jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<aeth> does anyone else define the print-object to be a constructor function?
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<bike> meaning?
<aeth> A (defmethod print-object ...) that prints an s-expression that, if evaluated, creates the object
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<aeth> a bunch of things already do that (#S() for structs, #() for vectors, etc.) but using special syntax
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<bike> i see people do that but i don't usually. text isn't really the best serialization format
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<aeth> oh, it's not for serialization
<aeth> it's for stack traces
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<aeth> and other debugging
<aeth> allows me to instantly recreate a problematic call
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<aeth> although I suppose that's technically serialization
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<beach> anthk_: Also, why did you decide to make your factorial function tail recursive?
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<jcowan> text and binary are both good for (different applications of) serialization
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<epony> for posterity ;-)
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<anthk_> beach: IDK, I came from Scheme and I was used to it
<anthk_> hello epony
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<beach> anthk_: I am sorry to hear that the Scheme community puts so much emphasis on it.
<beach> It is one thing to have iteration defined in terms of tail recursion. But when the programmer turns recursion into tail recursion, the resulting code becomes unreadable.
<anthk_> beach: some exercises from SICP can drive you mad
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<beach> Or when the programmer uses explicit tail recursion instead of iteration.
<anthk_> for instance, to guess how a geometric function recurses down
<beach> What is a "geometric function"?
<anthk_> s,function,series in a function, sorry
<anthk_> basically there's an exercise and you have to declare a math function in a recursive way
<anthk_> by paying up attention to the variables
<beach> Recursion is fine. It is tail recursion that often becomes unreadable.
<anthk_> from PAIP I was amazed my macsyma, so much functions in few lines
<anthk_> I can't wait to reach that chapter
<anthk_> and OFC it might be related to Maxima
<anthk_> it's still compiling in some slackware laptop for my gf, but I avoided to use clisp, it feels slower than sbcl
<beach> It probably is.
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<anthk_> btw, any major software written in CL beside of maxima?
<anthk_> or games, emulators...
<anthk_> I know nyxt
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<metsomedog> kandria (platformer game)
<decweb> Define "major software". When people respond with 'maxima' and the like, perhaps they're answering the question "best known software". But there's the silent majority of common lisp software that was just every day product software. Whether well known or buried in obscurity. Alas, all my common lisp products fall into the obscurity category. But they lived, died, had customers, and so on. That companies like Franz and Lispworks have survived all
<decweb> these years also testifies to people using lisp to make products sufficient to sustain a market for vendors.
<decweb> (lived and died in the software lifecycle sense, of course)
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<anthk_> nyxt is a nice webkit4gtk ui, but it handles pages in a smoother way than luakit/vimb
<beach> anthk_: You might want to look at https://franz.com/success/
<ixelp> Franz Inc: Allegro Common Lisp and Common Lisp Products
<anthk_> and I've already set hardware_acceleration_policy to both always and never, just in case
<anthk_> the UI on nyxt crawls a bit in my netbook, but the web page it's smoother
<anthk_> it's odd
<thuna`> Grammarly is also written in common lisp https://www.grammarly.com/blog/engineering/running-lisp-in-production/
<ixelp> Running Lisp in Production | Grammarly Engineering Blog
<anthk_> btw, there's a M-x calc extra library for lem, but it depends on xyzzy-calc, does any CL user where to get it? ql doesn't have it
<beach> thuna`: anthk_ doesn't seem to pay much attention to the answers given.
<anthk_> beach: I already read the links
<beach> anthk_: You might want to acknowledge that then. Otherwise we don't know whether you saw the answers.
<anthk_> beach: sorry
<anthk_> as I've seen, CL looks like several years ahead on tech than anything else
<beach> anthk_: People go to a lot of trouble to avoid learning Common Lisp. They seem to prefer inventing new inferior languages instead.
<anthk_> I used to use tcl/tk but I hated upvar
<beach> TCL is a good example of a language designed by someone who knows very little about language design or language implementation. I guess he has learned more since then.
<anthk_> tcl looked like people smashing down lisp philosphies (badly) into an odd looking Perl
<anthk_> also tcl without tklib/tcllib and/or tcltls it's severly lacking
<Odin-> Eh, a lot of Lisp gets reinvented independently every now and then.
