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<paulapatience> reb: D has the same thing, named uniform function call syntax I think
<paulapatience> dnhester26: the :use-reexport is typically only used in the conventionally named foo/all package of the foo library, so that users need not know the internal organization of the package-inferred-system
<paulapatience> So there is no risk of symbol conflicts compared to the non inferred version
<paulapatience> Nothing prevents you from making small packages with p-i-s. Overlord and Vernacular are two examples with follow a similar file naming style as Eclector and some related projects, and they use p-i-s
<paulapatience> s/examples with/examples which/
<paulapatience> The dependencies are detected by whether the package contains :import-from or :local-nicknames in its defpackage or uiop:define-package
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<paulapatience> lisp-interface-library is another example of p-i-s, I think it is referred to in the ASDF documentation
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<Josh_2> Hi hi hi
<Josh_2> Is there a way to know if a slot has actually has an initform?
<Josh_2> Ofcourse if I inspect a direct-slot it has initform but its just set to nil when there isn't one
<Josh_2> What if the initform *is* nil :skull:
<Josh_2> I could check the initargs in #'c2mop:direct-slot-definition-args and then build a mapping
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<Josh_2> Okay I figured it out
<Josh_2> if initfunction is nil then there is no initform
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Has anyone done much with AllegroGraph? Looks like Franz is doing "neuro-symbolic" AI.
<ixelp> New – AllegroGraph v8 – Neuro-Symbolic AI Platform | AllegroGraph
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<NotThatRPG> I just discovered that Didier's ASDF-FLV defines ASDF:PERFORM :AROUND methods on the standard ASDF component and operation classes. Unfortunately, so does SLY-ASDF (and maybe SLIME-ASDF?). This is Very Bad. I'm trying to think about how to fix ASDF-FLV so it DOESN'T hijack all of ASDF in this way. Any suggestions?
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<NotThatRPG> I'm wondering if one could modify ASDF-FLV so that it adds a MIXIN to the ASDF:CL-FILE class and that might fix things, but it seems groady and it seems like it would require engaging with the MOP, adding a huge dependency to ASDF-FLV.
<NotThatRPG> I really wish that ASDF-FLV had limited its attention to "ASDF-FLV-SYSTEMS" instead of globally infecting ASDF.
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<paulapatience> I have unfortunately seen other packages which do similar things
<paulapatience> Too bad ASDF generic functions do not take client arguments
<paulapatience> But it seems to me that adding a dependency on the MOP, no matter how big, would be better than the current situation.
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<random-jellyfish> can I determine if an optional or a key argument has been provided to a function without specifying a predicate for that?
<bike> a predicate as in a -p variable? not really.
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<bike> i guess you could do it with a &key parameter if you had a &rest parameter as well and searched through it yourself. not sure i see the point, though.
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<random-jellyfish> I could test it for nil but if it's nil it doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't provided, a nil value might have been provided
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<random-jellyfish> and in that case I would want the default value to be used, if one was specified
<random-jellyfish> I'm trying to write a coroutine library from scratch
<bike> yes, the ambiguity is why the -p variables are provided.
<random-jellyfish> **wouldn't want the default value to be used**
<random-jellyfish> oh well I'll just have to live with that I guess, nil => use default value it is
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<random-jellyfish> and I'll add support for -p variables as well
<bike> why can you not use the -p variables
<random-jellyfish> I just love reinventing the wheel lol
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<bike> have fun, i guess?
<yitzi> How are you gonna reinvent the wheel for -p variables? What is heartache with them? Just curious.
<random-jellyfish> yitzi, I'm writing a coroutine library, meaning I'm rolling out my own defun macro, I call it defun-resumable
<random-jellyfish> and I wrote my own lambda list parser
<random-jellyfish> and now I'm a bit puzzled how I'm gonna pass the argument values to the coroutine constructor - I can explain what's the deal with the constructor if you want
<yitzi> no, thats ok. I got it.
<random-jellyfish> the lambda-list parser doesn't know about -p variables yet, will add that later
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