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<josrr> Kingsy: I think the readers convert the postgresql dates and timestamps to some lisp object.
<Kingsy> probablyh worth adding in then. I'll get the basic functionality working with this then come back. I'll add a comment
<Kingsy> josrr: thankyou!
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<josrr> also there is a method to convert a local-time:tiemestamp to a sql-string, so, i think you don't need to call local-time:format-timestring; but I'am not sure of this
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<BrokenCog> what is wrong with this form: (defpackage :myp2 (use :cl))
<BrokenCog> I get:
<BrokenCog> bogus DEFPACKAGE option: (USE :CL)
<BrokenCog> ah snap
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<aeth> ,(defpackage :myp2 (use :cl))
<ixelp> (defpackage :myp2 (use :cl)) ERROR: The value USE is not of the expected type (MEMBER :SIZE :EXTERNAL-SIZE :NICKNAMES :SHADOW :SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM :USE :IMPORT-FROM :INTERN :EXPORT :DOCUMENTATION).
<aeth> looks like CCL that ixelp uses has a better error message
<aeth> it's :use
<BrokenCog> yeah, I didn't get anythnig help like that
<BrokenCog> "bogus". thanks sbcl.
<aeth> usually SBCL has good error messages
<aeth> personally I use a style like this: ,(defpackage #:myp2 (:use #:cl))
<ixelp> (defpackage #:myp2 (:use #:cl)) => #<Package "MYP2">
<BrokenCog> usually I can figure them out, but, that was obtuse.
<aeth> the #: part makes it stand out and doesn't pollute the keyword namespace
<BrokenCog> oh, I did have the #:cl, but thought it wasn't correct.
<aeth> ,'#:cl
<ixelp> '#:cl => #:CL
<aeth> ,(symbol-package '#:cl)
<ixelp> (symbol-package '#:cl) => NIL
<aeth> that's the symbol CL in no package
<aeth> why is # the symbol for no? who knows.
<aeth> but it accepts it there, unquoted too.
<aeth> (there in defpackage, I mean)
<BrokenCog> right.
<BrokenCog> I can easily do a setq within the function, but, I'm wondering if there is some simple construct which modifies an &optional argument? ,(defun func (&optional (s nil)) (setq s (concatenate "prefix" s)))
<ixelp> (defun func (&optional (s nil)) (setq s (concatenate "prefix" s))) => FUNC
<BrokenCog> such that I don't need the setq
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<aeth> I think &aux would work. ,(defun foo (&optional (s nil) &aux (s (concatenate 'string "prefix" s))) s) ,(foo "hello")
<ixelp> (defun foo (&optional (s nil) &aux (s (concatenate 'string "prefix" s))) s) => FOO, also (foo "hello") => "prefixhello"
<aeth> usually used to remove a starting LET or LET*, but SETQ wouldn't really be different
<BrokenCog> ah, okay. that seems straightforward ... if &aux is understood :)
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<aeth> it is rare
<aeth> you can go years without seeing it
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<BrokenCog> seems kind of useful, to modify a parameter when you know it must be given some sort of massaging.
<BrokenCog> but, doesn't save actual code, just the location of it changes.
<aeth> right, it's basically redundant with LET*, but removes an indentation and a layer of ()s
<aeth> or I suppose SETQ, but it's more normal to think in terms of new scopes
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<BrokenCog> should I go to #emacs to ask about interacting with slime?
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<younder> I have a problem with a function (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) T) primep)). When optimizing the code I want to return true, or false but in generalized Boolean I have to say it can return anything. This makes the optimizer complain. Any idiomatic way of dealing with this?
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<beach> What kind of optimization do you contemplate that will make a difference between the object T and any object not NIL?
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<beach> I can't think of a single Common Lisp operator that makes this distinction, other than perhaps FORMAT for which T means a stream, but then that's not a Boolean value.
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<beach> In the implementation of package-local nicknames, what is the purpose of PACKAGE-LOCALLY-NICKNAMED-BY-LIST?
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<Josh_2> Hi :wave:
<dnhester`> Does anyone know how /what to use for preventing sql injections when dealing with user supplied input?
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<Lycurgus> common sense?
<Lycurgus> or by its full name common sense with strings?
<dnhester`> Lycurgus: ha! is there a lisp common sense guide? haha I thought you would offer some sql escaping function from some library or something
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<Lycurgus> i considered other replies like not using embedded sql
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<Lycurgus> which is what most ppl mean by sql these days
<Lycurgus> depending on the depth of their understanding
<dnhester`> I'm generating some relatively complex queries with joins and I need a user supplied text to filter the joins
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<Lycurgus> at some level of professionalism there's a general understanding of the distinction between embedded and prepared SQL
<dnhester`> in java there were prepared sql statements that I can just pass in variables, and it takes care of injections
<Lycurgus> which sits with said common sense obviated the issue
<Lycurgus> *obviating
<dnhester`> but I just don't know how to do that with common lisp
<Lycurgus> ur lazy, mentally
<Lycurgus> it presages the normal attrition from the field or movement into mgt
<Lycurgus> outta doing
<Lycurgus> laziness can be a virtue
<Lycurgus> with the intangibles mentioned you can kinda be lazy about sql injections as an issue
<Lycurgus> and that general understanding has a much smaller subset that has actually used anything other than embedded igess
<dnhester`> I'm not really understanding what you are writing
<Lycurgus> well carryon there's definitely gonna be a cl lib that handles if for you
<Lycurgus> *handles it
<dnhester`> ok, figured it out, thanks
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<Shinmera> whatever sql lib you're using should have a prepared statement thingy
<Shinmera> postmodern and cl-sqlite certainly do
<Shinmera> just search for it
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<dnhester`> Shinmera: thanks, I looked for it in mito and sxql and didn't find it, but now that you mentioned postmodern I realized I was looking in the wrong place, cl-dbi has it
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<clothespin> anybody know how to get SICL to run?
<clothespin> I'm missing an "env" package
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<edgar-rft> as far as I know SICL is not finished yet, but beach knows SICL details better than me
<clothespin> that's not a dad joke
<edgar-rft> clothespin: there's a #sicl channel but beach will probably still be sleeping for the next 6 hours
<clothespin> at which time i'll be going to bed
<clothespin> it can wait
<edgar-rft> I only know that he usually appears at 5 o'clock in the morning (French timezone)
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<bike> clothespin: i don't think it's finished enough to run currently. beach has been working on the bootstrap procedure pretty continuously and hasn't kept the instructions updated.
<bike> env is probably trucler, though.
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