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<younder> well you could always use the partition I pasted earlier
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<BrokenCog> I'm probably not udnerstanding alists ... but ... how would one test if a variable is an alist? (alist-p *thing*)?
<BrokenCog> I guess iterate the entire alist and check if it consits of elements of cons?
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<Mondenkind> BrokenCog: in general, you don't
<Mondenkind> why do you want to do that?
<BrokenCog> well, I want to create a deftype and the type is an alist in affect.
<Mondenkind> there's not a good way, in general, to tell if something 'is' an alist, or just happens to have the same structure (to wit, (every #'consp list) or so)
<Mondenkind> you could say (defun alist-p (list) (every #'consp list)) (deftype alist () '(satisfies alist-p))
<BrokenCog> right. the (every #'consp list) is the key. I was stuck on manually iterating list.
<Mondenkind> (loop for x in list always (consp x)) is not too bad. You will need to do extra work in either event to cope with the possibility of list's not being a proper list (or not a list at all)
<BrokenCog> right.
<BrokenCog> so, I don't need to defun a mytype-p ? the '(satisifies alist-p) is sufficient?
<Mondenkind> not sure what you're asking
<Mondenkind> you need to define alist-p in order for (satisfies alist-p) to work as a type
<BrokenCog> right. this: https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/type.html is saying I need a predicate checker for my type?
<ixelp> Type System
<BrokenCog> is that in addition to the (deftype mytype) with the '(satisfies) clause?
<BrokenCog> ahh ... never mind.
<BrokenCog> I get it. it's just invoking the alist-p function.
<Mondenkind> yes
<Nilby> (defun now-p (x) (= x (get-universal-time))) (typep (get-universal-time) `(satisfies now-p))
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<BrokenCog> that it ever could be since the time would be millisconds off but I undrstyand.
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<BrokenCog> *not that
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<aeth> BrokenCog: yes, an alist is just a list of conses
<aeth> while a plist is even simpler, it's just an even-length list
<aeth> satisfies types aren't efficient, though
<aeth> in practice you want a bit more structure
<aeth> plists have every other element as a key (symbol? keyword? maybe even a string with the string= or string-equal tests?) while alists have the car as a key, so any check may want to check that they have an appropriate key type
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<BrokenCog> aeth: what would be an appropriate key type? it is easier present or not, no?
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<BrokenCog> in that type.html link above, LispCookBook, it gives an example deftype with "(array ,type 1)" ... what is array?
<BrokenCog> (arrayp #( 1 2 3)) -> t, but, (array #(1 2 3)) -> Undefined Function array
<aeth> a 1D array is a vector... this is normally what you see
<aeth> but it can also be 0, 2, 3, ... dimensional
<BrokenCog> I know what an array is. What is that functoin? it's not defined in sbcl
<aeth> type definitions have their own syntax
<Inline> #(1 2 4) is already an array
<aeth> e.g. ,(typep #(1 2 3) '(simple-array t (3)))
<ixelp> (typep #(1 2 3) '(simple-array t (3))) => T
<aeth> e.g. ,(typep #((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (3 1)))
<ixelp> (typep #((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (3 1))) => NIL
<aeth> e.g. ,(typep #((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (1 3)))
<ixelp> (typep #((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (1 3))) => NIL
<aeth> e.g. ,(typep #((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (1)))
<ixelp> (typep #((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (1))) => T
<aeth> that's actually an array of a list
<aeth> but then ,(typep #2A((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (1 3)))
<ixelp> (typep #2A((1 2 3)) '(simple-array t (1 3))) => T
<aeth> and ,(typep (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float :initial-contents '(1f0 2f0 3f0)) '(simple-array single-float (3)))
<ixelp> (typep (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float :initial-contents '(1f0 2f0 3f0)) '(simple-array single-float (3))) => T
<aeth> They are usually but not always simple-arrays. Non-simple arrays include adjustable arrays and displaced arrays.
<aeth> BrokenCog: Note though that it's not a function, it's a thing that you use in TYPEP quoted, in CHECK-TYPE or DECLARE not quoted, or in DEFTYPE (to define a new type) quoted/quasiquoted.
<aeth> so while people call Common Lisp a Lisp-2 it's more accurately described as a Lisp-3 here because the types have their own namespace.
