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<mesaoptimizer> vanilla emacs, god mode, SLIME repl: how do I do a 'load previous line' like C-p does in shells?
<mesaoptimizer> oh, it is M-p, never mind
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<dbotton> ctrl - up arrows also does same
<dbotton> (on most implementations)
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<anthk_> hello, I did a quick iteractive factorial exercise intro for CL, but this doesn't work in a REPL: https://termbin.com/2ufh
<bjorkintosh> anthk_, 'does not work' comes with errors.
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<bjorkintosh> what did it spit out?
<anthk_> the variable A doesn't exist
<bjorkintosh> well then :-)
<anthk_> The variable A is unbound.
<anthk_> in sbcl
<anthk_> ah, I came from Scheme, maybe I have to define a b n somehow
<bjorkintosh> voila.
<bike> common lisp does not have scheme's define syntax
<bike> does this actually work in scheme? i thought you had to put the defines before the code. oh well.
<bike> if you want to define a local recursive function, use LABELS
<anthk_> in scheme? yes
<bike> https://www.r6rs.org/final/html/r6rs/r6rs-Z-H-14.html#node_sec_11.3 i thought you had to put the definitions first.
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<anthk_> uhm, same issue with elisp =)
<bike> elisp does also not have scheme's internal definition syntax, i believe, but this is not an elisp channel
<anthk_> ok, I defined fact-iter first and then factorial, same error in sbcl
<bike> the scheme syntax you are trying to use is an abbreviation for a letrec form. this abbreviation is not available in common lisp. you will have to use LABELS, which is like letrec.
<bike> ::clhs labels
<anthk_> but (fact-iter 1 1 10) forks
<Colleen> Clhs: special operator flet, labels, macrolet https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/s_flet_.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Special Operator FLET, LABELS, MACROLET
<anthk_> s,forks,works
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<anthk_> ah, I fixed it
<bike> defun in common lisp defines a common lisp function. when you called your factorial function, it defined a global fact-iter function you can now use.
<bike> defines a global function*
<anthk_> (fact-iter 1 1 x)
<anthk_> I chose PAIP as an starting book, it might not be the best starting one, but I find it more inspiring
<bike> it is very unusual and pretty bad style to have a function define another global function when you run it. you want a local function, which you can define with cl:labels.
<anthk_> I will try to forget scheme-isms them
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<bike> well, like i said, you can define it in the scheme way, you just can't use scheme's particular abbreviated syntax
<anthk_> otoh, the lem editor/repl it's fun to use, and I don't have to think on two lisps in parallel
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<bike> and PAIP should be fine. it's not really a tutorial, though. there's https://gigamonkeys.com/book/ available online if you want.
<ixelp> Practical Common Lisp
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<bjorkintosh> anthk_ speaking spanish to a native portuguese speaker and insisting the listener ought to understand :-) scheme is not common lisp.
<bjorkintosh> all appearances to the contrary.
<anthk_> well, I'm from Spain and a Portuguese might have better luck with Spanish than applying Scheme into CL
<bjorkintosh> hahah
<anthk_> on sbcl/lem, I would like a function to search in the history, there was some Emacs keybinding but I can't remember it
<bjorkintosh> anthk_, also #clschool exists. check it out.
<anthk_> thanks
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<olnw> anthk_: The shortcut to search the listener history in Lem is M-r.
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<BrokenCog> ugh. I don't understand what's happening ... I have (load "~/Projects/QuickLisp/setup.lisp") in the top of my lisp file, which is correct - if I manually eval that in the REPL, it loads as does "sbcl --load file.lisp" However "sbcl --script file.lisp" complains QL not installed.
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<Lycurgus> it's getting sbcl without a userinit modified to load ql
<Lycurgus> normally done with the ql install
<Lycurgus> ql isn built into sbcl
<BrokenCog> it's installed. ~/.sbclrc loads it on start.
<aeth> in practice, you want: sbcl --non-interactive --load
<aeth> or, alternatively, at the top of your --script, add (load "~/.sbclrc")
<BrokenCog> aeth: instead of --script? or inaddition?
<aeth> instead of
<aeth> because --script doesn't load the init file by default
<aeth> but, you can also just load it at the top, too
<BrokenCog> yeah, it's the loading it at top of file which isn't working.
<aeth> --script is an alias for --no-sysinit --no-userinit --disable-debugger --end-toplevel-options
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<waleee> BrokenCog: aeth probably meant that you can also load your init file at the top of "file.lisp"
<BrokenCog> ahhh. so, --script is really not what I want. Thanks for that.
<aeth> doing "--non-interactive --load" is basically what you think "--script" should do, whereas "--script" doesn't load the init file that loads quicklisp
<BrokenCog> gotcha
<aeth> my guess is --script came first
<aeth> seems to be common to have the older, worse option with the shorter, nicer name
<BrokenCog> thinking "if they want to load it, they'll just start the REPL" ...
<BrokenCog> indeed.
<aeth> so #!/path/to/sbcl --non-interactive
<aeth> or this: sbcl --non-interactive --load path/to/file.lisp
<BrokenCog> non-interactive does'nt actually eval the file - at least I don't see anything processing.
<BrokenCog> (without --load)
<BrokenCog> I probably should instead add the shebang to the file.
<aeth> the problem with the shebang-at-top-of-file is iirc you'd want to do #!/usr/bin/env sbcl, but then you can't pass --non-interactive
<aeth> or something like that
<aeth> you'd also have to chmod +x the entry point instead of assuming the user has an SBCL
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<aeth> depending on what you're doing, you can also build an all-in-one executable of your script and SBCL
<aeth> or use a library that is portable across implementations
<aeth> There are as many ways to run a script as there are JSON libraries (-:
<BrokenCog> hmm, --non-interactive --load are not symetric.
<BrokenCog> yeah. I don't need a binary, at least not yet ... so invoking the interpreter manually is fine.
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