jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<zyd> If I want to build GUI applications but do not care about "native" look, is my best bet CLOG? My only hard requirement/desire is being able to have full control over styling.
<skin> > is being able to have full control over styling.
<skin> That is what web technologies are for, more or less, so I'd say so.
<skin> All the other GUI libraries are wrappers around e.g. gtk, which doesn't let you change the style of radio buttons.
<zyd> gotcha, just checking if i was missing anything.
<skin> I'm just scanning this list to be sure https://cliki.net/GUI
<ixelp> CLiki: GUI
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<Shinmera> Alloy gives you full styling of everything, but while it has been used to ship a production product it's far from being done.
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<zyd> Shinmera: I was trying it out actually but at least trying the examples I ran into some weird focus detection bugs/glitches. But it is one of the GUI libraries I'm most interested in.
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<Shinmera> it's probably not glitches and more your mental model not matching.
<zyd> Noted, I'll keep digging into it.
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<Shinmera> the biggest trouble with Alloy is text editing. The text line input is lacking, and the text area is practically worthless
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<Shinmera> anyway, nothing that some good PRs can't fix :)
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<NotThatRPG> ECL question: trying to use the package lock option, (:lock t) on a package that uses :common-lisp, I get this error: Cannot unuse package #<"COMMON-LISP" package> from locked package #<"PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM-TEST/SBCL-EXT-LOCK" package>.
<NotThatRPG> Any idea what could be causing this?
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<NotThatRPG> Ah: I have found the error. If I put the same DEFPACKAGE form with :lock t into the REPL twice in ECL, the second time it coughs up this error. So compiling a DEFPACKAGE with :lock t and then loading the resulting FASL causes this error.
<NotThatRPG> I believe that as long as two defpackage forms for the same package agree, then the implementation should NOT signal an error like this.
<NotThatRPG> So I believe that this is an ECL bug.
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<BrokenCog> anyone using Dexador to authenticate with oauth2 website api's? I can get a bearer token via a CURL request, however using the same headers and content via (dex:post) fails. Any suggestions??
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<lispmacs[work]> hi, I need to use a function from another package, but the function is meant to be internal and is not exported. Is there an easy way to hack around that without having to mess with any of the source code for the other package?
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<lispmacs[work]> it is just a temporary fix to work around something that is getting fixed in the next package upgrade
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<lispmacs[work]> is see EXPORT in the spec but I'm fuzzy on how that works in relationship to packages that have already been used. and also exactly how I should call it
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<aeth> lispmacs[work]: do you mean ::?
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<lispmacs[work]> ah, okay, I didn't realize that there was a difference between : and ::
<lispmacs[work]> thanks
<aeth> : is for public, :: is for either
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<aeth> I've had to use it sometimes for CHECK-TYPE
<aeth> people don't think of types as part of their API
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<yitzi> They forget to export conditions also.
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<Shinmera> :: also *interns* so even if the symbol did not exist yet, it will after
<Colleen> Unknown command. Possible matches: 8, say, hello, tell, roll, help, clhs, set, mop, get,
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<White_Flame> well, it's not :: itself that interns. The reader will try to intern every symbol it reads from the source code, regardless of how the package & visiblity is represented
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<Shinmera> What I'm saying is this: foo:a will give you "the symbol a is not found in foo". I personally wish foo::a would also give me that error if the symbol does not exist already.
<White_Flame> (which will blow up if the intended package doesn't exist)
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<White_Flame> Shinmera: of course, you could do #. stuff to make that work, but yeah that's not something people are going to do by default
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