<edgar-rft> note that ASSOC has a :TEST parameter, so there is not only one type of a-lists, instead there are *lots* of vspecialized a-list types for every imaginable function that can be uses as :TEST
<aeth> yes, that's what I was trying to get at with what makes a valid and/or useful key in an alist... it depends on what test you're going to use on it!
<BrokenCog> so, within that deftype the (array) is a type check?
<aeth> BrokenCog: no it's a type spec
<BrokenCog> which returns T or NIL?
<BrokenCog> based on what?
<aeth> ,(deftype vec3 () `(simple-array single-float (3))) ,(typep (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float :initial-contents '(1f0 2f0 3f0)) 'vec3)
<ixelp> (deftype vec3 () `(simple-array single-float (3))) => VEC3, and then (typep (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float :initial-contents '(1f0 2f0 3f0)) 'vec3) => T
<BrokenCog> (array) is synonymous with (simple-array)?
<aeth> no, array is a superset of simple-array
<aeth> (typep (make-array 3 :initial-element 0) 'simple-array)
<aeth> ,(typep (make-array 3 :initial-element 0) 'simple-array)
<ixelp> (typep (make-array 3 :initial-element 0) 'simple-array) => T
<aeth> ,(typep (make-array 3 :initial-element 0 :adjustable t) 'simple-array)
<ixelp> (typep (make-array 3 :initial-element 0 :adjustable t) 'simple-array) => NIL
<aeth> this isn't the only way to use types, you may use them in e.g. CHECK-TYPE instead, but CHECK-TYPE doesn't do anything if it's of the correct type
<aeth> ,(let ((a (make-array 3 :initial-element 0))) (check-type a simple-array) a)
<ixelp> (let ((a (make-array 3 :initial-element 0))) (check-type a simple-array) a) => #(0 0 0)
<aeth> it's probably best just to play around with a bunch of variations of this in the REPL
<aeth> there's an array form and an (array ...) form as well as a simple-array form and a (simple-array ...) form as well as vectors (1D arrays!) so it gets a bit confusing/complicated
<BrokenCog> that's what Ive been doing ... but I couldn't figure out what (array ,type 1) was doing. It seemed to be predicate testing ,type is a 1 dim array ... but now I see i only works in the deftype context.
<aeth> well, in a type context (declare, typep, deftype, check-type, ...)
<aeth> ,(typep "string" '(simple-array character (6)))
<ixelp> (typep "string" '(simple-array character (6))) => T
<jcowan> I would say that a plist needs unique symbol keys, which makes it expensive to check
<BrokenCog> a structure was suggested rather than an alist, but, I'm unclear what that would look like ... isn't an alist a structure?
<BrokenCog> (sequence of members)
<aeth> alists and plists aren't particularly structured because there's nothing to enforce the assumed constraints and it's quite expensive to test
<aeth> as opposed to using defclass or defstruct or, heck, even a hash table has more enforcement of the constraints
<aeth> alists and plists still show up all of the time, especially inside of macros
<aeth> or, heck, if assumed to be immutable, even a 2D array (because it will always have two elements, though that doesn't enforce the uniqueness of keys)
<aeth> s/two elements/two elements per row/
<aeth> you can, however, write wrapper functions around anything and assume that things are just going to break if someone modifies the underlying alist/plist/etc. directly
<aeth> this stops you from having to call an expensive function to verify that it's a valid (to varying degrees of valid!) alist or plist every time
<BrokenCog> I get it.
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<BrokenCog> I think defstruct is what I should use. that was my first incinatoin and I didn't think about defstruct!
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<mfiano> It is rarely a good idea to use defstruct, as you're throwing out a lot about the languages dynamism in doing so (at least portably).
<mfiano> If you are performance constrained, sure. But I hope you have a proof of concept product ready to be launched, first, or similar.
<aeth> defstruct is deceptive because it has simple syntax
<mfiano> You can get the same inlining of type hinted accessors with a custom metaclass using the MOP, if you really wanted to avoid them still.
<aeth> but defstruct is really not that useful, not even in its alternate form where it's backed by an array and just creates accessors (because it doesn't create the type! and if you have to do that in a macro anyway, might as well write your own set!)
<aeth> imo, defstruct's place is when you need typed slots, especially when they're well-specified (so you probably won't ever need to redefine it), so e.g. dealing with certain kinds of formats
<BrokenCog> cl-json I thinik uses an alist to represent the json data?
<aeth> cl-json's primary claim to being the go-to JSON library in CL is that it got the name "cl-json" first
<BrokenCog> I can see that.
