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<zorz> block again :)
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "Male or female", just look at them and you'll know.
<zorz> i did a paste now in vim....10 minutes and still is pasting lol
<zorz> never again only vis.
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<ppetrov^> i see that crux ports for bsd seem to have git support. I know it's been discussed to add such feature to pkgmk, however, what are the plans?
<SiFuh> bsd?
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: the git support in Han's fork of pkgmk relies on the url ending in .git. It's a simple test to apply using bash pattern trimming, but some hosts might not offer a url that passes this test.
<ppetrov^> right...
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, this:
<SiFuh> Cheers ppetrov^
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: for maximum robustness it might be better to recognize git urls using a special syntax, so that we're not relying on the host offering access to the "bare git repository". That's what I did when extending upkgmk (by therealfun) into a git-aware drop-in replacement for pkgmk.
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, so eventually it may happen, simply when it's designed to be more robust
<ppetrov^> "simply", heh...
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<remiliascarlet> Are there even usable programs worth a shit on any Git hosting website that doesn't have Tarballs available though?
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<SiFuh> zorz: Seems it will be 29th, 30th and 31st
<zorz> SiFuh: Hello :-)
<zorz> ping SiFuh
<SiFuh> pong zorz
<zorz> SiFuh: how are you ?
<SiFuh> No idea
<zorz> SiFuh: why no idea? btx what u were cookin yest?
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<zorz> --- 403 Forbidden openresty--- luajit is outdated.
<zorz> SiFuh: how is goin ?
<SiFuh> What?
<zorz> haha
<zorz> busy?
<SiFuh> Why?
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<zorz> u dont talk a lot lately...
<SiFuh> Nothing to talk about
<zorz> no jungle?
<SiFuh> You never read do you?
<zorz> actually, what it was that photo yestarday?
<SiFuh> ------> zorz: Seems it will be 29th, 30th and 31st <-------
<zorz> SiFuh: ooo i forgot.
<SiFuh> Calcium Acetate I was making
<zorz> did u manage it?
<SiFuh> I will disolve a pinch in water and mix with my high proof vodka to make fire gel for starting camp fires when I am in the jungle.
<SiFuh> It works very well in the wet
<zorz> did u really test it already?
<SiFuh> No, no need, I know how to make it
<zorz> if u r sure ok. but dont go in the jungle without this working.
<SiFuh> Just like potassium permanganate and glycerin is a good fire starter, just not so good in the wet.
<SiFuh> zorz: I can make a fire in the rain without it. It's just easier to have it.
<SiFuh> There are many ways to make a fire dude.
<SiFuh> Car battery, pencil and copper wire ;-)
<zorz> myself, never used that staff. lighter and small wood... but in the forest. jungle is wet.
<zorz> HAHA
<zorz> man are u a chemist? u remind me breaking bad.
<SiFuh> Yes, and I have made fires in the pouring rain. Spending 40 minutes shaving wood to get a larger surface area before striking a fire
<SiFuh> No I am not a chemist
<SiFuh> I just know stuff that is usefull for my life.
<zorz> its good.
<SiFuh> Well I have no use for algebra so I don't really bother with it. Yet there are some mathematics I do use that a regular person doesn't need.
<zorz> i was trying editors, and i end up with vis. its ok. trying to figure out how is working i found an old git of Petr Razumov... old user of crux
<SiFuh> You take what you need and can use and stick to it
<SiFuh> zorz: I'd stick with vi and VIM if I were you
<zorz> vis, is ok
<SiFuh> Why use something that isn't commonly available amongst other distros?
<zorz> yesterday, i was trying to scrap something from a very very shit webpage
<zorz> and line 1020 had maybe more than 1000 words
<zorz> vis uses regular expressions, and its easier for me to find what am i looking
<zorz> anyway this guy petr 11 years ago, look
<SiFuh> So what?
<SiFuh> I have ports from 2002
<zorz> just saying, history
<SiFuh> Just not availble online
<zorz> 2002
<SiFuh> Yes, I have been using CRUX on and off since 2002
<zorz> omg... ancient.
<SiFuh> Far as I know, I am the oldest remaining user from the first days
<SiFuh> We had 0.91, 0.92, 0.93 and so on. Wasn't officially released until 1.0
<zorz> u look like gradpa:)
<zorz> lol
<SiFuh> Feel like a great grandpa
<zorz> HAHA
<SiFuh> I still have in Australia one of the first pre 1.0 CRUX ISO on CD
<zorz> iso on cd, what u remind me... i was arranging my bookselves and i found a windows98 book, with product key on the outside from my first compaq laptop
<zorz> carbidge :-)
<zorz> 0.9
<SiFuh> Yeah, I was around 0.91 days
<SiFuh> But I didn't install until 2002
<zorz> The CRUX home page got a face-lift, and yes, I stole the colors from freshmeat.
<zorz> why? did not install.
<SiFuh> I was running SuSE for the university I was teaching at. I had only three machines. SuSE on the intel, OpenBSD on the Sparc64 and FreeBSD on the Alpha.
