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<remiliascarlet> zorz: Any CJK compatible font will cover every language's characters out there, since we make use of characters found in Greek, Russian, and even Arabic for kaomoji (not to be confused with emoji).
<zorz> remiliascarlet: thank you.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: how do you do ?
<remiliascarlet> zorz: "why rt is hiding this information from greek ips" I think it's rather the other way around; the EU (or "eww") preventing you from visiting RT. I can open it just fine.
<zorz> i saw it in euronew stat something
<remiliascarlet> I'm doing fine.
<zorz> preventing me, when i get crazy, turn on mullvad, and i go with the servers of neighbour north macedonia.... man... when sites see .mk prove that u r human
<zorz> ok it is not like .tk
<zorz> but still
<remiliascarlet> They recognize Mullvad as a VPN provider, so they want you to dox yourself, I mean "prove you're a human" to continue.
<remiliascarlet> These kinds of sites deserve to be boycotted.
<remiliascarlet> Just like back in the mid-2000s. "This site requires Flash Player to be viewed" "This site only works with IE6, please upgrade". OK, I'll just find some other website then!
<zorz> lately, i really dont surf
<remiliascarlet> It's much worse today, because nowadays the info you need to hidden either behind a "Please enable Javascript and/or cookies to continue", or "Your browser is unsupported, please upgrade to Firefox or Chrome", or "One more step... Prove you're a human. Powered by Clownflare".
<zorz> man i disable this thin tcp listening in startx and firefox gives me an error on loading it searches for mutter gnome box somethig
<zorz> now i am playin with building a rust port, and i cannot stat the files for bsdtar
<remiliascarlet> I'm only waiting for the day I get told to enable WebAssembly to continue.
<zorz> searching here and there,,, i reliaze, that in debian... they dont have programs like i3status-rust, handlr, helix
<zorz> maybe something they know over there.
<remiliascarlet> Apparently, HTML and CSS is too difficult to understand to most frontend developers these days.
<zorz> look, i dont know much but, with css nowdays there is limited need for java.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: And if they had, it would probably be 3 years behind on upstream.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: u can always go unstable now the call it sid, and u r rolling
<remiliascarlet> Java is not even a web language.
<remiliascarlet> The unstable branch was always called "sid".
<zorz> i hate java... never installed on my pc
<zorz> ok sid, is rolling
<remiliascarlet> Or as Linus Torvalds puts it, "Java... what a horrible language".
<zorz> the only thing that i regret,,, sparrow wallet looks promising... but runs in java
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I have the mentality of just using a different wallet.
<remiliascarlet> I just use Bitcoin Core, simply because I only use Bitcoin if it's absolutely necessary. If I actually need to pay, I will just use Monero.
<zorz> tell u the truth....the only one to trust is electrum
<zorz> monerocli is fun
<remiliascarlet> And Litecoin is just an intermediary to get coins from or to centralized exchanges before I swap them into Monero.
<zorz> sometimes i use xrp, with bitstamp , easy dealing with revolut.
<zorz> nut now revolut start being fucked up
<remiliascarlet> I looked into Revolut before, but they require you to use Android or iOS, so I thought "meh, fuck off".
<zorz> now they collect data, your contacts, they became facebook
<remiliascarlet> Exactly the reason why I avoid services that require smartphone apps.
<zorz> why elon mask, after so many years i deleted twitter from my phone, the app reached 550MB
<zorz> 1/2 gb
<remiliascarlet> 2 Gb = 250 MB.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: do uuse nostr ?
<remiliascarlet> No.
<zorz> 550 MB is equal to 0.55 GB.
<zorz> ok
<zorz> but i liked the simplechatX
<remiliascarlet> It requires a Bitcoin wallet, so I skipped that.
<zorz> no need for bitcoin wallet
<remiliascarlet> "550 MB is equal to 0.55 GB." GB ≠ Gb
<zorz> never did
<zorz> ok ok
<remiliascarlet> GB = Gigabyte, Gb = Gigabit, GiB = Gibibyte
<zorz> you only need to make your own keys
<zorz> public and secret
<zorz> with libsec bitcoin library
<remiliascarlet> "ok" If I were to use Nostr, I'd much rather host my own instance.
<zorz> 258 something
<zorz> jack is there all the time
<zorz> jack twtitter
<remiliascarlet> So he didn't jack off yet?
<zorz> no
<zorz> he is in africa, boat in a poor country some hydro electricity plant for mining btc
<remiliascarlet> Sometimes it's hard to pick a favorite, Jack Dorsey the cryptobro, or Elon Musk the shitposter.
