, you asked
<zorz> i think julia has stuff like this
<ppetrov^> julia?
<zorz> the language
<ppetrov^> ah
<ppetrov^> CAPS is written in C++
<zorz> not the whore next door
<ppetrov^> sounds like a movie title
<zorz> indeed
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]