<aeth> for instance, it does nil <-> null and nil <- false, which shows such a basic misunderstanding of what NIL is in Common Lisp that I'm not sure I can trust it beyond the documentation (but, hey, at least it has documentation)
<BrokenCog> and thigns grow roots after ten years ...
<aeth> if you use an alist or plist for JSON, you create an up to four way ambiguity between [], {}, null (bad no no no NIL is not null bad why why why), and false
<BrokenCog> json library suggestion?
<Nilby> jsown or com.inuoe.jzon
<aeth> I think everyone writes a json library
<aeth> but treating NIL as a language's null (although tbf CL has some terrible naming, giving NIL the type NULL and the predicate NULL when, in fact, it is functionally a false and the empty list and not a null thing since null needs to be distinct from false and kind of breaks type systems)
<aeth> is pretty bad
<aeth> the other thing to look out for is how {} is represented because there are many ways to do it with different tradeoffs
<aeth> while [] is usually just list or vector
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<markasoftware> Is there any easy way, eg in Slime, to set a number of expressions to "watch", and every time I evaluate another sexp, the value of those expressions updates?
<markasoftware> Use case is that I'm designing a piece of furniture, and have some mathematical expressions for the different dimensions based on a few base variables, and want to see how those dimensions update as I play around with the variables.
<markasoftware> Would be really easy to do this in a spreadsheet or even Desmos, but I always prefer CL!
<beach> It would be a breeze to write a CLIM application to do that. But I guess you could also define a generic function for updating each of the variables. Then an :AFTER method on that generic function could compute the expressions.
<aeth> you could have a hidden *special* variable
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<aeth> (defvar *x* 42) (defun x () *x*) (defun (setf x) (value) (setf *x* value))
<aeth> so you (setf (x) 45) and now (x) is 45 instead of 42
<aeth> though technically you could also do that as a lexical closure
<aeth> but then it's all one form when you recompile it (all getters/setters as well as all of the variables' defaults themselves)
<aeth> to be clear, the function (setf x) can update everything, not just *x*
<jcowan> IMO the Right Thing for JSON mapping is: JSON array <-> CL general vector, JSON object <-> alist, JSON null <-> symbol NULL (or perhaps :NULL), and the obvious mappings for strings, numbers, and booleans
<Mondenkind> say, what is the 'obvious' mapping for numbers?
<Mondenkind> json doesn't specify a numeric format
<Mondenkind> 2.1 will not be exactly representable as a float in most implementations. Should it be a rational?
<jcowan> If there's a period or exponent, then default float, otherwise integer
<jcowan> people who write JSON numbers generally expect them to be understood as floats, though the spec doesn't prescribe that. Alternatively, map every JSON number to a float.
<jcowan> s/write/write non-integral
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<beach> dnhester26: I think I fixed the broken link in the MOP repository. Two files were modified, one was added, and four were deleted.
<beach> dnhester26: Let me know if you encounter any other problems.
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<beach> In summary, CLASS-DIRECT-SUBCLASSES does not have four methods (specialized to STANDARD-CLASS, FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS, and BUILT-IN-CLASS respectively) as one might be led to believe from the table on page 215 in the AMOP book, but a single method (specialized to CLASS) that behaves according to that table for different types of arguments.
<beach> mop class-direct-subclasses
<ixelp> class-direct-subclasses
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<josrr> (eq 1 1)
<varjag> T
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<josrr> ja!, sorry wrong window, again.
<beach> josrr: ,(eq 1 1)
<ixelp> (eq 1 1) => T
<beach> josrr: Implementation specific result.
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<josrr> beach: "However, numbers with the same value need not be eq"
<beach> Exactly.
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<thuna`> Is there any implementation that actually has them as non-eq?
<beach> I was toying with the idea of making BOCL be such an implementation.
<thuna`> What's the advantage?
<beach> Catch errors in code that might rely on non-conforming behavior.
<thuna`> If it's conforming in virtually all cases, is it really non-conforming?
<thuna`> (The answer is yes but still)
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<beach> I don't understand.
<thuna`> It's just, if (EQ 1 1) is T in all widely-used implementations, then even though it's non-conforming it's not something that will realistically cause a problem
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<thuna`> Even in future implementations, I don't see any benefits to having (EQ 1 1) be nil, so I would consider it "basically-conforming"
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<beach> That's true, but it is considered bad style to use EQ on numbers, so i am sure that people who do that by accident would want to be informed. And an implementation that is very strict about it would more easily catch things like that.