<Odin-> Not usually in large clusters, though. That usually happens because someone was familiar with Lisp but assumed they couldn't get their target group to use it.
<beach> Odin-: That's a direct consequence of people avoiding learning Common Lisp at all cost.
<Odin-> beach: Well, _any_ Lisp, but yes.
<beach> Sure.
<White_Flame> I find it weird that people call tcl a homoiconic language, just because things are strings. There's no structure to that
<anthk_> White_Flame: using [expr] everywhere was tiring
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<aeth> The thing about Common Lisp is that if you can't do it, you can add it.
<aeth> Just about the only restriction is garbage collection (because, arguably, if you go around the runtime like that, you've now written your own compiler in Common Lisp rather than extending Common Lisp)
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<aeth> Want your own string representation? Yes, you can do that. Want to give it the "..." syntax? Yes, you can even do that by writing a simple reader that reads everything except #\" normally. Etc.
<aeth> Don't like +? Write your own and reexport most packages from CL, but use your own #'+ and now use that package instead of CL.
<aeth> The only problem is nobody is going to be able to read your code if you do this. :-)
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<younder> aeth: Just replaced the SBCL garbage collector with hayley's three weeks ago
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<aeth> HCL
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<random-nick> I don't think you need to write a reader to change the string syntax, you can just change the dispatch for #\" in the readtable
<random-nick> afaik the reader algorithm just reads symbols, numbers and dispatches on dispatch characters from the readtable
<random-nick> ::clhs 2.2
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 2.2
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<aeth> younder: but that does kind of prove my point... you couldn't quickload the new garbage collector
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<epony> not being able to interchange parts of the program, oh come on
<epony> kernels must be able to switch task and network schedulers in flight without losing state of the system too
<epony> also rulesets for filtering systems, these are all object data structures store-processors
<epony> applies to window managers without losing sessions too, and a lot other such example, why would the garbage collected data struction not be pivotal?
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<beach> epony: Are your remarks in relation to switching the garbage collector?
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<yitzi> beach: They are apropos of nothing. epony is a troll.
<beach> Hmm.
<random-nick> could genera switch garbage collectors on the fly?
<younder> A arena allocator would help for games and large matrix operations
<beach> I don't know the answer to that one, but it is extremely hard to make the garbage collector totally independent of the rest of the system, while still getting good performance.
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<younder> I mean if you know the lifetime and there are a whole bunch of stuff that is allocated in on go and then all released then garbage collection is just a waste of time
<aeth> or, famously, if you're writing software for a missile
<aeth> no need to GC or free
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<jcowan> I found a (not particularly fast) implementation of malloc-free for fixed size arenas, if someone wants to play with them
<jcowan> in C
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<jcowan> http://www.math.utah.edu/docs/info/mmalloc_toc.html is a variant of GNU malloc in which you mmap a heap rather than invoking sbrk. You create the heap or attach an existing heap file with mmalloc_attach.
<ixelp> MMALLOC, the GNU memory-mapped malloc package - Table of Contents
<younder> random-nick: cool!
<jcowan> Oh, I was wrong to say the arenas are fixed size
<ixelp> binutils-gdb - Git at Google
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<epony> yitzi, operating system tooling is not a "troll" mind you
<random-nick> epony: btw, on wayland you generally can't switch window managers without losing your session
<epony> that's not an OS function, but a failed compositor protocol
<epony> operating systems are a class of resource managers and garbage collection is a part of the tooling inside that instrumentation and is in the autmatic resource management category (in this case memory)
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<epony> an reliable data structure organisation for memory management would allow algorithm changes, applies to the scheduler for tasks and networking, and filter systems too
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<epony> electronics engineering principles apply to mathematical systems too
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<yitzi> epony: please stick to on-topic common lisp.
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<metsomedog> Is there some quick way to define everything in a package/asdf system with maximum debugging like (declaim (optimize (debug 3) ...))?
<metsomedog> meant compile rather than define
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<anthk_> random-nick: I think there was a way for that
<anthk_> the compositors were integrating patches to allow live-compositor switching
<anthk_> but I'm at xenocara; I don't plan to use wayland on my main machines
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<epony> HNY2020.4!
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