<SiFuh> Actually I mostly ran DEC Alpha on the ALpha
<zorz> i dont know what is alpha
<SiFuh> Greatest CPU ever created
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<zorz> AHHA
<zorz> DEC=terminal.
* SiFuh is a huge Alpha fan. Miss those days
<SiFuh> Also a big Sparc fan
<zorz> never dealt with it
<SiFuh> I think Sparc and Alpha are superior compared to cheap junk x86/x64
<zorz> seriously?
<SiFuh> zorz: Your like a toddler ;-)
<zorz> thats good.
<SiFuh> Oh yeah, Apple's PPC was pretty cool too but I never have used it. I only heard from other staff members how great it was
<zorz> the one with the 5inch something flopy disk?
<SiFuh> It's interesting how many of these CPUs were RISCV but then dissappeared and now they are reinventing the CPU again
<zorz> i dont know a lot, but i think i read somewhere that all intel cpu hide a number, which can give access.
<SiFuh> Yeah, you can call that number on your phone, and they send you a free burger
<zorz> anyway... i liked the dual opteron thing
<SiFuh> Reminds me of that guy that turned up to the Taxi rank. Was complaining that everytime he calls the Taxi phone number 131 888 Doiminoes Pizza answers. He can't understand why. My army is hanging out the window pointing the to GIANT FUCKING RED PHONE NUMBER on the side of the Taxi that reads 131 008.
<SiFuh> army/arm
<SiFuh> There was a young lady sitting on the bench nearby laughing so hard.
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> It was funnier in real when it was happening
<zorz> i can imagine
<SiFuh> I don't need ;-) I was there hahaha
<zorz> and... at the end? how did he reacted?
<SiFuh> He didn't, he never figured it out even after I explained it to him
<zorz> omg
<SiFuh> WTF? Did they replace the leader of the Kree (Blue aliens) in Marvel's Universe with a black woman?
<zorz> u see what i mean when i say,, it is curse to have high iq. average humans are jealus of high iq persons but in reality the less you understand the better you are.
<SiFuh> Reminds me of a story
<SiFuh> To lazy to type it
<zorz> another day :)
<SiFuh> An old dying wise man told the people in the village that one day the water will dry up. It will be gone for many years. Eventually it will return and the water will be toxic. If you drink from it you will go crazy.
<SiFuh> The town's folk laughed and scoffed and ignored the old dying man. But one man listened and stored many vases of water in his home. The old dying man eventually died. Not long after the water dissappeared and the land was dry.
<SiFuh> The man collecting the vases of water was laughed at and ridiculed for many years. By the villagers. However, once the water was gone, the villagers came knocking. And he shared that water with the village people.
<SiFuh> Eventually the water returned and he told them that the old man that was dying had warned them not to drink the water as you will all go crazy. They ignored him and drank anyway.
<SiFuh> The entire town was crazy. The poor man was alone. He had no friends when he was collecting the water. He had many friends when he had the water. But when the water returned they all left him and he was alone.
<SiFuh> So in the end, he decided to drink the water and go crazy so he would not be alone anymore
<SiFuh> Super short version of the story.. but you should get the point.
<zorz> i got it man.
<SiFuh> I hope so, I'd hate to have to type it again
<zorz> and you are lazy to type... :-)
<SiFuh> I'd rather drink beer and vodka
<zorz> beer vodka rum scotch, except tequilas.
<SiFuh> I don't like Rum or Scotch
<zorz> i cannot stand bourbon
<SiFuh> Tequila is not something I would recommend to anyone
<zorz> we forgot gin
<SiFuh> Yuck
<zorz> come on the drink of alcoholics
<SiFuh> I do always keep a bottle of cointreau for special occasions. Like deals and stuff.
<SiFuh> Gin is fucking yuck
<zorz> long island iced tea
<zorz> the 5 whites
<SiFuh> Moonshine forever!
<zorz> i hate this new fashion of martini espresso
<SiFuh> You ever drink fermeneted Horse Milk?
<zorz> all this hi guys in dubai from coke alcohol... espresso martini
<zorz> SiFuh: never.
<SiFuh> I use to drink it for breakfast before work when I lived in Kyrgyzstan
<SiFuh> I kind of liked it
<zorz> no shit
<zorz> never heard of this staff
<SiFuh> Of course no shit. I would drink milk with shit in it
<SiFuh> Kumis
<SiFuh> I would/ I wouldn't
<zorz> they call it kumis?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> i heard of it,,, so kumis is fermented milk
<SiFuh> Bloody hell that was the fastest double paste in history
<SiFuh> Mine was from horses
<zorz> jekins han
<zorz> horses
<SiFuh> It was not okay to drink a beer before work, but it was okay to drink as many cups of kumis you wanted
<zorz> maybe in kyrgyz, they still have moggolian blood.
<SiFuh> Weird fucking people
<SiFuh> I drank beer at work anyway.