<beach> Take for instance code that uses an EQ hash table, and then use integers as keys. That can very well happen, and their code would have a hard-to-find bug that would manifest itself only when keys are greater than the largest fixnum.
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<beach> And since the largest fixnum is also an implementation-specific value, the bug could manifest itself differently on different Common Lisp implementations.
<thuna`> That is true, although I would consider it a part of the compiler's responsibilities rather than EQ
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<Nilby> If (eq 1 1) is always T you may not be able tell if numbers are stored in different locations. So maybe (eq 1 1) => but maybe (let ((x 1)) (eq x 1)) => NIL Numbers really are stored in different places so having eq always be T blinds you to that.
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<beach> Nilby: Nah. Usually, small integers are not stored in any locations at all, but encoded in the pointer. So they preserve EQ-ness when copied.
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<beach> Nilby: Does that make sense?
<beach> thuna`: What made you think that EQ would be involved in this issue? It just compares pointers.
<Nilby> It can be confusing to new programmers that (let ((x 1/2)) (eq 1/2 x)) is sometimes NIL on some implementations.
<thuna`> beach: I meant that in reference to you saying that you were considering having EQ on numbers be nil in BOCL to catch errors
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<beach> Nilby: But now you are changing the subject from small integers to ratios.
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<beach> thuna`: Yes, but that would not involve EQ at all. It would just represent numbers as pointers and allocate a new number when the number is copied.
<beach> ,(let ((x 1/2)) (eq 1/2 x))
<ixelp> (let ((x 1/2)) (eq 1/2 x)) => T
<beach> Nilby: Ratios are very likely allocated on the heap, so in this example, EQ returns T probably because the two instances of 1/2 were coalesced.
<beach> ,(let ((x (/ 1 2))) (eq 1/2 x))
<ixelp> (let ((x (/ 1 2))) (eq 1/2 x)) => T
<beach> Hmm, interesting.
<beach> Oh, constant propagation of course.
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<younder> So eq'ness is broken if you compute a number that is a fraction?
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<younder> Whatever use eql for numbers right..
<beach> younder: It is not broken. EQ should not be used on numbers at all. But, it is very unlikely that a ratio would be possible to represent in a pointer the way that most implementations do with small integers.
<beach> younder: So it is very unlikely (barring coalescing) that two ratios would be EQ in any current implementation.
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<younder> ,(eql 1/2 (/ 1 2))
<ixelp> (eql 1/2 (/ 1 2)) => T
<younder> ,(eq 1/2 (/ 1 2))
<ixelp> (eq 1/2 (/ 1 2)) => NIL
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<younder> ,(eq .5 (/ 1.0 2.0))
<ixelp> (eq .5 (/ 1.0 2.0)) => NIL
<younder> ,(eql .5 (/ 1.0 2.0))
<ixelp> (eql .5 (/ 1.0 2.0)) => T
<younder> Just like I would expect..
<gilberth> Well, would that have been the 64-bit version of CCL, (eq .5 (/ 1.0 2.0)) would have been T.
<younder> Yeah.. In SBCL (64 bit) it is T
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<younder> Always helpful to know how make code that breaks on 32 bit machines :)
* younder has visions of C and int
<gilberth> Whoever specified the ABI for AMD64 was a coward. IMHO 'int' here should have been 64-bit. Somewhere it is said that 'int' is thought to reflect the natural word.
<gilberth> 'short' could have been 32-bit and there could have been a 'short short int' for 16-bit :-)
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<younder> int is supposed to be the largest signed integer that can fit in a register. For performance reasons.
<gilberth> Yes, and that is 64-bit. Not 32-bit like with the AMD64 SYSV ABI.
<younder> Works particularly well when it will just wrap around if increment above max int ;)
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<gilberth> Yes, it's not an integer data type to begin with. It's misnamed.
<younder> modular ring type perhaps?
<gilberth> Like that. They should have called it 'mod' instead.
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<aeth> ixelp isn't logged on the logs, which makes reading this conversation a bit weird because it's based on the output of evaluating expressions whose result is not logged
<beach> I wonder why it is not logged.