<zorz> basically validators
<zorz> i dont think elon is that clevere
<remiliascarlet> Either way, better than Mark Zuckerberg the cyborg Jew.
<remiliascarlet> Or Jeff Bezos the diet Dr. Evil.
<zorz> man
<zorz> zuckerberg, fucking creep... stole from wickenvloc i forget the name... those twins are very stupid
<zorz> again they fucked up with gemini
<remiliascarlet> If you look at Jeff Bezos, he looks like a thinner version of Dr. Evil from Austin Powers.
<zorz> fucked up greek
<zorz> i think he is greek
<zorz> i am not sure... the surname is greek
<remiliascarlet> My only experience with Greece was Creta and the gyros I ate there.
<remiliascarlet> And the huge amounts of Russians at the resort I stayed at.
<zorz> creta is nice, have u been south part of creta?
<remiliascarlet> I can't remember exactly where, but I can remember the massive amount of abandoned dogs.
<remiliascarlet> And the fact that almost everything was always closed, and the very unmaintained roads.
<zorz> the worst is Santorini!!!!
<zorz> no greek steps in Santorini
<remiliascarlet> The resort I stayed at had maybe 2 Brits, 3 Dutch, 2 Belgians, 1 Jap (me), and hundreds of Russians.
<zorz> niceeeeeeee
<zorz> russian men drunk,,, the ladies need pleasure :)
<zorz> remiliascarlet: good night man
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<remiliascarlet> Lol, Forgejo exists because they didn't like Gitea going full corporatism. And then they themselves started to suck the SDGs's corporate cock even harder than Gitea does.
<remiliascarlet> So instead of being Gitea without profit, it's actually Gitea with globalist bullshit added.
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<ppetrov^> yey, i see a link to my humble review
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<remiliascarlet> Penis.
<remiliascarlet> Climate change zellot logic: fly across every single ocean in their private jets to tell the world we should all stop flying to make the weather gooder..
<remiliascarlet> You can't see it, you can't smell it, you can't feel it, you can't even scientifically prove it, and yet we're all supposed to believe that we'll all die in 3 years for the 90th time.
<remiliascarlet> "If we don't do anything, the world will be underwater by 2000!", "If we don't do anything by 2014, kids will never see snow and ice ever again!", yeah fuck off.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: Have you been following the hype around baseball player Shohei Ohtani? I'm curious to hear what the reactions are in his home country, to the massive contract he's been offered.
<remiliascarlet> I don't care about sports in general, so no.
<lavaball> for the 90th time is accuarte.
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<farkuhar> One upside of suffering through this cold and sore throat is that I develop an appreciation for the spicy baba ghanouj. Normally I don't appreciate the subtler flavors being drowned by cayenne pepper, but when clearing sinuses is the goal, the spicy version is actually pretty good.
<ppetrov^> right, kill the infecton with spices
<remiliascarlet> When you make a cover that sounds even better than the original:
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Last time you mentioned my nick reminds you to something, I forgot to tell you that Remilia Scarlet is the boss of this level (starts at 1:23):
<remiliascarlet> The player is playing in normal mode, so basically easy.
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<zorz> bonjour
<remiliascarlet> And yes, Remilia Scarlet is in fact a vampire.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: move in Romania
<zorz> :PPp
<lavaball> new china virus. does anyone know anything? besides the "it's not real" claim.
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<lavaball> remiliascarlet, scarlet is a girl?
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: "new china virus." They faked the previous one while backing up with the most ridiculous claims ever, and only made it believable by saying stupid shit like "that's the science, even though we can't prove it, so therefore it's real". So if anyone would believe this one again, I'll lose all hope in humanity.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: "scarlet is a girl?" In Touhou Project, all characters are girls.
<remiliascarlet> The only exception to 1 male character who actually appeared in Seihou, but makes lots of appearances in fan made Touhou games.
<remiliascarlet> Touhou (東方) means Eastwards, and Seihou (西方) means Westwards.
<lavaball> so you a girl as well?
<lavaball> or waht's with the name? you said you weren't a troon.
<lavaball> also i bought the ccp virus, because the ccp said everything is fine, just like they are doing now. justl ike the communists were during chernobyl. it's what they do. whenever they say everything is fine, stock up basically.
<lavaball> i did. was nice.
<lavaball> of course i leave you to your own conclusions.
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<zorz> SiFuh: yesterday i noticed that in debian repos they have no rs packages. the reason is that during installation dont like to built... but i dont thing this is the actual reason.
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