<zorz> speaking about blood,,, let me tell you a story
<SiFuh> Kyrgyz have mongolian blood? No, they invented Mongolian blood.
<zorz> a cypriot guy in london,,, was dating an original jew lady...
<SiFuh> Kyrgyz think they are significant and created, invented everything
<zorz> they never manage to marry... khazar dont like to change the blood
<SiFuh> khazar are NOT jews
<zorz> but they are ok with pushing other races to change the blood
<SiFuh> They are fake jews
<zorz> correct!
<SiFuh> What do you think this war in Ukraine is really about?
<zorz> they buy their land fuckin cheap.
<zorz> buy back
<SiFuh> Where do you think the Khazar's come from?
<zorz> from there, at the times of byzantine empire.
<zorz> they used to control all the commerce
<SiFuh> They didn't control commerce
<SiFuh> They were an army for hire
<zorz> see it this wat greek tycoons are the taxi drivers for them.
<zorz> first this
<zorz> but having this, u control the commerece
<SiFuh> You need an army? You call the Khazars. You don't even have to pay them. The only thing they wanted was to rape, pillage, torture and destroy everything. All bounty and loot was theirs
<SiFuh> They were kicked out of pretty much every country in Europe mutliple times for centuries
<zorz> so at that time over there you had khazars, and on east moggolians correct?
<SiFuh> They adopted Judaism and converted their writing system to mimic Hebrew characters
<SiFuh> They are the most disgusting, hideous people to ever exist on this planet.
<zorz> this i did not know,,, i thought they have the same writting.
<SiFuh> Hebrew is a forgotten language. It is gone forever
<zorz> no man, what they talk in israel now?
<zorz> hebrew no?
<SiFuh> Hebrew was written as consonants only. No vowels. Hebrew speakers knew where the vowels would be so they could read it. Notice the new Hebrew language has vowels now?
<SiFuh> You think Israel is Jewish?
<SiFuh> Jews are technically the bloodline of the tribe of Judah and they are followers of Judaism
<SiFuh> Israel is not a religion. It is a nation state. A government
<zorz> never actually study them
<zorz> but i do not like them,, all the times a dealt with them i think they are arrogant, they are not humble at all and sometime they will pay for this.
<SiFuh> Don't worry, the book of Revelations I think 3:9 says they are fake and the synagogue of Satan
<SiFuh> Netanyahu isn't a Jew, He's Khazarian from Poland
<zorz> his brother died in etebe
<zorz> he was the officer
<zorz> the highjacking.
<SiFuh> I knew you spelled it wrong
<SiFuh> Netanyahu looks like a rat
<SiFuh> Entebbe was written about in the book Selous Scouts if I remember correctly
<SiFuh> Grand Tour (Maybe Top Gear) did an episode where they went to that airport.
<zorz> dont know
<zorz> when the war in israel started the first that left was all this orthodox jewish wearing the small hat
<SiFuh> From what I know the airport was built by Israel or they had the design plans. They built a replica and trained in it as fast as they could before going to Uganda to do it for real.
<zorz> the airport of Thessaloniki averyday arrivals from them
<zorz> SiFuh: very successfull operation
<SiFuh> Yes, I remember they had the locks on the door as almost identical replicars and they trained the perfect way to open the door
<zorz> if you go to israel jerusallem this oorthodox jewish they spit on your face... they are fuckin fascists... but with the start of the war the first to abandon ship
<SiFuh> They did that in pre-hitler Germany after WWI
<zorz> they are 2 mobies about entebbe
<zorz> movies
<SiFuh> I will never set foot in Israel because I can never come back to Malaysia if I do.
<zorz> why?
<SiFuh> Secondly, screw that shit hole. I don't give a damn about it. I want nothing to do with it. Yet I can't go anywhere here (Muslim country) without seeing stand for Palestine or Palestine flags.
<SiFuh> Israel stamp in passport you will be banned from entry in Malaysia
<zorz> aaaaa
<zorz> forgot the stamp passport
<SiFuh> During Dipavil I met some Indians that said they stand with Palestine. I told them to rephrase. They said they stand with Israel.. I just shook my head
<zorz> i tottaly forgot them, travelling only to europe no need.
<zorz> HAHA
<SiFuh> Palestine and Israel are both nation states
<zorz> forget palestine
<SiFuh> Why the fuck do you stand with a nation state?
<zorz> its finished story
<SiFuh> You stand for the innocent civillians
<SiFuh> Not for a Nation State.
<zorz> man... there is no justice
<zorz> how they call it, Haghe court?
<SiFuh> I cannot care less about Palestine or Israel, but my heart hurts for the innocent civillians that get their lives destroyed because of this bullshit politcal crap
<zorz> in Netherlands?
<SiFuh> Hague
<zorz> Hague... nobody from Israel will ever get prosecuted their
<zorz> the Serbians did though.
<SiFuh> Just like the sex traffickers for the UN
<SiFuh> No prosecution at all
<zorz> they write the history man
<zorz> this thing that happened now in Palestine you will not see it in any future history books