<thuna`> It's a notice is the only reason I can think of
<aeth> yes, it uses NOTICE instead of PRIVMSG
* aeth wonders if this is logged
<aeth> apparently logged as "aeth ACTION wonders if this is logged"
<thuna`> Why is ixelp using NOTICE anyways?
<aeth> the spec
<aeth> one of the RFCs says that bots should use NOTICE and never respond to a NOTICE so they don't get in an infinite loop of replying to each other
<aeth> iirc
<aeth> in my over 20 years of IRCing, only ixelp has ever done that
<thuna`> The "don't respond to NOTICE" thing is for all clients and servers iirc, not just bots
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<thuna`> rfc1459#4.4.2: "The difference between NOTICE and PRIVMSG is that automatic replies must never be sent in response to a NOTICE message. This rule applies to servers too..."
<bike> NOTICE is supposed to be for bot use. but clients tend to highlight it as being something super important so bots usually don't bother with it. whoever wrote ixelp is more stringent, i guess.
<aeth> I think NickServ, etc., may use NOTICE
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<jcowan> One a certain channel (which I do not choose to name) there used to be four bots running, and a well-crafted prompt message would produce 8 responses (fortunately not an infinite number). It was something like "foo, tell bar that baz ..." but I don't remember the prompt exactly.
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<gilberth> Well, regarding to using NOTICE: I'm just a bit paranoid, especially as you can make ixelp say whatever you want.
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<aeth> ,"Aeth is the best."
<ixelp> "Aeth is the best." => "Aeth is the best."
<aeth> thanks, ixelp
<aeth> of course, written like that, it seems more like a p => p logical tautology
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<ixelp> aeth: Would you please stop playing with me?
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<NotThatRPG> gilberth: Is that supposed to be an empty page?
<NotThatRPG> oh, I see....
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<jcowan> thuna`: De facto, fixnums are eq to themselves, bignums are not.
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<jcowan> IMO, eq should not be used at all unless you have proved that the resulting speed improvement (a) exists and (b) is necessary for your use case. It is a performance hack, whereas eql is Lisp's identity predicate.
<edgar-rft> bad news: there can be temporary copies of fixums in CPU registers what makes them not EQ any longer
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<BrokenCog> so, I have a bit of data: (setq blob '("asdfasdfsadf" json-str)). If I do: (jsown:parse json-sttr) I get (:OBJ) correctly. If I do: (jsown:parse (cdr blob)) I get an error: The value "{\"..." is not of type CHARACTER
<BrokenCog> when setting an element of (ARRAY CHARACTER)
<BrokenCog> (the value ... is the json-str
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<bike> should it not be (second blob)?
<BrokenCog> isn't that cdr?
<BrokenCog> hm, guess not. (second blob) works.
<random-nick> SECOND is CADR
<random-nick> FIRST is CAR, SECOND is CADR, THIRD is CADDR, etc.
<BrokenCog> I didn't think it was the same. I guess (cdr blob) is returning a list of the second item ... i thought it just returns the second item.
<random-nick> CDR has an alias called REST
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<BrokenCog> right. I knew that. car returns the first itme, cdr returns a list of everything else.
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<Kingsy> Hi all, I have a question. I was looking to play around with the sqlite package in common lisp. it exposes a function called "connect" but thats quite a common name. how can I namespace that function so it doesnt interfere with other functions in my package?
<random-nick> you can avoid putting the package in :USE and refer to symbols from that package with a namespace prefix, and if the package name is too long you can also use a local package nickname to change which prefix you use
<random-nick> if you want to continue using :USE, then you can put CONNECT into your package's :SHADOW
<random-nick> which makes a symbol called CONNECT in your package and makes ignores any with the same name from packages in :USE
<Kingsy> oh of course. not sure about the :shadow point though, what do you mean by makes ignores? you mean its not possible if you use :shadow to create a function ni the package called connect? it will just ignore it?
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<Inline> when it's shadowed, :use won't have any effect
<Kingsy> no fair enough, but what does the shadow do?
<Inline> :shadow this-symbol that-symbol
<Inline> it overrides symbols from other packages
<Inline> so even when you pull in symbols from other packages via :use when they are also in the :shadow list, they are overriden
<Inline> i.e. any mention of some symbol from then on in your package will be a new symbol
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<Kingsy> thanks! I will have to read a bit but I think I understand
<Inline> so when you mention connect it will be the connect in your package not some <other-package>::symbol
<Inline> err <other-package>::connect
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